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Chapter 4: Hoshido

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After waking up, you'll find that you're in company of Kaze and Rinkah. They'll take you to the palace and more scenes will follow. Shortly after, Ryoma will take you to the mountains where a village is attacked by the Nohrians.

After reaching the battlefield, you'll find powerful Shackled Fist enemies on top of the mountains/hills. They have incredible range and the mountain range gives them a terrain bonus as well. You need to destroy these hills by activating the Dragon Veins to remove the terrain advantage and improve your movement range. In this battle, you can only take control of Kaze and Rinkah since Ryoma is an independent unit.

To start off, send someone to visit the nearby village to receive a Goddess Icon. You can also move your avatar next to Kaze to trade some Vulnerary. Remember to use the Pairing and Switching mechanic to further increase your range and allow you to stand your ground against multiple enemies.

You don't have to worry about Ryoma since he has good range and very powerful attacks. Sakura and Hinoka can hold off the enemies on their own so you don't have to carelessly rush towards them. Work your way in the middle of the map and use the dragon vein to destroy the mountain in the middle. This will allow you to fight multiple enemies in flat land. After eliminating all enemies, the mission is complete.

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