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Enemy Warrior Arc - Chapter 9

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The Clone Hunt Begins! Android 21's Fury!


The ninth and final chapter of the Enemy Warrior Arc begins with Android 21 struggling to find clones that she can consume, sending her into a fit of rage. She knows this is at the hands of Frieza and the others, realizing that she will have to find as many clones as she can before the fighters defeat them all. The next cutscene shows the group of warriors having just destroyed more clones. Vegeta is becoming restless, wanting to know why they continue to deal with the clones instead of going after Android 21 herself. It is then that Cell describes to everyone how he believes Android 21 turns both human and clones alike into candy in order to eat them and absorb their Energy. Ultimately, the fighters agree that they will continue to defeat the clones so Android 21 can't get her hands on them, know she will eventually have to find them to satisfy her growing hunger.

From there, you will have to defeat the next Map full of nothing but Clone Battles. This Map will also end in another insignificant Clone Boss Battle, one that will lead to the next scene of the story. Here, you will see Android 21 going mad over the fact that she can't find any clones, and thus has no candy to consume. After this short scene is shown, you will have to deal with the final map of Clone Battles, the same that lead straight to your Final Boss Battle against Android 21.

After reaching this battle on the map, Android 21 will finally cross paths with the group of fighters once more. She is going literally crazy from hunger, and this quickly sees her accepting to battle all of the fighters in one final match. After she has been defeated, Vegeta comes up with the plan for the human soul within Frieza to link with all of them, hoping they can then all attack Android 21 at once in order to defeat her. Picking up on this idea is Bulma from her aircraft above, quickly devising a plan to send her machine into overdrive. If it works, all of the fighters should regain their original Power; however, should it fail, they could have less power than before the waves first Hit them.

Really with no other choice, Bulma increases the machine to 200% output. Unfortunately, the plan backfires for the most part, as almost all of the fighters lose the Power they have. However, it appears the plan works perfectly in regards to Goku, Cell and Frieza, the same who are now back at full power. With nothing left to lose, the three unleash their strongest Super Attacks at Android 21, and it is just enough to final destroy her. With Android 21 finally defeated, the waves restricting all the fighters stop, and all their power is returned to them. You human soul then finally leaves Frieza, just as the infamous villains of the Dragon Ball Series look to enact their revenge on Goku and the Z-Fighters.

This completes the Enemy Warrior Arc of Story Mode. By doing so, you will unlock the third and final arc known as the Android 21 Arc. It is here that you will finally discover the final side of the story regarding Android 21.

Playable Characters



Captain Ginyu







Majin Buu



Adult Gohan

Unlockable Characters



Android 21 (Final Boss)

Clone Captain Ginyu

Clone Goku

Clone Yamcha

Clone Frieza

Clone Cell

Clone Piccolo

Clone Gohan

Clone Tien

Clone Nappa

Clone Trunks

Clone Krillin

Clone Vegeta

Clone Kid Buu

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Table of ContentsClose
  • Gameplay
  • Mechanics
  • Story Mode Walkthrough
  • Fighters
  • Stages
  • Dramatic Scenes
  • Hints & Tips
  • Conclusion
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