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Can you clone Pokemon in black version 2 like ou could in Pokemon gold?

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Question for Pokemon Black 2

Can you clone Pokemon in black version 2 like ou could in Pokemon gold

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Damirez answered:

Not in the same way (because the Box system is completely different), you need ar code for that as far as I know.

Here's one, I don't know if it's working I just found it

-Box Pokemon Clone (Start+Left On, Start+Right Off)
Pick up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it.
Press Start+Left to do it. (It won't appear there at first, so you need to change the box, and then go back to the previous box)

Off After Use.

5200790C CC032211 94000130 FFD70000 12007910 00003308 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FFE70000 12007910 0000C303 D2000000 00000000

Guest answered:

The above answer's cloning method (and all the ones on other sites featuring the same code) do not work for Pokemon Black Version 2.

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Guest said: 12th Jul 2018 | REPORT
I just tried it and it works just fine thanks for posting
Guest answered:

The only ways is that you have to restart your game, use an action replay clone code, or trade over wifi

Guest answered:

Actually, somehow I found out a way to clone Pokemon with 2 DSs, no action replay, I cloned my starly (weak Pokemon so I don't accidentally erase one) and it erased my sigilyph but replkaced it for a starly (same identical one as the one in my other game)

Guest answered:

Yes put them in the third box in pc and chanter subin,subin,subin...


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