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Genocide mode

Question asked by Guest on
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Genocide mode

Is there a way to easily defeat Undyne the undying or do I HAVE to do so to continue genocide mode?

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Guest answered:

You will have to defeat her in order to continue the genocide route, as an easy way to do it I suggest have lots of good idem on you so you can have more health.

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Guest said: 31st May 2018 | REPORT
You only need to recite the way undyne attack, and take as much as item that can recover your health as possible. MUST HAVE SEA TEA!'
zFPWdwPk said: 15th Nov 2023 | REPORT
Supor answered:

If you go pacifist you have to flee. If you go genocide you have to kill her. Mixed route is not my choice.

Guest answered:

Is there a cheat that lets you get the real knife and locket on the switch?


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