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I am at the hanbury street murder. I have retried the same game several..

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Question for Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper

I am at the hanbury street murder. I have retried the same game several times. The game won't recognize the blood on the wall or fence. I can't go any further in the game without all the clues. I just bought this game from Amazon.

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Weevil answered:

From the X360 version...
At the crime scene of A. Chapman, click on the fence, toilet, the apron on the ground and the cellar door.
Then examine around the body. The blood on the fence and wall, the combs, the cloth, ground near body and the envelope.
Then examine the body. The tongue, throat slit and 2 bruises. The ring band on her hand. And the stomach area.

If you've already analyzed the clue, the magnifying glass cursor will be clear. If you haven't, the magnifying glass cursor will be green.
If you've clicked on all these things and the game won't progress to your Deductions board, then it's probably a glitch.


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