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Can you have 2 portals active at one time (basically making it a 4 player..

Question asked by Guest on
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Question for Skylanders Spyro's Adventure

Can you have 2 portals active at one time (basically making it a 4 player game)?

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Guest answered:

We might never know :D but seriously who whould buy two starter packs and if they do it whould depend if you had enough USB drives in the system and if you had enough controllers but it might so you might as well try it on a friends game with you're own portal of power then buying two starter packs hope you don't have problems and get the answer you're looking for Smile

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Guest said: 7th Oct 2015 | REPORT
it won't work
Guest answered:

NO...plain and simple...NO

Guest answered:

I don't know but go and try it. The best way to see is to get with a buddy and plug it in


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