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What do you do in Transentia when you have to get the transentium for ..

Question asked by pepe69 on
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Question for Sudeki

What do you do in Transentia when you have to get the transentium for Elco so that he can open the door to the 2nd crystal.

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RMMrMike answered:

To get the second mermaid orb thingy! You'll see a large green button in front of you. Hit the button to hear the melody. Now go to the left path. There are five circles on the ground. You have to stand on them in a certain order to match the melody.

Now this gets a little tricky. Go to the dark corner behind the circles. You should be looking at the lantern on the other side of the circles. You'll notice that they circles almost form the shape of a pentagon. Here is the order to stand on the circles:

Lantern in front...

4 5
1 3

f.e.a.r rox!!!! answered:

It's not the door to the second crystal it's to fight a boss.u need to go on those stairs where you start with buki and tal and go up there into the eleavator room and press te green button I think??? And this will make you go down pres it again then you will be at the mines then kill those robot crabs to get 6 raw minerals then go back to the eleavator and go up to the second level and there will be the processing room.Then you will have to figure out the rest by yourself because I forgot


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