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alot of questions

Question asked by ZDP on
Last Modified:

alot of questions

1.Neo asked me for 5000G and I gave it to him and he asked for giant lumber and I was wondering if anyone knew what it is for. do you get giant lumber I have the last axe already.
3.when I am in my farm at 17:33 there is always a bell noise and I was wondering what it is for.
4.How do you start growing herbs in the cave where the spring festival was.
5.i upgraded three of the four upgrades for my robot and I don't know how to use the upgrades.
6.I have everything 100(cooking, humor, etc.) and my human level at 10 stars, what do I do now.

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DeadWing answered:

1) Can't answer it, sorry.
2) Also can't answer.
3) It's just an alarm to remind you that you should go to bed soon.
4) You need to clear the steam first.
5) You need to go to your robot's settings. You can apply one at a time.
6) Nothing, you just continue playing the game. It's a lot like Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life SE. You just continue the game. It is never-ending.

Jescycca answered:

I can help you with the question number three. You ask about how to gind a big lumber. But what kind of lumber. Does giant wood include? If you got the LV3 axe,you just need to hold the axe longer before you chop a wood.Then the usual wood change into giant wood which the price for it's ship is 250g. I hope you understand! (^_*)

Jescycca answered:

Sorry for mistake of spelling in my previous answer.
Three-one and two


Guest answered:

1-2)you must have a lvl 3 axe,you will see this in giant forest(in winter 24th,before the cutscene when Dr. hope collapses)hold triangle in 3-5 sec. and drop it you have a giant lumber and shipped it,then talk to NEO....
3)that bell noise in the time of 17:33 is the the of emptying the crops in the shipping pod or the time of shipment of crops....
4)you can find a herb seeds in the vending machine in Easter ruins(must set a 4 blue jewels in your field)buy a kind of herb seeds and..oh i almost forgot! you must have the earth power sand(in million's shop)to transform the barren field into a fertile field.water them always and if the noxious gas are disappeared. marco will say to you that he will upgrade you robot.
5)choose a upgrade and there will be a difference of the PP,SP,..or power of the robot
6)you must have 100 stats of love,cooking,humor,intelligence,etc.... and you must have a 1,000,000GP and the effect is.... talk to liberta and he will add words in your dictionary..THAT'S ALL!


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