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Over the Hedge GameCube Cheats and Tips

We have 2 cheats and tips on GameCube. If you have any cheats or tips for Over the Hedge please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : PC : PlayStation 2 : Xbox : Nintendo DS

You can also ask your question on our Over the Hedge Questions & Answers page.

All Over the Hedge Cheats and Tips - Latest First.


During game play press 'Start' to pause the game and then hold L and R and input the following codes to unlock the corresponding effect. When you release L and R 'Code Enabled' will appear.

Unlock ALL Levels:

Y, X, Y, X, X, B

Unlock ALL Moves:

Y, X, Y, B, B, X

Extra Damage:

Y, X, Y, X, Y, B

Powered-Up Projectile Attacks:

Y, X, Y, X, B, X

Gain More Health from Power-Ups:

Y, X, Y, X, B, Y

Unlock Bonus Comic #1:

Y, X, B, B, X, Y

Unlock Bonus Comic #2:

Y, Y, B, X, B, X

Unlock ALL Mini-Games:

Y, X, Y, Y, Y, B


Unlock the following by completing the corresponding tasks.

Unlock Minigame - Range Driver 1:

Complete 10 Objectives

Unlock Minigame - Bumper Carts 1:

Complete 15 Objectives

Unlock Attack - Finishing Moves:

Complete 20 Objectives

Unlock Minigame - Race Track 1:

Complete 25 Objectives

Unlock Minigame - Bumper Carts 2:

Complete 45 Objectives

Unlock Minigame - Range Driver 2:

Complete 40 Objectives

Unlock Attack - Ground Pound:

Complete 50 Objectives

Unlock Minigame - Race Track 2:

Complete 60 Objectives

Over the Hedge FAQs


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