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Street Power Soccer Beginners Guide for Street Power Soccer

Street Power Soccer Beginners Guide

Play the Tutorials

Street Power Soccer has several tutorials that you should take the time to play as they are a very good way of getting familiar with the mechanics of the game. It is also worth playing the Become a Street King mode, this feature enables you to follow the steps of professional athlete Séan Garnier who gives you plenty of advice and tips in his videos as he talks about his background and the culture of street football and freestyle football.

Learn Freestyle Mode Tricks

The importance of starting off Street Power Soccer by doing the tutorials becomes all too apparent in Freestyle mode as there are no stats attached to the players. How well you perform is all about your performance and skills with the controller and your ability to perform tricks at the right time, at the right pace. The quickest way you are going to learn how to do this is by visiting the tutorials.

Select your Favourite Moves

Make sure you visit the pop-up window where you can choose your favourite moves so you can select those that you want to learn. If you don't do this you will have to memorise all the moves you haven't selected which will be difficult to do as there are over 90 of them in the game.

Street Power Soccer Beginners Guide


Tricshot mode is all about skill and precision and is similar to what you would find in a golfing game in that there are three meters you need to consider in order to play the perfect trickshot. The flame ball icon on the bottom left of the screen is the power guage which tells you how much power you need to get the right distance. The verticle arrow which you control with the stick determines the height of the shot. The higher you elevate the the arrow the higher your shot will go. The direction arrow enables you to hit the ball in the direction you want it to go. The way you use these three meters will depend on the the objective of the trickshot which can be anything from getting the ball in a bin to getting rid of a stack of cartons to unveil the hidden target.

Street Power Match

In Street Power Matches how you use your superpower plays an important part in winning the match. Street Power Match has characters with different strengths and superpowers, some will have better offensive skills, others defensive skills. It's up to you to discover the stats and right combination of powers for that mode. The more you execute tricks in the game, the faster you fill the flame ball icon which is your skill meter in a Street Power Match. Once you have filled your skill meter you have to determine when the right moment is to use your superpower. Also, some of the superpowers have a limited time to use them, so you have to learn the impact of each superpower and then build your team accordingly. There are eight Superpowers in the game, with each of the 37 different freestylers having one of them at their disposal.

Pick Up Cans

Keep an eye out for the little cans that appear randomly, these are basically like the mystery boxes that you find in Mario Kart so if you spot a can during a match pick it up as it will give you an instant reward or power that will help you, these consumables include things like being able to block your goal to electrifying your opponent.

Official Street Power Soccer trailer
Added By Dennis
Sep 2nd 2020, ID#237| REPORT

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