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HELP, the controls are ALL set up to mouse's left button... And it won..

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Question for Batman: Arkham Origins

HELP, the controls are ALL set up to mouse's left button... And it won't let me change to another button... Can you help me?

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Batman: Arkham Origins Guide
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DanMarkLeader answered:

You can try looking for a "default" button that will reset your settings or you could un-install the game and re-install it.

Guest answered:

Had the same problem. Find the BmInput.ini file (I bought the game through Steam so for me it was located in C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBatman Arkham OriginsSinglePlayerBMGameConfig). Delete it and restart the game. It will recreate the file and the problem should be fixed.

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Guest said: 26th Jun 2014 | REPORT
I was hoping that this would work, but it has not for me. I cannot play the game since all of a sudden I can no longer attack with my left button and the hints say the left button should do everything. So frustrating.
Guest answered:

I found it !!!
You can invert the controls so punching will be with the right mouse button
And blocking the punch with the left
After that done
Check it you will find that you can punch with right and block with left
And then change them back to original
You can now punch with left and block with right
Hope it works

Guest answered:

Same here I got blackbox repack version, I uninstalled and reinstalled but still no luck. No vice versa options are working

Guest answered:

Try reverting the controls to Default by clicking backspace in control menu!! This will work for sure Smile


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