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I can�t pass this: You will meet a room with a wide pit in the middle..

Question asked by sigur-ros on
Last Modified:

Question for Tokobot

I can�t pass this:
You will meet a room with a wide pit in the middle which you can't cross. There
Is a button in the floor to the left. Don't STAMP it, like you would normally
Do. Instead, stand in the middle of the platform and from there make a THROW
To the button in the ground. It will activate the 4 swinging bars accross the
Pit and a 10 seconds countdown (when it reaches 0, the swinging bars will move
Down again and you will fall, so you better be quick). When you gain control of
Volt again, move forward to the pit (thanks to being in the middle of the
Platform, you will easily and fastly align with the swinging bars). Reach the
Edge while jointing, and JUMP and THROW to the first magnet bar. SWING from one
To another as quick as possible (but always remember to release from a bar when
You reach the most forward position, or you will not reach the next one). THROW
To the magnet, climb and leave through the door.
Why???what�s the platform in the midlle???... Please help me

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mathater answered:

I don't really get your question very much, but if you mean in that room, it's actually just for stepping. If you don't jump from there, you would fall. If you're talking about the next room, just go to the walkthrough. Just search it- I already got 2 profiles at Fuel, but I know how to beat him- it's just too hard to make it happen.


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