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How to Use Vehicles Guide

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Call of Duty: Warzone - How to Use Vehicles Guide
Call of Duty: Warzone - How to Use Vehicles Guide

In Call of Duty: Warzone there are five different types of vehicles that you can employ, each of which has their advantages and disadvantages. Check out our How to Use Vehicles Guide to find out what they are.

The five types of vehicles in Call Of Duty: Warzone are the all-rounder SUV, the fast-moving ATV, the offroading Tactical Rover, the slow but powerful Cargo Truck, and the Helicopter. As you explore the map you come across these these vehicles which you can utilise in navigation and strategic situations to help your team. Each of these vehicles has a health meter and it is important that you keep a watchful eye on it because allowing it to reach zero will will cause the vehicle to explode and burst into flames, killing or severly injuring any player that is inside or nearby to it. The vehicles are listed below.


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The ATV or All Terrains Vehicle can be used by one or two players. Its low tire pressure allows this vehicle to drive better than any other off-road. The downside is that it comes at the cost of slow speeds and being exposed to enemy players.


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The SUV or Service Utility Vehicle is able to drive fast on roads and can carry a full squad while offering them some protection. Although the SUV is not ideal for off-road it is possible to do so if you are careful.

Tactical Rover

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This vehicle comes with a 360 revolution mounted gunner turret that allows it to deal with the enemy. The TAC Rover is fast, capable of crossing the toughest terrains and is able to absorb plenty of damage. The downside to this vehicle is it provides minimal protection for its occupants.

Cargo Truck

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Although the Cargo truck is slow and not for off-roading it is well armoured and offers protection for your squad. It is also useful for storing weapons and equipment.


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The helicopter is the best vehicle to cover terrain in the shortest time possible and while you are in the air you are safe. The downside to this vehicle is it is very loud and easy to spot making your team easy targets if you land in the wrong place at the wrong time. The helicopter is able to carry a full squad.

Vehicle Controls

Listed below are the Playstation 4 and Xbox One button combinations for the vehicles in Call of Duty: Warzone.


PS4: R2

XOne: RT


PS4: L2

XOne: LT

Enter / Exit

PS4: Square

XOne: X

Switch Seats

PS4: X

XOne: A


PS4: RS (Push)

XOne: RS (Push)


PS4: L1 or R1

XOne: LB or RB

Helicopter Controls


PS4: R2

XOne: RT


PS4: L2 - XOne: LT

Enter / Exit

PS4: Square

XOne: X



XOne: LS



XOne: RS

Check out our What are Bounty, Scavenger, and Recon Contracts guide to find out what these features are in Call of Duty: Warzone.

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