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Timesplitters Future Perfect GameCube Cheats and Tips

We have 10 cheats and tips on GameCube. If you have any cheats or tips for Timesplitters Future Perfect please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : PlayStation 2 : Xbox

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A pox of What?

In the arcade leage "A POX OF MOX" you may find yourself extremly out numbered. It is almost impossible to get a platinm in this. Of coruse if oyu are trying to be prefect you need a PLATINUM! In this level, you will find that the Pack of Kozzer Mox's run in a very distinct pattern. They have bene pregrammed to all run this pattern as it stretches through all of the availible zones. This is why they always win. Now if you really think about it, it is like there is only one person. They ALWAYS stick together so if you find one you better kill em all. To get all the zones, or all the neccisary zones oyu ned to run the pattern that the kozzer mox;s run but backwards or right behind them.

Virul infection

In the mexican mission, there is a spot that you can stand where no virus can touch you. When you go to the roof of the building, and you go out onto the ledge over looknig the whole outside, you can go right or left. Go left and go towards the cloaking pickup. If you continue down that same top ledge, you can sit there for as long as you want. The PC's are to stupid to walk that far :D

Driving you mad in Siberia

One of my favorite levels in this game is siberia. I am an extraordinary sniper so this is obviously my level. Now there are two arcade matches that really ticked my friends off. I had to go over to thier houses to beat it for them :P. I have found tow very simple ways to help them.

The first is a match called "BIG GAME HUNT"

In short, you havea sniper rifle, and there is a million deerhaunters running around. To pull a platinum in this, you either gotta be an awosme snniper or a good driver. If you hop into the car you can drive over all the deerhaunters that are on the ground. You can rack up like 10 kills in like twenty seconds.

The other match I forget it's name but it is the one, where you play zones against snow men. An easy solution to secure at least one base all the time is to park your car ontop of it. PC's are stupid and can't drive XD. This is an awsome way to keep one zone.

Happy hunting

Future Levels

On the level "Khallos Express", when you get to the room with the slot machine(yes,it is playable) there is a projector set up where you first enter. (It's the room where two ladies start talkin about Harry Tipper.) If you look at the pictures that are bieng projected, you will see that it is future levels that you will be in.

Have Fun! =P

Big Creature Hint

In the mansion when you see the creature for the first time after you kill, get away, it will swing a arm at you:( I died once and had to do it over because I got hit by it. Happy gaming

Timesplitters Future Perfect cheats


Big Heads cheat: Beat Outbreak Hotel

Fat characters: Get bronze on Communing Will Kill You

Human Gun Sounds: Get bronze on Cat's Out of the Bag

Old Film cheat: Beat I Like Dead People

Rotating Heads cheat: Beat Brain Drain

Paintball cheat: Beat Time Splitters Underground

Spinning Heads cheat: Get bronze on Beahead the Undead

Zombie Monkey: Get bronze in Brain Drain


Unlock 8-Bit Cheat:

Earn a medal in the Screw Loose League Challenge

Unlock ALL Characters Cloaked Cheat:

Earn a medal in the Queen of Hearts Challenge

Unlock Anya:

Complete 'Time to Split' on Normal difficulty setting

Unlock Arthur Aching:

Complete 'Mansion Of Madness' on Easy difficulty setting

Unlock Aztec Warrior:

Complete the challenge 'Avec Le Brique' with a Bronze medal or higher

Unlock Badass Cyborg:

Beat the Cut-Out Shoot-Out Challenge 'Balls Of Steel'

Unlock Berseker Splitter:

Finish 'The Hooded Man' in Easy difficulty setting or higher

Unlock Big Hands Mode:

Complete the challenge 'Cortez Can't Jump' with a Bronze medal or higher

Unlock Big Heads Mode:

Beat 'Outbreak Hotel' with a medal

Unlock Booty Guard:

Beat Zany Zeppelin

Unlock Braces:

Finish 'Old Blaggers' with a Bronze or higher medal.

Unlock Brains:

Earn Bronze or higher on the Challenge 'Brain Drain'

Unlock Bricks:

Complete 'Dont Loose Your Bottle' challenge

Unlock Captain Ed Shivers:

Earn Bronze or higher on the Amateur Arcade League challenge 'Pirate Gold'

Unlock Cardboard Characters Mode:

Earn a medal in the Heart Attack Challenge

Unlock Carrion Carcass:

Earn Bronze or higher on the Challenge 'Rare Or Well Done'

Unlock Cascade Mode:

Earn Bronze, Silver or Gold in Zone Control Arcade League.

Unlock Changeling:

Get ALL Golds in Honorary League

Unlock Chinese Chef:

Finish 'Ninja Garden' with Bronze or higher

Unlock Comrade Papadov:

Complete the Challenge 'Lap it Up' with a bronze medal or higher

Unlock Corp Heart:

Complete 'Future Perfect' in Story Mode on Normal difficulty or higher

Unlock Daisy Dismay:

Beat ALL Story mode levels in Co-op

Unlock Deadwina:

Beat 'I Like Dead People'

Unlock Deep Diver:

Complete 'Oh Shaol-o-Mio' with a Bronze medal or higher

Unlock Dozer:

Earn Bronze or better on the Honorary League Arcade challenge 'Lip Up Fatty'

Unlock Dr. Amy:

Complete 'U Genius, U-Genix' on Easy difficulty setting

Unlock Dr. Cortez:

Finish 'U Genius, U-Genix' under Normal difficulty setting or higher

Unlock Dr. Lancet:

Complete Story level 'What Lies Below' on Easy or higher difficulty setting

Unlock Dr. Peabody:

Get ALL Golds or higher in Amateur League

Unlock Elite Henchman:

Complete Challenge 'Melon Heist' with a Bronze or Higher

Unlock Elite Henchwoman:

Complete 'The Khallos Express' on Story mode under Normal difficulty setting or higher

Unlock Fat Characters:

Complete 'Communing Will Kill You' with Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum

Unlock Fergal Stack:

Beat Virtual Brutality

Unlock Flare Gun in Multiplayer:

Beat the Scotland level, the 2nd level in Story mode.

Unlock Flare Gun x2 in Multiplayer:

Beat the Scotland level, the 2nd level in Story mode.

Unlock Gaston Boucher:

Complete Story level 'Mansion Of Madness' on Normal or higher difficulty setting

Unlock Ghengis Kant:

Complete story level 'Machine Wars' on Normal or higher difficulty setting

Unlock Gideon Gout:

Complete Amateur League with ALL Silvers or Golds

Unlock Gilbert Gastric:

Complete Challenge 'The Cat�s Pajamas' with a Bronze or Higher

Unlock Goddard:

Beat the challenge 'Come Hell Or High Water' with Bronze or higher

Unlock Goliath SD/9:

Complete 'Something To Crow About' on Easy difficulty setting

Unlock Goliath SD/9:

Beat Story mode Level 2234 'Something To Crow About' on Normal difficulty setting

Sniper Rifles

Everyone knows sniper rifles are cool. It's a true fact, accept it. But which one is the best? Our resident lunatic Bad Wolf took the three candidates - Sniper Rifle, Vintage Rifle and Scifi Sniper - to Siberia for testing, and came up with the following results.

Vintage Rifle: Definitely the worst. It's got rubbish zoom, and it takes forever to reload. Also, it fires extremely slowly. Its one saving grace is the 8-slug clip.

Sniper Rifle: The average one. It's got brilliant zoom, it reloads quite a bit faster than the Vintage model, but it only holds 5 slugs at a time.

Scifi Sniper: The cream of the crop, by a long shot. It's got the best zoom of the lot, it's more powerful than the others, it carries 8 slugs - for lack of a better word, since they're lasers - at a time. It also reloads quickly, fires fast, and has a wicked plasma shield as a secondary function.

So there you have it: Undeniable proof that sniper technology really will have improved by the year 2405. So next time you're out and about, take a Scifi Sniper!*

*Bad Wolf accepts no responsibility for any injury or death caused by sniper rifles

Kill Deerhaunter without losing any health!

Easy go right back into the wall were the Deerhaunter comes out and shoot its head it'll take more damage.

You've got Jo-Beth Casey firing at its backside to. Perfect for any modes Easy, Normal or Hard!!

How to defeat the creature

Firstly destroy the big gun on its back because this will take the most damage out of you. Make sure you use the minigun on it because it will be alot easier. Then destroy the little guns on its sides and finally destroy the things that fire plasma grenades. By the way if you run out of ammo in your minigun use your plasma autorifle.

The very last boss is even easier!Just disable its guns first then destroy its feet, and bingo!Go round the back and blast it to bits by sticking a rocket on your K-SMG!Repeat this about 3-4 times and youve completed the game!

I really could go on all day going through a complete walkthrough as ive completed it on easy normal and hard and nearly done all the challenges and leagues. I found it easy but im not sure about you lot though.

Timesplitters Future Perfect FAQs

Timesplitters Future Perfect Walkthroughs
