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How to defeat the jaberwocky I'm so upset about this me and my boyfriend..

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Question for Alice in Wonderland

How to defeat the jaberwocky I'm so upset about this me and my boyfriend are trying the best as we can but still nothings happening...thanks

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Guest answered:

Use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the brick slabs to rebuild the wall. After the wall is rebuilt, use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the rock pile to hit the Jabberwocky. Keep hitting the Jabberwocky until it turns around and attacks. Once it's head is stuck under the wall, jump up on the column, then climb the ladder. Facing the spinning staircases ahead, use McTwisp's Time Control to freeze the three sections. Alice will proceed up to the next section and the Jabberwocky will free itself. As the Jabberwocky attacks Alice, press the button/key prompt that appears on the screen to counterattack.

Use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the brick slabs to rebuild the wall once again. After the wall is rebuilt, use the March Hare's Telekinesis to prop the column back up. Use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the rocks to hit the Jabberwocky. Keep hitting the Jabberwocky until it turns around and attacks. Once it's head is stuck under the wall, jump up on the column, then climb the ladder. Use Chessur's Visibility on the invisible staircase to make it appear. Alice will proceed up the stairs and the Jabberwocky will free itself. As the Jabberwocky returns to Alice, press the button/key prompt that appears on the screen to attack.

Use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the brick slabs to rebuild the wall a third time. After the wall is rebuilt, use the March Hare's Telekinesis to prop the column back up. Use Chessur's Visibility on the wall section next to the column. Use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the rocks to hit the Jabberwocky. Keep hitting the Jabberwocky until it turns around and attacks again. Once it's head is stuck under the wall, jump up on the column, then climb the ladder. Use the March Hare's Telekinesis to rebuild the bridge across the way. Alice will cross the bridge and the Jabberwocky will free itself. As the Jabberwocky returns to Alice, press the button/key prompt that appears on the screen to attack.

Move right and jump across the gap. Go up the stairs and climb the ladder. On the next level, use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the brick slab. While the slab is in the air, use Chessur's Visibility on the columns. The bricks will rest atop the columns. Use the March Hare's Telekinesis on the rocks to hit the Jabberwocky. Keep hitting the Jabberwocky until it turns around and approaches. When the Jabberwocky sticks it's head between the columns under the wall, quickly use Chessur's Visibility on the columns to trap it under the bricks. With the Jabberwocky trapped, move right to the Mad Hatter's podium. Align the two sections to create stairs. Alice will run up the stairs and the Jabberwocky will attack. Follow the button/key prompts on the screen to defeat the Jabberwocky.


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