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When I try to do the 360 hardflip over the dumpster for master zen it will..

Question asked by chrisdude9872000 on
Last Modified:

Question for Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

When I try to do the 360 hardflip over the dumpster for master zen it will not work. I have landed the trick many times and yet it still wont let me finish that challenge.
Please help!

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RANDOM-HERO answered:

You have too do a 360 hard flip (double hardflip) hardflip 2 times..

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Guest said: 22nd Jul 2010 | REPORT
when i try it it doesn't work please help

oldtimer47 answered:

You must know how to do slow action with the c-stick and when you go to do that 360 hardflip go into that first.

snyed-666 answered:

You can only do the 360 hardflip if tou do any more it does not coun't.

cheatsdude56 answered:

All you have to do is get going along the eagde at the bottom and then when you get close jump and do all what you want to do. I did it and I won amjam!!!!!

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Guest said: 13th Nov 2016 | REPORT
I'm still struggling

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