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The Crate

Question asked by sharone on
Last Modified:

The Crate

How do you open the crate? I have two Master Builders and the two can't open the crate, it says maybe a trained builder would be strong enough, I thought a Master Builder was trained.

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darkraquaza answered:

A Master Builder is trained. I don't know if you can open it with 2, I tried and it didn't work. I tried opening it with 3 of them and it worked. By the way, if you want to know what's in the crate, it's one of the gong pieces.

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Guest said: 30th Aug 2015 | REPORT
I'm trying to make it work on my iPhone and see if it will work with 2 master builders
Guest said: 2nd Dec 2015 | REPORT
oh my God .. I still can't open it .. it's really anoying
Auraianna42390 answered:

The crate can only be opened by three master builders

SmallvilleGirls answered:

>>> [C2-15] The Boxed Gong Piece <<<

REQUIREMENT:. Three (3) Master Builders
And. Completed Puzzle #16 (The Overgrown Gong Piece - requires completion of
Puzzle #4)

Drag 3 Master Builders to the crate that is on the ocean shore a little above
The repaired breeding hut. With a little bit of effort they will break the
Crate open. Pick up one of the Builders and drop him on the revealed item, he
Will recover a piece of Gong of Wonder.

Guest answered:

you cant

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Guest said: 9th Apr 2016 | REPORT
Yes you can! Yay thx it worked!

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