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Nintendo Switch Unlock Codes for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD

Nintendo Switch Unlock Codes

Enter the following codes during gameplay using your Joy-Con controller to unlock the corresponding effect in Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD. Note: The codes will not work if they are entered while the game is paused or on Hardcore mode.

Infinite Health:

D-pad L, D-pad R, D-pad L, D-pad R, X(4), A(2).

Light Beam Marks Hidden Collectables:

D-pad L, D-pad R, D-pad L, D-pad R, X(2) A, Y(2), A, ZR(2).

Unlock All Gallery Images:

D-pad L, D-pad R, D-pad L, D-pad R, X(2), B(2), ZR, Y, ZR, Y.

Unlock Elemental Rangs, Aquarang, and the Swim Ability:

D-pad L, D-pad R, D-pad L, D-pad R, X(2), Y(2), X, Y.

Unlock Technorangs:

D-pad L, D-pad R, D-pad L, D-pad R, X(3), Y, X, Y.

Added By Dennis
Mar 12th 2021, ID#1311| REPORT

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