10 Things We Wish Pokemon Would Do

Make Mew Catchable In-Game

Mew is one of those Pokemon that interested all PokeFans. It has a great design, and it's linked to Mewtwo, one of the greatest Pokemon there has ever been. It even faced off with its counterpart in the very first Pokemon Movie, where it became famous. The whole storyline revolved around the Legendary Pokemon Mew, who was suppose to have this great power.

No one really knew about Mew when the first set of Pokemon Games (Pokemon Red & Pokemon Blue) came out. It was the Pokemon Company's little secret, not being available to be found in either game. It wasn't until the first Pokemon Movie that Mew was officially released.

After Mew became known to the PokeWorld, it immediately became a popular favorite. Unfortunately, it was only available by an Event, which wasn't to come for quite some time. Once it was finally able to be obtained, everyone, and I mean everyone, wanted one. It wasn't as strong as Mewtwo, but it was still the second strongest of the original 151. Besides, Mew can learn every possible move; more than you could say for Mewtwo.

I really don't know why Mewtwo was able to be found and captured, but not Mew. You would have thought you should be able to catch all of the Pokemon, especially in the first ever games. It just doesn't make any sense. Even to this day, it still can't be found in the wild (but Mewtwo can in several games), unless you use some cheats of course.

If Mewtwo and plenty of other Legendary Pokemon can be found in-game, why can't Mew be included. At this point in time, the sixth generation of Pokemon, just about every real trainer has Mew. There shouldn't be a problem letting it be found now; it's just way overdue.

Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 by Warrior13
Pokemon X, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance,