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Road Kill GameCube Cheats and Tips

We have 3 cheats and tips on GameCube. If you have any cheats or tips for Road Kill please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : Xbox

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All Road Kill Cheats and Tips - Latest First.

Exact time for nitro

You know that blueprint item that you have to get from jumping off the green-colored ramp? Well, back up all the way to the edge of the metal ditch, position yourself just right angled towards the blueprint, and then hold A and B (press and hold A then, instantly, press B, then start going after like 10 seconds of doing that, then, you hit the nitro button (X) just when you have collected the health item! (Or if your don't need health, just press X when you are at the location of the health item.)

You are all welcome! :D

100,000 money bags

Pause the game higthligth map and press Y,X,Y,X,B,A,B,A,down up.

Roadkill Cheats

All Vehicles:

During game-play pause the game and highlight the Map option. Then press the following combination: Up, Down, Up, Down, Y, A, Y, A, B, X(2), B.

You will hear the sound of an engine if the code has been entered correctly.

Restore Health:

During game-play pause the game and highlight the Map option. Then press the following combination: B, X, B, X, B, X, B, X.

You will hear the sound of an engine if the code has been entered correctly.

Infinite Ammunition:

During game-play pause the game and highlight the Map option. Then press the following combination: Y, B(2), X, Y, B(2), X.

You will hear the sound of an engine if the code has been entered correctly.

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