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What are the cheat codes for the Galleries?

Question asked by Guest on
Last Modified:

Question for Crimson Keep

What are the cheat codes for the Galleries?

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Guest answered:

Chapter 1 - slick
Chapter 2 - tight
Chapter 3 - oblivious, snug, hot, wet
Chapter 4 - firm

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Guest said: 25th Nov 2021 | REPORT
what about the other chapters
Guest said: 24th Apr 2022 | REPORT
What do these Codes actually do? You get them after every ending yet do they save your info so you have each “Ending Covenant”? What do they do?!
Guest answered:

I lost my saved game from 4 and it wont let me play 5 without the save I have no interest in starting 4 all over just to play 5 can you make new game available so I can play 5.

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Guest said: 8th Dec 2020 | REPORT
you can use my save, im not sure how close it was to your save though, heres the code if you want to use it (this is the code from the very end of chapter 4, where im on the green glyph, btw) cmt5shkym6uku910hdro4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6rn2k30wqrc4kt50ehkym6rn2k38rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6rn2k3tpb8f4kt50ehkym6uku91tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k30mhw14kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq780hdro4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq788rho34kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4kt50ehkym6uuq78tpb8f4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4v50724fc5i3hkym6uku91857mg4fc5i3hkym6rn2k3857mg4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku913f7ro4fc5i3hkym6uku910wqrc4fc5i3hkym6uku91wa5ny4fc5i3hkym6uku910mhw14cmt5s9gww945o3ko9e1gpuuq784yn90y9e1gpuuq784cmt5s9gww9rn2k34cmt5shkym6rn2k3456f7l9e1gphd8x647gj81bt062uku914fc5i3hkym6uku914yn90y51v6q8kxqs4kt50e9gww98kxqskerph4kt50e4kt50ehkym6hd8x64cmt5s9gww9456f7l4v50729gww94kt50
Guest said: 8th Dec 2020 | REPORT
you can use my save, im not sure how close it was to your save though, heres the code if you want to use it (this is the code from the very end of chapter 4, where im on the green glyph, btw) cmt5shkym6uku910hdro4v5072hkym6uku918rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k3wa5ny4kt50ehkym6rn2k30wqrc4kt50ehkym6rn2k38rho34kt50ehkym6rn2k35hc114kt50ehkym6rn2k3tpb8f4kt50ehkym6uku91tpb8f4kt50ehkym6rn2k30mhw14kt50ehkym6uuq780wqrc4kt50ehkym6uuq780hdro4kt50ehkym6uuq78wa5ny4kt50ehkym6uuq788rho34kt50ehkym6uuq78kerph4kt50ehkym6uuq78tpb8f4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4v50724fc5i3hkym6uku91857mg4fc5i3hkym6rn2k3857mg4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku910hdro4fc5i3hkym6uku913f7ro4fc5i3hkym6uku910wqrc4fc5i3hkym6uku91wa5ny4fc5i3hkym6uku910mhw14cmt5s9gww945o3ko9e1gpuuq784yn90y9e1gpuuq784cmt5s9gww9rn2k34cmt5shkym6rn2k3456f7l9e1gphd8x647gj81bt062uku914fc5i3hkym6uku914yn90y51v6q8kxqs4kt50e9gww98kxqskerph4kt50e4kt50ehkym6hd8x64cmt5s9gww9456f7l4v50729gww94kt50
Guest said: 7th Apr 2022 | REPORT
how to use these long code? am i need to transcript it?

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