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Spider-Man 2: Stuck on Chapter 9?

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Spider-Man 2: Stuck on Chapter 9?

I am asking this on behalf of my brother and I, we are stuck on Chapter 9! It says we have completed the Daily Bugle mission and my brother also beat the theatre/funhouse/Mysterio part, but the Start menu still just says "Complete Daily Bugle mission 1/1". There are no white or blue nav points anywhere. How do we progress?

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Guest answered:

DUDE Get Out Of There Go Into The City And Then Wait Until It Says Capter 10 Jees LOL :D

Showing all replies
Guest said: 22nd May 2012 | REPORT
i did that and didn't work at all
Guest said: 10th May 2014 | REPORT
didnt work for me too :/
Guest said: 6th Jul 2014 | REPORT
Same goes for me as well.
Guest said: 1st Nov 2014 | REPORT
I havr the same problem
Guest answered:

I to have this problem, and have covered every inch of the city with no luck on getting past it as well as waiting an ingame week with no luck.

Guest answered:

I have this problem to and when I went out of the apartment nothing happend

Guest answered:

Same thing, nothing happened. I tried for about 5 in-game weeks! No luck...

Guest answered:

I think you honestly just have to restart the entire game... I know it sounds terrible but it's only ~3 hours of gameplay... And the game is really fun! So, could be worse.


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