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On top platform, collect intel from 3 soldiers, just says mission failed

Question asked by Guest on
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On top platform, collect intel from 3 soldiers, just says mission failed

On playing you have to climb a platform ,listen to 3 german officers, you have to wait till they finish. Then screen goes to mission failed. On walkthroughs the officers walk away and you continue in the game.

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Guest answered:

When the three officers appear, you need to tag the proper officer (it will let you know when you've tagged the right one). Do not tag the other 2. After their conversation, watch your officer. DON'T shoot anyone. He will go and collect the document. Then you will be instructed to kill him and collect the document. Good Luck!

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Guest said: 11th Dec 2015 | REPORT
Which button do I use to tag the officer?

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