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How do i get the plant of lust (for Leinhart the vampire)

Question asked by Dabura on
Last Modified:

How do i get the plant of lust (for Leinhart the vampire)

Hello was wondering if you knew let me explain if you have no fucken clue lol ok well in order for him to complete his quest I presume I need to talk to a guy to make me into a mutant but the idol of greed will only take me to him if I get him the seed of lust but when I talked to the idol of love she could make it but only with a normal seed? I understand but umm there is NO normal plants I presume you gotta kill all plants and find one but there all NOT normal ones so they don't count but later I saw the percentage of the wuest grow do I keep justy killing plants? Please reply by supercheats or xbox 360 acount Dabura911 thx happy hunting^_^

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Dugroto answered:

You have to kill 10 plant kings. 1=10% and when you kill the tenth one you will autamaticly get it.


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