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Chapter 22: Fodlan’s New Dawn

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Last Updated:

Verdant Rain Moon: 08/02

Events and Announcements:

* No event

* Sword Tournament (Reward: Master Seal)

New Quests

* Supply Run

Make your backup save now
This is the final month where you’ll have the freedom to explore and farm your Support levels, train your units, and prepare for the final battle. If you want to be safe, create a separate backup save file now.

Verdant Rain Moon: 08/09

Events and Announcements:

* Rare monster sighting

* Fish Bounty Festival (Enhanced effects when dining with a fish enthusiast)

Verdant Rain Moon: 08/16

Events and Announcements:

* Golden Fish (More chances to catch golden fish)

Verdant Rain Moon: 08/23

Events and Announcements:

* Rare Monster Sighting

* Bitter Eats (Enhanced effects when dining with people who loves bitter foods)

Verdant Rain Moon: 08/30

No events; you're free to do whatever you want.

Verdant Rain Moon: 08/31

This is the final battle. If you still have consumables that permanently boost Stats, use them now. Forge and Repair your weapons, make sure to equip the best weapons for your key characters that you'll be using, double check their Abilities, etc.

You also need to make sure to view the A-supports of the characters you want to end up together. This is the day that you'll be choosing the character you want to marry at the end of the game. Take note that only those (eligible) characters whom you reached A-Support with will appear in the list. When ready, deploy for the battle.

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Final Mission: For the Freedom of Fodlan

For the Freedom of Fodlan Strategy

In this battle, you’ll be facing the mindless copies of the 10 Elites and the dark versions of their respective Sacred Relics. Nemesis himself will be protected by two of these elites and he’ll be invulnerable to any type of Damage unless you defeat the 10 elites first. These elites are no pushovers and they can easily decimate your units if you’re not careful. Since this is the last battle, don’t hesitate to equip your best weapons and accessories to each of your deployed units, at least to your frontline attackers and core units.

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The Terrain in the middle is covered by a poisonous swamp. This can be easily navigated by Fliers but you have to be careful of the two ballista positions situated in the middle of the Map. The swamp can be cleared by defeating Lamine, located in the northern portion of the map. Taking out Lamine is a priority since it will help you tackle most of the elites easily, not to mention that the swamp terrain heals them, thanks to their Cursed Power Ability. The chest near Lamine’s position contains a spear called the Arrow of Indra. Since this is a magical lance, you can’t use that against her but you can use it to soften up high-defense, low-resistance targets. A Falcon Knight is the best unit to do this task or any unit with high resistance and movement Range.

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There are several ways to tackle this Map. First, you can send a small, powerful group of 2-3 units to circle around to the northwest to reach Lamine and defeat her. While they’re doing that, you can have your other Fliers or long-Range mages and snipers take out the nearby enemies. You can also hold your position and let them attack you instead. After clearing the swamp, you can move all your units through the middle and clear out the enemies along the way.

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If your Fliers can take out the elites in one shot without the danger of getting shot down themselves, then you can take the offensive. Alternatively, if you have access to the Warp spell, you can send your most powerful unit in the middle of the fray to engage the elites and just have that unit stand on one of the strongholds in the middle of the swamp.

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Another route is along the dry land to the south, where the rest of the surviving Agarthians are located. There’s a ballista in the southwest corner of the Map near your starting position that you can use. You can send units there to clear out the enemy forces there and maybe lure other enemies to dry land. You also need to defeat the Dark Mage named Odesse in the middle-southern portion of the map to prevent him from summoning demonic beasts.

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Whatever path you choose, clearing the swamp is still the best and easiest way to tackle this Map. If your units are pretty overpowered at this point, you can just mow your way through the elites and the agarthians. If not, try to move them as a group then use the strongholds along the way for free Healing while you clear out the battlefield. Don’t forget to loot the other two Chests containing a Secret Book and Giant Shell.

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Once all the elites and other enemies are down, you can now get ready to attack Nemesis. Fortunately, he won’t be moving out of his location to hunt down your units as long as you stay out of his Attack Range. He has an immense amount of HP, attack Range, and distant counter which will allow him to easily take out your mages and archers. As such, softening him up with long-range attacks is no-go.

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You can surround him with your units and have your strongest characters take him on head-on. Once he’s wounded enough, choose whoever you want to have the honor of landing the final blow and finish him off.

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After the battle, watch a few more scenes, including your ending with your chosen lover, and the paired or solo ending of your other characters, based on their Support levels. If you rigged their Support Levels by “locking” them to a single-A Support Level with who you intended to be their partner, they’ll end up with a Paired Ending.

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Congratulations for completing this route!!

After the credits, you’ll be asked to save a Cleared-game save file. You can use this file to start a New Game++ file, with several useful benefits that will help you in your next playthrough. For more information, please check our dedicated page for the topic.

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  • Part 1: White Clouds
  • Part 2: Verdant Wind
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