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How to beat rhino in ultimate spiderman pc version?

Question asked by Guest on
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Question for Ultimate Spider-Man

How to beat rhino in ultimate spiderman pc version?????????????????????

Please Help Me.............

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Guest answered:

PART ONE: you CHASE HIM AND SAVE THE PEOPLE, SIMPLE. I don't really need to explain that cause it's easy and you will figure that out you're self

Part 2: you punch his back while he is lifting the tank and run to the concrete and then run to the crane AND HE WILL PUNCH THE DRYING CEMENT AND RUN TO THE CRANE HIT IT AND CUT SCENE. THE you CHASE FOR ABOUT 5 SECOUNDS. SIMPLE you WILOL FIGURE THAT OUT you're SELF TOO THOUGH.

Part 3: you go to the highest wall at the back and run up it and wall crawl left and right to dodge the cars he throws at you and then walk down the building and when you're spider sense happen jump and rhinos back will open up and jump on it then f and keep punching it then climb up again and repeat the process. When he starts bashes the wall jump down and jump and run around in circles until rhinos back stops sparking and punch it and after about 2-3 times doing that BOOM hes dead and walks outa his costume in the cut scene. I found it eaiser to change my controls to right click puck and left click climb also q was web line and e was kick hoped this helps but next time just look up the walkthroughs even if they are ps2 or xbox game ones they still help.

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Guest said: 26th Jun 2017 | REPORT
What happened if when you try to jump on rhino and hit his back you just fall through him
Guest said: 7th May 2018 | REPORT
How to climb at its back ,by pressing which button
Excell answered:

I defeated him only by jumping around to avoid his attacks.I jumped only when he attacked and waited him to punch in the ground with his right hand.
I double jumped to avoid his rush attacks and waited his electro-charged shield
To disappear.No need for web zipping in my case.
Avoid his attacks by jumping,wait until his electro-shield voids and then double jump
On his back and start punching.Double jump when he is ready to jump on his back.
The most important thing is to have patience.I tried many times to defeat him and by discovering this way I defeated him easily.If you fail,try again until you suceed.

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Guest said: 3rd Jul 2017 | REPORT
Tanks man

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