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Where is the other moon seal in Stone Terrace?

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Guest asks, ID #433467

Question for Marvel's Midnight Suns

Where is the other moon seal in Stone Terrace?

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Spidey3429 answered:
, ID #733310

The only moon seal you need for the stone terrace is the one you get for finding all the elemental rods and bringing them back to the alter. The fire rod is in the chapel. The water rod is by the grotto next to the yard where you upgrade your abilities. The earth rod is inside the moselium in Hunter's Folly and the air rod is just right past the alter itself in the whispering woods. Remember you could use the words of power in this case open by holding R2 or RT if you're on the Xbox and with the left stick point to the word of power you want to use. Use open on some of the doors you come across. They will have a symbol on it that matches the word of power that will work on it. Once back at the alter after finding all the elemental rods you then just need to place each one in it's rightful spot and this will give you the moon seal needed to get the reveal ability. After that will be the purify ability which you could use to remove some of the corruption on the grounds this ability could be found in the everflowing glade. The path on the right, right before you get to Agatha's cabin but first you need to solve the church mystery. After getting the reveal ability you're going to continue forward until you get to a church. Once inside the church you'll have a little conversation with Agatha talking about the history of the church when all of that is done use the open ability on the door to enter Shaw's study. Then go behind the desk and use open on the back door. Then you keep going until you get to a cave. After that Agatha will tell you to go find Doctor Strange and bring him back to the cave as there is a ward protecting it and only he could figure out how to get rid of it. Then you're going to progress the story until you fight Venom in the bell tower and you get the symbiote sample from him. After completing the mission talk to Doctor Strange and he'll tell you to collect the sample from the Forge. Then you're going to take the sample back to the cave behind the church. Use it to dispell the ward and enter the cave then examine the bones on the right. Then you'll go back to the church and use the reveal ability on the blank sheets of paper. This will reveal drawings of other caves in which three witches were supposedly killed. Agatha will take these back to the library when you return to the Abbey. Go ahead and sleep and do another mission. The next night Agatha will tell you to collect a portion of the tainted soil in each of the three caves. For the first one go to Dreamer's Descent and take the same path you would to get to the stone terrace but right before you get to the stone terrace. Take the path to the right and you'll see a table. The first cave is to the far left of that table. Then in the stone terrace you're going to circle around or cross the median go back in the same direction and you will find the next cave. The last cave is on the path to the right of the path that leads to the alter. Once you have the tainted soil from each of the three caves return to Agatha in the library at the Abbey she'll then take you to the alter where she'll commune with the spirits which will reveal a tree. This will be revealed to be the hanging tree. To get to the hanging tree. You'll need to go in the same direction you go to get to church. When you pass the temple you got the reveal ability from take the first left and you'll cross a long bridge use the reveal ability to reveal it. Once you've crossed the long bridge. Go up the stairs immediately to your left and on your right you'll see a grave yard and on the left is the hanging tree. Use reveal on the hanging tree and that will grant you the next moon seal needed for the purify ability. Now just go back to the everflowing glade and get the purify ability. Remember it's the path next to the path that goes to Agatha's cabin. Use purify on the corruption just right past the everflowing glade and Agatha's cabin. This path leads to Lilith's garden. Meet Agatha inside the green house and she'll tell you to find three fragments that make up the last moon seal. The first fragment is in a cave some where on the opposite side of the cemetery across from the path leading up to the green house. You just need to reach the top of the cave and remove the corruption with purify to get it. The next one you're actually going to go into the cemetery across the path leading up to the green house and cross a fallen tree to the right and for the last one take the path to the right of the hanging tree. Keep going right and remove any corruption you come across with purify. The last one is right at the end. With all the fragments collected meet Agatha at the library back at the Abbey and she will tell you to pick up a plant that only grows by her cabin. Take the same path I mentioned earlier where you cross the long bridge only this time you'll take the second path to the right that goes to Agatha's cabin. The plant you're looking for will be directly in front of the cabin to the right of the door. Then take the plant back to Agatha at the library back at the Abbey. She'll then take you to the alter once again and this time all the fragments you collected will come together to form the last moon seal. Now go back through the green house and go right. The last ability will be at the end of the path. Complete the challenge ahead and congratulations you now have all the words of power. Use break on the stone wall in the green house and you'll come across Lilith's alter


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