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What are Buy Stations

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What are Buy Stations in Call of Duty: Warzone
What are Buy Stations in Call of Duty: Warzone

Buy Stations in Call of Duty: Warzone are interactable loot stockpiles which allow you to purchase useful equipment that will help you on the battlefield during Battle Royale and Plunder mode. Check out our What are Buy Stations guide to find out everything you need to know about this feature.

In Call of Duty: Warzone you will be able to use the Cash you earn by killing enemies and completing contracts to purchase useful items at Buy Stations. Loot that you can buy will be marked out in green, while loot in red means you will not be able to purchase them. Buy Stations are denoted by a green shopping cart icon on your map. They will also be listed in the POI (Points of Interest) section of the Tac Map when you bring it out.

The items at the Buy Station sell for varying amounts of in-match Cash and include items like Armour Plate Bundle which will increase your survivability while out in Verdansk by allowing you to absorb additional damage. The Self-Revive Kit that enables you to get back up if you are downed, and the Munitions Box to resupply ammunition and equipment. Below is full list of all 8 types of equipment you can purchase at a Buy Station.

Armour Plate Bundle: $1,500

Shield Turret: $2,000

Cluster Strike: $3,000

Gas Mask: $3,000

Precision Airstrike: $3,500

UAV: $4,000

Self-Revive Kit: $4,500

Munitions Box: $5,000

Loadout Drop Marker: $6,000

In Plunder Mode Buy Stations will hold an item that is not available in Battle Royale Mode called the Cash Deposit Balloon. This portable Field Upgrade allows you to securely deposit the Cash you earn in-game away from the threat of enemy teams intent on trying to kill and steal it from you.

Check out our What is the Gulag Prison guide to find out how you can re-enter a match when you have been eliminated.

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