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Hey I am in the town of natia and wanna go on the Azul wings or whats'..

Question asked by goteksvenom on
Last Modified:

Question for Magna Carta: Tears of Blood

Hey I am in the town of natia and wanna go on the Azul wings or whats' it called but he needs the grill and there is this boy that wants a star-shaped candy can you tell me were you find pls because I don't know were so I can get the grill thanks

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balthiersbit answered:

Ok. So you have found the boy wanting the star shaped candy, keep on going past him and keep talking to the people. I think on the last screen there is a woman who will sell you the candy. Go back to the kid and give him the candy, he will then give you exactly what you need for the journey. Before you go, I would advise you to go to the neighbouring places to fight and get your levels up as it gives you a chance to do so. (You know what the game is like for not allowing you to go to certain places!!) Good luck


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