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Many times the peasants in my castle or leaving the castle , how can I..

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Question for Stronghold: Crusader

Many times the peasants in my castle or leaving the castle , how can I get them ?

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joosteral9 answered:

I think your problem is that you have not enough food.
I have a good begin.
1: build a market
2: build a granary
3: build 3 apple ochards.
4: if you build a hovel, build 3 more apple ochards.

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Guest said: 12th Dec 2013 | REPORT
you dont need to follow the four hard steps.. if when the game will start build a granary then 5 hovel and buy at the market...........
Sandy Marchell answered:

I also have good idea
1. Place granary
2. Build Market
3. Build food farms
4. Place good things (not necsessary exept you wanna popularity bonus)
5. Bribe (If you have enough gold)

Guest answered:

The cauz of peasants leaving the castle is low popularity to make your popularity high the are many ways
•start food production just as you start the game increase it later when other things are done (when incresed increse the the food at popularity pannel to extra rations)
•start ale production (to make ale first make hop farns and some brewries)when you have enough ale plant some inns
•plant as many houses,mosques and churches you can
•if you have enough gold take your tax rate to no taxes or small bribe
Try these advices and your popularity rate will never go down or scribe will say peasants are leaving the castle
These advices are for stronghold crusader 2


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