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Shooting Guide

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FIFA 20 Shooting Guide
FIFA 20 Shooting Guide

Having great passing techniques and dribbling skills in FIFA 20 will be put to waste if you are unable to finish your plays by landing accurately timed shots between your opponents goalposts. Check out our Shooting Guide to get some help on how to finish when you are in front of goal.

Below is a list of the shooting control buttons in FIFA 20. It is recommended that you get familiar with them in the Practice Arena.

Chip Shot - L1 + Circle/LB + B

Finesse Shot - R1 + Circle/RB + B

Flair Shot - L2 + Circle/LT + B

Free Kick (Driven Shot) - L1 + Circle/LB + B

Low Shot/Downward Header Shot - Circle + Tap Circle/ B + Tap B

Penalty (Chip Shot) - L1 + Circle/LB + B

Penalty (Finesse Shot) - R1 + Circle/RB + B

Shoot/Volley/Header - Circle/B

Time Your Shot - Circle + Circle (Timed)/B + B(Timed)

Time Your Shot

If you do not time your shot correctly in FIFA 20 you will not be able to score. Timing your shot means knowing when to shoot at the right time from the right angle and the only way in which you will gain the experience to do this is to constantly practice. FIFA 20 has a Timed Finishing mechanic built into it which lets you time your shots perfectly. To use this feature you simply have to tap the shoot button twice, the accuracy of your shot will depend on the time between the two consecutive button-taps. If your second tap is timed to coincide when your player's head/foot makes contact with the ball they are more likely to land an accurate strike towards the goal.

Low Shot / Downward Header Shot

An effective shot when you are faced with a one-vs-one situation with the goalkeeper is to fire a low powered shot. Hitting this type of shot will cause the ball to travel closer to the ground and will not be easy for your opponent's goal keeper to save.

Chip Shot

This is a lifted shot and difficult to pull of as you need to achieve a significant amount of height with the ball, enough so it goes over the defenders or even the keeper but still finds its way to the back of the net. This is a dangerous shot to attempt if you are taking a penalty because you face potential humiliation when it doesn't come off.

Finesse Shot

As the name would suggest this shot requires a lot more accuracy than power. Finesse shots are curled shots that are taken using the inner side of the boot.

Flair Shot

This fancy shot can be performed when the ball is in the air and when it is on the ground. This type of shot uses a lot more power than accuracy. Aerial finishes include a bicycle, while ground finishes tend to result in a rabona finish or a stylish flourish with the outside of the foot.

Low Driven Shot

This is a ground shot that is usually taken from a free-kick. The ball is driven with lots of power through a crowded box into one of the bottom corners of the goal where it is hard for the goalkeeper to save.

Regardless of which type of shot you attempt their speed and strength are all determined by how you holdi the shot buttons. The longer you hold the button, the more strength you are going to put on the ball. The quicker you press the shot button, the shorter reaction your player will take to kick the ball. The more power you give to the ball, the higher your ball flies in the air.

Check out the video below to see the different shooting techniques in FIFA 20.

FIFA 20 Shooting Guide

Check out our Dribbling Guide to find out everytthng you need to know about this vital skill that enables you to carry the ball past your opponents.

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