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Help Needed

Question asked by lallulalu on
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Help Needed

See, it's like I killed brecca and then right now the scene is that on a ship with the thanes sailing it.. In between it stops and asks you to destroy a shining blue crystal type thing.. I did it for 2 - 3 times and then at the next one I had to climb on that "bulge" kinda thingy (where you get a grip) and climb up, cross over to the other side to see a crackable door with nothing inside. Then got down and destroyed the blue thingy that was on the left.. But then in the next one, I had to climb up 4 times and then I can see the same bulge type thingy on my left.. The prob is it's too far.. How much ever I try I can't reach it.. I even tried climbing up higher and then trying to move to the left side but it didn work. N ended up in a cutscene where my ship crashes against the block ahead.

Its like I really can't reach that bulge kinda thingy on the left.. Pls do provide some tip on how to reach the bulge on the left side which is far away..

I'll be really waitin for a reply.. Pls do respond.. Thanx in advance...

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bronson99992 answered:

Yeah I have that exact same problem...did you figure it out yet?

Bulliwyf answered:

I'm having that problem too and have searched everywhere for the answer, can either of you help me please? Thanks a lot.


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