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Where the heck is Nurmof's Pick axe shop, also can anyone give some armour..

Question asked by Dos6650 on
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Question for RuneScape 2

Where the heck is Nurmof's Pick axe shop, also can anyone give some armour (rune or addy [havent done Dragon slayer though]) and I need some cash because I only have 28k and all I have is initiate armour and a rune scimmy and an addy longsword.

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librascythe answered:

Hes in Dwarven Mines, past the 2 Anvils, near the mine cart and up past general store

As for armor just go earn it, Initate is a decent armor, and since you're members it's not hard to make money

darking237 answered:

You think 28k is bad I only got 368gp, and Nurmof is in dwarf mine..

pokedude199 answered:

If you want to earn money just go to catherby and pick 1k of flax sells to other players for 100k. If your crafting is over 10 make bow strings (bs) as players refer to it! Bs sells for more!!

dc chais answered:

Even tho you havent done dragon layer you can still wear rune chain.

Cybertron answered:

In the dwarven mines past the 2 anvils, he is at the end.

ABout the rune armor, umm mine ess then sell em for 2k at the air altar in world 16.

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Guest said: 15th Jun 2015 | REPORT
where are the dwarven mines

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