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Parasite in city

Question asked by Guest on
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Parasite in city

All cheats,can unlock gallery,can unlock omake,bom infinity

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Guest answered:

In C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalparasite_in_city you can change the sav config file from stage=0.000000 to 3.0000000 and that will unlock all stages + infinite ammo. If you don't got that folder file you need to load up the game once get past area with the 2 box`s once you see zombies you can exit out and edit the file.

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Guest said: 24th Feb 2021 | REPORT
where is the save data? mine only have the app. try to locate using properties but still cant found the save data
Guest said: 2nd Nov 2022 | REPORT
I'm playing in my Android device, and running an .exe file in ExaGear Pro- Windows Emulator(a mod of it) , so........ Is there something I can do?
Guest said: 11th Mar 2023 | REPORT
both infinity cheats arent turning on, how do i turn them on?
Guest said: 30th Jan 2024 | REPORT
What should I do when windows can't find 'C:\User\[UserNam]\AppData\Local\parasite_in_city' Please check and try again, I'm using a Dell laptop
Guest answered:

Go back into the folder to where he said to go. You'll see the file "gallery,ini". Edit that and add in the rest of the numbers so you'll have 1 to 7. Type it in as you see from the others. Example. 1=1.000000, 2=1.000000 all the way up to 7. That'll unlock the gallerys.

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Guest said: 20th Feb 2021 | REPORT
what should i do if i dont have gallery.ini?
Guest said: 9th Jun 2021 | REPORT
Umm.. You need to get your ass beaten by the zombies there's no other way to unlock the galley I tried using what this guy said an it doesn't work.
Guest said: 17th Sep 2021 | REPORT
I did this and it worked. Do the following:

Guest said: 2nd Nov 2023 | REPORT
Guest answered:

I only have the exe file not the other folders how do I get the actual game with the folders

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Guest said: 11th Aug 2022 | REPORT
Ok so these are the steps:
1: Open de game complete the tutorial section in satage 1. Now you can exit the stage and the .save file will apear in "C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalparasite_in_city" and change the value from 0 to 3 and save changes.

2. Die by any monster to unlock the galery and the galery file will apear, then paste this:
and save the changes.

3: Go to main menu and now you can see the changes.

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