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Question asked by racoonkun on
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How do you raise you're health leavel?
Its the same as I started

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Alexzander answered:

You have to find or buy blue orbs.

imaloony8.0 answered:

Throughout the game, while you're Nero, once you've beaten the giant frog thing, whatever his name is, watch for you arm glowing; it means you're close to a secret. Look for blue sparks, because it's a blue orb fragment. With four of these, your health will increase by one bar. Also, look for hidden talismans on walls, they're secret challenges. Most of them are really tough, but for each one you beat, you'll get a blue orb fragment. Lastly, there's a certain amount of orbs that you can buy from the store. These are FULL orbs, not fragments. They're really the first thing you should buy.

mast3r ch33f 93 answered:

I just buy blue orbs from a divinity statue that way I get a larger health bar.

Guy117 answered:

You have to find pieces of a blue orb. 4 of them make a blue orb. You can also buy some using the statue or before a mission you can buy up to 6 blue orbs which get more expensive everytime. To find the pieces you have to complete all the secret mission or use the item you get from the giant ice frog Bael to help you find the ones hidden in the level


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