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Question asked by Xbox Xpert on
Last Modified:


Can anyone tell me where all the buddies you can ge in a play through are? I found 2 hidden ones so don't try to tell me they are all in the main story. And is there anyway to do missions for the buddy that rescues you(never in the bar)?

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Darklord205 answered:

The buddies in the northern territory as follows:

The Slaughter House, Cock Fights, Fresh Fish, Lumber Yard. The rest are story related there should be 6.

The buddies in the southern territory as follows:

The Brewery. The rest are story related should be 5.

And the buddies come to you when you go to your safe houses and they will do buddy rescues.

zgame master answered: cry 2 buddy locations

1, 2, 3: You get them after the tutorial
4: Plane Crash (See PicSmile ... qm4bl4.jpg
5 and 6: Lumber Yard, Slaughter house, C0ckFights, or Fresh fish. You can go to any of these places to find the 2 buddies i think
1, 2, 3: You get them after initial missions
4: Sediko
5: Brewery

There are 6 Buddies in the north and 5 in the south

Guest answered:

You'll get an achievement at the end for areason -there is a big battle at the end when all of your buddies will try to kill you take my advice and kill all of your buddies when your about 95 percent of the way because I just had 7 of them to kill 15 would be impossible (I was playing on easy) if you think I'm rubbish . I'm . X silentPhYsCo...... Montage on YouTube


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