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Where is the berry bush on virtual villages the seret city my people will..

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Question for Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City

Where is the berry bush on virtual villages the seret city my people will die if you wont help me

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Guest answered:

There is no berry bush. The only source of food is the beehive. But you need to do something first. I'll tell you what to do. First make a fire. Here's how.
-first, drag an adult villager on the wood near the beehive.
-second, wait for the villager to come to the black spot.
-third, drag another adult villager to the dry grass behind the house with the flowers on it. It looks like 3 gray spots.
-fourth, wait for the villager to come back to the fire.
-finally, drag a villager to the fire to start the fire.

Now drag a villager to the burnt out torches to light them with the fire. Now wait for the villager to go back to the beehive to calm the bees. There. You automatically have a source of food, the bees. Good luck in the game.

Guest answered:

The honey is not the only source of food. You also have the orchard (when it is completed) and the mushrooms that only children can pick up.
To complete the orchard, you have to fix the lift and use it twice while it is raining. After the seed falls, have an adult plant the seed. When all is finished, you will have 3 more sources of food besides the honey.


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