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How to re-sign players who say they 'won't re-sign'?

Question asked by ppaauull on
Last Modified:

How to re-sign players who say they 'won't re-sign'?

So big problem, I'm with the Pelicans in Franchise mode and Anthony Davis is saying he won't re-sign his contract and will test the free agency. Is there any way to make him change his mind? Even through a cheat or anything I can't afford to lose him!

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Guest answered:

Play mygm n I am having the same problem with a shooting guard that I created and drafted. Took time to create a player who would be goat and now he won't re-sign because of glitches that screwed up promises made to him. Need help

Guest answered:

Depending on your setting you can go into Edit player and just add years to his contract

Guest answered:

I had the same problem with Dangelo Russell. What I did was I talked him up when the media asked if I would trade him. And then kept using pep talks to raise his loyalty and morale. Then got the he's mad we haven't offered him a contract yet message. Hope this helped.


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