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How do I defeat the Tiger Tank mission. There seems to be thousands of..

Question asked by michael123456789.. on
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Question for Medal of Honor Allied Assault

How do I defeat the Tiger Tank mission. There seems to be thousands of men, tanks, bazzucas ect. Im Stuck.

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Medal of Honor Guide
Medal of Honor Allied Assault Guide
This is the walkthrough and guide for the video game Medal of Honor -- the newest game in the series that according to the PR material is intended t..

Xyber answered:

What I did is: Shoot the Tiger Tank then an enemy will come up shoot him, then shoot the Tiger Tank again and then another enemy will come up shoot him, and so on...

ABHIJAT answered:

When you take control of the tiger tank just focus on blowing up the tanks.The soldiers cannot harm you. Only few soldiers have the bazooka launcher and they can be killed easily.

Bartzmad answered:

If your stuck just pause the game and type in DOG in caps. It turns on god mode so you can't die...

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jlc420 said: 28th Oct 2013 | REPORT
The DOG cheat does not work when in control of the tank nor does the nor does the notarget as well. There are other times the cheat(s) will not be accepted as well.

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