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Question asked by mertle on
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I can't see the tray of ketchup on the desk because it is blocked by the bad guy in black. The cursor will not "land" on the ketchup it keeps popping up a dialogue box that says "guest"

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JennyC answered:

I'm having the exact same problem. I've tried going back and re-doing all the things leading up to this point and I keep getting the same thing. Looks like we got some buggy software... Super frustrating!!

furdude2 answered:

Try this, DO NOT GO INTO THE HOTEL... When the morning comes, go straight to the alley!! Talk to the beggar and do the things you have to do.. Try to grab the escape then go and try to take the stick she wont let you have it... Then ask her for it.. She will then ask for a hot dog... She don't want the first one, but she wants one with ketchup, go get another one, NOW go into the hotel, the bad guy should be at a small table, and the ketchup should be seen. I think what is happening is either if you go in before you do all that or if you don't try and take the stick first, something happens and triggers the other guy to be in there.. After you get the plain dog then go in.

Guest answered:

I have tried everything. It doesn't work.

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trubowie said: 1st Oct 2010 | REPORT
i have worked the problem out.. here is the solution.before all the ketchup business n you hitch a ride on the boat with the fisherman, he asks you to load the crates in return take you to the profs house. at the bottom appears two faces, a grump one and a happy one.If you press the happy one this will activate the bug (problem, this can be seen when you return with the fisherman there is a box shape arround the crate area, this means your fked, no ketchup for you.. so by pressing the grumpy face will not activate this and the game will continue normally..I had to go all the way back to the mines to do this so make sure you save the game regually.. dave t , stockport , england..thanx..

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