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Ok, I tired of all these "proven" cheats making me lose my progress, so I am going to make a compilation of ones that I have personally tested them ALL on Pokémon silver, but since silver and gold are the same I only tested a few on gold and they all worked.. I will give detailed descriptions on what to do for each..


~To make this work best store the item you modify or items you make infinite in a PC and then disable the codes and retrieve your item(s) before doing it with another item.

Item 1 Modifier: 01XXB8D5

Infinite Item 1: 0163B9D5

Item 2 Modifier: 01XXBAD5

Infinite Item 2: 0163BBD5

Item 3 Modifier: 01XXBCD5

Infinite Item 3: 0163BDD5

Item 4 Modifier: 01XXBED5

Infinite Item 4: 0163BFD5

Item 5 Modifier: 01XXC0D5

Infinite Item 5: 0163C1D5

Item 6 Modifier: 01XXC2D5

Infinite Item 6: 0163C3D5

Item 7 Modifier: 01XXC4D5

Infinite Item 7: 0163C5D5

Item 8 Modifier: 01XXC6D5

Infinite Item 8: 0163C7D5

Item 9 Modifier: 01XXC8D5

Infinite Item 9: 0163C9D5

Item 10 Modifier: 01XXCAD5

Infinite Item 10: 0163CBD5

Item 11 Modifier: 01XXCCD5

Infinite Item 11: 0163CDD5

Item 12 Modifier: 01XXCED5

Infinite Item 12: 0163CFD5

Item 13 Modifier: 01XXD0D5

Infinite Item 13: 0163D1D5

Item 14 Modifier: 01XXD2D5

Infinite Item 14: 0163D3D5

Item 15 Modifier: 01XXD4D5

Infinite Item 15: 0163D5D5

To make this code work, replace the XX with one of the values below

03 - Brightpowder.

07 - Bicycle.

08 - Moon Stone.

09 - Antidote.

0A - Burn Heal.

0B - Ice Heal.

0C - Awakening.

0D - Paralyz Heal.

0E - Full Restore.

0F - Max Potion.

10 - Hyper Potion.

11 - Super Potion.

12 - Potion.

13 - Escape Rope.

14 - Repel.

15 - Max Elixer.

16 - Fire Stone.

17 - Thunderstone.

18 - Water Stone.

1A - HP Up.

1B - Protein.

1C - Iron.

1D - Carbos.

1E - Lucky Punch.

1F - Calcium.

20 - Rare Candy.

21 - X Accuracy.

22 - Leaf Stone.

23 - Metalpowder.

24 - Nugget .

25 - Poke Doll.

26 - Full Heal.

27 - Revive.

28 - Max-Revive.

29 - Guard Spec..

2A - Super Repel.

2B - Max Repel.

2C - Dire Hit.

2E - Fresh Water.

2F - Soda Pop.

30 - Lemonade.

31 - X Attack.

33 - X Defend.

34 - X Speed.

35 - X Special.

36 - Coin Case.

37 - Itemfinder.

39 - Exp. Share.

3A - Old Rod.

3B - Good Rod.

3C - Silver Leaf.

3D - Super Rod.

3E - PP Up.

3F - Ether.

40 - Max Ether.

41 - Elixer.

42 - Red Shale.

43 - Secret Potion.

44 - S.S. Ticket.

45 - Mystery Egg .

47 - Silver Wing.

48 - MooMoo Milk.

49 - Quick Claw.

4A - Psncureberry.

4B - Gold Leaf.

4C - Soft Sand.

4D - Sharp Beak.

4E - Przcureberry.

4F - Burt Berry.

50 - Ice Berry.

51 - Poison Barb.

52 - King's Rock.

53 - Bitter Berry.

54 - Mint Berry.

55 - Red Apricorn.

56 - Tinymushroom.

57 - Big Mushroom.

58 - Silverpowder.

59 - Blu Apricorn.

5B - Amulet Coin.

5C - Ylw Apricorn.

5D - Grn Apricorn.

5E - Cleanse Tag.

5F - Mystic Water.

60 - Twisted Spoon.

61 - Wht Apricorn.

62 - Blackbelt.

63 - Blk Apricorn.

65 - Pnk Apricorn.

66 - Blackglasses .

67 - Slowpoketail.

68 - Pink Bow.

69 - Stick.

6A - Smoke Ball.

6B - Nevermeltice.

6C - Magnet.

6D - Miracleberry.

6E - Pearl.

6F - Big Pearl.

70 - Everstone.

71 - Spell Tag.

72 - Ragecandybar.

75 - Miracle Seed.

76 - Thick Club.

77 - Focus Band.

79 - Energypowder.

7A - Energy Root.

7B - Heal Powder.

7C - Revival Herb.

7D - Hard Stone.

7E - Lucky Egg.

7F - Card Key.

80 - Machine Part.

82 - Lost Item.

83 - Stardust.

84 - Star Piece.

85 - Basement Key.

86 - Pass.

8A - Charcoal.

8B - Berryjuice .

8C - Scope Lens.

8F - Metal Coat.

90 - Dragon Fang.

92 - Leftovers.

96 - Mysteryberry.

97 - Dragon Scale.

98 - Beserk Gene.

9C - Sacred Ash.

9E - Flower Mail.

A3 - Light Ball.

A7 - Normal Box.

A8 - Gorgeous Box.

A9 - Sun Stone.

AA - Polkadot Bow.

AC - Up-Grade.

AD - Berry.

AE - Gold Berry.

AF - Squirtbottle.

B2 - Rainbow Wing.

B4 - Brick Piece.

B5 - Surf Mail.

B6 - Litebluemail.

B7 - Portraitmail.

B8 - Lovely Mail.

B9 - Eon Mail.

BA - Morph Mail.

BB - Bluesky Mail.

BC - Music Mail.

BD - Mirage Mail .


~To make this work best store the item you modify or items you make infinite in a PC and then disable the codes and retrieve your item(s) before doing it with another item.

Pokeball Modifier Slot 1: 01XXFDD5

Infinite Pokeball Slot 1: 0163FED5

To make this code work, replace the XX with one of the values below

01 - Master Ball

02 - Ultra Ball

04 - Great Ball

05 - Poke Ball

9D - Heavy Ball

9F - Level Ball

A0 - Lure Ball

A1 - Fast Ball

A4 - Friend Ball

A5 - Moon Ball

A6 - Love Ball

B1 - Park Ball

**FIGHT ANY Pokemon**

~You do not have to erase the code completely for every different Pokemon, but just edit the xx part each time


01: Bulbasaur .

02: Ivysaur .

03: Venusaur .

04: Charmander .

05: Charmeleon .

06: Charizard .

07: Squirtle .

08: Wartortle .

09: Blastoise .

0A: Caterpie .

0B: Metapod .

0C: Butterfree .

0D: Weedle .

0E: Kakuna .

0F: Beedrill .

10: Pidgey .

11: Pidgeotto .

12: Pidgeot .

13: Rattata .

14: Raticate .

15: Spearow .

16: Fearow .

17: Ekans .

18: Arbok .

19: Pikachu .

1A: Raichu .

1B: Sandshrew .

1C: Sandslash .

1D: Nidoran(F) .

1E: Nidorina .

1F: Nidoqueen .

20: Nidoran(M) .

21: Nidorino .

22: Nidoking .

23: Clefairy .

24: Clefable .

25: Vulpix .

26: Ninetails .

27: Jigglypuff .

28: Wigglytuff .

29: Zubat .

2A: Golbat .

2B: Oddish .

2C: Gloom .

2D: Vileplume .

2E: Paras .

2F: Parasect .

30: Venonat .

31: Venomoth .

32: Diglett .

33: Dugtrio .

34: Meowth .

35: Persian .

36: Psyduck .

37: Golduck .

38: Mankey .

39: Primeape .

3a: Growlithe .

3b: Arcanine .

3c: Poliwag .

3d: Poliwhirl .

3e: Poliwrath .

3f: Abra .

40: Kadabra .

41: Alakazam .

42: Machop .

43: Machoke .

44: Machamp .

45: Bellsprout .

46: Weepinbell .

47: Victreebell .

48: Tentacool .

49: Tentacruel .

4A: Geodude .

4B: Graveler .

4C: Golem .

4D: Ponyta .

4E: Rapidash .

4F: Slowpoke .

50: Slowbro .

51: Magnemite .

52: Magneton .

53: Farfetch'd .

54: Doduo .

55: Dodrio .

56: Seel .

57: Dewgong .

58: Grimer .

59: Muk .

5A: Shellder .

5B: Cloyster .

5C: Gastly .

5D: Haunter .

5E: Gengar .

5F: Onix .

60: Drowzee .

61: Hypno .

62: Krabby .

63: Kingler .

64: Voltorb .

65: Electrode .

66: Exeggcute .

67: Exeggcutor .

68: Cubone .

69: Marowak .

6A: Hitmonlee .

6B: Hitmonchan .

6C: Lickitung .

6D: Koffing .

6E: Weezing .

6F: Rhyhorn .

70: Rhydon .

71: Chansey .

72: Tangela .

73: Kangaskhan .

74: Horsea .

75: Seadra .

76: Goldeen .

77: Seaking .

78: Staryu .

79: Starmie .

7A: Mr. Mime .

7B: Scyther .

7C: Jynx .

7D: Electabuzz .

7E: Magmar .

7F: Pinsir .

80: Tauros .

81: Magikarp .

82: Gyarados .

83: Lapras .

84: Ditto .

85: Eevee .

86: Vaporeon .

87: Jolteon .

88: Flareon .

89: Porygon .

8A: Omanyte .

8B: Omastar .

8C: Kabuto .

8D: Kabutops .

8E: Aerodactyl .

8F: Snorlax .

90: Articunno .

91: Zapdos .

92: Moltres .

93: Dratini .

94: Dragonair .

95: Dragonite .

96: Mewtwo .

97: Mew .

98: Chikorita .

99: Bayleaf .

9A: Meganium .

9B: Cyndaquil .

9C: Quilava .

9D: Typhlosion .

9E: Totodile .

9F: Croconaw .

A0: Feraligatr .

A1: Sentret .

A2: Furret .

A3: Hoothoot .

A4: Noctowl .

A5: Ledyba .

A6: Ledian .

A7: Spinarak .

A8: Ariados .

A9: Crobat .

Aa: Chinchou .

Ab: Lanturn .

Ac: Pichu .

Ad: Cleffa.

Ae: Igglybuff .

Af: Togepi .

B0: Togetic .

B1: Natu .

B2: Xatu .

B3: Mereep .

B4: Flaaffy .

B5: Ampharos .

B6: Bellossom .

B7: Marill .

B8: Mariruri .

B9: Sudowoodo .

BA: Politoed .

BB: Hoppip .

BC: Skiploom .

BD: Jumpluff .

BE: Aipom .

BF: Sunkern .

C0: Sunflora .

C1: Yanma .

C2: Wooper .

C3: Quagsire .

C4: Espeon .

C5: Umbreon .

C6: Murkrow .

C7: Slowking .

C8: Misdreavus .

C9: Unown .

CA: Wobbuffet .

CB: Girafarig .

CC: Pineco .

CD: Forretress .

CE: Dunsparce .

CF: Gligar .

D0: Steelix .

D1: Snubble .

D2: Granbull .

D3: Qwillfish .

D4: Scizor .

D5: Shuckle .

D6: Heracross .

D7: Sneasel .

D8: Teddiursa .

D9: Ursaring .

The: Slugma .

DB: Magcargo .

DC: Swinub .

DD: Piloswine .

DE: Corsola .

DF: Remoraid .

E0: Octillery .

E1: Delibird .

E2: Mantine .

E3: Eamudo .

E4: Houndour .

E5: Houndoom .

E6: Kingdra .

E7: Phanpy .

E8: Donphan .

E9: Porygon2 .

EA: Stantler .

EB: Smeargle .

EC: Tyrogue .

ED: Hitmontop .

EE: Smoochum .

EF: Elekid .

F0: Magby .

F1: Miltank .

F2: Blissey .

F3: Raikou .

F4: Entei .

F5: Suicune .

F6: Larvitar .

F7: Pupitar .

F8: Tyranitar .

F9: Lugia .

FA: Ho-Oh-Oh .

FB: Celebi .

FD: Egg.




~To make this work best store the TMs you modified in a PC and then disable the codes and retrieve your TM(s) before doing it with another.


TM01: 7E

TM02: 7F

TM03: 80

TM04: 81

TM05 82

TM06 83

TM07 84

TM08 85

TM09 86

TM10 87

TM11 88

TM12 89

TM13 8A

TM14 8B

TM15 8C

TM16 8D

TM17 8E

TM18 8F

TM19 90

TM20 91

TM21 92

TM22 93

TM23 94

TM24 95

TM25 96

TM26 97

TM27 98

TM28 99

TM29 9A

TM30 9B

TM31 9C

TM32 9D

TM33 9E

TM34 9F

TM35 A0

TM36 A1

TM37 A2

TM38 A3

TM39 A4

TM40 A5

TM41 A6

TM42 A7

TM43 A8

TM44 A9







HM01 B0

HM02 B1

HM03 B2

HM04 B3

HM05 B4

HM06 B5

HM07 B6


~You MUST move the Pokemon you are editing to the first slot! As soon as the code is disabled the Pokemon loses the attack UNLESS it was stored in a PC first

First Attack: 01XX2CDA

Second Attack: 01XX2DDA

Third Attack: 01XX2EDA

Fourth Attack: 01XX2FDA

01 - Pound.

02 - Karate Chop.

03 - Double Slap.

04 - Comet Punch.

05 - Mega Punch.

06 - Pay Day.

07 - Fire Punch.

08 - Ice Punch.

09 - Thunder Punch.

0A - Scratch.

0B - Vicegrip.

0C - Guillotine.

0D - Razor Wind.

0E - Swords Dance.

0F - Cut.

10 - Gust.

11 - Wing Attack.

12 - Whirlwind.

13 - Fly.

14 - Bind.

15 - Headbutt.

16 - Vinewhip.

17 - Stomp.

18 - Double Kick.

19 - Mega Kick.

1A - Jump Kick.

1B - Rolling Kick.

1C - Sand Attack.

1D - Slam.

1E - Horn Attack.

1F - Fury Attack.

20 - Horn Drill.

21 - Tackle.

22 - Body Slam.

23 - Wrap.

24 - Take Down.

25 - Thrash.

26 - Double-Edge.

27 - Tail Whip.

28 - Poison Sting.

29 - Twineedle.

2A - Pin Missle.

2B - Leer.

2C - Bite.

2D - Growl.

2E - Roar.

2F - Sing.

30 - Supersonic.

31 - Sonic Boom.

32 - Disable.

33 - Acid .

34 - Ember.

35 - Flamethrower.

36 - Mist.

37 - Water Gun.

38 - Hydro Pump.

39 - Surf.

3A - Ice Beam.

3B - Blizzard.

3C - Psybeam.

3D - Bubblebeam.

3E - Aurora Beam.

3F - Hyper Beam.

40 - Peck.

41 - Drill Peck.

42 - Submission.

43 - Low Kick.

44 - Counter.

45 - Seismic Toss.

46 - Strength.

47 - Absorb.

48 - Mega Drain.

49 - Leech Seed.

4A - Growth.

4B - Razor Leaf.

4C - Solar Beam.

4D - Poison Powder.

4E - Stunspore.

4F - Sleep Powder.

50 - Petal Dance.

51 - String Shot.

52 - Dragon Rage.

53 - Fire Spin.

54 - Thundershock.

55 - Thunderbolt.

56 - Thunder Wave.

57 - Thunder.

58 - Rock Throw.

59 - Earthquake.

5A - Fissure.

5B - Dig.

5C - Toxic.

5D - Confusion.

5E - Psychic.

5F - Hyponisis.

60 - Meditate.

61 - Agility.

62 - Quick Attack.

63 - Rage.

64 - Teleport.

65 - Night Shade .

66 - Mimic.

67 - Screech.

68 - Double Team.

69 - Recover.

6A - Harden.

6B - Minimize.

6C - Smoke Screen.

6D - Confuse Ray.

6E - Withdraw.

6F - Defense Curl.

70 - Barrier.

71 - Light Screen.

72 - Haze.

73 - Reflect.

74 - Focus Energy.

75 - Bide.

76 - Metronome.

77 - Mirror Move.

78 - Self-Destruct.

79 - Egg Bomb.

7A - Lick.

7B - Smog.

7C - Sludge.

7D - Bone Club.

7E - Fire Blast.

7F - Water Fall.

80 - Clamp.

81 - Swift.

82 - Skull Bash.

83 - Spike Cannon.

84 - Constrict.

85 - Amnesia.

86 - Kinesis.

87 - Softboiled.

88 - Hi-Jump Kick.

89 - Glare.

8A - Dream Eater.

8B - Poison Gas.

8C - Barrage.

8D - Leech Life.

8E - Lovely Kiss.

8F - Sky Attack.

90 - Transform.

91 - Bubble.

92 - Dizzy Punch.

93 - Spore.

94 - Flash.

95 - Psywave.

96 - Splash.

97 - Acid Armor.

98 - Crab Hammer.

99 - Explosion.

9A - Fury Swipes.

9B - Bonemerang.

9C - Rest.

9D - Rock Slide.

9E - Hyper Fang.

9F - Sharpen.

A0 - Conversion.

A1 - Tri Attack.

A2 - Super Fang.

A3 - Slash.

A4 - Substitue.

A5 - Struggle.

A6 - Sketch.

A7 - Triple Kick.

A8 - Thief.

A9 - Spider Web.

AA - Mind Reader.

AB - Nightmare.

AC - Flame Wheel.

AD - Snore.

AE - Curse.

AF - Flail.

B0 - Conversion2.

B1 - Air Blast.

B2 - Cotton Spore.

B3 - Reversal.

B4 - Spite.

B5 - Powder Snow.

B6 - Protect.

B7 - Mach Punch.

B8 - Scary Face.

B9 - Faint Attack.

BA - Sweet Kiss.

BB - Belly Drum.

BC - Sludge Bomb.

BD - Mud Slap.

BE - Octazooka.

BF - Spikes.

C0 - Zap Cannon.

C1 - Foresight.

C2 - Destiny Bond.

C3 - Perish Song.

C4 - Icy Wind.

C5 - Detect.

C6 - Bone Rush.

C7 - Lock-On.

C8 - Outrage.

C9 - Sandstorm .

CA - Giga Drain.

CB - Endure.

CC - Charm.

CD - Rollout.

CE - False Swipe.

CF - Swagger.

D0 - Drink Milk.

D1 - Spark.

D2 - Fury Cutter.

D3 - Steel Wing.

D4 - Mean Look.

D5 - Attract.

D6 - Sleep Talk.

D7 - Heal Bell.

D8 - Return.

D9 - Present.

the - Frustration.

DB - Safeguard.

DC - Pain Split.

DD - Sacred Fire.

DE - Magnitude.

DF - Dynamicpunch.

E0 - Megahorn.

E1 - Dragonbreath.

E2 - Baton Pass.

E3 - Encore.

E4 - Pursuit.

E5 - Rapid Spin.

E6 - Sweet Scent.

E7 - Iron Tail.

E8 - Metal Claw.

E9 - Vital Throw.

EA - Morning Sun.

EB - Synthesis.

EC - Moonlight.

ED - Hidden Power.

EE - Cross Chop.

EF - Twister.

F0 - Rain Dance.

F1 - Sunny Day.

F2 - Crunch.

F3 - Mirror Coat.

F4 - Psych Up.

F5 - Extremespeed.

F6 - Ancientpower.

F7 - Shadow Ball.

F8 - Future Sight.

F9 - Rock Smash.

FA - Whirlpool.

FB - Beat Up .


Always Battle:

Shiny Pokemon: 010719D1

Male Pokemon: 010519D1

Female Pokemon: 010419D1

If you need more help, we've got more Pokemon Silver cheats and also check out all of the answers for this game

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