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I can't get through the part with the mayor I know your need to holobob..

Question asked by obi wan1212 on
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Question for Destroy All Humans!

I can't get through the part with the mayor I know your need to holobob him but I can't find him. Can you tell me where he is?

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mc318 answered:

Follow the puple thing or go to the big house near the big road.

jjsmee answered:

The Mayor is behind the town hall with a policeman. Then you will go to a meeting, you have to reasure the city their are no alians by blaming commiusim, and tell olny one joke. Don't get three cross's or you lose. I hope that helps.

superbird5005 answered:

Look at the bottom of the rightside of the screen and follow the purple diamond and you will find the mayor and beware he is with a police officer.

bobafett125 answered:

Look on your map he'll be the purple thing thats blinking.


Go the to the area were the pink dimond is at you will have to find him after this.

janlothar answered:

He will be labelled on the map as a pink square when you find him he will be with a police man, kill the police man but not the mayor, once the police man is dead holobob into the mayor. The mayor will be so scared that he will roll into a ball so you don't have to worry about him, once done follow the pink square to your next target.

lakers74 answered:

to find the moyor just follow the purple dimond on the map.

roadkillers answered:

It shows you on your map where to find the mayor.


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