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How do you get a mob spawner?

Question asked by ninja477h on
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Question for Minecraft

How do you get a mob spawner

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Guest answered:

You must find one in a dungeon. From there you may be able to push it with pistons until you get it where you want it. I'm not sure about that though.

Spawners are unobtainable, even in creative. You must find a mod that adds them, or edit your inventory using an outside program.

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Guest said: 18th Dec 2016 | REPORT
I dont think you can get them on creative but there is a /give command it don't even know if you can do that
Guest said: 23rd Jan 2017 | REPORT
/give 137 1
Guest said: 8th Apr 2017 | REPORT
Ummmm, I'm pretty sure pistons would work, you can do it with end crystals, so why wouldn't your u be able to do it with mob spawners??
Guest said: 28th Jul 2018 | REPORT
pretty sure you can just /give[name] 1 mobspawner
Liarliarstar answered:

You have to keep digging until you find an abandoned mine, which you will most likely get lost in.

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Guest said: 22nd Jul 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 21st Aug 2016 | REPORT
That's soooo nice
Guest said: 21st Jul 2017 | REPORT
Im a guest
Guest said: 15th Aug 2017 | REPORT
im not a guest
captain insanity answered:

To get a mob spawner you can either use creative mode or a feather touch pickaxe

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rhinococo2004 said: 10th May 2015 | REPORT
it doesn't work its not true
Guest said: 5th Dec 2015 | REPORT
Guest said: 29th Mar 2016 | REPORT
/give what?
Guest said: 31st May 2018 | REPORT
the //give command so its //give (player name) (item, block)
Guest answered:

Type/give (your name ) mob spawner

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Guest said: 1st Jun 2015 | REPORT
worked for me too! do/give (username) mob_spawner (amount needed)
Guest said: 10th Jun 2015 | REPORT
but, it only gives you a pig spawner?!
Guest said: 16th Jun 2015 | REPORT
in crative you can change it to whatever you want, with a normal mob spawner it will be a pig spawner but with a spawn egg ( say creeper spawn egg) you right click with the spawn egg in your hand on the spawner, whatever spawn egg you have and right click on the mob spawner it will change into that mob, in this case a creeper, hope this helps,
Guest said: 11th Aug 2015 | REPORT
I'll try it!
chriso55 answered:

You can use /give {name} 52 although it will only spawn pigs if using an unmodded version of minecraft. Download the spawnerGUI mod to spawn a passive or hostile mob of your choice.

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Guest said: 22nd Feb 2014 | REPORT
Guest said: 25th May 2015 | REPORT
Get a Spaw Egg And right click to the spawner :D
edaten143 answered:

To get a spawner you can cheat /setblock ~ ~ ~ mob_spawner 0 destroy {EntityId:name of mobs you want}
And you can also add toomanyitem in your minecraft go to version click the version you want and open with
winrar and add all the files in make sure it's same version of toomanyitem and you minecraft version

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Guest said: 10th Nov 2014 | REPORT
Thanks! You helped a lot!
Guest said: 18th Feb 2015 | REPORT welcome
Guest answered:

Right you can't pick it up with silk touch picaxe or fortune unless you are on pc only way to get them on Xbox if you have spawner near your I mean under your house or somewhere near get sticky pistons and movie it here is a tip

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Guest said: 7th Apr 2015 | REPORT
yours is the most helpful ive found thnks
Guest answered:

I just did this based off two answers do /give (INSERT USER NAME HERE) mob_spawner (needed #) and that's it ;)

Guest answered:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ mob_spawner 0 destroy {EntityId:EnderDragon}
You can change the dragon to any mob


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