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Castle Basics

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The Castle is your own personal hub before story chapters and where you can improve your army. You can customize your castle's layout, shops, and resource fields. You can upload your castle's data online to allow other players to visit and interact with your castle. Players can leave feedback, use your facilities/resource fields, and attack your castle. You won't lose anything if your castle gets frequently attacked. There are many advantages in maintaining your castle and it also provides a good interactive past time as well with other players.

You can change your castle’s name by talking to your assistant then select Castle Settings > Change Name. Names that contain a lot of numbers or unpleasant words will not display properly to other players.

Watch out for the exclamation points in the lower screen when you’re in your castle. When talking to marked characters, they may give you a random item, get stat boosts for the next battle, and improve their relationship status. For non-shop buildings, this means that their functions are available for use once again.


Dragon Vein Points used to build or upgrade buildings. You can earn them by completing battles or visiting castles. Scouting previously completed maps and completing “Challenges” (random battles) is a good way to earn DVP quickly.

Time of Day

The day in the game has 4 distinct time periods: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night. The time of day will change if you complete battles or some (real time) has passed. Some buildings "reset" their functions after a complete cycle of specific time periods.

Raw Materials

These are used for weapon forging, buying accessories, and cooking. You can obtain them by speaking to your characters, checking your fields, gardens, mines, orchards, and springs. The quality and rarity of resources you can collect will increase as you upgrade your resource fields. You can also visit other players' castles to collect various resources for free. Furthermore, you can wager your resources in arena battles for a chance to increase their numbers.

Visiting Castles

  • Get the calling card of the host so you can visit his/her castle again after 24 hours. You can also leave accessories as gifts. (You don’t lose the accessory; you’re just giving a copy of the item)
  • Obtain resources from the host’s fields. Upgraded fields yield rarer and more resources. Look for the gold building icons in the lower screen when selecting the castle you want to visit.
  • Chance to increase the resources by betting in the arena
  • Leave the feedback by talking to the castle assistant
  • You can attack the castle you visited. If you successfully seized the throne, you can either recruit any one ally from the castle lord’s army (even the castle lord’s main character) or get any non-unique skill at a discounted cost.

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Table of ContentsClose
  • Basics
  • My Castle
  • Seals
  • Marriage and Offspring
  • Main Story
  • Birthright
  • Conquest
  • Revelations
  • Paralogues
  • Classes
  • Skill List
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