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Chapter 3: Journey Begins

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Elise will go with you to talk to your father to ask for forgiveness. After talking to the King, you'll be assigned to a recon mission to an abandoned fort. During further conversations, a veteran former-criminal named Hans will be assigned as your vanguard.

After arriving near the fortress, Hans will indiscriminately attack a Hoshidan soldier, triggering a fight. To win this mission, you have to seize the building. During this battle as well, you'll get a tutorial about pairing up. Hans will be an independent unit so you can only take control of Gunter and Felicia/Jakob.

Take note of the cliff to the south; there's a fort there that will give defensive bonuses to any unit inside and two dragon vein points which will allow the creation of bridges that will connect to the fort. This is a good way to storm the fort without fighting through all enemy units in the northeast.

Hans will continue engaging the enemies alone until he gets decimated by the defenders. Reach the dragon vein and activate it, preferably the southernmost one to avoid being caught in a chokepoint. Engage the nearby soldiers, preferably taking out the archer first. Then, attack Omozu. If you're unable to finish him within the turn, Hoshidan pegasus knights will arrive from the southernmost fort. After defeating Omozu, you have the option to either seize the castle to end the mission or fight the reinforcements for more EXP. To clear the mission, send anyone to the gate and select the Seize option to perform the action.

Watch the following scenes until you're able to move on to the next chapter.

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  • Marriage and Offspring
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