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by DarthMarth

   /  ________    /   T H E  L E G E N D  O F
  /.-�       /   /________________     _______        ___
            / / / \    ___  | \  /     \   _  \       \  \
           / / /   |  |   \ | |  |     |  | \  \      /   \
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         / / /     |  |_/|    |  |     |  | |  |    / /  \  \
        / % /      |   _ |    |  |     |  | |  |   / /____\  \
       / / /       |  | \|    |  |     |  | |  |  /  _______  \
      / / /        |  |    /| |  |  /| |  | |  | /  /       \  \
     / / /         |  |___/ | |  |_/ | |  |_/  //  /         \  \
    / / /          /________| /______|/_______//___\         /___\
   /   /________.-�/     T H E
  /_______________/        W I N D  W A K E R
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for Nintendo Gamecube
FAQ/Walkthrough Written by DarthMarth
Version 1.0
Started: Sunday, January 11, 2004 
Finished: Saturday, June 5, 2004
1. Table of Contents (press Ctrl+F and type in the code next to the section, in 
parentheses instead of hyphens, to jump to it. On Mac browsers, use Command+F.)
1. Table of Contents (you�re reading it)
2. Introduction -Intrd-
3. FAQ �Frakq-
4. Walkthrough �Wlkth-
    a. The Beginning -Thbgn-
    b. Storming the Forsaken Fortress -Frsk1-
    c. The First Pearl -Dgnic-
    d. The Second Pearl -Fohfw-
    e. Old Hyrule -Twotg-
    f. Return to the Forsaken Fortress -Frsk2-
    g. Restoring the Master Sword -Erttm-
    h. Blade of Evil�s Bane -Wndtm-
    i. Gathering the Triforce -Gttri-
    j. The Final Showdown -Gnstw-
5. Game Controls �Gmeco-
6. Objects �Objct-
7. Items �Keitm-
8. Pieces of Heart �Piohe-
9. Charts �Chrts-
10. The Nintendo Gallery �Tniga-
11. Enemies �Enmis-
12. Secret Caves �Scrcv-
13. Sea Platforms �Seplt-
14. Submarines �Sumri-
15. Blue Chuchus �Blchu-
16. Big Octos �Bgoct-
17. Fairies �Fairs-
18. Islands �Islnd-
19. Minigames �Mngms-
20. The Tingle Tuner �Tntnq-
21. The Savage Labyrinth �Tsvlr-
22. Beedle�s Shop Ship Guide �Shogi-
23. Fun and Useful Tricks �Fuutr-
24. Legal Information/Contact �Legin-
2. Introduction (Intrd)

Welcome to my FAQ for one of my four favorite games of all time, The Legend of 
Zelda: The Wind Waker. I�ve put virtually everything you could need to know 
about the game into it. Hopefully, it will help answer any questions about 
items, Heart Pieces, Charts, where to go next, or just about anything else you 
have. With the insider tips and in-depth information provided by this FAQ, even 
a total newb should be able to beat the game with ease. If you find any errors 
or confusing parts, please don�t hesitate to E-mail me at [email protected].
3. FAQ (Frakq)

FAQ: What�s the letter-number thing you put after islands?
A: That�s the coordinate system. The letter (from A to G) tells you how far 
down on the Sea Chart the island is, from the first to seventh row. The 
following number shows how far to the right it is.

FAQ: I just visited the helmet-wearing Beedle at Rock Spire Island, and he says 
he closes in X days! How do I get enough Rupees to buy him out before then!?
A: Don�t worry, crazy Beedle�s only saying that as a marketing gimmick to 
attract customers. He does �close,� but instantly reopens after remodeling.

FAQ: How many saplings are there in the game?
A: 346.

I don�t have very many FAQs here, but if I answer a question online too many 
times, I�ll answer it here.
4. Walkthrough (Wlkth)

This is but one of the legends of which the people speak...

Long ago, there existed a kingdom where a golden power lay hidden. It was a 
prosperous land blessed with green forests, tall mountains, and peace.

But one day, a man of great evil found the golden power and took it for 
himself. With its strength at his command, he spread darkness across the 
kingdom. But then, when all hope had died, and the hour of doom seemed at 

A young boy clothed in green appeared as if from nowhere. Wielding the blade of 
evil�s bane, he sealed the dark on away and gave the land light.

The boy, who traveled through time to save the land, was known as the Hero of 
Time. The boy�s tale was passed down through generations until it became 

But then...a day came when a fell wind began to blow across the kingdom. The 
great evil that all though had been sealed away by the hero...once again crept 
forth from the depths of the earth, eager to resume its dark designs.

The people believed that the Hero of Time would once again come to save them. 
...But the Hero did not appear. Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people could 
do nothing but appear to the gods. In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they 
left their future in the hands of fate.

What became of that kingdom? None remain who know.

The memory of the kingdom vanished, but its legend survived on the wind�s 
breath. On a certain island, it became customary to garb boys in green when 
they came of age. Clothed in the green of fields, they aspired to find heroic 
blades and cast down evil. The elders wished only for the youths to know 
courage like the hero of legend...

a.	The Beginning (Thbgn)


As The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker begins, you find a young girl named 
Aryll searching for her brother, who I�ll call you or Link, who happens to be 
sleeping on a watch tower. (he must be sore) As Aryll runs down a ramp, looks 
through her telescope, and climbs up to the tower, you slowly wake up. She 
tells you that this tower is her private lookout, where she gazes at the sea 
with her telescope. As she asks you what day it is, she notices you�re still 
half-asleep. When she says it�s your birthday, you seem surprised. (what were 
you doing last night, anyway?) Apparently, your grandma has been waiting for 
you to go back to your house; you�d better hurry!

You now assume control of Link; climb down the ladder and run up the dock, to 
Outset Island. Now, head west, across a long bridge connecting the island�s two 
halves. On the western half, you should be able to see two houses; enter your 
house, the right-hand, single-story one. In here, climb the ladder to the loft, 
where your grandma is waiting for you. As a birthday present, she gives you the 
Hero�s Clothes! Link doesn�t look too happy about coming of age, though. 
Grandma tells you about the traditions the Hero�s Clothes symbolize, and how 
Orca is the only one on the island who still practices with weapons in this 
peaceful time. After you put the Hero�s Clothes on, Grandma tells you about her 
plans for your birthday party, then to go get your sister.

Leave the house and go back the way you came, to the watch tower. You will want 
to collect the island�s pigs for Rose and get the Orange Rupee under your 
Grandma�s house; it will pay off later. Consider visiting Beedle�s Shop Ship 
offshore to get some Bait. Climb up to the tower and talk to Aryll. She 
compliments your new clothes, then lets you borrow her most precious belonging: 
her telescope! Go ahead and try it out by zooming in on your house from the 
watch tower. Aryll asks you to zoom in on the postbox just outside your house, 
where a winged postman has delivered your mail and struggles to take off. After 
Aryll�s comments on the postman, she screams for you to look up in the sky! 
Zoom out and do so, and a cinematic of you spotting a massive, colorful bird 
clutching a girl plays! Suddenly, cannon fire whizzes past the bird; a pirate 
ship is pursuing it! The bird soon gets hit by a cannonball, dropping the girl 
into a forest high above the island. Aryll says the girl needs help, but it�s 
too dangerous in the forest without something to defend yourself. If you recall 
your Grandma�s comment about the island�s only swordmaster, you�ll know where 
to go.

Head back to the west side of the island, but as you leave the bridge enter the 
bottom floor of the two-story house, where Orca lives. He notices your worried 
expression when you talk to him, and offers to train you in the way of the 
sword. After you accept and bow, you�re challenged to do a horizontal slice. 
This should be easy; don�t touch the control stick or L button and press B. 
Continue this a few more times to advance to the next lesson. Next is the 
vertical slice. L-target Orca and hit B to do this one. Next, you must thrust 
your sword at Orca. L-target Orca and hold the control stick forward, then 
press B to do one. After you repeat this attack, you have to do a spin attack. 
Hold B instead of tapping it, then release it to perform one. The next 
technique, a parry attack, is slightly hard. L-target Orca, but don�t attack. 
Wait until he prepares to attack, the A button icon in the top right corner 
changes shape, and you hear a distinctive noise, then press A to parry his 
attack, dodging and countering it. The last move is the jump attack. With your 
sword drawn, L-target Orca and press A. After you finish your training, Orca 
lets you keep the Hero�s Sword!

Now, leave Orca�s house and once again cross the bridge. Continue past the dock 
to the watch tower, up a hill and behind Mesa�s house. When you reach a line of 
saplings blocking the way, cut them down with your sword. Follow the path to 
the top of the hill, and go across the long rope bridge to your left at the 
top. This bridge leads to the forest the giant bird dropped the girl into.


As you enter the forest, Link notices the girl hanging from a tree branch high 
up. Judging by her clothes and the pirate ship, she must be a pirate! Run up a 
ramp to the right, and drop down into a large area. You�ll have to fight an 
unarmed Bokoblin here; if you L-target it and use the attacks Orca taught you, 
you should defeat it easily. Climb up onto a short tree stump, and jump onto a 
ledge. Keep going and jump off a log ramp to another grassy area. Some 
Kargarocs drop two unarmed Bokoblin here; try to stay away from one as you 
engage the other. This fight shouldn�t be too hard.

When you beat both of the Bokoblin, the pirate girl wakes up. Seeing that she�s 
stuck on a branch, she struggles to get free and ends up falling to the ground. 
She immediately asks what�s with your green getup, then starts to remember how 
she got here. Suddenly, one of her pirate flunkies from the ship (Gonzo) runs 
in. When he calls, her, you realize the pirate girl�s name is Tetra, and she 
seems to be Gonzo�s superior. When Gonzo tells Tetra the bird dropped her on a 
mountain, she gets mad and for revenge. When you leave, you see that Aryll has 
followed up you, and is making her way across the bridge. From out of nowhere, 
the giant bird swoops down and grabs Aryll! Link runs after her, but nearly 
falls off a cliff without thinking.


You soon find yourself with Tetra and Gonzo back at the beach. Tetra is shocked 
by Link�s asking to come along on her ship to chase the bird. She first says 
that being a little kid, he�ll only bring a headache, but then the postman from 
earlier swoops down. He butts in and reasons that the bird wouldn�t have come 
at all if the pirates hadn�t led it here. He further explains that being so 
well-traveled, he�s heard that the same bird has been capturing blonde-haired, 
pointy-eared girls all over the Great Sea and mistook Aryll for Tetra. He 
happens to know that the bird�s next is to the north, at the Forsaken Fortress. 
Tetra reluctantly decides to take you along if you can find something to defend 
yourself in the dangerous Forsaken Fortress, but where would you find something 
like that? The shield in the family crest, of course!

If you�re in your second quest, you can easily get a Pictograph of Tetra while 
she�s standing on the beach. If not, you�ll have to wait until you beat the 
Helmaroc King to get her Pictograph.

Return to your house and climb up to the loft; the shield is gone! When you 
climb back down to the first floor, your Grandma is holding the shield. She 
knows what�s happened, and gives you the Hero�s Shield. Now, return to Tetra 
and say you�re ready to set off. As the pirate ship leaves Outset Island, Link 
waves goodbye to everyone on shore; his Grandma even comes out to watch him go. 
Tetra interrupts this touching moment and taunts you about being so 
sentimental. She then tells you to find another pirate called Niko below deck.


Go through the door on the ship�s front end. Yet another pirate, Nudge, guards 
Tetra�s cabin, so go down the stairs to Niko. Since he�s normally the bottom-
feeder on the pirate ship, he�s happy to have someone to boss around. He then 
decides to give you the standard swabbie test. It involves stepping on a 
switch, then jumping from platforms and swinging from ropes to reach the other 
side. After he finishes his instructions (listen carefully), he taunts that it 
will take you an entire year to complete, then tells you to start. When you hit 
the right-hand switch on the starting ledge, several platforms rise up from the 
ground to connect some swinging torches. You have 1 minute to navigate across 
them to reach the far ledge, where Niko awaits you. It shouldn�t be too hard to 
get from rope to rope; it�s just a matter of jumping to them. Keep the camera 
centered behind Link to line up your jumps. Though you can stop with R and line 
up your swing after you grab onto the torches, it�s far easier and faster to 
carefully aim your jumps before hand so you can immediately swing across, 
saving time. When you hear a clock start ticking, you have 20 seconds left. 
When the ticking quickens, you have 10 seconds. It will probably take a few 
tries to do, unless this isn�t your first time playing the beginning. If you 
mess up and fall before the platforms retract, climb the ladder to the starting 
ledge and hit the switch in front of it to retract the platforms and reset the 
timer so you can try again. Once you make it to the far platform, Niko is 
amazed by your skill. He thinks for a moment, and decides it�s okay to give you 
something. When he steps aside, go to the treasure chest behind hi and open it 
to get the Spoils Bag, which lets you carry battle spoils from enemies. Right 
after you get it, Tetra calls you to the deck; you reached the Forsaken 

b. Storming the Forsaken Fortress (Frsk1)

Once you�re on deck, Tetra calls you up to the crow�s nest. Tetra doesn�t seem 
to appreciate Niko�s �training,� but she lets it go to show you the Forsaken 
Fortress, in all its foreboding evil glory. Several searchlights around the 
perimeter of the fortress prevent the pirate ship from getting any closer. Link 
also notices the Helmaroc King nesting high up on the fortress� tower! Tetra 
points out a high window your sister is probably being kept in, but wonders 
aloud how to get you in. Suddenly, Link find himself stuck in a barrel mounted 
on the ship�s catapult! Tetra reassures him that pirates do this all the time 
(which I doubt), and starts the countdown. Soon after, Link finds himself 
flying through the air in the barrel, aimed at the Forsaken Fortress! 
Unfortunately, things don�t quite go as planned. He smashes into the tower and 
slides into the moat; even worse, his sword flies off onto a high ledge! In one 
of the unnecessarily most hated parts of the game, you�ll be exploring the 
Fortress without it.


As you climb onto the shore near where you fall into the water, something in 
Link�s pocket start vibrating, scaring the heck out of him. Link discovers that 
Tetra is talking to him through a pendant she slipped into his pocket, the 
Pirate�s Charm. (and you thought you had finally gotten away from her) She 
apologizes for her bad aim, then gives you instructions of using the Pirate�s 
Charm. After Tetra is finished talking to you, it�s time to storm the Forsaken 
Fortress. Since you�re unarmed, you�ll have to use stealth to get through. If 
you�re caught in one of the spotlights or by a patrolling Moblin, you 
immediately get thrown in jail. To escape, climb onto the table in the center 
of the cell, then jump to the shelf. Break or displace the vase on top of it to 
reveal a crawlspace; go through this to emerge on the other side of the bars. 
Luckily, the searchlights are only in the courtyard, which you should have to 
enter anyway, and the Moblin only patrol the first-floor hallways, which you 
don�t need to explore at all. Just in case, grab one of the barrels near where 
you came ashore. If it�s hollow, Link will put it over him as a disguise. As 
long as he stays still under the barrel, enemies can�t see him. (unfortunately, 
the ever-annoying Rats can; they can also cheaply break the barrel)

After you get the barrel, climb the flight of stairs. Don�t go into the 
courtyard ahead; all that�s there are some tempting but poisoned Rupees. 
Instead, climb another flight of stairs next to the first to reach the safer 
second floor. Be sure to stop before the searchlight passes over you. Once you 
reach the top, don�t enter the covered hallway; instead, look to the right 
(southwest) for a ramp. Keep your barrel on and run up it. Once you get to the 
top of the ramp, look right; there�s a ladder ahead leading up to one of the 
searchlights. A Bokoblin is operating the controls, and when you get too close 
he attacks you with a Boko Stick. Either approach L-target him and deflect his 
attack with your shield (hopefully knocking the stick out of his hands) or run 
left around the searchlight and look for a pot of Boko Sticks. Pick it up and 
throw it. Either way, once you manage to get a Boko Stick, pummel and defeat 
the Bokoblin with it. (it takes 5 hits) The searchlight he was operating stops 
works and faces up; only two more to go.

Next, head back down the ladder and to the covered hallway you saw earlier. Go 
through the door to the right here, closest to the ramp you�re coming down.  In 
this room, look across the gap in front of you for a treasure chest. Remember 
what you did with Niko; swing across the lantern in here to the chest, which 
contains the Dungeon Map of the Forsaken Fortress. Now swing back across and 
enter the door you didn�t come in through. To the left, through an opening in 
the hallway, is a balcony with a ladder leading to the second searchlight. 
Climb it, and don�t move when you get to the top; the Bokoblin is close. Inch 
around to the right to the Boko Stick pot. Repeat what you did before to 
disable this searchlight. Next, look for a wide ledge (not the narrow one you 
climbed up through) and jump back down to the walkway/ramp you climbed before. 

Go back down to the covered hallway, and enter the door you entered before, on 
the southwest end of it. Now, jump down to the lower level of this room. Behind 
some barrels in the northwest corner here is a switch; press it to open a 
nearby jail cell. Inside is a chest containing a Piece of Heart, likely your 
first one. Now that you have that, leave through the northeast door.

In the hallway, deliberately get caught by a Moblin so that you get thrown into 
the jail on the second floor. If you forgot how to get out, look a few 
paragraphs above. After you escape, run down the hallway back to the room you 
were just in. You can grab the Dungeon Map here if you missed swinging to it 
before; either way, swing back across and leave through the northeast door.

From where you got the Treasure Chart, go straight across the covered hallway 
from where and enter the room directly below the third searchlight. In front of 
you, behind some barrels, look for the Compass in a treasure chest. Now either 
swing across the gap in the room via the lantern of jump across a long shelf 
near the Compass. Once you reach the other side of the room, exit once again.

Look for the doorway to another balcony on your left as you enter the covered 
hallway. There�s a ramp leading up from this balcony; like before, a ladder to 
a searchlight is at the top. One last time, disable the searchlight. Look just 
to the left for a pot of Boko Sticks. Now, climb down and go back down the ramp 
and the northwest door across from where you entered. As usual, swing across 
the lantern in this room and exit. Out here, look to the left balcony. You�re 
right above a ladder to the courtyard, but it�s a short ways off the ground. 
Push the crate next to the ladder off the ledge, then jump down and push it 
under the ladder to make a helpful shortcut. Now that the searchlights are all 
disabled and you can get back up, go ahead and grab the Rupees in the 
courtyard. When you�re ready, climb back up and continue on through the next 

Now that you have access to the courtyard, you can easily reach the room where 
you got the Treasure Chart, connected to the jail. Go through the northwest 
door here, down a hallway to another room. On the first floor of this room�s 
west side is a treasure chest with a Yellow Rupee, on a bed. Be careful when 
jumping down to claim it. A statue above the room�s double doors fires deadly 
accurate laser beams at you if you get too close. Stay along the side of the 
wall to hopefully dodge the attack as you claim the Yellow Rupee. You can reach 
a ledge from which you can swim back to the KoRL, but this involves running to 
the door the statue guards; save and quit instead, then run back and use the 
shortcut you opened to resume your quest.

The next room is a shipyard patrolled by two Moblins. Be very careful, but 
don�t bother with the nearby barrel. You�ll only have to sneak past one of the 
Moblin guards to reach the far door, but you�ll have to watch out for Rats. 
Sneak past the Moblin when he�s walking away from the door; if you run and roll 
fast enough while his back is turned, he won�t notice you. Once you get past 
him, climb the stairs to the left and go through the door. You�ll have to climb 
three staircases now, and there�s a Moblin above them. Move the camera so you 
can see where he�s going. Between the second and third staircases and on the 
third, either stay close to the wall so the Moblin can�t see you, or wait for 
it to pass by. Once you reach the top, wait for the Moblin to go away and get 
in the barrel. Use it to sneak past the Moblin, preferably when it�s far away.

Once you�re a very safe distance from the Moblin, take the barrel off and keep 
going. Eventually, you come across a very narrow ledge. Before sidling across 
it, jump off to the south to get onto a ledge near one of the disfunctional 
searchlights. Like before, you�ll notice a crate on the ledge. Push it off to 
create another, even more convenient shortcut from the walkway near the third 
searchlight. Now climb back up the ladder to where you were before and sidle 
across the narrow ledge. Run around a bend in the path and repeat this on 
another ledge, this time picking up two hearts on the way. You might need them.

Climb up another ramp. Up ahead is a Shield Bokoblin-and your Sword! As you 
enter the area, Link notices his Sword, and starts to jump for joy. Suddenly, 
spikes seal off the exit and the Shield Bokoblin attacks! L-target it and keep 
your Shield up as you circle around it and dash for your Sword; pick it up with 
A. Once you have your Sword back, defeat the Shield Bokoblin. (try parrying its 
attacks, or play it safe by shielding yourself from its attacks, then 
immediately dropping your guard and slicing it) Once you defeat the Shield 
Bokoblin, a bar lift from the lock of a large wooden door near you. Enter it to 
emerge in a tall room, with a jail cell containing your sister and several 
other kidnapping victims! Link runs to Aryll, but before he can get to her the 
Helmaroc King returns and grabs him in its beak! It flies to the top of the 
tower, where a mysterious robed man with greenish skin and a red beard is 
standing. This man must be the Helmaroc King�s master; with a simple nod of his 
head, he commands his pet to fling you away, far off over the Great Sea...

Picto Box: Windfall Island (B4)
Piece of Heart: Windfall Island (B4), Squid-Hunt Minigame 
Piece of Heart: Pawprint Isle (B5)
Tingle Tuner: Windfall Island (B4)
Tingle�s Chart: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Chart 7: Windfall Island (B4), Squid-Hunt Minigame 
Treasure Chart 23: Windfall Island (B4), Squid-Hunt Minigame 
Treasure Chart 34: Pawprint Isle (B5), Salvage Corp.

c. The First Pearl (Dgnic)


After his unscheduled flight across the Great Sea, Link finds himself floating 
unconscious in the middle of the ocean as a red boat hull pulls up to him. He 
wakes up in the boat, as a voice calls his name. As Link wakes up, the bearded 
figurehead of the boat turns around and speaks to him! It turns out that Link 
has had the fortune of being found by the world�s only talking boat, the King 
of Red Lions. (who will be called the KoRL hereafter) The KoRL says he was 
watching you as you stormed the Forsaken Fortress to rescue your sister, but 
your attempt was too foolhardy to work. He then tells you the mysterious robed 
man who commanded the Helmaroc King to throw you is named Ganon. (that�s a 
typo; since he�s in human form his name is Ganondorf) Ganondorf is the one who 
tried to obtain the power of the gods and was sealed away by the Hero of Time, 
as you saw in the intro. The KoRL still doesn�t know how Ganondorf was able to 
return. (but I do; it�s a plot device) After you confirm that you still want to 
save your sister, the KoRL agrees to guide you, but warns you that the key to 
beating Ganondorf is locked away.

Once the KoRL has told Link all this, it�s time to leave! There�s one problem: 
although the KoRL possesses the power of speech, he doesn�t have a Sail. 
Without one, it will take you days just to cross a single quadrant. You�ll have 
to search around in this town of merchants and buy one. Don�t listen to the 
KoRL�s warnings to hurry; take your time. If you�re feeling lost on Windfall, 
check out the �THINGS TO GET AFTER the Forsaken Fortress� section just above, 
or the Islands section.

Okay, now I�ll assume you�ve done any sidequests you want to do, namely 
*shudder* visiting Tingle to get his items and the Picto Box, and playing the 
heck out of the Squid-Hunt game. Once you�re ready, look for an outdoor stall 
under the Cafe on the northeast side of Windfall. It is owned by Zunari, a 
strange merchant in a parka and enormous hood. When you talk to him across his 
counter, he tells you that he sailed here from a cold land far away, but was 
marooned. Only he and �that� survived the storm. Since he notices you�re a 
traveler, he offers to sell you �that� for 80 Rupees. When you buy it, you find 
that �that� is a Sail! If you don�t have enough, smash the pots around 
Windfall, then enter a building and do it again. Once you have the Sail and are 
finished with any sidequests, return to the KoRL. After he tells you how to use 
the Sail and your Sea Chart, it�s time to set sail to the first destination he 
marked, Dragon Roost Island, two quadrants to the west. Consider stopping on 
Pawprint Isle in between Windfall and Dragon Roost Islands for an easy Piece of 


As you approach the towering Dragon Roost Island, the KoRL announces it to you. 
A great sky spirit named Valoo lives here and has a jewel called Din�s Pearl. 
You�ll have to ask the native Rito people to see him. As you start to leave, 
the KoRL almost forgets to give you a baton called the Wind Waker. In ancient 
times, people used it to borrow the power of the gods. Now it�s your turn to 
use it. First, the KoRL has you conduct a practice melody, in 3/4 time. Use the 
C-stick to point the Wind Waker the right way. It has to be the correct 
direction when the counter above you passes the center. Instead of trying to 
time it, just hold the C-stick until you play the right note. The KoRL also has 
you practice in 4/4 and 6/4 time. Use the D-pad or control stick to switch 
rhythms. After you�ve finished all this, the KoRL gives you the Wind Waker to 

Although you now have the Wind Waker, you still don�t have any songs for it; 
it�s time to get one! Look for a nearby tunnel directly through the island; off 
the shore on the other side is a small island with a shrine. Swim out to this 
island. There are two blue stone tablets out here, but one is broken. Pull out 
your Wind Waker in front of the unbroken one. Out of nowhere, a song plays. 
Imitate it on your Wind Waker to learn the essential Wind�s Requiem, which 
allows you to change the direction of the wind! It will be perfect for sailing! 
After Link learns the Wind�s Requiem, a crazy frog riding a cloud swoops down 
next to Link. He introduces himself as Zephos, the god of winds. He tells you 
what the Wind�s Requiem does, then about his brother, Cyclos. He�s angry that 
his monument was broken, and now has fun by summoning giant cyclones around the 
Great Sea. Zephos requests that you chastise his brother for him if you ever 
meet Cyclos, then flies off.

Now, go back to the other side of Dragon Roost Island. To your left, at the 
bottom of a ramp, a giant cracked boulder blocks the path. Just to the left of 
this on the shore of a pond are some Bomb Flowers. Pick one, set it next to the 
rock, and get the heck away! If you set it close enough (you can also try 
throwing the Bomb), the rock gets blown to kingdom come and you can pass. Make 
sure to get rid of the Bomb in time. Like all the large rocks, it leaves a 
Yellow Rupee behind for your trouble. Continue up the slope, and use the next 
Bomb Flower to blow up the two nearby cracked rocks. Keep going through the 
right-hand one, to a third Bomb Flower on the slope. Grab the Bomb while facing 
towards the cliff face but slightly to the right, then side jump until you can 
throw the Bomb on top of the ledge, near the last cracked rock. It should get 
blown up if you were facing the right way. Get the Yellow Rupee, then sidle 
across the narrow ledge and get the Blue Rupee at the end. Walk towards the 
ledge facing out to sea so that you fall instead of jump, landing near a Bomb 
Flower. Throw the Bomb at the rock below two blocks up ahead. When it blows up, 
the blocks fall into an indentation. Jump down to where they fell and pull the 
lower one out to create a shortcut. Now climb up them and keep going, through a 
short tunnel.

Someone is waiting for you at the other side of the tunnel; it�s none other 
than your postman! He�s pleased that you�ve traveled this far, then asks about 
your sister. He reassures you that she�ll be okay, then decides to fly ahead 
and tell the rest of the Rito that you�re coming. Follow him by running up the 
long balcony and into the Rito aerie.

As you enter, the Rito Chieftain is asking someone if he�s discovered the cause 
o the great Valoo�s anger...this can�t be good. He then notices you, and says 
Quill (the name of your postman) has told him all about you. He says the Rito 
will help you, but they�re dealing with a problem of their own right now. To 
grow their wings and begin their life in the sky, young Rito must climb Dragon 
Roost Island must get a scale from Valoo. Unfortunately, he has become violent 
and enraged, preventing this from happening. Without any new flying Rito, their 
whole way of life will eventually be threatened. Before the Rito can help you 
with your problem, they must deal with theirs. Quill and the Chieftain decide 
to let you visit the Chieftain�s son, Komali. He is at the age to get his 
wings, but because of this situation he might just give up. The Chieftain also 
asks you to give his son something for him, but you�ll have to find a young 
girl named Medli to get it. Lastly, Quill gives you the Delivery Bag, which 
lest you hold letters, documents, and Windfall Island decorations.

After this conversation is over, ascend the ramp winding around the edge of the 
aerie and enter the first door you come across. Medli is standing directly in 
front of you here. Medli seems to recognize you and your Hero�s Clothes, then 
introduces herself as the attendant of Valoo. Actually, that�s not accurate; 
she�s still studying to become one. She then remembers the things the Chieftain 
gave her, and gives you a letter addressed to Komali. She also asks you to do 
her a favor and meet her outside the entrance to Dragon Roost Cavern later. 
Now, leave the Chieftain�s room and jump back down to the first floor. Run down 
a tunnel opposite the main aerie entrance and enter Komali�s room.

Komali is sitting on his bed, holding what looks like a big orange ball. 
Players of Oracle of Ages should recognize the symbol on it; could this be 
Din�s Pearl? When you give Komali the Chieftain�s letter, he reads it and 
doesn�t seem to care about his father�s encouragement; he doesn�t have to get a 
scale from Valoo. He also doesn�t care about you saying you can calm Valoo 
down. Komali will only listen to you if you can find someone who can reach 
Valoo on top of Dragon Roost Island. Now leave Komali�s room and go through the 
other exit to the aerie�s first floor, a tunnel with light at the end.

Ash continually blows through the air in this barren area; there are also 
several wilted Bomb Flowers near you. Turn left and jump down into the lower 
part of the area, where Medli is waiting. She tells you there used to be a 
spring here, but Valoo knocked a boulder down, blocking it off. Only a tiny bit 
of water trickles out from beneath it now. When you tell Medli about Komali, 
she seems concerned... She tells you she feels guilty about the way Komali is. 
His grandmother was a great attendant who taught Medli; if Medli was as great 
an attendant as her, Komali might feel more confident about seeing Valoo. She 
wants to go to a shrine on top of Dragon Roost Island, but needs some help 
getting up a high ledge. Agree to help her, but note the crazy wind that 
switches direction often. Get out the Wind Waker and play the Wind�s Requiem to 
set the wind to the north, towards the ledge. Now pick Medli and throw her at 
the ledge from the raised rock. For a laugh, make her crash into the ledge. 
Once you get her on top of the ledge, Medli says she�s going to meet with Valoo 
and try to calm him. She also gives you your first Empty Bottle, which can hold 
all kinds of useful things. Useful things like water, for instance.

Use your Empty Bottle to scoop up some water from the spring, then climb to 
where you entered and water one or more of the withered Bomb Flowers. Pick the 
Bomb from it, wait a few seconds, then throw it at the boulder from the 
railing. It may take a few tries to get the timing, but you�ll eventually blow 
up the boulder and free the spring. With water filling the lower area, you can 
now swim across to the ledge where Medli was. A short distance behind it is a 
small lake of lava with two jar-holing statues on either side of it. Pick one 
of the Bomb Flowers next to the pool and throw it into the right-hand, nearest 
statue�s jar. It will probably take a few tries to get the distance right. Once 
you do this, the statue falls, creating a bridge across the lava. Pick another 
Bomb and jump onto the statue so you can repeat this with the far one. Throw 
the Bomb in from the middle of the statue. Once both statues have fallen, you 
can use them to get across the lava and enter the cave up ahead to...


As the first real dungeon of the game, Dragon Roost Cavern will provide you 
with plenty of thrills and chills...well, maybe not chills. The entryway is 
fairly boring, and players of the Wind Waker demo should recognize it. Break 
the pots around it for Rupees or heart, then look at the 3 statues in the 
middle part of the room. Grab onto the left one with R, then pull it away from 
the wall. (how does Link grab onto it?) Then get behind it and pull the middle 
one to where the left one was to open a doorway to the second part of the room. 
In here, you�ll have to fight two Bokoblin holding flaming Boko Sticks. Stay 
moving, keep your shield up when not attacking, and try not to get caught 
between both of them. If you have trouble in this fight, I sure hope this game 
is a rental... After they�re both defeated, pick up one of the flaming Boko 
Sticks and use it to light the two torches in the northwest corner of the room. 
When both of them light, a chest appears containing a key you can use to unlock 
the nearby door to the next room. If the stick goes out, relight it at the 
torch on the northeast side of the room.

As you go through the short hallway and enter the next room, you�ll notice the 
dungeon�s concentration on fire. The Wind Waker follows suit from Ocarina of 
Time, in that its first three Dungeons focus on the elements of Fire, Earth and 
Water. They also take place in the same settings: a giant tree, a searing 
volcano, and-um, if a huge tower can be counted as a leviathan fish-god, they 
all happen in the same places. Anyway, this room is a massive lava cavern, the 
central room of Dragon Roost Cavern. Start by going left across the wooden 
walkway. The door up ahead is locked; keep going on the passage to the right of 
it. There�s a ledge on the wall between a sizeable gap in the walkway ahead. 
Jump down and pull a block out from the cave wall. Climb onto this block and 
jump from it to the other side of the interrupted walkway. Keep going until you 
reach a short gap. When jumping it, make sure the lava geyser isn�t going off 
to avoid great pain! Before the long rope bridge, you�ll undoubtedly attract 
the attention of some Keese. Defeat them with vertical slashes as they get 
close; try to do it from a platform and not the bridge. On the other side of 
the bridge, there are a few Bomb Flowers grab a Bomb and throw it at the 
boulder at the other side of the short bridge to blow it up. Then enter the 
door behind it.

The next room consists of three alcoves with a pool of lava in between them. If 
you grab one of the large jars near you and run around, you�ll see that it�s 
filled with water. Throw it about halfway between the ledge you�re on and the 
one to the southeast to solidify some of the lava into a temporary platform. 
Jump across this to the next ledge, but make sure it�s positioned right. If it 
isn�t, wait for it to melt and try again. If you ever run out of pots, exit the 
room and reenter to make more appear. Anyway, the ledge you�ll reach next 
contains a chest with the Dragon Roost Cavern Dungeon Map! Repeat the same 
process to get to the final ledge using the pots on this ledge. Don�t climb the 
ladder to the next room yet; instead, walk around the bottom and a Red Chuchu 
will probably jump down. Slay it, then keep going to the next room.

There are some wood beams ahead of you here. Keep your shield out as you walk 
towards them; a Bokoblin holding a sword will smash through them. Defeat it as 
usual with sword attacks, then grab its sword and use it to smash the room�s 
other wood beams. In the second part of the room, drop the sword. There are two 
Red Chuchus on a ledge to the left; either lure them off it or climb up, then 
defeat the either way. Go back and get the sword and smash the wood beams 
behind them, then open the treasure chest behind them. It has a Small Key 
inside, just what you need to open the door in the lava cavern! Now, exit 
through the northwest to the aforementioned cavern.

There�s another cracked boulder sitting on a ledge up ahead, but the only Bomb 
Flowers nearby are growing on a wall, out of reach. Look east of where you came 
in from a couple of rocks. Throw one at one of the Bomb Flowers to detonate 
them and blow up the rock. If you keep missing and run out of rocks, exit and 
reenter the room. Once you get past the rock, you�ll be back where you first 
came in. Keep going ahead and through the locked door.

In the next room, note the lava-filled side passage to the right. You�ll be 
returning to it later to get a Treasure Chart. Keep going ahead, defeating the 
Red Chuchus as you go. Behind some boards to the left, another Bokoblin is 
prepared to ambush you. Once again, keep your shield in front of you and draw 
him out. Once you defeat the Bokoblin, take its Boko Stick and light it on one 
of the torches on either side of the sealed exit. Once it�s lit, use it to burn 
away the other boards in the room. Behind them, there is a switch; press it to 
unseal the door.

When you go through that door, you emerge outside! Be very careful not to fall 
as you cross the rope bridge to the right. Defeat the Bokoblin at the end with 
sword thrusts so you don�t cut any of the ropes. After that, climb the ladder 
ahead but be careful. Periodically, a jet of lava spurts from the cliff side 
and through the ladder. Stop climbing just before it, then quickly continue as 
soon as it stops. Once you get to the top, defeat the Kargaroc with vertical 
slashes or a jump attack; remember to shield its attacks. There�s a narrow 
board sticking out of the wall, beyond the top of the ladder. Sidle across it, 
but look out for the lava jet like before. Walk around a large cracked boulder 
to the next ledge, which is too narrow to even sidle across. Move up to it so 
Link grabs on, then move across it while hanging from your hands. Once across, 
climb two ledges up to a Bomb Flower. Pick a Bomb from it, wait a second or 
two, then throw it at the cracked boulder. Try to get the Bomb to land on the 
boulder, or time it so it blows up as it falls past. Once the boulder blows up, 
it reveals a door behind it. Enter this door to reenter the Cavern.

Once you climb up two ledges in the next room, you find 3 stacks of blocks. The 
side stacks have 3 blocks; the middle has 4. To get past this minor puzzle, 
pull a block out from the bottom of the center and one of the side stacks. 
Climb onto the top of the side stack, then the main stack from there. The door 
to the next room is just in front of the top block.

The next room is swarming with Rats. Now that you have your sword back, you can 
defeat the Rats, but they are constantly moving which makes it hard. If you got 
some All-Purpose Bait from Beedle, spread it in front of the nearby rat hole on 
the lowest part of the room. The Rats not only stop attacking you; another Rat 
will sell you more Bait or Potions! After the Rats are somehow taken care of, 
pull the block out from the north wall and use it to climb to the top part of 
the room. In the east side of the room, on a wood-floored alcove is a treasure 
chest containing the Compass! To reach a chest in the south part of the room, 
you�ll first have to get rid of the wooden boards in front of it. They aren�t 
cracked and there are no Bokoblin with swords to be found, so you can�t smash 
them. Instead, break the pot of Boko Stick next to the locked north exit and 
light one on the torch near the Compass chest. Then face the boards and throw 
the flaming Boko Stick at it to burn them up. Once the boards are gone, jump 
down and climb the ladder up to the chest; inside is a Small Key you can use to 
open the north door.

For the next room, you find yourself outside again. Go up the stairs to the 
right; some parts have fallen away, so you�ll have to jump them. At the top, a 
Kargaroc nests on the end of a narrow, projecting rock. Run up to the bird to 
make it chase you, then lure it back to the main ledge before defeating it so 
you don�t risk falling. After the Kargaroc is defeated, grab the Small Key it 
was sitting on and use it to open the next door.

The next room is extremely dark. Run southeast to the eastern part of the room, 
where several Keese attack you. Defeat them with vertical strikes as usual. Be 
sure to open the chest in an alcove to the east containing a Joy Pendant. Then 
go back to the entrance, smash a Boko Stick pot, and light one on the nearby 
torch. Run back to the formerly Keese-filled part of the room, and light the 
torch in the center of it. Keep running to the south part and light both 
torches there to unseal the door. If your Boko Stick burns out, relight it on 
he last torch you lit.

Once you go through the unsealed door, you find yourself high up in the main 
lava cavern. To your right is a Bomb Flower; to your left, a Warping Jar as 
seen in the dungeon�s first room, with a cracked boulder covering the entrance. 
Pick a Bomb and throw it next to the jar to blow up the boulder. You can now 
use the Jar to warp between here and the first room! Convenient, huh? Now is a 
good time to save your game; after that�s done, run across the rope bridge to 
the next room.

Right off the bat, defeat the Bokoblin in the next room. I shouldn�t have to 
give you any tips by now. After that, go around the room and smash all the 
pots; several more Bokoblin to defeat hide in them. To get the one on a shelf 
east of the entry door, roll into the wall below it. When you beat all the 
Bokoblin (there are three total), the entry and exit doors unseal. Before you 
climb the ladder to the exit and leave, get a Boko Stick either from one of the 
hiding Bokoblin or from a jar on the walkway above. Go to the plinth in the 
west side of the room, and light the Stick on the lit torch. When you light the 
unlit one next to it, a treasure chest containing Treasure Chart 11 appears 
between them! After you get it, exit the room.

The small lava cavern you arrive in next can be one of the trickiest rooms in 
the dungeon if you don�t know what you�re doing. The ledge you enter on has 
quite a few jars of water. A small, circular platform has a Magtail crawling 
around on it, and after that a lava geyser periodically spouts up. The platform 
the Magtail is on is too small for you to defeat it with a parry attack without 
cheaply falling into the lava. Instead, grab a water jar, L-target the Magtail 
from the ledge you�re on, and throw the jar at it to stun it. Once it�s 
stunned, ump over to the Magtail, pick it up, and carry it back to the bigger 
ledge, where you can set it down and defeat it with your sword easily. Once the 
Magtail has been dispatched, grab another water jar, jump to the small platform 
with it, and throw it over the spot where the lava geyser shoots out. 
(preferably not while it�s doing so) Then jump on and wait for it to lift you 
and the solidified lava up. From there, you can easily jump onto a wooden 
walkway and continue to the next room.

This room is one of the last in the dungeon; you can even see the giant gold 
lock of the boss door on the north end of it! Unfortunately, not only do you 
not have the key to open it, you also can�t cross the expanse of lava in front 
of you. You�ll be taking care of both of these problems soon, however. For now, 
look for a Bomb Flower just to the right of where you enter. (make sure you 
don�t jump straight to it, or you�ll hit the lava) Use the Flower to uncover 
both a nearby Warping Jar (save afterwards) and the door to the next room, in 
the south.

The next room actually isn�t a room at all, but another outside part! The only 
way to go is up a staircase, but be fast. The stairs crumble moments after you 
step on them; keep rolling to stay ahead of the collapse. When you get to the 
top, look through the doorway to a large clearing just below Valoo. Two Shield 
Bokoblin are holding Medli prisoner! Enter the clearing, which closes off 
behind you, and fight them. With your Bokoblin-slaying experience, you should 
be able to defeat them easily. After that, a Kargaroc airlifts a hulking Moblin 
into the arena to fight you! Since you don�t have the Boomerang yet, defeating 
it can be slightly hard. Try to keep shielding its attacks from a short 
distance away, then jump attack the Moblin right after it attacks. Stay away 
from it when you knock its spear away; the Moblin can attack you with an 
insanely powerful punch when unarmed. If you keep attacking it right after It 
attacks, or try parrying its attacks, you should be able to beat the Moblin. If 
you�re having trouble, the pots around the edge of the area contain hearts. 
Once you defeat the Moblin, the door to Medli�s cage opens.

When you talk to Medli, she tells you she�s found the cause of Valoo�s anger. 
Something in the cavern below him is hurting his tail. Medli decides to go back 
down and tell everyone what�s happening. To help you out, she gives you the 
device she used to get this far. It was also used by Ritos before they evolved 
wings. Without further ado, please welcome out special guest...the Grappling 
Hook! Medli then tells you to climb to a ledge to the left, and flies up to 
help you learn to use the Grappling Hook. To Grapple across an overhanging 
branch in front of the ledge, first press the Grappling Hook button to aim it 
in first-person mode. (you can also use it in third-person mode while L-
targeted) Move the red targeting dot (it�s got laser sighting!) over the middle 
part of the Grapple post until you gear an audio cue and a yellow sparkle 
appears, then press the Grappling Hook button again to let it fly and Grapple 
onto the target. Once you get swinging, the controls are exactly the same as 
for swinging from lanterns like in the Pirate Ship and Forsaken Fortress. Once 
you swing across, run ahead and repeat the step, then smash through some boards 
with your sword. Jump down, and you�ll be directly in front of the door you 
came out of. Don�t go through it, though. Look to the east for some more ledges 
with Grappling posts in between. Use the Grappling Hook to travel down the 
ledges and enter the door at the end. Remember to stay on the outside of every 
ledge when Grappling, so you don�t fly off the ledge.

Run across the rope bridge, defeating the Bokoblin on the end with sword 
thrusts. Keep your shield out as you approach the pots beyond him, as a Shield 
Bokoblin will attempt to ambush you from one of them. When you defeat it, a 
chest appears in the room, directly below you. Run back to the bridge and cut 
all the ropes on it with horizontal slashes. Normally this would be a bad idea, 
but when the bridge here collapses, Link jumps down to a walkway below. Open 
the chest you made to get a Joy Pendant, then leave through the west door to 
reenter the main lava cavern.

Turn right and jump onto a large, circular platform hanging from a large 
birdcage-like structure. Periodically, a massive lava geyser buffets this 
platform. You have to cut all the ropes to free the platform, but if you only 
cut one or two it dumps you into the lava. Charge up a spin attack facing away 
from the ropes, then edge in between them and unleash it to slice all 3 at 
once. Once the platform reaches the surface of the lava, jump off it to a ledge 
to the northeast. Jump across two hanging platforms and climb a ladder to reach 
a sealed door in the shape of a monster head. Then, look to the south for an 
elaborate Grapple post. Grapple onto it to unseal the door, then swing back 
onto the ledge (you�ll probably have to battle some Keese first).

There�s a Grapple post just ahead of you over some lava, but it only takes you 
to a dead end.

This end isn�t dead if you have the Tingle Tuner, which can be used to find a 
Tingle Statue. You can uncover a hidden chest containing a it using a Tingle 
Bomb on the right spot.

Anyway, rather than swinging directly across, hold R to stop and turn 90 
degrees to face east. Then release R and start swinging until you can release 
yourself and get to the ledge in front of you. Jump across 3 hanging platforms, 
and from there use the Grappling Hook on a post high up to reach the exit.

The next room contains an elaborate blue chest with the dungeon�s Boss Key, but 
it�s surrounded by flames. A continuous pressure switch next to the flames 
extinguishes them, but you obviously can�t be in two places at once. Instead, 
L-target the Magtail that will crawl from the lava and lure it so that it�s 
between you and the flames/switch. When the Magtail rears up to attack, keep 
your distance and stun it with the Grappling Hook. Quickly pick the curled-up 
Magtail up and set it on the switch to drop the flames, then grab the Big Key. 
Now that you have it, you could backtrack all the way to the room with the boss 
door, but there�s an easier way: just save and quit to reappear in the 
beginning of the dungeon, where you can use the Warping Jars to easily reach 
the final room.

Before you enter the first jar, however, use your Compass to locate an unopened 
treasure chest in a nearby room. Go to the lava cavern, then turn left to the 
room. You should remember the lava-filled passage to your right as you enter 
the room, and now that you have the Grappling Hook, you can reach it using the 
Grapple post on the ceiling. Once again, smash the wooden boards on the other 
side, then open the treasure chest to get Treasure Chart 39. Now, go back to 
the first room and take the Warping Jars to the boss door room.

Back in the Boss Door room, you know the drill; cross the previously impassable 
lava moat in here by Grappling the post above it. On the other side, defeat the 
Magtail with a parry attack and open the treasure chests. The west one contains 
a Yellow Rupee; the east one has a Knight�s Crest. If you didn�t buy a Blue 
Potion from the Rat earlier, smash open the pots at the top of the stairs to 
get FAIRIES!!! Be sure not to accidentally have them heal you as you catch one. 
After you have a Fairy, save and go through the boss door.

It�s quiet in the boss room...too quiet. It seems to consist of a ring of land 
around a pool of lava, with wooden platforms high up on the walls. Hanging from 
the ceiling is Valoo�s tail; the creature torturing it must be here, meaning 
it�s the boss! As you walk forward, the lava begins to heat up, and a massive 
lava scorpion emerges from it, spewing fire and knocking Link backward with its 
claws! (nice entrance) Get ready to fight...

Difficulty: *
This giant scorpion is a very easy boss if you know the right way to beat it. 
Without one, Gohma is nearly impossible. Basically a huge Magtail, it�s been 
spewing lava around its cavern and tormenting Valoo, even solidifying some rock 
around his tail. If you want to calm Valoo and get Din�s Pearl, you�ll have to 
defeat Gohma. 

-Defensive Strategy-
First, its attacks. Gohma has four attacks. Its main attack is to slam one of 
its claws at you. Don�t L-target Gohma; instead, run around and roll when you 
hear Gohma grunt and prepare to attack. Its second attack is identical to the 
first, but it gets its claw stuck in the ground for some time, which is very 
helpful later. I don�t know exactly what determines when its claw gets stuck; 
if you do, E-mail me about it. Its third attack is a cheap, quick claw attack 
that�s nearly impossible to dodge unless you roll as soon as you hear the 
distinctive sound. It also sometimes attacks with its two claws, embedding them 
on either side of you, then belches forth fire breath to toast you. This attack 
isn�t too tough to dodge, and is actually quite desirable. When it uses the 
preliminary claw attack, roll through the openings under either of Gohma�s 
claws before it attacks with its fire breath. (you have plenty of time) With 
practice, you�ll be able to anticipate Gohma�s attacks merely by the sounds 
associated with them. Also, one other thing of note; don�t worry about falling 
into the lava Gohma swims in; you won�t have to restart the battle if you do. 
(you�ll still take damage)

-Offensive Strategy-
As with all Dungeon Bosses, you�ll use the item you got in the Dungeon to make 
Gohma vulnerable, then unload a beating on it with your Hero�s Sword. The 
strategies I provided for dodging Gohma�s attacks are all well and good, but 
with a method partially of my own invention, you won�t need any of them. As the 
battle starts, quickly whip out your Grappling Hook and look above Gohma. 
You�ll see Valoo�s tail, twitching and whipping around in pain. Quickly move 
the cursor to the general area where the spiked end of Valoo�s tail is until 
you get the symbol indicating a Grappling target. Toss the hook so it grabs 
onto Valoo�s tail. Swing over Gohma on the rope, then let go as you reach the 
other side. Your weight makes the rock Valoo�s tail is embedded in fall, right 
onto Gohma�s ugly mug. This cracks its hard exoskeleton, and makes it fall back 
into the lava. As it builds up strength and rears up to replace the rock, get 
your Grappling Hook back out and move the cursor to approximately where Valoo�s 
tail will be when Gohma rears back up. As soon as the rock is back in place, 
throw the Grappling Hook again and repeat the cycle. The only way Gohma can 
complicate things is by interrupting Grapple mode by hitting you with one of 
the flying fireballs as it drops back into the lava, though this doesn�t happen 
all the time and can be prevented by standing next to the wall. If this 
happens, you�ll probably notice that Gohma�s normal claw strike hits you too 
fast and often for you to Grapple Valoo�s tail again. Instead, run to the wall 
on the outer rim of the arena. Gohma�s claw attacks can�t hit you here, and if 
it tries to use its fire breath, you can simply roll out of it and Grapple 
Valoo�s tail. You don�t even have to wait, however. Inch away from the wall 
until you�re just barely far enough to Grapple Valoo�s tail yet not be in reach 
of Gohma�s claws. (to do this, alternate between slowly walking away and trying 
to aim at Valoo�s tail) If you perfect this method, Grappling Valoo�s tail is 
easy no matter what. Drop the rock on Gohma a total of three times to break its 
armor completely off. After that, lock onto the beast and use your Grappling 
Hook on its eye to yank it over to you and stun it, then attack it with your 
sword. Repeat this attack three times to defeat it. One other thing of note: 
there are wooden platforms placed all over the cave. If you manage to Grapple 
onto one, good for you. Gohma has a much harder time attacking you up there 
(though I think it can eventually burn them off) so you�ll have more time to 
Grapple onto Valoo�s tail. There are also pots with Hearts on these platforms.

When you beat Gohma, it solidifies and turns into black rock, which then 
superheats and explodes. Link does the happy dance as a Heart Container appears 
in front of him! Finally, the lava in the middle of the arena solidifies and a 
windy vortex appears in the middle. Grab the Heart Container to increase your 
total hearts by one, then enter the vortex to warp out of the dungeon.

After you enter the warp, you see Valoo roaring outside as Medli talks to the 
chieftain and other Rito. Suddenly, the clouds surrounding the mountain clear 
up and the ash stops flying through the air!


Link next finds himself back on the beach of Dragon Roost Island. Medli and 
Komali appear behind him. Komali apologizes for mistrusting you, and adds that 
he wants to be like you someday. Then he decides to give you the thing he 
values most, Din�s Pearl, to give him the courage to stand up to bad things. 
After you get the sacred pearl, Medli tells you that Valoo is also grateful. 
Medli translates the ancient Hylian he speaks in; he�s telling you to �use the 
wind god�s wind.� If you followed the walkthrough and got the Wind�s Requiem 
earlier, you�ll already have done this. He also names you a true hero, and 
Medli agrees. Komali, filled with new courage, decides to leave for Valoo at 
once to get his wings. After thanking you, Medli also leaves.

Once you�re ready to leave Dragon Roost Island, swim up to the KoRL. He guesses 
that Ganondorf must have sent the monster to this place. This means you should 
hurry to the south, before the reach the second pearl! Although you can use the 
Wind Waker in the KoRL, he won�t let you get on unless you�ve changed the wind 
to the south.

As you start sailing to the south, a voice stops you. A Merman jumps out of the 
water and surfaces next to you. He comments that your sea chart is downright 
pathetic; it looks like it has nothing but oceans drawn on it. The Merman pulls 
a paintbrush out from the water, and draws Dragon Roost Island on your chart. 
He also tells you of a cave high up on the back side of the Island. He says 
he�ll send word to all his brethren about you; to get a chart of your current 
area from them, just spread some All-Purpose Bait on the water while near them. 
As the Merman suggests, you should definitely make a habit of mapping every 
area you come across. Before he dives back below the Sea, he says something 
about repaying a debt to the KoRL...what could he mean?

Once you get out to sea, remember to stop at Bomb Island to get the Empty 
Bottle, and map every quadrant you pass through. Just beyond it in quadrant F6 
is your next destination: Forest Haven.

Empty Bottle: Bomb Island (E6), Submarine
Piece of Heart: Any mailbox
Piece of Heart: Dragon Roost Island (B6), Mail Sorting Minigame
Piece of Heart: Dragon Roost Island (B6), 20 Golden Feathers required

d. The Second Pearl (Fohfw)


As you approach Forest Haven on the KoRL, he introduces it and pulls up to its 
shore. You must find the spirit of the earth, the Great Deku Tree, and get 
Farore�s Pearl from him. This may not be easy; it�s likely Ganondorf�s minions 
have already reached this place.

Run up some ledges from the shoreline; at the top you�ll probably find a Boko 
Baba soon. To defeat these plantlike enemies, L-target them and mash B to 
unleash a sword thrust combo. The first three hits stun the Boko Baba and make 
its stem vulnerable, while the fourth hit kills it. Make sure not to hesitate 
too long near the Baba, or it will try and eat you! Climb up a grassy hill, 
defeating 4 Boko Babas as you go. When you reach a ledge overlooking a 
waterfall, get out your Grappling Hook and use the post overhead to swing 
across. You�ll probably have to adjust your direction while hanging. Once you 
swing to an island on the waterfall, a River Octorok to the right will probably 
start shooting rocks at you. Draw your sword, and then shield yourself from the 
projectile to deflect it back at the Octorok, killing it. Then jump across to 
another grassy platform where you must defeat another Boko Baba. Be very 
careful when jumping over the river; if you fall in it will pull you over the 
waterfall and force you to start over. Once it�s dispatched, jump to another 
island in the middle of the river, climb a ledge, then jump to a circular 
platform at the top of a second waterfall. Before Grappling onto the post far 
above, get out your shield and kill another River Octorok by deflecting its 
rock. Once you reach the shallow, placid water it was floating in, enter Forest 
Haven through the large doorway.

Once you are in the overgrown Forest Haven, run along the shallow river and 
climb up a waterfall ahead. (as if Link wasn�t already wet enough) Keep going 
up another waterfall farther on, then climb onto the land beyond that. The 
massive trunk occupying the center of the dry land here is the Great Deku Tree! 
As you walk around to its face, you see it has a downright gruesome case of 
Chuchu acne! Roll into the Great Deku Tree to dislodge the Chuchus, then keep 
moving as you defeat them. Besides the weak Red Chuchus, you must also fight 
off some Green Chuchus. They take two sword hits to defeat instead of one, and 
are only vulnerable just before they attack.

Once you beat all the Chuchus, the Great Deku Tree says something to you in 
Hylian. He quickly starts speaking English (or whatever they speak on the Great 
Sea) and says that seeing your Hero�s Clothes (or pajamas, in the second quest) 
caused the ancient Hylian language to emerge. He thanks you for ridding him of 
the Chuchus, and correctly guesses that the KoRL took you here. He then deduces 
that you need Farore�s Pearl, and that Ganondorf has returned and sent his 
minions to claim it. After that, he calls out the so-called children of the 
woods, the Koroks, from their hiding places to meet you. The Koroks are 
strange, wooden people who fly around on helicopter-like leaves. They used to 
assume human forms (players of OoT should know who), but become Koroks when 
they took up living on the Great Sea. It seems that you�ve arrived in Forest 
Haven just in time for an important yearly ceremony of the Koroks; the Great 
Deku Tree will give you Farore�s Pearl after it is complete.

Unfortunately, there is a problem. One of the Koroks, Makar, is missing in 
action. He has fallen into the Forbidden Woods, a massive, thorn-covered tree 
you may have noticed on your way to Forest Haven. The Great Deku Tree is 
immediately concerned, and asks you to go to the Forbidden Woods and rescue 
him. Linder, the Korok who brought the bad news, reminds the Great Deku Tree 
that you can�t fly to the Forbidden Woods like Koroks can. He bestows on you 
the Deku Leaf, a special item that will let you fly (or at least glide) through 
the sky. Conveniently enough, he summons it on his highest branch.

To reach the Deku Leaf, look for some Baba Buds around the Great Deku Tree�s 
base. They look like hiding Boko Babas, but are purple instead of red. Jump 
into the one at ground level, then use the control stick to aim yourself. You 
want the next bud (you�re traveling around the Deku Tree clockwise) to be 
directly in the center of your screen. When it is, hold the control stick up to 
launch yourself into it. If you aren�t aligned, don�t touch the control stick 
to fall back into the bud. Launch yourself from bud to bud to make your way 
around the Great Deku Tree. About halfway, you land on a leafy branch. Use the 
Grappling Hook to swing from an overhanging branch to the next bud; make sure 
to align yourself so the rope is right over the bud. You definitely don�t want 
to fall as you get higher, or you�ll lose some health. After you reach the 
highest branch, grab the Deku Leaf. It�s uses are twofold: you can use it on 
the ground to fire blasts of air at enemies or blow away leaves. In the air, 
you can deploy it to glide through the air for long distances. You are also 
given a Magic Meter, which is used to power the Deku Leaf�s gliding ability. 
Now that you have it, look around you for a ledge far below with a grass patch 
in the shape of an arrow. Glide to this ledge and drop onto it. (use the C-
stick to move the camera directly above you) Once you reach the ledge, chop 
down some grass to refill your Magic Meter and go through the door to Forest 
Haven�s exterior.

You emerge on a ledge high above the sea. Directly ahead of you are the 
imposing Forbidden Woods, but you aren�t high up enough to reach them by 
gliding. Instead, you�ll have to stop at an island to the southwest first. 
Remember to set the wind in this direction; when gliding outside, you�re at its 
mercy. Once you�re ready, glide to the island, using the C-stick to align 
yourself for dropping onto it. Now slice down some plants to refill your Magic 
Meter once again, and set the wind to the northwest. To get the altitude you 
need to reach the entrance to the Forbidden Woods, you must glide through a 
whirlwind that circles the island. It�s a little ways out, so when facing the 
Forbidden Woods jump and start gliding as soon as it enters your field of 
vision to hopefully go through it. (make sure to L-target so you aren�t looking 
down over the ledge instead) Luckily, when you�re first entering the Forbidden 
Woods, a failed attempt at gliding returns you to the island, minus a quarter 
heart. Once you hit the whirlwind and start gliding, there�s one more obstacle. 
Some helicopter-like enemies called Peahats are floating near the entrance. 
I�ve found that the best way to dodge them is to swerve right, then left so you 
can drop onto the ledge. Once you have reached it, go through the doorway to 
the Forbidden Woods.


As soon as you enter the Forbidden Woods (and hopefully before that), you�ll 
see that it�s the earth-themed dungeon. The entry room is filled with tall 
grass and Green Chuchus. Defeat them all as you did at the base of the Great 
Deku Tree; parrying their attacks works well in beating them. Also, keep in 
mind that the Deku Leaf can stun them briefly. There are quite a few in the 
area around the dungeon entrance, a couple more near the room�s Warping Jars, 
several in the northwest corner of the room in front of a giant nut, and also 
several in the northeast corner, guarding a treasure chest containing the 
Dungeon Map. Once you cleared them all out and received the Dungeon Map, look 
at the door to the next room. A strange blue flower blocks the door with 
sprawling vines, and closes up in defense whenever you get close. To kill it, 
pick the Deku Nut from the northwest corner of the room, and throw it at the 
flower from a distance, when it isn�t closed up. Be accurate though; it begins 
to rot as soon as you pick it and eventually shatters. (luckily, you can simply 
pick it again) Once you�ve hit the open flower with the Deku Nut, it blows up 
and you can continue to the next room.

This room is very tall, spanning from the basement to the third floor of the 
Forbidden Woods.

If you want to get a Knight�s Crest, jump down to the basement to get a rare 
Knight�s Crest. To avoid damage from any long falls, intermittently get your 
Deku Leaf out and put it away to break your fall. (and most likely your arms) 
Once at the basement floor, you�ll see that the chest in the north side of the 
room is protected by another viney flower. To get rid of it, defeat the 2 Boko 
Babas around the room, and preferably the 4 Green Chuchus. Then, take the Boko 
Stick left behind by one of the Babas and light it on a torch near the treasure 
chest. Throw the flaming stick at the flower from a distance to burn it away so 
you can get the Knight�s Crest.

To get back up, jump into one of the Boko Buds around the basement. The nearby 
Boko Buds are too far away to launch yourself into; to reach them, glide over 
with the Deku Leaf after you�re launched out. Don�t worry about running out of 
magic, either; it�s partially replenished when you enter a Boko Bud. Use this 
method to reach a ledge on the northern part of the room, on the second floor. 
Unfortunately, the exit is blocked off my-you guessed it-another flower. This 
time, you�ll have to blow it off using the nearby Bomb Flower. It�s guarded by 
some Green Chuchus, however; defeat them with style by luring them near the 
Flower, then slashing it with your sword to blow them all to kingdom come. 
(make sure to run away quickly!) After the Green Chuchus are defeated, throw a 
Bomb at the flower to blow it up and go through the door.

The next room is relatively small. A primitive cable car hangs on the far side 
of the room. Besides that, the only landmarks of the room are two switches that 
look like those spinning cups meteorologists use to measure wind speed. They�re 
used the same way here; blow some wind at the one to the left with the Deku 
Leaf to start it spinning, moving the cable car next to your ledge. Jump onto 
it, then blow wind either south towards the entrance or the far wind switch, 
over to the northeast. Either way, the cable car should move to the opposite 
ledge, letting you go through.

The next room is another dead end; you�ll have to travel up to advance. You�ll 
find some Boko Babas and some Peahats in here. To defeat the Peahats, L-target 
and blow a Deku Leaf wind blast at them to destroy their helicopter attachments 
and make them fall to the ground stunned. Once you done this, it only takes a 
single sword hit to defeat them. Defeating Boko Babas also becomes easier with 
the Deku Leaf; you can stun them safely from a distance with the Deku Leaf 
instead of a sword combo. Anyway, fight your way to the northeastern-most Boko 
Baba and defeat it; its bud turns into a Boko Bud. Get into it and use it and a 
second bud to reach the upper floor of the room, and a tricky puzzle. Once 
again, the door is blocked by a flower, but the only Deku Nut grows on the 
other side of the room, reachable only by a cable car.

Before you get the Nut, there�s a treasure chest below you with a Red Rupee in 
it. If you�re short on funds, get to the chest by edging off the south ledge 
near the door, so you grab onto it. Press A to drop, then immediately hold 
forward on the control stick to grab onto the ledge below, where the Red Rupee 
chest is. You can also use the Deku Leaf to reach it from the cable car on the 
south end of the room. 

Anyway, when you�re ready, get onto the cable car, and use the Deku Leaf either 
in the opposite of the direction you want to go or the farther wind switch to 
reach the ledge with the Deku Nut. Shatter the boards blocking it with your 
sword, pick the Nut, and set it down on the cable car. Get to the ledge with 
the flower once again the same way you did before. (make sure the Deku Nut 
isn�t in the way, or you�ll blow it off the cable car and have to start over) 
For some reason, you can�t reach the ledge while holding the nut, so throw it 
over first, then jump. Once again, use it to destroy the flower from a short 
distance, then go through the door.

The next room is a simple, slightly psychedelic tunnel of wood. The door is 
once again blocked by a flower, but this time the Deku Nut is in plain sight. 
Unfortunately, reaching it is tougher than it looks, as a ring of massive, 
thorny vines pops out of the ground when you get close. Use the Deku Leaf to 
blow the next out of the ring, then side around the side of the room and pick 
it up. You should know what to do now; pick the Nut up and use it to get 
through the door.

Just as Dragon Roost Cavern had the massive lava cavern, the Forbidden Woods 
has its own main room, and you�re entering it. The room spans from the basement 
to the top floor, though this isn�t evident right away. It�s dominated by a 
massive flower that hangs from the high ceiling on 5 blue vines. To start with, 
look to the right and use your Grappling Hook to swing up to a ledge. Next, 
you�ll see two huge vines with flat platforms at their ends. They move back and 
forth in a predictable pattern. Jump onto the nearest one when it moves close, 
then to the farthest one, then to a ledge with a Deku Nut and locked door. 
Since you don�t have a key, grab the Deku Nut jump onto the ledge surrounding 
the hanging flower and run 90 degrees around it to one last ledge. Use the Deku 
Nut to kill the flower as usual. (after killing the flower, you can claim some 
Rupees inside the flower if you want) After it�s gone, don�t enter the next 
room yet look left, to the south, for some vertically moving platforms. Jump to 
the first one when it lowers, then to the second in the middle, then from it to 
a ledge high up. Use the Deku Leaf to blow away a pile of leaves here and 
reveal a Warping Jar! Now go back down the vertically moving platforms and 
enter the next room/

This room is basically a long hallway. Inside a crevasse in the middle of it, 
there is a chest containing a Yellow Rupee. The only other thing of note are 
the Morths that jump out of the pinecones and await you in the crevasse. 
Although they�re covered in spikes, Morths can only slow you down, not hurt 
you. Remove them with a spin attack. Anyway, you can enter the next room 
whenever you want.

This large, circular room is extremely annoying. Many, many thorny vines form a 
dangerous maze that can easily surprise and damage you if you move too fast in 
it. Walk at all times to avoid taking a cheap hit. First, walk through the maze 
to the left, making your way to the south side. Once you make it, use the Bomb 
Flower to blow up the wooden boards blocking off an alcove containing a 
treasure chest with the Compass! Before leaving this area, grab another Bomb 
and throw it towards the room�s southwest side, hopefully near more boards. 
Once you blow these boards up, slowly make your way back to the door and then 
keep going; it shouldn�t be hard to find the way over to the boards your blew 
up. Behind them, you can find a Small Key. Next, use the Baba Bud to glide over 
to the pillars in the middle of the room. You can get the contents of the pots 
around here if you want, but they aren�t very important. Glide back to the door 
from a Baba Bud when you�re ready, then return to the giant flower room.

Back here, you can now go through the locked door the Deku Nut grew in front 

This is another cable car room, but this time you must defend yourself against 
some Peahats. Quickly get across the room with the cable car, and only defeat 
Peahats if you have to. The next door is already unlocked.

In the first floor of this tall room, you must defeat 2 Boko Babas and a 
Wingless Mothula. These new enemies are fast and slow you down with Morths, but 
are fairly weak to your sword. Defeat it before it does too much damage to you. 
Once that�s ready, use the Baba Bud from one of the Boko Babas to get to a 
ledge of branches and leaves. You�ll have to fight off more Peahats up here 
before using another bud to ascend to the fourth floor. Up here, defeat even 
more Peahats if you must, but hurry to go through the north door.

As Link enters this dead-end room, the door locks behind him. The room seems 
empty, but a massive Mothula is waiting right above him! Get ready for a 
miniboss battle! Because it flies above you, you obviously can�t just attack 
it. L-target the monstrous insect and hit it with a Deku Leaf wind blast to 
stun the Mothula and make it drift down to the ground, where you can cut it 
apart with your sword. (try to use a jump attack) Each sword hit also removes 
one of its wings. Once you have taken off all four of its wings, it becomes a 
normal Mothula, except with much more health. As a winged Mothula, its main 
attack is a rocket-powered charge that leaves Morths behind. Try to ignore the 
Morths, and jump out of the way. Spin attack the Morths off if they slow you 
down too much. When its wings are removed, try to shield yourself from the 
Mothula�s rapid charges and hit it with your sword. Once you slay it, a gate 
opens up in the northwest corner of the room. Behind it is a treasure chest 
containing the most useful item in the game: the Boomerang.

The Boomerang has many uses. If you L-target an enemy, the Boomerang seeks it 
out and stuns it. It can even destroy weak enemies instantly, including Boko 
Babas. Two hits from it can also defeat a Peahat from a distance. When not L-
targeted, you can hold the Boomerang�s assigned button and move the red 
targeting cursor over up to 5 objects. When you let it fly, it seeks out all 5 
objects and hits them. It even carries items back to you! As with the Grappling 
Hook, you�ll immediately have to use the Boomerang to escape the room. Look 
above the door with it, and target both crystal switches. When you release the 
Boomerang, it hits both and opens the door.

Back in the tall room, Peahats seem much easier now that two throws of your new 
superweapon defeats them.

You can now take the time to get a chest containing a Joy Pendant if you wish. 
Look above the northwest part of the top branch level for a Grapple branch. Get 
swinging, then climb the rope onto the branch. Swing from another branch, onto 
a grassy ledge. From here, time your jumps to cross two vertically moving 
platforms and onto a ledge with the treasure chest.

From here, either take the boring or fun (climbing down or jumping) way down to 
the top level of branches. The south door here is blocked off by two flowers. 
Target and destroy both of them with the Boomerang and go through.

This room is above the last cable car room you went through. You need to reach 
the far ledge by gliding, but a few dozen hanging pinecones bock the way. 
Destroy them five at a time with the Boomerang to clear the way and then use 
the Deku Leaf to cross the gap. Open the chest to the left containing a Joy 
Pendant before going through the door.

You emerge high up in the giant flower room, in view of the 5 blue vines. To 
advance, you�ll have to go to the basement, which is blocked off by a net of 
vines. To smash through it, use the Boomerang to cut the five vines the flower 
hangs from, causing it to drop down to the basement. Jump off the ledge after 
it. Although you fall four floors, you take no damage from landing on the 
flower or in the water it�s floating in. If you want to get out of the 
basement, stand on the western ledge with the exit and hit the wind switch to 
the northeast with the Deku Leaf. This causes a huge updraft to rise from the 
flower. Jump into the Boko Bud next to you and glide into the updraft with the 
Deku Leaf to quickly ascend to the first floor. You shouldn�t do this yet, 
however. Instead, go through the western door.

As soon as you enter this room, L-target the Peahat that floats nearby and 
defeat it with the Boomerang. Then manually use it to destroy the Morths 
sitting on the three platforms in front of you, so you can jump across them and 
to the right-hand ledge. There are several Chuchus and creepy Grabbing Hands 
here; don�t waste time fighting them and instead roll to the door as fast as 
you can.

A small, withered flower hangs from four vines in front of you here. If you 
want more Rupees, jump across it and open the treasure chest for a Yellow 

Use the Boomerang to sever the vines on this flower as before, and jump down 
onto it. Defeat the River Octorok that will attack with your shield or the 
Boomerang, and then jump to the southern ledge. Pick the Bomb here, jump with 
it back to the flower, and from there throw it at the wooden boards on the 
north side of the room to blow them up, opening up the room with Treasure Chart 

You�ll probably have to defeat some Peahats with the Boomerang as you enter 
this room. Make sure to sidestep so you don�t get hit.

If you have the Tingle Tuner, jump down to the low platform in the southeast 
corner of the room. Slice down the saplings here, then use the Tingle Tuner to 
find a hidden item. As before, Tingle Bomb it to reveal a chest with a Tingle 

Anyway, jump back to the entry ledge and onto a small platform with leaves. 
Defeat a Boko Baba on the next platform with the Boomerang, then jump to the 
center platform. Run around the back and keeping jumping to the north end of 
the room. Make sure to defeat the Morths and Boko Baba on the platforms. When 
you defeat the Baba, it turns into a Baba Bud. Use it and the Deku Leaf to 
reach a high ledge on the north side of the room. There�s another cable car set 
up here, and you should know what to do. Use it to reach the south ledge, and 
pick a Bomb from the flower there. Throw the Bomb from the cable car, into the 
large, funnel-like tree stump in the middle of the center platform. It may take 
several tires to get it right; when you throw the Bomb into the funnel 
successfully, a cinematic is shown with the Bomb blowing a flower off a chest 
there. Go back to the main platform and crawl into the stump through a crawlway 
on the north side. Open the chest to get Treasure Chart 1, then leave and go to 
the previous room.

Back in this room, move forward and look left for a ladder you should climb. 
You�ll be back where you first entered the room; slice the vines supporting the 
flower once again and jump onto it. Defeat the River Octorok, then move the 
flower around on the water by shooting a wind blast in the opposite of where 
you want to go. As you get to the northwest corner of the tunnel, you�ll 
probably have to defeat two Octoroks; use the Hero�s Shield here, as you likely 
get hit while aiming the Boomerang. Once you defeat them, pull the flower up to 
the ledge and jump onto it. Roll past more Grabbing Hands and Green Chuchus to 
enter the next room.

A wooden gate with a familiar, ornate blue chest behind it is directly in front 
of you in this circular room. Look to the left of it for a ramp, and run up it 
to the top of the large stump. Get out your Boomerang and target all 5 crystal 
switches surrounding you, then hit them in quick succession to open the gate. 
Jump down and go through it to get the Boss Key! As you exit the alcove with 
the chest, Kargarocs airlift two Moblins in to fight you! Don�t be intimidated, 
though; this fight is much easier now that you have the Boomerang. L-target a 
Moblin and whack it with the superweapon to stun it long enough to unload a 
sword combo. It�s recommended you stun both before attacking, so the second one 
doesn�t hit you. Keep stunning and attacking the Moblins to defeat them. (it 
becomes easier after the first one is destroyed) When you beat both, the door 
you entered through doesn�t unlock, but a door high up to the east does. Get 
back on top of the stump, and swing to the door with the Grappling Hook.

You�re back in the forked room here. Defeat the Peahat and Morths on the 
platforms as you did before, and reenter the bottom floor of the main room.

As I said before, to get up, first hit the wind switch to the left with a wind 
blast to start a massive updraft from the flower. Get into the Baba Bud to the 
right and fly into it with the Deku Leaf to ascend to the second floor. Use the 
Boomerang to destroy the two flowers blocking the door to the east and go 
through it.

You�ll have to fight two Wingless Mothulas in this long room. Use the Boomerang 
on them to make the fight easier. (stun both at once like you did before) After 
beating them, open the chest with a Joy Pendant that appears and enter the next 

This dimly lit room is filled with pine cones containing refills and Morths. 
The Boss Door is on the east side of the room, and there�s also a Warping Jar. 
To open it, break the jar of Boko Sticks on the right side of the Boss Door, 
light one on a nearby torch, and burn the Jar�s cover off. You can enter the 
Boss Door if you want, but I�d recommend backtracking to get Treasure Chart 15 
before leaving the Forbidden Woods, unless you want to go through the trouble 
of reentering it later.

Anyway, use the Warping Jar (or just save and quit) to return to the first room 
of the dungeon, and advance to the second. Back in the second room, use the 
Baba Buds and the Deku Leaf to get to a high ledge on the northeast side of the 
room, on the third floor. From here, glide across the room to the southwest 
side, landing on the left side of the ledge to avoid a Boko Baba. Defeat it and 
use the Boomerang to destroy a flower covering a chest in an alcove. Open the 
chest to get Treasure Chart 15. Then, reach the final room again by saving, 
quitting, and using the Warping Jars. Once you�re back, go through the boss 

Inside the Boss room, the lost Korok Makar is jumping up and down in the middle 
of a gigantic blue flower, with a boss nowhere to be seen. Link is happy, until 
an off-color Boko Baba extends from the middle of the flower and eats Makar! As 
the flower closes up, a forest of vines attaches to the ceiling and raises the 
monstrosity into the air. This is the Boss of the Forbidden Woods, Kalle Demos!

Difficulty: **
Kalle Demos is a mutated Boko Baba shrouded within a massive, tentacled Baba 
Bud. It�s the master of the Forbidden Woods, and also ate the hapless Korok 
Makar. As usual, it�s up to you to utilize the Dungeon item to defeat it, 
restore peace to the nearby Forest Haven, and get Farore�s Pearl.

-Defensive Strategy-
Kalle Demos� attacks both involve the waving tentacles surrounding the main 
flower. It either whips across the battlefield with one tentacle or attacks 
with several from underground. A tentacle flashes yellow when it�s about to 
attack. Both attacks can be avoided by running around Kalle Demos. Don�t stay 
still too long, or you�ll get whipped. If you�re running low on health and 
Potions/Fairies, cut the bushes around the edge of the arena to find Heart 

-Offensive Strategy-
As long as Kalle Demos is suspended from the ground, it�s invulnerable to 
attack. Its weak spot are the vines attaching it to the ceiling. As the battle 
starts, whip out your Boomerang (don�t target Kalle Demos; go into first-person 
mode) and quickly pass the cursor over at least five vines to target them. 
Release the Boomerang, and quickly sidestep and jump around Kalle Demos as it 
weaves through and cuts some of the vines suspending it. Once your Boomerang 
returns, you should be at a new position, quickly get it back out and repeat 
the process on more vines before it attacks you. Continue cutting its vines 
with the Boomerang until they�ve all been severed. At this point, the massive 
flower crashes to the ground and opens up to reveal the vulnerable Boko Baba 
inside. Draw your sword as you run up to it, and unload everything you have on 
the Baba. (make sure to Z-target it) Kalle Demos only stays open like this for 
a few seconds before it closes and reattaches to the ceiling, so be quick about 
attacking it. If you�re standing on it when it closes, it engulfs you and you 
take damage, but this is an acceptable trade-off to get some extra damage done. 
Repeat this process until it dies; it will likely take you 2-3 rounds of 
severing all the vines and attacking it with your sword before Kalle Demos 
dies, depending on how fast you are. Also, remember to cut its vines quickly; 
they eventually reattach themselves.

When you beat Kalle Demos, the Boko Baba in the middle of it is severed and 
flies up into the air, then thrashes around on the ground and blows up, leaving 
behind a Heart Container and Makar. The giant blue flower wilts and turns grey, 
flattening and creating a swirling warp in the middle of it. Makar thanks you 
for rescuing him, then remembers the forest ceremony is today and says he has 
to leave immediately. As with Gohma, get the Heart Container and enter the 
warp, this time with Makar.


You reappear holding Makar in front of the Great Deku Tree. Makar jumps down 
and apologizes for getting lost. The Great Deku Tree forgives him, then 
congratulates you. In thanks, he hands over Farore�s Pearl. Hey, the ceremony 
hasn�t been completed yet! Well, it�s about to start. Makar starts playing his 
violin and the forest ceremony begins! All the other Koroks start singing 
(rather badly) and seeds appear in the Great Deku Tree�s branches. 8 of the 
Koroks fly up and get the seeds, and after a few parting words they leave to 
plant new Deku Trees all over the Great Sea. Now, leave Forest Haven and return 
to the KoRL. (on your way, note that you have some mail. The Rito Chieftain has 
belatedly sent you a Piece of Heart for helping him and Komali!) When you talk 
to him, he worries that Ganondorf may be regaining his power. You have to hurry 
and get the last pearl, to the northwest!

Although this KoRL hurries you along as usual, you can ignore him, also as 
usual. Now that you have the Boomerang, he lets you go anywhere in the Great 
Sea; feel free to take care of any sidequests you want. Anyway, your eventual 
destination is Greatfish Isle, in quadrant D2. As usual, it�s marked 
conspicuously on your sea chart. You may have to fight off some enemies on your 
way, but you can dispatch them with the Boomerang. Be quick when fighting 
Seahats, as they can easily knock you out of your boat!


As you approach Greatfish Isle, it definitely doesn�t look like the resting 
place of the third Pearl. A dark cloud hangs over it, and it looks jagged and 
torn apart. As you approach the Isle, the sky darkens and heavy rain starts to 
fall. You are too late; a great water spirit named Jabun lived here once, but 
it�s obvious that he�s gone now. Quill then swoops down to you, and tells you 
that the destruction of Greatfish Isle is the work of Ganondorf�s forces. 
Luckily, he was able to flee the Isle before they attacked, and now resides at 
your home island, Outset! Unfortunately, the cave in which he lives is sealed 
by a great stone slab. Quill says that not even the pirates could get through 
it; apparently, he revealed Jabun�s location to them while asking about your 
whereabouts. They were last spotted by Quill on Windfall Island, but he doesn�t 
know what they were doing. You�ll have to visit them to see Jabun. He then 
comments on the dark skies and rain of Greatfish Isle, in contrast to the rest 
of the Great Sea. Valoo was right in calling this Isle cursed, and Quill 
recommends against staying here long. You should still probably get the Piece 
of Heart on the cliffside using the Deku Leaf, but when you�re ready you should 
set sail back to Windfall Island. (you�ll need to use the Boomerang to defeat a 
Gyorg near Tingle Island on the way)


As you approach Windfall, you�ll probably notice the pirate ship docked by it. 
The KoRL reasons that if they�re trying to get the pearl, they won�t tell you 
anything if you ask them. He says you should try to find out what they�re up 
to, without them noticing you. But where did the pirates go, anyway? Exactly 
where you�d go if you wanted to break through a giant rock: the bomb shop. Head 
over to the shop, on the southwestern corner of the island, but don�t go 
through the front door; one of the pirates just tells you they are closed. 
Instead, look to the left of the shop. Either sidle or jump across the gap here 
to get around to the back of the shop. Climb some vines on the back wall, then 
crawl through a small opening on the roof.

As Link crawls onto a high shelf in the Bomb Shop, he sees the pirates finish 
tying Cannon up below. It�s no wonder they�re stealing the Bombs, considering 
how much Cannon charged for them. After that, Mako compliments Gonzo on getting 
information on you from Quill. (those dishonest crooks!) Mako comments that if 
Gonzo and Tetra had a kid, he could be the best pirate ever, which gets Gonzo 
mad. Tetra scolds both of them for wasting times with their jokes, and tells 
them to get the Bombs back to the ship so they can immediately set sail. Gonzo 
is taken aback and begs her to let them stay at Windfall for the night. Tetra 
gets mad at them, and says that the same destruction that happened to Greatfish 
Isle could happen at Outset if they don�t hurry. Mako comments that Tetra seems 
more concerned about Outset Island than the treasure, putting her at a loss for 
words. Suddenly, Tetra notices Link and winks at him mysteriously (she seems to 
like doing this). After this, she immediately changes her mind and 
�reluctantly� lets the pirates stay for the night. As the pirates leave to 
enjoy Windfall Island, Mako asks Gonzo what today�s password is. Remember or 
write down the password, because you�ll need it later! If you forget, asks the 
KoRL, who listened to the conversation as well.

After the Bomb Shop scene is over, you can jump down to Cannon. You can�t untie 
him, but after the prices he sold Bombs for, why would you? Feel free to take 
the Rupees in his back room, and leave when you want. Then head across the 
field to the ledge where Tott dances, where you can jump over to the pirate 
ship. Feel free to explore it as much as you want, but when you�re done try to 
enter the door at the bow. Niko asks for the password from the other side; be 
sure to enter it exactly as you heard it.


Once you�re in, you can go down to the hold, but first, you�ll probably want to 
explore Tetra�s room, now unguarded by Nudge. Among other things, you�ll 
probably notice two of the paintings from the intro scene above her bed and 
desk! What interest could Tetra have in old Hyrule? Also, a painting of a 
mysterious woman hangs above her couch; this must be her mother! When you�re 
ready (you may even want to Pictograph some of the things, since you won�t be 
entering Tetra�s room again anytime soon), go down to the hold.

Niko is overjoyed that you�re alive after the Forsaken Fortress, and that he 
has someone to boss around again. He decides to set you to work on your next 
test, which is harder than the last. This time, there are not raised platforms 
to land on, so you�ll have to swing from rope to rope. Carefully line up your 
swings, especially on the tricky two moving ropes on the left side of the room. 
Only let go when another rope lines itself up with yours. This time, the timer 
is for how long a metal door is open on the far side of the room; luckily, it 
gives you much more time than before, so take your time lining up swings. Niko 
once again jumps to the far side (without taking the test, apparently) and 
shuts the door to start the test. (why don�t you just threaten to leave him 
stuck in there if he doesn�t give you your reward?) Anyway, use the tips above 
to pass Niko�s next test. Niko is amazed that you�ve passed the test, and lets 
you have the Bombs the pirates stole! Open the chest to get the explosive 
weapons. On land, you can press the button they�re assigned to to use them just 
like a Bomb Flower, but at sea you get a cannon to fire Bombs that you can aim 
with the control stick. Cool, huh?

After you get the Bombs, Tetra contacts you through the Pirate�s Charm. Tetra 
comments on your courage trying to steal pirate�s treasure, and like Niko seems 
to be surprised you made it out of the Forsaken Fortress alive. She tells you 
that you only get the Bombs because they left an idiot like Niko in charge. (I 
hope he isn�t listening) After telling you more about the pearl�s whereabouts, 
she once again say that they�ll be leaving at first light tomorrow, so you�ll 
have to get the pearl tonight. After Tetra is finished, leave the hold (be sure 
to shut the gate and trap Niko) and jump off the stern to the KoRL. Get aboard 
and set sail to Outset Island; you have no time to spare!

Or do you? As you sail southwest through the storm, it never seems to get any 
brighter. Eternal night must be part of the curse Valoo spoke of; how mucky for 
you. What isn�t lucky, however, is the fact that there are quite a few monsters 
on the beaten path to Outset. They can all be dispatched with the Boomerang and 
Bombs, but except with Gyorgs it�s best to avoid them. You�ll probably pass 
through quadrant D3, Cyclops Reef, which is swarming with Seahats. Pass it a 
good distance to the left to avoid them. Other than that, it shouldn�t be too 
hard to get back to Outset Island.


As you arrive at Outset, KoRL finally notices that day still hasn�t broken 
since you left Greatfish Isle. Since the pirates aren�t going anywhere, feel 
free to embark on a sidequest on Outset. To do it, first head to the Forest of 
Fairies, where you rescued Tetra. You�ll have to fight or run from some Red and 
Green Chuchus and Miniblin on the way. Since the bridge seems to be broken now, 
get up to the highest rock on the eastern hill and set the wind to the west. 
Use the Deku Leaf to reach the other side of the broken bridge, and enter the 
Forest of Fairies.


Rather than an unarmed Bokoblin, you�ll now have to fight a Wingless Mothula 
for starters here. Use the Boomerang to stun it, then slay it with the Hero�s 
Sword. When you jump up to approach the next area, look to the right for the 
giant cracked rock. Now that you have Bombs, you can blow it up and reveal a 
hole underneath. Drop into it to enter the namesake of the Forest: a Fairy 
Fountain! As you approach the pool of water, a Great Fairy appears. By casting 
a spell, she upgrades your Wallet; you can now carry 1000 Rupees! After she 
disappears, be sure to bottle one of the Fairies that appears, then leave the 
Forest. (you can take the way you came or the other way, to fight either the 
Wingless Mothula or two Moblins)


Now that you have a Fairy, enter your Grandma�s house. She is sick and 
delirious, dreaming about you and Aryll leaving her. Stand next to her and use 
the Fairy; it heals both of you! Grandma immediately improves, and is happy to 
see you back safe. She isn�t happy with herself letting Aryll be kidnapped and 
you going out alone to save her; as you Grandma she should protect both of you. 
She wants to be strong like both of you, and helps you by refilling your Empty 
Bottle with Elixir Soup! This powerful healing item restores your health and 
magic, doubles your sword�s power until you take damage, and can be used twice! 
After you�re finished speaking with your Grandma, get back to the KoRL and sail 
around to the back of Outset Island. (be sure to save!)

As you get around to the back of the island, you�ll probably notice the giant 
swirling whirlpool of death. Sail into it; it�s the only way to get a clear 
shot at the giant stone slab on the cliff wall. Once you�re in the whirlpool, 
get out your cannon, but only fire on the slab when the whirlpool takes you 
next to it to avoid missing. You should also remember to aim at the highest 
section of the slab; the top, middle, then bottom of it. If you don�t hit the 
right section, you won�t do anything. The sections only take one or two Bomb 
hits to destroy if you hit them, though. You also have to be quick; the 
whirlpool will eventually suck you in. If you run out of Bombs, restart or let 
the whirlpool get you and then try again. Once you blow the slab up, The KoRL 
automatically sails in.

The eerie cave you arrive in seems to be empty, but a mountain of water rises 
up from the middle and reveals itself to be Jabun! He only speaks ancient 
Hylian, but the KoRL seems to understand every word. He greets Jabun, and 
confirms that Ganondorf has returned. Jabun seems to ask if you are the Hero of 
Time, but the KoRL says you aren�t. Nevertheless, he senses great promise in 
your courage. After they talk a little more, Jabun gives you Nayru�s Pearl! 
Jabun tells the KoRL that the curse was indeed brought by Ganondorf, then dives 
underwater shortly afterwards. After the conversation is over, leave the cave 
when you�re ready. Before continuing to the next part, consider doing some 
sidequests; now that you can explore the entire Great Sea, quite a few are 
opened to you.

Deluxe Picto Box: Windfall Island (B4), Forest Firefly required
Magic Upgrade: Two-Eye Reef (G4), Big Octo
Piece of Heart: Seven-Star Isles (A6), Big Octo
Piece of Heart: Flight Control Platform (B7), Bird-Man Contest
Piece of Heart: Tingle Island (C3), Big Octo
Piece of Heart: Greatfish Isle (D2)
Piece of Heart: Stone Watcher Island (E3), Sea Platform
Piece of Heart: Crescent Moon Island (A5), Treasure Chart 11 required
Piece of Heart: Spectacle Isle (B3), Cannon Minigame
Piece of Heart: Six-Eye Reef (D4), Submarine
Piece of Heart: Needle Rock Isle (E1), Hyoi Pear required, Hero�s Bow 
Piece of Heart: Diamond Steppe Island (F1), Treasure Chart 23 required
Piece of Heart: Headstone Island (G3), Hyoi Pear required
Piece of Heart: Angular Isles (G5) 
Piece of Heart: Angular Isles (G5), Treasure Chart 15 required
Piece of Heart: Five-Star Isles (G7), Submarine 
Piece of Heart: Outset Island (G2), Combat Training
Platform Chart: Flight Control Platform (B7), Submarine, Hero�s Bow highly 
Submarine Chart: Boating Course (G6), Secret Cave
Treasure Chart 3: Forest Haven (F6)
Treasure Chart 8: Horseshoe Island (G1), Secret Cave
Treasure Chart 9: Crescent Moon Island (A5), Submarine
Treasure Chart 10: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Treasure Chart 14: Headstone Island (G3), Submarine, Boomerang recommended
Treasure Chart 17: Spectacle Isle (B3), Cannon Minigame
Treasure Chart 22: Northern Fairy Island (A3), Submarine, Boomerang recommended
Treasure Chart 24: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Chart 28: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Treasure Chart 29: Windfall Island (B4)

e. Old Hyrule (Twotg)


Because you have broken Ganondorf�s curse with Nayru�s Pearl, the storm ends 
and morning will break soon. Now that you have all the Pearls, you must place 
them on three islands that the KoRL has marked on you Sea Chart to make your 
proving grounds appear. First, set out for the closest one, Southern Triangle 
Isle at E4.


Be careful when approaching the Isle; like Cyclops Reef it�s swarming with 
Seahats. Try to avoid them and land on the Isle, then defeat any that followed 
you from there. Once that�s done, climb some ledges to the highest part of the 
tiny isle, to a strange statue. It seems to speak to you when you approach it, 
asking you to place the Pearl here. Link automatically puts Nayru�s Pearl into 
the statue�s hands; only two more Pearls to go. Next, sail two spaces north to 
Northern Triangle Isle, at C4.


Watch out for Cyclos here; stay well away from his cyclone as you approach 
Northern Triangle Isle. Place Din�s Pearl in the statue�s hands, then set off 
again, this time for D6, Eastern Triangle Isle.


Luckily, the only obstacle here is a few whirlwinds circling the Isle. Simply 
sail up to Eastern Triangle Isle and place Farore�s Pearl in the statue�s 
hands. Now that you have placed all three Pearls, it�s time for the proving 
grounds to appear.

Suddenly, the statue starts shining brightly! Lordy, lordy, it�s gonna blow! 
Link quickly gets away, but the shining stops and Link comes back. NOW the 
statue blows up! For the third time in his quest, Link gets sent flying. As the 
dust from the explosion clears, you�ll see that the statue has been replaced by 
a smaller one of either Din, Farore, or Nayru (Farore if you�ve followed by 
walkthrough) holding the pearl up. A beam shoots out of the Pearl and hits the 
next statue, which also blows up to reveal the goddess statue underneath. (I 
sound like a skin care lotion commercial...) Once again, a beam shoots out from 
it and repeats the process with the third statue, which fires a beam at the 
first. From way, way out, you see that the beams form a massive triangle across 
the Great Sea. Part of the water lights up to turn it into a massive Triforce! 
Right in the center of the emblem, a blinding light shines out and a huge tower 
rises from underwater! As the tower assumes its full height floating on the 
waves, Link, still flying from the explosion, smacks into its side. (that must 
be even more painful than in the Forsaken Fortress) As he fills into the water, 
the KoRL cruises up to him. He tells Link that this tower was created in 
ancient times as a test of courage. You must pass the trials inside to be 
acknowledged as a hero and wield the power that can destroy Ganondorf. After 
the KoRL finishes talking sail through the outer wall Link crashed into, and 
enter the huge doorway at the foot of the tower.


Although the Tower of the gods� water-filled lobby is directly connected to the 
Great Sea, a water-spitting mouth raises or lowers the water level in it every 
20 or so seconds. You�ll have to cruise around in the KoRL to get anywhere. For 
starters, turn right and cruise towards a covered enclosure which can only be 
entered when the water is lowered. Once you get onto the platform, go through 
the door.

This room is fairly small, and has several blocks sitting in a lowered space of 
the floor. You�ll also see a new enemy directly ahead of you: a Yellow Chuchu. 
These enemies have as much HP as a Red Chuchu, but are electrified and shock 
you if you try to attack them. L-target the Chuchu and hit it with the 
Boomerang to stun it and deactivate the bioelectric field, making them 
vulnerable to your sword. Defeat it quickly, before the water raises. Once it 
does, look to the south side of the room. There are two alcoves in here, and 
one is covered by a cracked grey wall. Lay a Bomb on one side of the wall, then 
stand on the other to avoid getting blown up. When it shatters the wall, climb 
up to the alcove, wait for the water to lower, and open the chest to get the 
Dungeon Map. After you do, four Yellow Chuchus drop down. You don�t have to 
waste time beating them; jump down and exit back through where you came.

Back in the lobby, get on the KoRL and cruise to the north, to a ledge you can 
climb onto when the water is raised. You�ll notice a glowing spot on the floor 
next to a sealed door. Pick up the nearby Armos statue and set it on the 
glowing spot to unseal the door.

In this room, a large pit in the middle of the room periodically fills with 
water. When the water is down, jump into it and put one of the small crates on 
the glowing spot at the north side of the pit. This makes a shining, ethereal 
bridge appear across the chasm. Wait for the water to rise or climb the ladder 
to get back to the first ledge. When the water lowers, the box sinks back onto 
the glowing spot, allowing you to run across the shining bridge and pick up a 
strange, glowing statue under another roof here. (how does Link lift a stone 
statue bigger than him?) Quickly run back across the bridge, before the water 
raises and it disappears. If you drop the statue into the water, it reappears 
where it started. Once you get across the bridge with it, go back through the 

Back in the lobby, look to the southwest for a checkerboard-patterned floor. 
Set the statue in the middle of it, to make light shine all around it. This 
causes a giant gate barring a corridor to the southeast to open. Get back into 
the KoRL and sail down it. Climb onto the ledge at the end when the water is 
raised. Here, you have to put two Armos statues on two shining spots to unseal 
the door.

In this room, you must align some floating crates in a pit so that you can jump 
across them to a ledge on the other side without falling into the water. Unless 
the crates� locations are randomly generated (E-mail me if you know), you only 
need to reposition one crate; align it with the others and space them out, then 
let the water rise and climb onto the ledge. Once you�ve tested the path out, 
break one of the Boko Stick jars near the door and light one on a torch. When 
the water raises, jump across the blocks and light the two torches on the south 
platform. This makes a chest containing a Small Key appear. Open it, then 
return to the door and exit to the lobby.

Now, head back down the corridor and to the west side of the lobby. Get out 
your cannon and use it to blast the three cracked walls blocking it off. When 
the water is high, climb over the barrier and jump down. First, climb the 
stairs to the northeastern side of the room. You�ll have to slay one or two 
Yellow Chuchus on the way. Enter the door near the top of the stairs.

In this room, a new enemy guards a treasure chest containing the Compass. This 
is a Red Bubble, a floating skull shrouded in flames. Defeat them with vertical 
sword attacks, but be aware that they constantly charge at you faster when they 
see you. Don�t let them get close, or they�ll set you on fire. Defeat the Red 
Bubble with two sword hits, get the Compass, and leave the room.

In the lobby, go down the stairs to the right and head through the locked door 
when the water recedes.

When you reenter the lobby, look to the left for a jar containing some Boko 
Sticks. Once you�ve defeating both Yellow Chuchus in this area, pick one up, 
then when the tide lowers quickly run down the stairs to the southwestern side 
of the room. Light the two torches on either side of the locked door before the 
water rises and extinguishes them to trigger the appearance of a chest above 
containing a Joy Pendant. After you get it, run back down to the locked door 
and go through it.

Another statue like the one you used to open the gate earlier is in this room, 
but it�s too high up to reach even at high tide. The key is the 4 Yellow 
Chuchus that will attack you. If you�re quick, you�ll be able to take them all 
out before the tide rises. If you take too long, swim away from the floating 
Chuchus until the water lowers and finish them off. When they are all defeated, 
a rainbow staircase appears leading up to the statue. Grab it, then leave the 
room with it when the water recedes.

In the lobby, run back up the stairs to the left and place the statues in the 
middle of the checkered floor near the northwestern door. This causes the 
water-spitting mouth to close, revealing a tunnel and doorway beneath it, and 
two other mouths to resume the water-vomiting. When the water is high, get onto 
the KoRL and cruise to the tunnel entrance, then run up it and enter the door 
at the end.

This tall room has two Rats running around its walls, and a new enemy in the 
center, a Beamos. This stationary enemy is topped by a rotating �eye� that 
swivels around and fires a laser beam if you cross its line of sight. First, 
use the Boomerang to take out both Rats when they get close enough. Then grab 
one of the Armos statues near the entry door and run past the Beamos just 
behind its eye. (you can also destroy it by throwing a Bomb at its eye, but 
this takes good timing and aim) Rotate the camera to you can see where the eye 
is, and remember that it rotates clockwise. When you cross the room, place the 
statue on one of the shining spots, then go back and repeat the process with 
the other one. Stand on the third shining spot to make some platforms ahead 
move up and down. Get onto the nearest one, then jump from platform to platform 
when they are level with each other to reach the high ledge with the door.

Instead of going through the exit door, keep riding the last moving platform. 
South of its highest position, you�ll see a stationary platform, where the 
Tingle Tuner can locate a hidden treasure. Face north, then lay a Tingle Bomb 
at your present location and jump to the ledge with the door. Ride the platform 
back up and open the chest that has appeared to get a Tingle Statue.

The next room is a �hub� room of sorts, much like the lobby. A massive pedestal 
dominates the center of the room; you can find refills in the pots near each of 
the four doors. Besides the entry, only one other door is unsealed, the eastern 

In the eastern wing of the second floor, defeat the Yellow Chuchu that pops up 
ahead of you and jump on the moving platform behind it. (try to do it as the 
platform is starting to move away from your side of the room so you don�t 
overshoot!) Ride it to the other side. Defeat the two Yellow Chuchus that will 
appear on either side of yo if you want, then go on to the next room.

In this room, a low, winding path gives you access to the other side. An easier 
way, however, is to get onto the giant, shining platform above it and jump over 
to the eastern end of the room. A statue similar to one you saw in the hub room 
is on a tall, circular platform here. As you approach it, the KoRL contacts you 
on the Pirate�s Charm! But how can he use it instead of Tetra...? If you read 
the tablet in front of the platform, you�ll find that you can use R to call the 
statue. (�Come on!�) This makes the pillar lower, and the statue follow you. 
(it�s so cute!) The shining platform is too low for you to carry the statue 
back across. Instead, carefully walk across the winding path, guiding the 
statue so it doesn�t fall off the edge. When you get out from under the 
platform, pick the statue up and jump across a short chasm to the door.

Back in this room, simply carry the statue back across the moving platform and 
to the hub room.

As soon as you enter the room, Link automatically sets the little statue down 
and it slowly hops its way to another circular platform, which rises. A 
blinding pillar of light fills the room�s central pedestal, and leaves behind a 
tablet. Imprinted on it are Wind Waker directions! Pull the instrument out and 
play the song on the tablet to learn the Command Melody! The statue then tells 
you to use this song to return his kin to the �place of truth� probably right 
here. When the statue finishes, the tablet immediately disappears and the 
western door unseals.

The next room is almost entirely a bottomless pit. Two Red Bubbles also float 
around it. Lure the nearest one to you and beat it with your sword, then get 
out your Grappling Hook and look up. (stu writes that you can also try hitting 
the Bubbles with air blasts from the Deku Leaf to make them fall to their doom) 
Swing from the nearest Grapple post to the opposite side of the room. Be quick, 
before the second Red Bubble knocks you into the abyss! Defeat it after you 
swing to the other side and exit through the western door.

In the next room, once again swing from the Grapple post above to the next 
statue. Call it as you did before. This time, there�s a problem: there�s no way 
to take that statue across the pit. To solve this, stand on the glowing spot to 
the south to make a shining bridge materialize and play the Command Melody. 
Using his mastery of ancient Zen magic, Link mind controls the statue! Have it 
hop across the bridge, then press R or Start to switch back to Link. Grapple 
back across and carry the statue out the door.

You�re presented with the same problem in the next room. For now, set the 
statue down on the shining spot to unseal the room�s south door. Grapple onto 
the overhead post again, then turn to the right and swing to the door.

In the next room, Link finds himself facing down a Darknut, a heavily armored 
knight of Ganondorf. This tough enemy is one of the strongest ones you�ll ever 
face; consider yourself lucky there is only one this time. After the battle 
starts, don�t even waste your time trying to penetrate the warrior�s armor; it 
can�t even be stunned. Instead, keep your sword out and shield down as you 
circle around it. As the Darknut prepares to strike, hit A to parry its attack. 
Link will either knock off the monster�s armor or helmet. If he knocks the 
helmet off, stun it with the Boomerang, then circle around to the back and cut 
its red armor straps. If he knocks its armor off, shield yourself from the 
beast�s attacks and retaliate with the Hero�s Sword, or keep trying until you 
parry its helmet off and can stun it. After plenty of Hero�s Sword punishment, 
the Darknut will fall and an ornate chest appears in the middle of the room. 
Open it to receive the Hero�s Bow!

This new weapon gives Link some much-needed ranged firepower. While L-
targeting, hit the button the Hero�s Bow is assigned to in order to pull it 
out. Hold the button again to ready an arrow, then release it to fire! In 
first-person mode, aim it much like the Grappling Hook or Boomerang, but be 
careful not to miss and waste your limited arrows. If you hold the button the 
Hero�s Bow is assigned to, you can pull it out and immediately ready an arrow 
at the same time. Among other things, the Hero�s Bow can defeat those pesky Red 
Bubbles from a distance, with a single shot. 

Before you leave, be sure to break open the treasure sphere the Darknut leaves 
behind and get the Knight�s Crest from it if you want to get the Hurricane Spin 
as early as possible.

Back in the giant pit room, the Red Bubbles have returned. Carefully aim and 
take them out with your new weapon, then shoot the strange eye emblem on the 
far wall. This makes two floating platforms come out of the wall below and move 
between the east and west ledges. Use the Grappling Hook to swing back to the 
waiting statue, then carry it across the platforms and to the east door. 

If you want Treasure Chart 6, return to the room where you got the Compass with 
the Hero�s Bow. Defeat the Red Bubble however you like, then shoot the eye 
switch high on the west wall to make two panels below open up. Open the chest 
behind them to get Treasure Chart 6.

A second sidequest also opens when you get The Hero�s Bow. Return to the room 
just east of the hub room. Besides the Yellow Chuchus, kill the Wizzrobe in 
this room in this room with two arrows. If it shoots out fire balls, get out of 
the hallway it floats in and take cover behind a wall. Unless you want to 
practice your marksmanship, L-target the Wizzrobe for greater accuracy. After 
that�s done, get onto the moving platform. Get out your Hero�s Bow on it and 
hit the eye switch down the south corridor to make another moving platform come 
out of the wall. Carefully jump onto this one as it moves away from you, then 
ride it up to a door that you should go through.

In this new room, you�ll face two Armos Knights. Move towards one to make it 
wake up, then L-target it and back and jump away from it as it charges. When it 
stands still and opens its mouth, get a Bomb out and throw it in to kill the 
Armos Knight. Be careful to sidestep its death charge. Repeat this process with 
the other one, then open the chest that appears to get the Joy Pendant. When 
returning to the hub room, quickly go through the door to it, as the statues on 
either side of it come alive and attack you!

In the hub room, Link once again lets the statue return to its pedestal, 
unsealing the north door. Head through it to get the final statue.

The next room is dominated by a giant scale over a pool of water in the center 
of the room. Defeat some Keese for starters with your Boomerang.

Jump onto the western platform. To the west is a cracked wall. Pull out a Bomb, 
and hold it for several seconds until it starts flashing rapidly. Throw it with 
the right timing to shatter the wall. (it may take several tries) Jump off the 
platform and enter the door behind the wall.

This next room is much like the room where you got the Joy Pendant. Once again, 
it contains two Armos Knights. This time they are dormant and don�t 
attack...not until you stand on the blue Wind Crest near the center of the room 
and play the Wind�s Requiem! This time, you�re forced to fight two at once. Use 
mostly the same strategies to beat them. Try to keep them in a line, so only 
one is close to you. After both are dead, open the chest that appears to get 
Treasure Chart 30.

Back to the walkthrough. Next, jump to the eastern platform, down to a ledge, 
and into the next room.

This tall room has almost no floor; you�ll have to get around using the swarm 
of floating platforms. First, snipe both Red Bubbles with the Hero�s Bow. Next, 
jump to the moving platform ahead of you as it reaches the top of its route. 
When you can, jump to the next moving platform. If you need refills, use your 
Boomerang on the jars in the southeast and southwest corners, then again to 
retrieve the items they hold. Anyway, aim the Hero�s Bow to the left, at an eye 
switch on a stationary platform the one you�re on passes by. This causes it to 
start moving up and down; jump onto it. Once the eye switch platform reaches 
the top of its route, jump onto a ledge to the north from it. Open the chest 
here to get a Small Key.

From the Small Key ledge, jump to a vertically moving platform in the northwest 
corner of the room, and then to a horizontally moving platform higher up. On 
here, shoot an eye switch on a platform in the middle of the room to make the 
platform it�s on start moving, and jump onto it. Then fire an arrow at the eye 
switch just above the entry door. This makes a treasure chest appear on a high 
ledge in the south side of the room. Jump from your current platform to it and 
get the Joy Pendant in the chest.

From wherever you are, you can return to the door by either using the moving 
platforms, jumping into the abyss, or gliding to it with the Deku Leaf. Go 
through it to the scale room.

Now that you�re back, attend to the scale. You can�t just jump across, as the 
platform you get on sinks. Luckily, the four Armos statues near the entrance 
happen to weight exactly as much as you. Still, only one doesn�t work and only 
makes the platform sink less; throw two onto one platform to keep the other one 
up. Jump across the raised platform to the north side of the room and go 
through the locked door.

The final statue is just beyond a laser barrier here, out of reach. Or is it? 
Climb onto the block in the middle of the room and use the Deku Leaf to glide 
to the statue. Control it with the Command Melody, and have it hop through the 
laser and onto a shining spot on the other side to deactivate them. Run to the 
statue, pick it up, and go back to the previous room.

Immediately put the statue down as you enter the previous room; a Wizzrobe 
appears to attack you. L-target the Wizzrobe (or don�t if your aim is good 
enough) and shoot it with an arrow. Do this again to beat it. If you take too 
long and it attacks, try to get between two of the three fireballs it shoots. 
After the Wizzrobe is dead, jump into the water and climb the ladder back to 
the south part of the room. To account for the statue�s weight, throw three 
Armos statues onto a platform. Jump across the other one, get the statue, and 
return to the hub room with it.

When Link returns the final statue, all three glow blue, then green and fire a 
yellow beam at the center of the room, causing a pink sparking beam to appear! 
Step into the beam to be transported high up into the tower�s top.

You emerge in a roughly octagonal room with Beamos on the east and west sides. 
Stay on the orange border around the raised part in the center of the room to 
avoid their beams. While doing this, take the two Armos statues from the north 
side of the room and put them on the glowing switches at the south side. Stand 
on the third switch yourself to deactivate a laser barrier and get the Boss Key 
from the blue chest beyond it! As soon as you do, however, the statues come 
alive! Try to stay in the Boss Key area as you fight them, to avoid the Beamos. 
To damage a statue, you must hit the red crystal on its posterior. If you�re 
quick, you can sidestep their hopping charge and hit it as they pass you. If 
you can�t do this, stun them by hitting their green �eye� with an arrow. Once 
you beat both Armos, go around to the north side of the room and go through the 

You emerge on a staircase hundreds of feet above the Great Sea; what a view! As 
you climb the first staircase, use the Boomerang, Hero�s Sword, or Hero�s Bow 
to beat the circling Kargaroc. Just to the left on the edge of the stairs, you 
meet a new type of Beamos. This Beamos only fires in a linear area across the 
stairs, and always fires exactly where you�ll try to cross. While it�s firing, 
L-target its eye and shoot it with an arrow. Continue on to the next Beamos and 
defeat it in the same way, then to the third, which has a revolving eye. As 
with before, find out which way the eye is rotating and run past it staying 
just behind the eye to avoid damage. Next, defeat two of the blue-eyed Beamos 
in a row. Take out the Kargaroc ahead with your Boomerang. To avoid the two 
Beamos ahead sending you on a nasty fall, walk along the yellow edge of the 
staircase. Face east and dash past them, up some last staircases and to the 
boss door. Use the jars outside it to get refills and Fairies, then go through.

At first, this giant room appears to be empty. Run towards its center, and a 
voice speaks to you congratulating you, and asking you to accept a final 
challenge. The head on the far wall is talking to you! After it finishes, two 
floating hands and the head detach from the wall, and light up. This is the 
final test of your courage, Gohdan!

Difficulty: **
Unlike the other Bosses, Gohdan isn�t a minion of Ganondorf but an ancient 
guardian created by the gods to test the strength of the new hero. In essence a 
massive, floating head and pair of hands, Gohdan is one of the stranger Bosses 
you�ll fight.

-Defensive Strategy-
As you begin the battle, Gohdan�s hands will attack you. They slam you or try 
to push you off the arena, into the electrified pit around the edge. Keep 
moving and L-targeted constantly to try and avoid them. Try to anticipate which 
way the hands will sweep and run! You shouldn�t have to dodge the hand�s 
attacks, as you can take them out very quickly. After you�ve taken the hands 
out of commission, (more on that later) Gohdan�s head will attack. Be careful 
and get away when it opens its mouth and shakes off your L-targeting! Gohdan is 
preparing to fire a barrage of fireballs in a line. If you start running and 
rolling away when it opens its mouth, you should be able to avoid the attack. 
(unless it has you trapped against the door; be careful to stay out of the 
electrified pit)

-Offensive Strategy-
You�ll not only be using the Hero�s Bow for this battle; you�ll also need 
Bombs. As the battle starts, L-target one of Gohdan�s hands and start firing 
arrows at the gem on its palm as you dodge the hand�s attacks. Fire arrows 
pretty rapidly; two will temporarily deactivate a hand. After that, quickly 
stun the other hand. Be careful not to mistakenly fire when a hand is attacking 
or you�ll most likely miss. After that, its head enters the fray. L-target each 
eye and take them out in the same way. Make sure to fire from a good distance 
away and not too fast, so that your shots are sure to hit. Like with its hands, 
Gohdan�s eyes close when it uses its fireball attack so you can�t target or hit 
it. After you�ve deactivated the head, it floats down to the ground and its 
mouth opens. L-target the mouth and throw a Bomb in, as you did against Armos 
Knights. (from a distance, not from directly next to the head) After the Bomb 
explodes, Gohdan will (finally) be damaged. Repeat this process twice more to 
defeat Gohdan and prove yourself to the gods. Also, because Gohdan is only 
testing your courage, he�s glad to sneeze up (literally) extra Bombs or Arrows 
if you run out of either. Just be careful when claiming them.

After you defeat Gohdan, his head falls to the ground and a blinding light 
shines from behind it. He tells you that the path can now be opened, and to be 
cautious of what lies ahead. A thin beam of light shines into the center of the 
room as Gohdan returns to his home on the wall, and shoots out a Heart 
Container for you. As usual, claim it, then step into the light beam.

You don�t emerge at the foot of the tower as usual; instead, you find yourself 
in a courtyard on top of the tower! Climb the ladder ahead of you, to a 
pedestal with a bell above it. Grapple onto the bell to ring it. The 
reverberating sound is heard all the way at the flooded courtyard at the foot 
of the tower, where a yellow ring of light shines out of the ocean. Link 
mysteriously returns to the KoRL and sails into the ring from the entrance of 
the tower.

After a flash of light, Link finds himself drifting beneath the waves, slowly 
descending to the seabed. He nearly passes out, then discovers he can still 
breathe! As the KoRL sinks lower and lower, the sea around them turns from blue 
to grey and white. They eventually sink into a small courtyard next to a black-
and-white castle sitting on an island in a huge countryside. Oh no, you�ve 
entered 30s Movie Land! Watch out for Frankenstein�s monster, played by Boris 
Karloff! Wait, listen to the choral background music; you must be 


After you land in a peaceful pool, The KoRL knows that you must be wondering 
where you are. There is no time to explain things now; everything will be clear 
once you get the weapon from inside the castle. Chop down some of the black-
and-white grass around the edge of the courtyard, then climb some stairs and go 
down a covered walkway to the castle.

When you enter this massive castle, you see that the world has not only been 
30s movie-fied, but also frozen in time! It�s apparent that a raiding party of 
Moblins and Darknuts was in the process of ransacking the castle when it 
happened; they must be the forces of Ganon from the intro! Besides the frozen 
minibosses, note the statue of the Hero of Time ahead of you and the two 
paintings high up on either side of the door. Once is of an old man with a 
beard and crown; he must be the last King of Hyrule. The other one shows a 
young girl, probably Princess Zelda, standing next to 6 people, 3 tall and 3 
short. If you look closely, you�ll notice they uncannily resemble Tetra�s 
pirate crew... What do you think this could mean?

After you�ve finished looking around, climb down some stairs past the Hero of 
Time statue. In a lowered area at his feet, there are three triangular blocks. 
In the middle of the area is an image of the Triforce. After a confusing hint 
from the KoRL, start pulling the blocks to fit them onto the Triforce symbol. 
You can only rotate them by one corner; pull on either side of the block to 
determine how they move. After you�ve gotten the hang of moving the blocks, 
move the blocks onto the Triforce to make them sink down into the ground (good 
news if you trapped yourself between them) and the Hero of Time statue slide 
back to reveal a secret staircase underneath. Climb down this staircase to the 
secret basement.

There is a large pedestal in the middle of this room, surrounded by 6 massive 
suits of armor holding giant swords. On the walls surrounding it are stained-
glass windows depicting Ganon, the Triforce, and the 6 Sages from Ocarina of 
Time. Descend some stairs or jump down, and approach the pedestal. As you 
approach the center of it, the KoRL contacts you on the Pirate�s Charm again. 
He congratulates you on solving the puzzle, and says that ahead of you lies the 
Master Sword, blade of evil�s bane, the only weapon with the power to defeat 
Ganondorf. Link struggles at first to draw the Hero of Time�s legendary weapon, 
but it slides out easily. The statues above Link lower their swords into a 
ring, and the light shining through it brightens. In the castle above, 30s 
movie land becomes 90s movie land as color flows back into the castle. After 
the castle is fully colored, the enemies spring to life and resume patrolling 
the castle.

Back in the basement, Link practices with the Master Sword, then holds it up. 
The �You got the Master Sword!� screen displays, then you�re free to leave the 
basement. When you reenter the castle, the Hero of Time statue slides shut 
behind you, leaving you surrounded by minions of Ganon. Get ready for the fight 
of your life! Don�t be frightened by them; you only have to fight one or two at 
a time and the Master Sword is twice as powerful as the old Hero�s Sword, with 
better reach. After you take out the nearby Darknut and Moblin (use your 
Boomerang a lot), start moving around the castle and defeating more of the 
enemies. When fighting groups of enemies, try to lure one away from the rest 
and defeat it to avoid being overwhelmed. Also, make sure to get all the 
Knight�s Crests from the 7 Darknuts you defeat. If you got all 3 from the last 
3 dungeons, you�ll have enough to learn the Hurricane Spin from Orca. After you 
defeat all the Darknuts, energy barriers blocking the two entrances of the 
castle disappear. Before returning to the KoRL, feel free to go out the lower 

When you do, you emerge on a bridge with a sweeping view of Old Hyrule. 
Unfortunately, you can�t reach any of it yet. A short distance out of the 
bridge, a shimmering barrier blocks off the rest of the ancient land, 
completely sealing the castle away. One thing you should look for just to your 
right on the horizon is a strange black tower; what could this be? When you�re 
finished sightseeing, go back through Hyrule Castle and return to the KoRL. Get 
back into him and cruise into the ring of golden light to return to the surface 
world. The portal zaps shut behind you as soon as you exit as if it never 

Beedle�s Chart: Any postbox after talking to Beedle 
Big Octo Chart: Northern Triangle Island (C4), Treasure Chart 26 required
Bomb Bag Upgrade: Eastern Fairy Island (C5)
Bomb Bag Upgrade: Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Empty Bottle: Rock Spire Isle (C2), Beedle�s Shop Ship
Great Fairy Chart: Four-Eye Reef (B1), Treasure Chart 41 required
Hurricane Spin Attack: Outset Island (G2), 10 Knight�s Crests required
Island Hearts Chart: Flight Control Platform (B7), Treasure Chart 19 required
Light Ring Chart: Cyclops Reef (D3), Treasure Chart 21 required
Piece of Heart: Star Island (A2)
Piece of Heart: Rock Spire Isle (C2), Beedle�s Shop Ship
Piece of Heart: Rock Spire Isle (C2), Cannon Boat
Piece of Heart: Bomb Island (E6)
Piece of Heart: Southern Fairy Island (F4), Treasure Chart 4 required
Rupee Wallet Upgrade: Northern Fairy Island (A3)
Rupee Wallet Upgrade: Outset Island (G2)
Sea Hearts Chart: Boating Course (G6), Treasure Chart 32 required
Secret Cave Chart: Overlook Island (A7), Treasure Chart 13 required
Treasure Chart 4: Rock Spire Isle (C2), Beedle�s Shop Ship
Treasure Chart 13: Two-Eye Reef (G4) 
Treasure Chart 16: Seven-Star Isles (A6), Sea Platform
Treasure Chart 19: Four-Eye Reef (B1)
Treasure Chart 21: Cyclops Reef (D3)
Treasure Chart 26: Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Treasure Chart 32: Three-Eye Reef (D1)
Treasure Chart 37: Rock Spire Isle (C2)
Treasure Chart 40: Southern Fairy Island (F4), Sea Platform
Treasure Chart 41: Five-Eye Reef (F2)

f. Return to the Forsaken Fortress (Frsk2)


Now that you have the Master Sword, it�s time to save your sister! But first, 
you may want to attend to some sidequests to get more Pieces of Heart and the 
Hurricane Spin. Also, now that you have the Hero�s Bow it�s time to fulfill 
your promise to Zephos. You�ve probably encountered his bother Cyclos� 
waterspouts somewhere around the Great Sea; Mother & Child Isles (B2), Northern 
Triangle Isle (C4), and Shark Island (F3) are all good places to find him. When 
you find one of the huge tornadoes, sail towards it. Cyclos will appear at the 
top of the cyclone and summon a giant whirlpool. If you take too long in 
stopping him, he sends you flying to one of 8 places around the Great Sea: 
Mother & Child Isles, Windfall Island, Dragon Roost Island, Tingle Island, 
Greatfish Isle, Southern Fairy Isle, Forest Haven, or Outset Island.

If you�re trying to complete the Nintendo Gallery, make sure to get Cyclos� 
figurine before defeating him! I�m pretty sure you only need the bottom of his 
cloud; make sure to zoom in right.

After you have Cyclos� figurine, defeat him by shooting him three times with 
arrows before he sucks you in. He�s a fairly large target, but the winds he 
controls throw your aim off. If all else fails, hit him with a rapid barrage of 
arrows. When you accomplish this, Cyclos makes the tornado disappear and 
compliments you on your skill. He then gives you a new challenge as the Wind 
Waker and traces a pattern in the air by floating around. Remember the way he 
moves, then play it on your Wind Waker. (down, right, left, up) When you do, 
you learn the Ballad of Gales, which lets you harness the power of Cyclos� 
children to instantly travel across the Great Sea to any of the 8 
aforementioned locations! Now that you have this warping song, the world seems 
much smaller. Now that that�s finished, head to the Forsaken Fortress. You may 
think it�s best to warp to Mother & Child Isles, but this makes you appear 
inside the walls of Mother Isle. In there, Link hears a mysterious voice that 
has been waiting for his arrival, but now isn�t the time for them to meet. Link 
must first find another person besides his sister he must protect. After he 
meets that person, he can meet the Fairy Queen, the owner of the voice. After 
this cutscene, warp to the next nearest island, *shudder* Tingle Island. Sail 
northwest to the Forsaken Fortress; you�ll have to defeat a Gyorg first.


Since you aren�t traveling with the pirates anymore, you can�t get into the 
Fortress the same way as before, which is probably a good thing. Sail right up 
to either side of the door on the Fortress� south side, and quickly shoot the 
wall-mounted cannons around it with Bombs. Remember to focus on any cannons 
that are firing at you first. Once all the cannons are destroyed, blast the4 
door and sail into the Fortress. Look to the left and right above the door for 
two more cannons to blast, then get onto the ledge you started on before. Climb 
the stairs, and walk out into the courtyard. As you get to the center of it, 
sinister laughter echoes around you. A shadowy, sword-wielding phantom appears 
behind you from out off nowhere, and attacks!

If the warning below isn�t enough, be sure to get Phantom Ganon�s Pictograph 
either here or in Ganon�s Tower before beating him for good with the Light 

Difficulty: *
This shadowy spirit is a mysterious figure created by Ganondorf in his image to 
guard the Forsaken Fortress. You�ll have to get past him to claim the Skull 
Hammer and save your sister. Also, remember to take his Pictograph here or in 
Ganon�s Tower.

-Defensive Strategy-
Phantom Ganon, like most bosses, (although he�s technically a miniboss) has two 
attacks. In his first and rarest, he materializes next to you and shortly 
attacks with his shadowy sword. As soon as he appears, run, jump, or flip away; 
the sword attack is devastatingly powerful! His most common attack, however, is 
to charge up a ball of energy and throw it at you. Veterans of Ocarina of Time 
should know what to do here; either dodge the attack or deflect it with your 
sword or an Empty Bottle.

-Offensive Strategy-
Your defensive strategy for Phantom Ganon�s energy ball if also your main 
offensive strategy for the fight. When he lobs the ball, don�t run away; draw 
your sword, L-target him, and press B to attack just before the ball hits you. 
If your timing was right, you�ll strike the energy ball, sending it flying back 
at Phantom Ganon. Strangely enough, you can also use an Empty Bottle for this, 
(I did my second time through) although the timing is harder to get. Don�t 
expect it to end after you deflect it once, though. Phantom Ganon will hit it 
back, and you�ll have to return it again. Every time the ball is returned, it 
moves slightly faster, so start hitting B, Z, Y, or Z earlier and earlier to 
hit it back. Continue this bizarre and deadly tennis match while approaching 
Phantom Ganon until one of you (hopefully Phantom Ganon) misses, getting hit by 
the energy ball. If it was you, you�ll take damage; if it was Phantom Ganon, 
he�ll be stunned by the attack and float down to the ground. Now is the time to 
slash him with your sword; try hitting him with a jump attack as you approach 

After you beat Phantom Ganon, he laughs again and floats into the air, then 
vanishes as suddenly as he appeared. Also, an ornate treasure chest appears in 
the middle of the courtyard. Open it to get the Skull Hammer! This powerful 
item can be used to smash enemies, but its slow speed makes the Master Sword 
better. It main use is to push down large switches or break things. It is also 
invaluable against Chuchus; hitting the ground with it stuns every nearby 
Chuchu, and it is required for finishing off petrified Dark Chuchus.

Once you have the Skull Hammer, it�s once again time to deal with the 
searchlights. Now that you�re armed and dangerous, you don�t have to worry 
about being captured, but the searchlights can target you for Miniblin swarm 
attacks, or cannonfire on the second floor. Worse, there are no barrels this 
time, so be very, very careful. Stay out of the searchlights and take the same 
route to the first searchlight as before. (there are some spiked pegs blocking 
the stairs; keep your distance from then and pound one down with the Skull 
Hammer) You can explore the first-floor hallways this time, but it�s still 
easier to stay on the second floor. When you reach the searchlight, climb up to 
it. Defeating its Bokoblin operator should be much easier with the Boomerang 
and Master Sword.

When you jump down, you can take a shortcut to the second searchlight right 
ahead of you. When you run up to the wall below it, you can now climb onto the 
wall to the right. Jump from it to the balcony below, then climb the ladder to 
the second searchlight. After it�s disabled, go to the third searchlight as 
before. To conserve magic power, run along a shelf to reach the far ledge after 
beating a Shield Bokoblin in the room under it. Once you disable the third and 
final searchlight, go back down and through the western room. You�ll have to 
use the Deku Leaf to cross the gap here.

You once again emerge on the walkway leading to the shipyard. A laser-eyed 
Moblin statue now guards the door. To evade it, walk along the stone railing to 
the left and jump from it to the door. Or just roll and keep ahead of the beam. 
In the shipyard, defeat any Moblins you need to and go through the door at the 
north end. As you climb the stairs leading to the tower, your worst nightmare 
comes true: more Miniblin attack! Fend off any that you have to, but mostly 
focus on running the heck away. Get out your Skull Hammer as you go; just 
before the first ledge to sidle across, you�ll encounter another spiked peg 
barrier. Quickly escape from the Miniblin by sidling across the ledge, and the 
following one. From there, keep running up to the area where you reclaimed your 
sword. Smash the non-spiked peg here to unbar the giant door and go through to 
the tower room.

As Link enters the tower, he looks around cautiously, then notices his sister! 
Link runs up to the cell, as two other girls from Windfall Island notice him as 
well. Aryll is overjoyed to see you again, but when he tries to open the jail 
cell, the door is obviously locked. Suddenly, Tetra, Gonzo, and Senza appear 
behind Link! Tetra tells him the door is locked, and once again chastises him 
for acting without thinking. She says that while Link was rescuing his sister, 
they had to keep the Helmaroc King busy. Tetra suddenly notices the Master 
Sword�s hilt on Link�s back. Strangely enough, she is shocked and asks herself 
a series of half-questions. How does she recognize the sword? She quickly 
dismisses the thought, and has Gonzo and Senza carry the two girls from 
Windfall Island away. Link and Aryll, resume where they left off with their 
touching reunion, but Tetra interrupts and reminds Link he still has something 
to take care of. Tetra half-heartedly calms Aryll down, and has Gonzo take her 
away. As Tetra leaves, she turns around and winks at Link again, swearing 
she�ll be back. The door then locks, and water starts filling the room through 
a grate in the floor. The Helmaroc King flies down in front of you; get ready 
for some payback!

Make sure to get a good Pictograph of the Helmaroc King as you battle, as this 
is your only chance! It�s easiest when he�s swooping around the arena.

Difficulty: ***
The Helmaroc King is a massive, colorful, and masked bird who serves as 
Ganondorf�s most loyal servant. He kidnapped your sister at the beginning of 
the game, and after you beat the Forsaken Fortress it�s time for revenge! 
Remember to take the Helmaroc King�s Pictograph when you fight him, preferably 
while he�s circling the arena!

-Defensive Strategy-
Before you can even fight the Helmaroc King, you�ll have to escape it and the 
room you found your sister in, After everyone else leaves, a drain opens up and 
it starts filling with water. After you regain control of Link, quickly start 
running and rolling along the walkway around the edge of the tall, cylindrical 
room. You�ll have to keep ahead of the Helmaroc King�s incessant pecking and 
the rising water to survive. If you keep up the pace and don�t make any 
mistakes, you should be able to do it. If you fall behind and the King pecks 
away a wooden walkway ahead of you, wait for the water to rise enough to swim 
to the other side. After a while, the water stops rising. If you slow down and 
he pecks away a platform ahead of you now, quickly get out your Grappling Hook 
and swing across the gap before he pecks you again. You�ll also encounter 
Bokoblin cleverly hiding in pots along the walkway and jumping at you when you 
get close, but ignore them and roll past; you can�t waste any time. As you 
reach the top of the tower, the King blocks the entire pathway off from you. 
Get out your Skull Hammer and give his mask a good whack to knock him into the 
water. Continue on and climb up to a large, spike-lined platform above the 
tower. Triple doors start to close around where you came out, but the Helmaroc 
King zooms out at the last moment to fight you. Now that the battle has begun, 
the Helmaroc King has three attacks. He begins by (and spends most of his time) 
swooping around the arena, periodically raking his claw across it. Run and roll 
to one side as he approaches, and you�ll easily dodge the attack. After he 
eventually gets tired of this, he lands and engages you more closely. Keep 
close to the King; if you�re far away he starts beating his wings to push you 
into the spikes around the arena. If he does, run and roll towards him to avoid 
getting skewered. When you�re closer, keep moving; he�ll try to peck you. When 
he rears his head back to prepare for this, start side-hopping and the attack 
should miss.

-Offensive Strategy-
To defeat the Helmaroc King, you�ll need your Skull Hammer. (what else?) Dodge 
his attacks until he starts trying to peck you again. (I think you can induce 
this by running around close to his feet) When he misses, his beak gets stuck 
in the floor. Get out the Skull Hammer and give his mask a good whack to crack 
it. Wait for him to peck again and keep doing this three more times until his 
mask breaks off. (he�s pretty ugly under there; no wonder he wore a mask!) Keep 
having him miss pecking you and get stuck, but this time attack his head with 
your sword. 10 good sword hits defeat the big bird.

When you strike the final blow on the Helmaroc King�s ugly mug, he rears up and 
sways from side to side. He then tiredly flaps into the air and, as almost all 
of the Fortress� searchlights shine on him, blows up in a burst of feathers, 
dropping a Heart Container as usual. Not as usual, a warp doesn�t appear; 
instead, some spikes blocking a pathway leading still farther up lower. You 
have no other choice; go up it to reach the wooden balcony where you saw 
Ganondorf standing. The door behind it is surrounded by skulls and other voodoo 
symbols; this can�t be good, but go through it anyway.

As Link enters the next room, he sees Ganondorf, facing away from him. He 
congratulates you on making it this far, then introduces himself as the master 
of Forsaken Fortress. Ganondorf then asks Link to recall how color returned to 
Hyrule and the raiding monsters came to life when he drew the Master Sword. He 
explains that besides being the sword of evil�s bane, the Master Sword is also 
a key that locks away Ganondorf�s magic. When Link drew it, the seal was 
broken. Infuriated by this, Link charges at Ganondorf. You don�t get to see 
what happens next, but the attack didn�t work. Ganondorf backhands Link, 
sending him flying across the room, and draws a samurai sword. He says that he 
cannot be defeated with the Master Sword in its current state; it has lost the 
power to repel evil. As Ganondorf prepares to finish Link off, Tetra leaps into 
the room and distracts Ganondorf, then tells Link to get up. Before she can say 
anything else, Ganondorf lifts her up by the neck. Suddenly, he is surprised to 
see the Triforce of Power glowing on his right hand. Laughing maniacally, 
Ganondorf says he�s finally found Princess Zelda! (this would explain the 
paintings in Tetra�s room and her recognition of the Master Sword, but how is 
it possible?) She doesn�t seem to know what he�s talking about, but Ganondorf 
isn�t fooled. As he�s asking her why she possesses a fragment of the Triforce, 
Komali and Quill swoop through a window and carry Link and Tetra off. Valoo, 
who has followed them, flies up and incinerates the entire tower with a blast 
of fire. Don�t think you�ve seen the last of Ganondorf, though... Soon, Link is 
in the courtyard of the Tower of the Gods, with Tetra lying in the KoRL with 
him. Quill says she�s just unconscious, and Komali reassures you that your 
sister is okay. The KoRL thanks Valoo, and says he wants to separate you two 
from Ganondorf. It�s time to return to old Hyrule! The shining portal once 
again opens, and you reenter the land under the sea...


Back in the Hyrule Castle courtyard, Tetra wakes up and asks where you are, and 
what happened to Ganondorf. The King of Red Lions contacts Link again through 
the Pirate�s Charm, which seems unnecessary when he�s only a few feet away. Or 
is he...? Tetra gets mad and asks who is using the Charm. The KoRL simply tells 
them to meet with him at once; either he�s insane, or he doesn�t mean the 
talking boat you�ve come to know and love. Tetra demands to know who is using 
her stone as the long cutscene ends.

Now, with Tetra following you reenter Hyrule Castle.

Unless you�re playing the second quest, now is your only chance to get a 
Pictograph of Tetra! In the Castle, try to run and roll across the giant room, 
then Pictograph Tetra as she catches up.

After you have a satisfactory Pictograph of Tetra, notice that the statue of 
the Hero of Time has once again been moved back. Enter the basement under it.

When you reenter the basement, there is a tall, red-robed figure standing with 
his back to you where you drew the Master Sword. Tetra demands to know if he�s 
the one who has been using the Pirate�s Charm. The man doesn�t answer; instead 
he says it an enhanced version of the Gossip Stones from the legends of the 
Hylian Royal Family, and that he is the one who made it. Ocarina of Time 
players should remember the Gossip Stones. (�Boing, boing! The time is now 
18:34!�) Tetra has no idea what he�s talking about. The man then asks if you 
have heard of the kingdom described in the legends, where the power of the gods 
lies hidden. This is Hyrule, that kingdom. (not that you didn�t already know) 
He then turns around and introduces himself as Hyrule�s king: Daphnes Nohansen 
Hyrule. He then asks Link if he can recognize his voice. Besides �King of 
Hyrule,� �Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule,� and �Sugarburt,� the King is also called 
the King of Red Lions! He has been speaking to you all this time through a 
�talking� boat; as long as the Master Sword had the power to repel evil, there 
was no need for him to reveal himself.

The King then launches into a history lesson, recapping what you saw in the 
intro. Long ago, Ganon turned Hyrule into a land of shadows while trying to 
obtain the power of the gods. Not even the king could stop Ganon, so their only 
choice was to pray to the gods for help. The gods responded by not only sealing 
Ganon away, but all of Hyrule as well. They sent down a torrential rainfall to 
bury Hyrule beneath the ocean, forgotten. But the gods spared some people of 
Hyrule; to seal them away would be just what Ganon wanted. A chosen few were 
told to go to the tallest mountaintop, which became islands after the rain. 
These people became ancestors of those living on the Great Sea today, hundreds 
of years later. As long as Ganondorf stayed sealed away, Hyrule would never 
awaken and stay frozen forever.

The King next calls Tetra to him. He says that a necklace she wears is part of 
a sacred treasure of the Hylian Royal Family, the Triforce of Wisdom. This 
treasure is the power of the gods that Ganon has been trying to obtain for all 
these years! Tetra�s ancestors were told by the gods to protect the Triforce 
from Ganon�s clutches at all costs, and Tetra must also. Taking the necklace in 
one hand and the second half of the Triforce in the other, he says it�s time to 
reveal the fate into which Tetra was born. The two pieces of the Triforce come 
together in front of Tetra�s eyes. Link is blinded by a flash of light; when he 
looks back, Tetra has been transformed into Princess Zelda! The King apologizes 
to Link for getting him caught up in these events, but now that it is known 
that Tetra is actually Princess Zelda, Ganondorf will be searching even more 
frantically for her. If he finds Zelda, Hyrule will once again become a land of 
shadows and despair, as will the land above the Great Sea. Luckily, the King 
has an idea of why the Master Sword lost its power. You�ll need to come back to 
the surface with him to restore the power to repel evil to it.

The King then tells Zelda that she must wait here while Ganondorf is searching 
for her, because this room isn�t known to him. He then tells Link it�s time to 
go, and teleports across the room! Obviously, the King of Hyrule is nothing 
more than a spirit now. As Link follows him, Zelda apologizes about everything 
that�s happened to Link and Aryll. She tells him to be careful, then lets him 
go. As soon as Link leaves the basement, the Hero of Time statue once again 
seals it shut. (I hope that basement isn�t airtight...)

Now, leave the castle and return to your boat. Before you get into him, the 
KoRL resumes speaking to you where the King left off. He reveals his idea: the 
Master Sword has lost its power to repel evil because something has happened to 
the sages who gave it this power. The sages should be in the Wind Temple to the 
north and Earth Temple to the south, and Link must visit these temples to find 
out what has happened. The problem is, as you may have seen after you got the 
Master Sword, a giant barrier separates Hyrule Castle with the rest of the 
kingdom. Luckily, each Temple also has an entrance conveniently placed on a 
mountaintop, where you can reach them from the surface. As usual, he marks the 
alternate entrances on Link�s Sea Chart. Now, you have to leave Hyrule, before 
Ganon is drawn to Princess Zelda by you. Quickly get back into the boat and 
sail into the ring of light to go to the surface once again.


The KoRL still doesn�t seem to be finished; he resumes talking to you at the 
surface, asking you if you know the legend of the Hero of Time. He defeated 
Ganon long ago and brought piece of Hyrule. Like with Zelda, a piece of the 
Triforce, the Triforce of Courage, was given to him. When he left Hyrule to 
embark on another journey, he was separated from his Triforce, which was split 
into 8 pieces and scattered across Hyrule. You must search for the Triforce of 
Courage if you ever want to reenter Hyrule.

Arrow Upgrade: Western Fairy Island (C1)
Arrow Upgrade: Thorned Fairy Island (D7)
Empty Bottle: Windfall Island (B4)
Hero�s Charm: Windfall Island (B4), 41 Joy Pendants required
Magic Armor: Windfall Island (B4), Zunari�s Trading Quest
Piece of Heart: Varies, Forest Water required
Piece of Heart: Windfall Island (B4), Nighttime Auction
Piece of Heart x4: Windfall Island (B4) 
Piece of Heart x2: Windfall Island (B4), Lighthouse
Piece of Heart: Greatfish Isle (D2), Shop Guru Statue required
Piece of Heart: Pawprint Isle (B5), Treasure Chart 30 required
Piece of Heart: Rock Spire Isle (C2), Treasure Chart 2 required
Piece of Heart: Three-Eye Reef (D1), Treasure Chart 38 required
Piece of Heart: Forest Haven (F6), Treasure Chart 31 required
Piece of Heart: Five-Star Isles (G7), Treasure Chart 33 required
Treasure Chart 2: Windfall Island (B4), 20 Skull Necklaces required
Treasure Chart 18: Windfall Island (B4), Nighttime Auction
Treasure Chart 24: Windfall Island (B4) 
Treasure Chart 25: Cliff Plateau Isles (F7), Secret Cave
Treasure Chart 31: Windfall Island (B4), Deluxe Picto Box required
Treasure Chart 33: Windfall Island (B4), Deluxe Picto Box required
Treasure Chart 38: Windfall Island (B4), Nighttime Auction

g. Restoring the Master Sword (Erttm)

Before you can restore the Master Sword�s power to repel evil or recover the 
Triforce, there are several other things to attend to. First, remember the 
voice you heard at Mother & Child Isles. It told you to return when you found 
the other person you must protect. You now know that this person is Princess 
Zelda, so return to Mother Isle with the Ballad of Gales.


After Link arrives inside the cliff walls of Mother Isle, a stream of purple-
pink sparkles shoots out of the Fairy spring in the center of the pool. The 
stream focuses itself into a narrow jet, and a person resembling a small, grey, 
floating little girl holding a Great Fairy doll appears in it. She giggles and 
muses about your ability to control the wind at such a young age. She then 
introduces herself as the queen of Fairies! She seems to have taken a liking to 
Link, so she gives new power to his Hero�s Bow. She then sends two Fairies 
trailing red and blue sparkles painfully enter Link, bestowing the power of 
fire and ice to his arrows! The Fire Arrows can melt the coldest ice and light 
torches when no Boko Sticks are available, while Ice Arrows can freeze the 
hottest flame and also freeze enemies solid for several seconds. Both deal 
twice the damage of normal arrows, but use a small amount of Magic Power to 
fire. To switch between your arsenal, press R when aiming an arrow, L-targeted 
or otherwise. The Fairy Queen tells you this and says her Fairies will ease 
your weariness as usual. Before vanishing, she turns the magical moment awkward 
by telling Link he�s just her type...0_o indeed.

Although you now possess the Fire and Ice Arrows, you still can�t enter the 
Temples. A ridiculously strong wind prevents you from getting anywhere near the 
entrance of Gale Isle at A4, while a giant rock (probably borrowed from the 
Olmec Indians) seals the entrance of the Earth Temple at G3 off. Luckily, you 
can use your new fire (and ice) power to get items that will allow you to gain 
entry to these Temples. You only need to get them one at a time, but I�ll cover 
them both at once, as I always do when playing. First, warp to Dragon Roost 
Island and sail south, to C6.


As you sail to this island, it�s obvious how it got its name. An active 
volcano, Fire Mountain constantly spews lava out of its peak and boils the 
water around it. You can�t even climb onto it without getting burned. Luckily, 
you can cool things down with a well-placed Ice Arrow. Before you do, kill the 
Kargaroc circling overhead with the Boomerang. Then fire an Ice Arrow at the 
plume of erupting lava on top of the mountain. It instantly freezes solid, then 
shatters. You have cooled the island enough to walk on for 5 minutes, but if 
you know what you�re doing, it�s more than enough. First, get onto the shore of 
the mountain and start climbing the ledges. Pretty early on the climb, you�ll 
have a choice of two ledges. Choose the right-hand one if you want to continue. 
Keep climbing Fire Mountain until you get to the top, and drop into the Secret 

Though you cooled down the exterior or Fire Mountain, its sweltering exterior 
is still filled with lava. To start with, slay the Fire Keese around where you 
enter with the Boomerang, then set out to jump across the hardened lava 
platforms. Be quick; they melt a few seconds after you step on them. Only stop 
briefly to kill more Fire Keese if you need to. After you get across the 
platforms, defeat the two Magtails with parry attacks to make a treasure chest 
appear. Open it and get the Power Bracelets! These items are equipped 
automatically and increase Link�s strength to let him lift giant rocks, like 
the one on Headstone Island! Luckily, getting the Power Bracelets also stops 
the timer. To leave, lift the giant stone head near the chest and throw it 
aside. Then go through the tunnel behind it to the starting area and leave Fire 
Mountain. Now warp to Forest Haven and sail west, to F5.


This freezing island is the opposite of Fire Mountain. Subzero winds shoot from 
a dragon head in the middle of the isle, creating a shield of cold air that 
keeps you from getting onto the island. This time, you obviously have to shoot 
the plume of frigid air with a Fire Arrow to warm things up for five minutes. 
First, it�s a good idea to sink the Cannon Boat circling the isle. Next, shoot 
the arrow from the northwest side of the isle to warm the island up enough to 
step onto it. Then get out of the KoRL and climb some ledges on the west side 
of the isle.

Now that you�re on top of the ice ring, slide down some ice to the right. 
Repeat this to get to a narrow ledge just above the shoreline. To avoid 
slipping as you go around the ice, crawl across it. You move slowly, but you 
have total traction. Once you get to a wider ledge at the end of the ice, look 
left for some floating ice blocks. Get a running start and jump onto the 
nearest one; be careful not to into the water. If you do, slim back to some 
floating blocks near the beginning of the narrow ledge where you can climb and 
jump back up. Anyway, once you�re on the first block, wait for the next one, a 
moving block, to come near you and jump to it with a running start. Repeat this 
with the third block, then jump to the dragon head. Climb some stone steps and 
fall into the cave on top.

Now that you�re in the isle, climb to the thin ice slide on the ledge and slide 
down it. Defeat the Keese that will likely attack you, then climb up to the 
ledge. Get onto the next ice slide on the left, but be very, very careful; it 
curves. Hold back on the control stick to slow down and gently steer yourself. 
If you fall (and you most likely will) look for a low ledge along the water 
below near where you entered the cave. Use your Grappling Hook on two posts to 
climb the cliff and start over. Once you make it across the slide, get onto the 
ledge and open the chest in the miniature dragon�s mouth to get the Iron Boots 
and stop the timer. When equipped, the Iron Boots make Link walk slowly, but he 
becomes much heavier and can walk into winds like the one on Gale Isle. To 
escape the isle, use a narrow ledge leading from the chest to the light beam. A 
strong wind blows out from a cave in it, so use the Iron Boots to keep your 
footing. Consider entering the Secret Cave the wind is blowing out of for 
Rupees. Once you exit, be sure to melt the block of ice on the isle�s shoreline 
and open the defrosted chest to get Treasure Chart 36.

Now that you can enter the Temples, it�s finally time to begin. Unlike Fire 
Mountain and Ice Ring Isle, you can�t do them in any order. The Earth Temple 
must come first, so warp to Outset Island and sail east to Headstone Island, at 
G3. Make sure you have the Hurricane Spin before entering the temple; you�ll 
need it for its boss!


Use the Power Bracelets to remove the stone head blocking the way, and enter 
the cave behind it.

In this cave, a giant slab sits on the far side of the room. Below a Triforce 
emblem and painting of a harp, symbols for a Wind Waker song are painted! Copy 
them in 6/4 time to learn the Earth God�s Lyric! Suddenly, the Triforce emblem 
glows and a ghostly Zora appears! She introduces herself as Laruto, a Zora 
sage. Apparently, she has been praying in the depths of the Earth Temple to 
keep the power to repel evil within the Master Sword. Obviously, she failed. 
When Ganondorf returned long ago, his minions attacked the Earth Temple and 
stole Laruto�s soul to disable the Master Sword�s power. To restore the Master 
Sword�s power, you must find Laruto�s descendant and have this person take her 
place as the Earth Sage. This person will be carrying the exact same instrument 
as Laruto, a harp. The Earth God�s Lyric you just learned will open the eyes of 
the future Earth Sage to their destiny. The way ahead will only open when the 
Sage plays the sacred song. After having said this, Laruto vanishes.

Since you have nothing more to do here, it�s time to find the Earth Sage. But 
who could it be? Think back, who do you remember having a harp? Here�s a hint: 
go to Dragon Roost Island to hear someone playing a harp outside.


The music isn�t coming from the shore of the island, so go through the aerie to 
the flight platform. Medli is practicing her harp, high up on a ledge; she must 
be the new Earth Sage! To reach her from the flight dock, use the Grappling 
Hook to cross a small gap and then climb some ledges and a ladder. When you 
approach Medli, she is glad that you�re still OK. Prince Komali has been asking 
her all about your adventures, and she comments on the fine young man-er, Rito 
he�s turning into now that he has his wings. She almost feels like a mother 
watching him grow up. She then continues to practice her harp; playing music 
seems to be an important part of being an attendant.


Before you play the Earth God�s Lyric, MAKE SURE you have Kogoli�s figurine!! 
For some reason, he disappears completely after you do!

Okay, if you have Kogoli�s figurine, go ahead and get out your Wind Waker. 
Medli is impressed to see it, and asks you to conduct her. Play the Earth God�s 
Lyric to her. The song sounds familiar to her, like something trying to be 
remembered. Suddenly, Medli falls unconscious and faints into Link�s arms. She 
imagines herself in a black void with Laruto. Laruto plays an ornamented 
version of the Earth God�s Lyric (showoff!) and Medli imitates her. They both 
start playing the song together, and a glowing Triforce appears next to them, 
followed by the Master Sword. Medli then wakes up, and describes her dream. She 
thanks Link for awakening her to her fate as the Earth Sage. She tells Link to 
take her to the Earth Temple, to restore the Master Sword�s power to repel 
evil. As they prepare to leave, Komali flies above them. Medli says you should 
go quietly. She doesn�t want Komali to see her leave, and always remember he as 
a simple attendant of Valoo. After this cutscene ends, you find yourself back 
in the KoRL, with Medli sitting on the side. Warp back to Outset Island, and 
sail east to Headstone Island.


Once you reach the isle, the KoRL addresses both of you on shore. To prepare 
you for the perils ahead and the monster that killed Laruto, he gives Medli 
instructions on staying alive, and tells both of you to protect each other

-If you�re near Medli, you can press R to call her just like you did with the 
-You can use A to pick Medli up just like any other object, like when you were 
helping her enter Dragon Roost Cavern.
-While carrying Medli, you can have her carry you as you jump off cliffs, 
giving you even more gliding ability than with the Deku Leaf.
-While in the same room as Medli, use the Command Melody to control her.
-While playing as Medli, press A to take flight, and again to gain altitude. 
You can only fly until the blue meter runs out. It recharges whenever you land.
-Hold L and use the control stick to rotate Medli around. This will come in 
handy, as you�ll see later.

After the KoRL finishes, enter the cave with Medli. While she�s standing in 
front of the stone slab, play the Earth God�s Lyric. She also plays it, causing 
the slab to crack and a blinding light to shine from the center. The stone then 
crumbles away to nothingness, letting you go through. You and Medli 
automatically walk to a raised stone pedestal with a hole in the center. Medli 
fearlessly jumps in, and Link follows.


The first room of the Earth Temple is simple; a light beam can take you back to 
the surface while a sizeable gap separates the ledge with the door from the 
rest of the room. The answer to this puzzle is simple; pick up Medli and have 
her fly you across. If you have to cross it without her, use the Deku Leaf.

The next room is fairly large and is patrolled by three Moblins. Set Medli down 
by the entrance and get to work slaying them. One is on the stairs to the left, 
another is patrolling the pillars in the center of the room, while the last is 
near the sealed exit. Once they�re all defeated, pick up Medli and run up the 
stairs a Moblin was patrolling. At the top, look right for a tall platform with 
a switch on top. While carrying Medli, jump to this pillar. Put her down and 
stand on the switch, then play the Command Melody. As Medli, fly to another 
identical pillar on the other side of the exit and step on that switch to 
unseal the door. Fly down to the door, switch back to Link, and carry Medli 
through it.

In the next small room, you�re attacked by a lot of Chuchus. The Red and Green 
ones should be easy by now, but you�ll also encounter some new Dark Chuchus. 
They reform themselves whenever you hit them, and seem to be invincible. Their 
only weakness is light, like from the beam conveniently shining into the south 
side of the room. You can try to lure them into it, but there�s an easier way. 
Set Medli down in the beam and you�ll see that her shiny harp reflects light! 
Stay close to Medli and walk around her; she�ll always turn to face you, moving 
the light beam. �Aim� it in this way at all three Dark Chuchus to turn them to 
stone, then get out the Skull Hammer and smash them. Once they�re all defeated 
and the exit unseals, play the Command Melody. Hold L to rotate Medli to face a 
translucent chest on the north side of the room. The A button should be 
sparkling; press it and use the control stick to aim your harp at the chest. 
When you shine light on it for several seconds, it becomes solid. Also consider 
shining light on some statues in the south edge of the room to reveal refills 
behind them. Then switch back to Link and open the chest to get the Dungeon 
Map. Last, use a Bomb to blow the cover off the Warping Jar and go to the east 
with Medli.

The next room is fairly large. A giant, devilishly grinning face dominates the 
east side of the room, while a lowered pit below it is filled with swirling 
blue fog. This fog temporarily disables the use of items or your sword, so stay 
out of it! Unfortunately, a stake in the fog to the right of the face must be 
whacked using the Skull Hammer. Impossible? Not a chance. Put Medli down in the 
south beam of light shining into this room, and have her reflect light into the 
fog to dissipate it. Keep the beam trained on the stake to produce a path 
through the fog, then switch back to Link. Run through the cleared path to the 
stake and whack it to unseal the southern door. Grab Medli and go through it.

Put Medli down as you enter this room and approach the two stone coffins in 
front of you to make Red Bubbles come out of them. Defeat them with vertical 
sword slashes, then move into the south part of the room. Climb the ladder to 
the left and pull the block on the ledge. Once you move it as far north as it 
will go, a beam of light shines from a hole it was covering. Play the Command 
Melody and take control of Medli, then move her into the light beam. Reflect 
light on the translucent chest on the south side of the room, then get onto the 
plinth it sits on to prepare for later. When you switch back to Link and open 
the chest for a Small Key, two new enemies appear in the room. These bizarre 
hole-like enemies are Floormasters, extremely annoying enemies that can drag 
you or Medli back to an earlier room of the dungeon. The one nearest you only 
grabs Medli, but the one near the exit will attack either of you. Approach it, 
then QUICKLY L-target it and hit it with the Boomerang! When it�s stunned, hit 
it with the Master Sword, then repeat the process. It�s very important to keep 
the Floormaster stunned, or it will return you to the beginning of the room 
before the one you�re in! You can also kill it with 6 arrows or 3 Fire Arrows 
from a distance, or stun it, freeze it with an Ice Arrow, then shatter it with 
the Skull Hammer. If it grabs Medli, it will return her to the room you were 
just in. To free her, simply play the Command Melody and fly out of the cage 
she�s placed in. Anyway, try to avoid the other Floormaster as you reenter the 
previous room.

Now that you have a Small Key, enter the locked north door.

As soon as you enter this room, set Medli down and shoot the curtain high in 
the northwest corner of the room with a Fire Arrow. This burns it away, letting 
light shine through. You�ll also be attacked by Chuchus in this room. As with 
before, defeat all the Red or Green Chuchus, and petrify the Dark Chuchus by 
�aiming� Medli�s light beam at them. Don�t defeat them this time, though; 
instead, pick the stone Chuchus up and set the on the two switches on either 
side of the Light Beam. This causes some stone panels to the east to lower, 
creating a stairway. Quickly pick up Medli and go up these stairs before the 
Chuchus return to normal and get off the switches. Before you leave this room, 
push the large block on the ledge off to create a shortcut.

Put Medli down, and defeat the Floormaster in the lowered section of this room. 
Push the nearby block along a short track to a scorpion-patterned space by the 
north wall. When you push it all the way, a skylight opens overhead and lets 
more light in. Control Medli and move her into the light. Now, shine the light 
onto the statue sitting on top of the other block in this room. When you shine 
light into it for long enough, it disintegrates and lets you move the block it 
was on top of. Don�t release control of Medli yet; instead, notice the yellow 
emblems to the north and south of Medli. Reflect light onto them all to 
disintegrate them like the statue. Another block is behind the north ones, 
while another Warping Jar is behind the south ones. Switch control back to Link 
and move the two new blocks into their respective scorpion squares, at the end 
of the tracks. The one that had the statue on top of it makes a chest 
materialize on a high ledge to the east; the one then was behind a wall unseals 
the southeast door and lets you climb up to the ledge. Throw Medli up to the 
top of the ledge, then climb the block up yourself and open the chest to get 
the Compass. You can use it to find not only treasure chests in the dungeon, 
but also Medli�s location. If you�re in need of Fairies, break open the pot by 
the door to get a few. When you�re done, pick up Medli and run through the 

Set Medli down, and run up the stairs to fight Moblins and three new enemies: 
Poes. These ghostly enemies can�t be damaged, and they can attack you with 
their lanterns. Hit them 3-4 times with the Boomerang to destroy their lantern 
and make them harmless. Their only attack now is to possess you, which 
temporarily reverses your controls. Try to defeat the two Moblins first before 
going for the Poes. Once you beat all the enemies, some wide panels forming the 
southern wall lower to create stairs to another part of the room.

Once all the enemies are gone, take control of Medli and have her fly to the 
light beam in a high alcove to the west side of the room. Reflect light onto 
the 3 statues across the room, then switch to Link and open the chest behind 
them for a Joy Pendant.

You don�t need to carry Medli up the stairs to the south side of the room. The 
door in front of you is locked, so go through the left one.

Five coffins line the walls of a semicircular pit in this room. Walk up next to 
the coffins to open them, but be careful not to get under the falling lids. 
Moving clockwise from the north coffin, they contain a Redead (a new enemy I�ll 
explain in a moment), a Yellow Rupee, another Redead, a third Redead, and a 
Small Key. The Redead are extremely spooky enemies that can freeze you with a 
piercing shriek when you get too close. You best bet is to quickly back away 
from a Redead when it appears, then inch towards it until it screams. If you 
were far away enough, the paralyzing effect will wear off before they inch far 
enough to bite you, and you can kill them (again) with a sword combo. You can 
also kill them from a distance with three Bombs. Anyway, you�ll definitely want 
to fight one Redead at a time. Once they are all defeated, a ladder drops and 
you can leave. Make sure to get the Small Key and Yellow Rupee first!

Now that you have a key, unlock and go through the room�s south door.

As you approach the center of the next room, yet another new enemy makes its 
entrance from underground: a Stalfos! These powerful skeletons are arguably the 
strongest normal enemies in the game. They can send you flying with a swing of 
their huge maces if you don�t shield yourself. You have to hit a Stalfos� head 
to damage it, not an easy feat since they�re at least twice as tall as you. You 
need to break them apart to get at the head. Unless you�re feeling confident, 
do this the easy way by blow them apart with a Bomb. Stalfos are extremely slow 
when not using their devastating spin attack, which detonates the Bomb anyway, 
so throw it slightly in front of them. You can also L-target them and briefly 
stun them with the Boomerang, then attack them with your sword until they 
separate. Be sure to stun them frequently when doing this so they don�t cheaply 
pull off their spin attack. When they have been forcibly dismantled either way, 
L-target the head and stun it with the Boomerang, then get up close and smash 
it flat with the Skull Hammer (or mash B to kill it with your sword). If you�re 
quick, you can defeat the Stalfos before it reforms. If not, repeat the 
process. After you defeat the Stalfos, two stone coffins open to the southeast 
and west, and two more Stalfos come out! Since Stalfos are so slow, you 
probably won�t have to fight them at once. Simply do what you did before twice 
to beat them both. When all three Stalfos are re-killed, some panels lower once 
again to form a staircase. Open the ornate treasure chest at the top to get the 
Mirror Shield! This polished shield can reflect light just like Medli�s harp. 
To use it, draw your sword and hold R to shield. Then use the control stick to 
aim the light. Once you have broken the Stalfos� treasure spheres, reenter the 
previous room.

Return with Medli to the room with the two Floormasters. Like before, defeat 
the one by the door, then have Medli fly over the other to a switch next to a 
door in the southwest part of the room. Have her step on it to unseal the door, 
then have Link go through.

The next room is small and simple. Use the Mirror Shield to dissolve the parts 
of the west wall with the yellow emblems on them, then open the chest behind 
the panels to get the Joy Pendant.

Back in the room with the Poes, run down the stairs to the north and defeat all 
the enemies once again. Use the Command Melody to get Medli back into the 
western light beam, and have her shine it down to the center of the room. While 
she�s doing this, switch back to Link. Use the Mirror Shield to reflect the 
light onto a yellow emblem just below Medli. When it dissolves, a secret 
passage is opened. Take control of Medli again and have her run into it. Just 
before the door at the end of the passage is a light beam shining from the 
wall. Have her reflect the beam onto a nearby statue to dissolve it and reveal 
a Blue Rupee you can later grab as Link. Before switching back, have her 
reflect the light to the east, at the wall. Switch back to Link and have him 
reflect this beam at a yellow emblem near the beginning of the passage. When 
you dissolve it, you can get the 80-Rupee stash behind it. Once you�re nice and 
filthy rich, pick up Medli and go through the door.

You emerge on a ledge high above the room with the sinister face. Have Medli 
fly you back over the fog, to the part of the room with the two light beams. 
Now that you can both reflect light, you can solve the puzzle in this room. 
Have Medli stand in either light beam and reflect light onto the eye of the 
face closest to her. Eventually, that half of the face turns into a smiling 
sun. Have Medli keep doing this, then switch back to Link and repeat the 
process with the other side of the face. When you reflect light into both of 
the statue�s eyes, it illuminates the room, banishing the fog and creating some 
stairs under it. Go down the stairs with Medli and enter the basement.

After you set Medli down and go down the stairs, you�ll face yet another new 
enemy: the Blue Bubble. These new variations of Red Bubbles have the same 
effect as the blue fog if they hit you; shield yourself from their charges! 
Even worse, they can�t be hit by your sword. When battling one, lure it to 
attack you, then L-target it and hit it with the Deku Leaf. This stuns the 
Bubble, turning it into a regular skull that can be shattered by your sword. 
Make sure they fall onto the bridge or ledge, not into the fog below. If you 
fall, avoid the Floormasters as you make your way back to a ladder leading back 
up on the north side of the room. Once both Blue Bubbles are defeated, carry 
Medli across the bridge.

If you consult your map, you�ll see a passage leading off from the main part of 
this room, to the east. While facing the south to the next door, turn left and 
look for a side passage and platform hanging from chains. Use the Deku Leaf to 
reach this platform, then keep going in the same direction to the next. Turn 
left and glide to the ledge at the end of the passage, where the Tingle Tuner 
detects a Tingle Statue. As usual, Tingle Bomb it from a safe distance to 
reveal a chest with the Statue.

Another stone slab blocks the ways here; play the Earth God�s Lyric with Medli 
again to dissolve it. Go through the door behind the slab to the next room.

Set Medli down on the raised entrance area, as usual. There two Redead to the 
sides in this room, but unlike last time, you can exploit their weakness: 
light. Roll to the beam of light in the middle of the room, where they won�t 
attack you. Draw your sword, L-target a Redead, then hold your Mirror Shield up 
to temporarily stun them. Quickly move it and slice the Redead apart before it 
returns to normal, then get back into the light beam and repeat with the other 
fiend. Then reflect light onto the statue sitting on the small block just north 
of the light beam to dissolve it. Lastly, reflect some light onto the mirrors 
in the northwest and northeast corners of the room to dissolve statues blocking 
the east and west doors. Now, feel free to leave Medli as you go through the 
west door.

This room is filled with fog and Floormasters. You�ll have to navigate a maze 
of pillars as you avoid 6 of the annoying monsters to reach a Small Key on the 
other side. Move very slowly so you can tell if a Floormaster inhabits the gap 
between pillars you�re about to cross; you can�t see them until you�re just 
outside their range. Carefully make your way through the pillar and Floormaster 
maze to the Small Key chest on the other side. This also dissolves the fog, 
letting you see the Floormasters clearly. Unless you want to do the sidequest 
below, go back the way you came.


After what those pesky Floormasters put you through, don�t you feel like some 
good vengeance? Thought so. Carefully defeat all 6 Floormasters in the room to 
make a chest containing Treasure Chart 12 appear near the south end. Remember, 
L-target and stun them as soon as they extend, then alternate between stunning 
and slashing until they�re defeated. You should have some experience dealing 
with Floormasters by now.

Back in this room, go through the east door.

There are two Floormasters in a fog-filled corridor in this room. You can�t 
defeat them with your Sword this time, so L-target the nearest one and hit it 
with a barrage of 6 arrows or 3 Fire Arrows. Then jump into the fog and keep to 
the left or right side of the corridor to run and roll past the other 
Floormaster and onto the ledge. When the fog wears off, defeat this Floormaster 
the same way. Next, push the giant, scorpion-shaped mirror through the lowered 
groove to the matching tile. Lastly look west for a grate blocking you off from 
another room. Use the Skull Hammer to pound a stake next to the grate down and 
make light from a skylight shine through the grate, then return to the other 
side of the room and leave.

Push the block on the south side of the room next to the ledge, under the door. 
Throw Medli to the top of this ledge, then use the block to climb up yourself. 
Pick Medli up and go through.

You�ll have to fight three Poes and three Red Bubbles in here. Simply L-target 
the Red Bubbles and vertically slash them to slay them quickly. Now that you 
have access to light, you can defeat the Poes the easy way. Shine light onto a 
Poe (with L-targeting or manual aiming) for a few seconds or lure it into the 
light shining from the next room to make it corporeal. You can now stun it with 
the Boomerang and defeat it with two sword slashes like any other enemy. Once 
you beat all the enemies, you can shine light onto the statues on the south 
side to reveal a Yellow Rupee and magic vial. Unfortunately, if you try to 
reflect light onto the west statue, it doesn�t work, since you have to be 
facing away from the light. Instead, play the Command Melody and have Medli 
reflect light roughly southeast. Have Link stand in this beam and use it to 
dissolve the statue blocking off the exit. Pick Medli up and go through.

This room is lined with coffins that open as you pass. Defeat all the nearby 
Keese with the Boomerang. 

Quickly run and roll straight ahead to hopefully avoid the falling coffins. If 
this is too hard, inch forward and open one coffin at a time. Remember to stick 
to the middle of the corridor. You�ll have to slay two Redead after opening all 
the coffins; remember to keep your distance when the scream. Open the chest at 
the end of this corridor to get a Red Rupee.

After you�ve suitably taken care of that sidequest, make your way down the 
other hallway in the same manner. Besides more refills, the only other thing of 
note here is a Stalfos. Defeat it like you did before, then go back and get 
Medli. Carry her to the stone slab at the end of this hallway and get rid of it 
with the Earth God�s Lyric. Carry Medli through to the next room.

Climb down some winding stairs to arrive in a huge, circular room. The Boss 
Door is visible across a huge chasm, but you still don�t have the Boss Key. 
You�ll have to descend some stairs that wind around the edge of the room to get 
it. First, climb some short stairs to the right and use a Bomb to uncover the 
dungeon�s final Warping Jar. Then carry Medli back down the other stairs. The 
stairs soon stop as you get to a vine-covered section of the wall. Rather then 
climb down, simply jump with Medli to the lower part of the stairs. Keep going 
to the door at the bottom of the stairs. If you fall into the central pit, be 
very careful! A layer of fog floats above the floor, so you can�t immediately 
use items on the Floormasters around the room. Try to avoid them and make your 
way to the vines that cover the south side of the room to get back up.

The next room is the biggest in the dungeon, both in size and puzzle-ness. 
You�ll have to solve one of the longest puzzles in the game to open the way to 
the Boss Key room. To start with, take control of Medli and have her fly to the 
room�s central pillar. Press the switch on it to open a skylight and let in a 
light beam. Now switch back to Link and jump down to the lowered part of the 
room. Push the large scorpion mirrors in the southwest and southeast corners of 
the room in their respective indentations to the matching scorpion tiles. The 
southeast one reflects the light beam. Control Medli again and have her stand 
on the pedestal north of the reflecting mirror. Face towards the mirror and 
reflect light on the translucent chest to the right of it. Once the chest 
appears, look west and shine light on the large statue sitting against the 
central pillar to dissolve it and reveal another mirror underneath. Finally, 
look southeast to a large alcove with a pedestal in it. Shine light directly at 
this pedestal, then switch back to Link. Have him first open the chest to get a 
Purple Rupee, then get onto the pedestal and use the reflected light to 
dissolve four wall panels just north of him; another mirror is behind it. Pull 
this mirror and the one behind the statue into their scorpion spaces. When you 
move those two mirrors into place, you should briefly see a screenshot of the 
light reflecting in a W shape and through an opening in the central pillar.

Now, for the second part of the puzzle. Have Medli stand on a pedestal in the 
northwest part of the room, in the light reflected by the southwest mirror. 
First, shine light on the chest just left of the mirror; it contains a Joy 
Pendant when Link later opens it. Then look farther left for another statue; 
when you dissolve it another mirror is behind. Third, look to the right of the 
mirror for a yellow emblem on part of the wall. Shine light on this to reveal a 
secret passage and door behind. Last, shine light down onto a small pedestal to 
the southeast of the large one Medli is on. While holding this position, switch 
back to Link. As Link, get onto the small pedestal Medli reflects light on, 
then reflect it again, onto the four yellow emblems on the northwest wall. Then 
go over to them and pull the statue that was behind along the indent to the 
scorpion tile. Finally, move the mirror that was behind the statue into its 
scorpion tile. This should trigger another screenshot, this time of two beams 
of light reflecting over two pedestals near the face on the north side of the 

Now, look behind where the statues were in the northwest and east alcoves for 
some jars containing Rupees. Next, take control of Medli and move her onto 
either of the pedestals from the last screenshot. Like before, reflect light 
onto the nearest eye of the face to turn that side into a sun. Release control 
of Medli while doing this and do the same thing with Link on the other 
pedestal. When both sides of the face are a sun, the room lights up and some 
panels in the north end of the room slide aside to reveal a door. Don�t bother 
bringing Medli as you go through.

In this room, you�ll have to fight two Blue Bubbles and a Darknut for the Boss 
Key. Try to focus on the Blue Bubbles first before taking on the Darknut, which 
you should avoid. Since you already know how to defeat all these enemies, you 
shouldn�t need much help. When they are all defeated, the gate in front of the 
Boss Key chest opens. Get it, then return to the mirror puzzle room.


Before returning to the Boss Door room, consider going through the secret 
passage you opened and through the west door.

The three coffins in here all contain Stalfos, and only open when light from 
the beam on the ledge is shone on them. Jump down to the pit with the coffins 
and have Medli do it for you. It�s recommended you open one at a time, but if 
you feel ready you can fight two or even all three at once. Once all three 
Stalfos are defeated, a chest appears just east of the light beam. Pull the 
block on the south side of the room out from the wall, then use it to get back 
up. Open the chest to get Treasure Chart 20, then return with Medli to the 
previous room.

After you�ve hopefully done the aforementioned sidequest, return with Medli to 
the Boss Door room. Control her and have her fly back up to the ledge where you 
first entered, then have Link take the long way by climbing the vines. Pick 
Medli up and jump across the chasm to the Boss Door on the west side. You can 
get refills and Fairies in the pots near the Boss Door. When you�re ready, go 
through it.

When Link enters the brightened Boss Room, he sees a small army of Poes dancing 
around. They all notice him, then turn ghostly and run towards the center of 
the room. They then create a large mask and merge behind it to form a 
tremendously fat, gigantic Poe. The monstrosity laughs and summons a huge 
lantern, then attacks!

Difficulty: **
Like many Bosses, Jalhalla is a giant version of one of his minions, in this 
case Poes. He�s been left by Ganondorf to guard the seal on the Master Sword�s 
power in the deepest room of the Earth Temple.

-Defensive Strategy-
Jalhalla has four attacks to speak of. In his first, he sucks up air around him 
to drag you closer, then fires a blast of fire from his lantern. Run and roll 
away from him when he does this to hopefully avoid the attack. He also uses an 
outward wind gust to blow you towards the spikes lining the room; run and roll 
towards him in this case. At close range, he can also shoot fireballs from the 
lantern. This attack can be tough to avoid; your best bet is to run away. 
Finally, he can jinx you like any other Poe if you get too close to him. 
(unfortunately, he doesn�t sacrifice himself to do this) In general, always 
keep a good distance away from Jalhalla and the spikes around the room.

-Offensive Strategy-
Like with normal Poes, the secret to defeating Jalhalla is in the light beams 
the periodically appear and disappear around the room. When you see one, 
quickly run into it, face Jalhalla, and start reflecting light onto him. The 
beam won�t disappear once you start shining it on Jalhalla, so don�t worry. As 
usual, this makes him physical. Run over and pick him up with the Power 
Bracelets, then turn and throw him at one of the spiked pillars around the 
room. When he hits it, he briefly splits up into 15-20 regular Poes, who start 
running around and can be killed like any other Poes. You can attack them 
normally with the Boomerang and Master Sword, but this will take much too long. 
Instead, charge up a Hurricane Spin (you DID get it from Orca by now, didn�t 
you?) as Jalhalla helplessly rolls towards a pillar and inch after him. Once he 
splits into regular Poes, let the Hurricane Spin fly! If you control Link well 
during this, you should be able to take out a good portion of the Poes over a 
few seconds this way. Once they reform, find a beam of light and repeat the 
process until you�ve destroyed all of Jalhalla�s Poes.

Once the last Poe composing Jalhalla is defeated, the mask reappears in the 
center of the room. It tries to run away and climb a wall, but a light beam 
suddenly shines down on the mask, making it fall to the ground and shatter, 
leaving behind a Heart Container. The center of the room�s Triforce emblem also 
glows blue. Get the Heart Container, then enter the light.

Once you do, Medli runs into the room. Wordlessly, Link places the Master Sword 
in the center of the Triforce emblem and starts to conduct Medli as she plays 
the Earth God�s Lyric. Laruto appears beside you to accompany her. Eventually, 
the Triforce emblem starts shining gold. After they finish, blue light shines 
into the Master Sword. Link picks it up, and its hilt morphs into the familiar 
one from Ocarina of Time. (I liked the old hilt better...) The Master Sword�s 
power has been restored...partially. Medli tells you that you need to go to the 
Wind Temple for one more prayer to fully restore the Master Sword. Medli will 
continue to pray here, but asks you to look out for Prince Komali for her 
before you leave. Link then steps into the Triforce to be transported back to 
the surface. 

Piece of Heart: Outset Island (G2), Savage Labyrinth
Piece of Heart: Outset Island (G2), All-Purpose Bait required 
Piece of Heart: Bomb Island (E6), Treasure Chart 20 required

h.	Blade of Evil�s Bane (Wndtm)

You emerge outside on Headstone Island. Get back onto the KoRL; it�s time to 
head to the Wind Temple! First, you�ll need the Iron boots. If you followed my 
walkthrough, you�ll already have them; if not, look at the beginning of the 
previous chapter for a walkthrough on Ice Ring Isle. Also, make sure you have 
the Magic Upgrade from the Big Octo at G4; you�ll need it. Once you are ready, 
warp to Windfall and sail north to Gale Isle in quadrant A4.


Like Headstone Island, Gale Isle lives up to its name. A ridiculously strong 
wind shoots from the mouth of a strange statue on the north side of the Isle�s 
shore. With the Iron Boots, however, strong winds are no problem. Slip them on 
and walk straight into the wind. When you reach the statue, smash it with the 
Skull Hammer and walk through.

Inside the Isle, everything looks virtually identical to Headstone Island. The 
only differences are the instrument, a violin, and song painted on the stone 
slab. Get out your Wind Waker and play the song in 6/4 time to learn the Wind 
God�s Aria! You should be expecting what happens next; like with the Earth 
Temple, a ghostly figure appears next to you after you learn the song. This 
time, it�s a Kokiri holding a violin. He introduces himself as Fado. He may 
look young, but players of Ocarina of Time should know that Kokiris always look 
like children. He was the Wind Sage, but when Ganon returned he met the same 
fate as Laruto. Once again, you must find the one holding the same instrument 
as Fado and play the Wind God�s Aria to awaken this person as the new Wind 
Sage. He also tells you that the King of Hyrule long ago used the Wind Waker to 
conduct the sages. He asks you to tell the King that he will still play, even 
in the next world, and then vanishes. Now, who do you remember having a violin? 
This should be much more obvious than Medli.
Can�t remember? Here�s a hint: like with Zoras and Rito, the new Earth Sage is 
a descendent of the Kokiris.
Still in the dark? You have my pity. Just think back to the Forest Haven�s New 
Year Ceremony; it�s Makar! Get back on the KoRL and warp to Forest Haven.


As you start climbing the path to Forest Haven, you can hear (and see) music 
coming from the right-hand waterfall! Makar must somehow be behind it. Proceed 
back up the path to Forest Haven until you Grapple onto the post above the 
waterfall. Instead of swinging across, lower yourself as far as possible and 
turn to face the middle of the waterfall the music is coming from. Start 
swinging towards it, but don�t let yourself get up to full speed. On your 
second swing towards the waterfall, let go to hopefully fly into it.

You find yourself in a cave underneath the waterfall. Water drips from the 
roots of aquatic plants above, while Makar practices his violin on some land in 
the far end of the cave. He�s secretly coming up with a song for the next New 
Year Ceremony, and is surprised that you can hear him outside. When you pull 
out the Wind Waker, Makar is amazed and asks you to conduct him like Medli. 
Play the Wind God�s Aria to him. Makar strangely feels like he knows the song, 
and starts playing it flawlessly. As Link conducts, Fado materializes and 
replaces Makar. When they finish, a crowd bizarrely applauds and they both bow. 
Makar comes back and says that the Wind god�s Aria has awakened him to his fate 
as the Wind Sage, just like Medli. He then asks you to take him to the Wind 

You appear on the KoRL, with Makar sitting on his head. (how cute!) Warp back 
to Windfall Island and sail to Gale Isle. The KoRL tells you to cooperate in 
order to master this temple, then lets you go inside. Once you�re in the cavern 
with the stone, take Makar to it and break it open with the Wind God�s Aria, as 
with Medli. Once it dissolves, you automatically walk through to a pedestal 
just like the Earth Temple�s. Makar jumps in, and you follow him.


The KoRL was telling the truth when he said you�ll have to cooperate with 
Makar, and for the most part he can help you like Medli. You can pick Makar up 
and throw him, or have him follow you like Medli did. Because he�s so small, he 
can�t carry Link across gaps, though. When controlled using the Command Melody, 
Makar runs much slower than Medli owing to his smaller size. Also while Medli 
was good at flying horizontally, Makar�s leaf propeller lets him quickly rocket 
vertically, with not much potential for horizontal movement. Finally, instead 
of reflecting light, Makar can plant seeds to instantly grow giant trees on 
piles of light brown soil. These trees can trigger things, and are also 
essential for this Temple�s dungeon item. Anyway, pick Makar up and carry him 
to the next room.

You need to glide to the opposite side of the room with the Deku Leaf to reach 
the exit, but two powerful downdrafts in a narrow part of the room keep you 
from doing this. First, set Makar down and jump down off the ledge to the lower 
part of the room. A Wizzrobe will attack you; defeat it with a Fire Arrow or 
the standard stun and slash. Then run under the downdrafts to the north part of 
the room to make a Stalfos attack you. Fighting it is hard in close quarters, 
since you can�t use sword combos against the head while it�s against a wall, 
for some reason. Lure it out of the narrow part, then defeat it. After both 
enemies are vanquished, look to the left, beyond where the Stalfos emerged, for 
a Warping Jar you can Bomb open. Now play the Command Melody to switch to 
Makar. First, drop off the ledge. In the middle of the lowered part of the room 
are two small mounds of light-colored soil. Have Makar move onto each of these 
and press A to grow a large tree in them. When you plant trees in both spots, a 
chest appears between them. Now go past the narrow part of the room to where 
the Stalfos emerged and fly up to the top of the ledge, near the door. Step on 
a switch to the right to shut down the downdrafts and switch back to Link. 
First, open the chest to get a valuable Orange Rupee. Next, you have to use the 
nearby springboard to get up. To do this, put on your Iron Boots while standing 
on the springboard to compress it, then take them off while facing the south 
ledge to go flying into the air. Hold forward on the control stick to fly back 
up onto the ledge. Repeat this with the springboard on this ledge, but deploy 
your Deku Leaf when you�re in the air and glide to the ledge where Makar is. 
Pick him up and go to the next room.

This room is separated by a large screen. There are two Armos and a wind switch 
on your side of it. Defeat the Armos, with out without arrows, and then use the 
Deku Leaf to his the wind switch. This rotates the screen up into the ceiling, 
allowing you to pass. Don�t hit either of the two switches here; they let you 
move the screen from the other side. Instead, roll past the moving blade here 
with timing and stand by the sealed north door, then control Makar. Have him 
cross the room and fly over the moving blade, then plant trees in the two 
mounds of soil to unseal the door. Switch back to Link, pick Makar up, and go 

There is a high ledge north of you in the next room, with two tall ledges in 
between. Since Link can�t go anywhere at the moment, switch to Makar and fly up 
to the lowest ledge. Plant a tree in the soil there and repeat at the next 
ledge, then again at the highest, north ledge. When Makar plants the third 
tree, 4 Floormasters surround the poor little guy and drag him down 
automatically! Luckily, the southeast door also unseals with the final tree, so 
go through it.

If you want the final Tingle Statue, you�ll have to face your fears and jump 
into the Grabbing Hand-infested pit below the ledges. Between the two circular 
ones, the Tingle Tuner should detect the Statue. Set a Bomb there from a safe 
distance and get the Statue, then quickly leave.

Except for the Tower of the Gods, ever dungeon you�ve been in so far has had a 
multilevel, circular room. You�re entering the Wind Temple�s. This room spans 
all three of the Temple�s floors, but another screen covers the center of it on 
the first floor, where you enter. There are 4 alcoves on the side of the main 
circular room; look in the north one to find Makar imprisoned! He says that the 
stone head blocking the exit to the jail is very heavy, and to move it you�d 
have to be as heavy as the Great Deku Tree himself. However, even if you slip 
on the Iron Boots, you still can�t move it. You�ll need this dungeon�s item to 
free Makar. For now, go to the room�s east alcove. Either defeat or run past 
the Armos Knights in it and go to the next room.

This next room has another wind-operated screen, but the switch is nowhere in 
sight. Get past the moving blade and look down over the ledge. The switch is 
below, along with a Floormaster. This one is downright cheap, and if you simply 
jump down anywhere near it, it will grab you and instantly drag you down before 
you can do anything. Make sure you�re nowhere near the Floormaster when you 
jump down by watching it for a while as it moves, then inch towards it, ready 
to L-target and stun it. Once you beat the Floormaster (it will probably take 
several tries), trigger the wind switch it was circling around to rotate the 
screen. There�s another Floormaster on the other side of the pit, but you don�t 
have to bother fighting it. Use the nearby springboard to reach the upper 
level, but don�t aim west as you fly off it or you�ll get hit by the moving 
blade. Run across the screen; open a chest in a northern alcove for a Joy 
Pendant. Use the Boomerang to defeat the two Peahats in the east side of the 
room, but stay out of the moving blade�s path. A stone slab with the Wind God�s 
Aria on it blocks the east exit, so take the southeast one instead.

I hope you got the Magic Upgrade, because you�ll sure need it for this room. 
The lowest part of this room is filled with Grabbing Hands and the only way 
back up is the ledge you�re on. You�ll be gliding over them most of the way. 
Unfortunately, a large screen stops your progress. Jump off the ledge and use 
your Deku Leaf to fly into the updraft, then to a high ledge. Hit the switch on 
this ledge to open part of the screen. Glide to the horizontal part of the 
opened gate. Run to the other side of the screen while still of the gate. A 
Wizzrobe will attack you; defeat it with Fire Arrows as usual. Try to L-target 
it if you aren�t a good marksman. Get some magic refills on the platforms near 
the gate if you want, then glide into this area�s updraft and over through the 
gate to the south. Land on the ledge in the southeastern side of the room and 
open the chest to get the Dungeon Map. Chop some grass here for more magic and 
fly back through the screen, into the updraft. Search some ledges around this 
clearing for more magic, then get to the east ledge, so that the updraft is 
between you and the screen to the west. When you have full magic, jump off it 
and hit the updraft, then keep going and head through the opening in the 
screen. Hit another updraft beyond that and land on an opened gate. There is 
another Wizzrobe and some Peahats in the final clearing; defeat them all with 
manually aimed arrows. Refill your magic with the skulls on this gate, then 
glide to the ledge the Wizzrobe was on. Refill your magic one last time ad go 
through the northwestern door.

There are two things to do in the ledge overlooking the tall, circular room you 
arrive in. First, Bomb the Warping Jar to the right to open a handy shortcut. 
Next, step on the circular switch and put the Iron Boots on to press it. This 
causes the screen acting as a floor below you to open up. Since you have no 
other place to go, jump down to the basement. Remember to get your Deku Leaf 
out just before hitting the floor to break your fall. (and most likely your 
arms) The basement is dominated by a giant grate with an inactive fan 
underneath. There are two doors in the basement (although the map says there 
are three-more on that later), and the north one is locked, so go through the 

A raised part on the northern side of this room is surrounded by sharp spikes. 
Before it are 5 holes covered by cracked rocks. To break through them, step on 
top of one and put the Iron Boots on. Also, something different happens 
depending on which hole you break through. Counting from your left, the first 
engages you in a battle with four Red Chuchus, the second does nothing, the 
middle one makes you fight two Floormasters, the fourth three Armos, and the 
right-hand one 4 Green Chuchus. Obviously, the second one from the left is the 
most desirable. Once you drop into the basement, look to the south for two 
moveable blocks, one with a springboard on top. In the extreme southern side of 
the room is a special black-colored tile. Push the springboard block onto this, 
and the other block anywhere around it. Use the first block to climb onto the 
springboard, and use the Iron Boots on it to spring up to the high ledge that 
was surrounded by spikes. (they recede when you get up to the ledge) Open the 
chest up here to get a Small Key.

After getting the small key, continue to break through all the cracked floors 
and beat all the enemies in the basement. When all 5 floors are broken and you 
spring to the high ledge, a treasure chest containing Treasure Chart 35 

Anyway, once you�re ready, leave to the basement of the main room.

Now that you have a Small Key, open and go through the north door directly 
across from where you come in.

This large, circular room seems empty at first, but when you approach the 
middle, an elite, orange-robed Wizzrobe appears. Laughing insanely, it summons 
a yellow-robed Wizzrobe and a Darknut and disappears; it�s miniboss time!

If the warning below isn�t enough, don�t forgot to take the miniboss Wizzrobe�s 
picture! Try to eliminate all the summoned enemies first to make things easier.

Difficulty: *
Unlike the other levels, the Wind Temple has an actual miniboss instead of a 
normal enemy. (or three) He�s basically a stronger version of the Summoning 
Wizzrobes you�ll start seeing after you beat him, and is recognizable by his 
orange robes and golden headdress. Before you start finding out how to beat 
him, TAKE HIS PICTOGRAPH! You only get one shot to take it per game. Try to 
kill off all his summoned enemies first. After you�ve taken three good 
Pictographs of him, save and quit to return to the Dungeon entrance, leave and 
go to your boat, warp to Forest Haven, and pay Carlov a quick visit to see if 
he accepts it. If not, try again; if he does, keep reading.

-Defensive Strategy-
The Wizzrobe�s first attack is a triple fireball attack, just like any other 
Wizzrobe�s. Your Mirror Shield can block it, but it�s easy to dodge from a 
distance. What really makes this battle hard is the enemies the Wizzrobe 
summons. Unlike Summoning Wizzrobes, it can summon anything, from Chuchus to 
Kargarocs to Darknuts! (he always begins by summoning a Summoning Wizzrobe and 
a Darknut) This can make finding and attacking the Wizzrobe tough, but you 
should ignore the Summoned enemies unless they�re starting to keep you from the 

-Offensive Strategy-
Beating the Wizzrobe is simple; just get out your Fire Arrows and shoot it 
three times. The only hard part is getting locked onto it with all the other 
enemies out to kill you. Always keep running to hopefully avoid them, and 
switch targets until you can lock onto him and shot a Fire Arrow. Like I said 
before, completely concentrate on the Wizzrobe unless it�s becoming impossible 
to get to him. If you have to, quickly exterminate all his summoned minions so 
you can keep him from summoning any more by interrupting the process with Fire 
Arrows. Also, remember that after you defeat the Wizzrobe, you�ll still have to 
take on all its protege.

After you beat the Wizzrobe, a chest appears in the middle of the room, as 
usual. Open it to receive the Hookshot! This useful item can latch onto certain 
objects and either pull them to you or you to them, depending on their relative 
weight. You can use it on trees, treasure chests, or even enemies. As usual, 
you�ll have to use your new toy to escape the room. Look to the north side of 
the room for a ledge with a stake on it. Use your Hookshot to hit the 
concentric circle target above the stake to reel yourself up to the ledge. Slam 
the stake down with the Skull Hammer to open the exit door.

Back in the main room, you�ll have to use the Hookshot to ascend the platforms 
around the side. Look for a Hookshot target above each you can reel yourself up 
to. You should eventually reach a high ledge on the east side of the room in 
this way. Look across the chasm to an alcove containing a treasure chest. Glide 
to it with the Deku Leaf and open the chest to get the dungeon�s Compass. After 
you�ve plundered the pots near the chest, get onto the springboard on the ledge 
and look south. Compress it and spring to another ledge; you may need to use 
the Deku Leaf to make it. Use the Hookshot to climb more platforms, and then 
another springboard to reach a long ledge just below the first floor. Run along 
this ledge to the north side of it, then use the Hookshot on one of the targets 
on either side of the north alcove above you. Now that you have your new tool, 
it�s time to rescue Makar. Put on the Iron Boots, and while stand on one of the 
outer corner of the alcove, shoot the target on the forehead of the statue 
blocking the exit to Makar�s prison. This drags the statue down, freeing Makar! 
Run into his cell and open the chest to get a Joy Pendant, then leave. Jump 
back down to the ledge and go to its west end, using the Hookshot to reach the 
west alcove. Once you�re up, control Makar and have him fly to where you are. 
Pick him up and go through the door.

When you enter the room where Makar was kidnapped, go south to the room with 
the revolving screen. If the screen isn�t vertical, press the raised switch 
just beyond the moving blade. Then stand next to the screen and look up. On the 
high wall near the screen, there are two Hookshot targets. Latch onto either 
one to reach a room above the main one. Hit the wind switch here, then run 
across the screen. Use the Hookshot-Iron Boots combination to pull two stone 
heads off the wall (from a safe distance to avoid damage). One contains some 
Green Rupees, the other a Joy Pendant. You can drop back the way you can after 
rotating the screen, or through a cracked floor on the side with the stone 

You�ll have to defeat a Summoning Wizzrobe in the room where Makar was 
kidnapped. They can summon weak enemies just like the miniboss you fought. Kill 
them with 4 arrows or 2 Fire Arrows, and make sure to hit it before it can 
summon anything. After that, control Makar and have him fly back to the highest 
ledge, this time Floormaster-free. Switch back to Link and get there by using 
your Hookshot to reach each of the trees Makar planted earlier. Once you�re 
both up, pick Makar up and enter the next room.

There are more ledges here, with quite a few Blue Bubbles guarding them. Now 
that you have the Hookshot, you can shoot them with it to not only remove their 
flames, but also reel them towards you. Try to defeat the two nearest Blue 
Bubbles for now. (you�ll have to manually hit the second with the Hookshot; be 
sure to fire where the Bubble will be in about half a second) Then control 
Makar and fly to the lowest ledge. Plant a tree there, switch to Link, and 
Hookshot to the tree. Defeat any nearby Blue Bubbles in the same way, then have 
Makar fly to the next ledge and plant another tree. Repeat this process to 
reach the top, then pick Makar up and go through the door.

You are now on the highest part of the main room. There are two switches in 
front of you here; set Makar on one and stand on the other. This does two 
things: first, the gate in front of you opens, giving you access to the main 
room. Also, it causes the grate above the fan down in the basement to open! 
Now, control Makar and have him drop down to the basement, but not under the 
fan just yet. Try to line up the fall to avoid Peahats. Once you�re on the ring 
of land above the inactive fan, look in an alcove in the west side of the 
basement. There are two patches of soil here; plant trees in both to activate 
the fan and create the mother of all updrafts! Feel free to fly into the 
updraft and ride it back up to the second floor, where Link is. Then switch 
back to Link. While the updraft is going, get out your Deku Leaf and fly to the 
left, to the east side of the second floor. The updraft lifts you high into the 
air, so move the camera to look straight down. Glide over the east alcove and 
drop. Open the chest here to get a Joy Pendant and refill your magic with the 
bushes. Then ride the updraft to the raised south alcove and go through the 

You�ll have to fight 6 Armos in here. Try to run around the room to get the 
Armos into a tight group. Keep your shield up and L-target an Armos at all 
times to avoid damage. With this herd of Armos, it�s almost impossible to pick 
them off by stunning them with arrows. Sidestep their charge, then hit them 
backs with the Master Sword as they pass. It may take some practice to get the 
timing down, but it�s hard to take damage this way, and you can take out 
several Armos at once. Once all the Armos are destroyed, a grate in the south 
side of the room opens. Open the chest behind it to get a Small Key, then 

In the main room, look right and down from the ledge, to the east alcove on the 
first floor. Jump down when the fan isn�t blowing, and glide to the ledge when 
you�re almost level with it. Rotate the camera so you can see the right time to 
drop: when you�re just starting to pass over solid ground and at the center of 
the ledge. This maximizes the distance between you and the Armos Knights, 
keeping them from noticing you. Control Makar again and have him land right 
next to you. Pick Makar up and run past the Armos Knights to the next room.

You�re back in the Floormaster room. Repeat what you did before carefully, and 
run to the east side of the room. Now that Makar is back, you can play the Wind 
God�s Aria with him to dissolve the stone slab. Enter the door behind it.

Get ready for fun or pain in this room, depending on how skilled you are. 
You�ll have to fight 3 Darknuts for the Boss Key; one has a buckler. Keep 
moving at all times, circle around the Darknuts as you did the Armos to herd 
them together, and try to stay far enough away from them so only one is in 
range to attack you. Parry his attack; you�ll hopefully do a jumping parry and 
knock several helmets off. Try to slice some armor off soon after, then get out 
of the group of Darknuts and keep removing armor. You�re trying to remove all 
their helmets; once you do; it�s easy to quickly stun all 3 and get to work 
attacking them. It also obviously becomes easier when you kill one. Anyway, 
when all 3 are defeated, a grate opens and you can get the Boss Key from the 
chest behind. Now leave the room and head back through the Floormaster room 
with Makar.

In the main room, have you and Makar descend to the basement as usual, one 
after the other. Try to do it when the fan isn�t blowing. When you both get 
there, wait for it to stop and jump through the opening in the grate, under the 
fan. You will now see the seemingly nonexistent east door from the map. If you 
want to get out of the lower basement, look around the edge for a square pillar 
and switch. While holding Makar, step on the switch to lower the pillar 
briefly. Quickly run onto it and let it raise you to the regular basement. 
Anyway, go through the east exit to the next room.

You have a tough battle ahead of you in this circular room: two Stalfos and a 
Summoning Wizzrobe. Get out your Fire Arrows as soon as you enter, and quickly, 
manually hit the Wizzrobe as it appears, before it can summon anything. Don�t 
worry about the Stalfos; they should be too slow to reach you, and if they do, 
run past the to the other side of the room and finish the Wizzrobe off. Then 
focus on the Stalfos. Try to demolish both of them at once with a well-placed 
Bomb; use two Bombs with necessary. When it�s safe, L-target one head and 
concentrate on it until it dies. The last Stalfos is much easier. After they�re 
all defeated, the east exit still doesn�t open. Use the Hookshot to make your 
way up the ledges around the sides of the room; the highest one has a stake to 
whack in order to open the exit. (either that or an Iron Boots switch; I can�t 
remember, but you can easily trigger either) Make sure to take Makar.

Notice that some of the ledges in this room have Hookshot targets, while a few 
have stone heads like the one Makar was imprisoned behind. Drag these heads 
down as you did before, preferably from another platform. Each contains a 
hiding Bokoblin. Defeat them by jumping to their ledges or with arrows. When 
all the Bokoblin are defeated (there should be 2 or 3), a chest containing 
Treasure Chart 5 appears in the center of the room.

The next room is very long, and the second to last before the boss room. An 
imposing gauntlet of enemies stands before you; about 5 Shield Bokoblin and 2 
Armos Knights behind them. Try to stay as far away from the Armos Knights as 
possible as you lure the Shield Bokoblin to the west side of the room and 
defeat them. You can also use arrows. After they�re all beaten. Defeat the 
Armos Knights. As usual, quickly back away from their short-lived charges, then 
toss a Bomb into their gaping mouths as they stop. Once all the enemies are 
beaten, play the Command Melody to switch to Makar. As Makar, run east to the 
circular ledge. Two horizontal whirlwinds here keep Link from cross the gap to 
the other side, but Makar can simply fly right over them. On the other side�s 
circular ledge, plant a tree in the soil. This stops the whirlwinds, but when 
you switch back to Link you can simply Hookshot to the tree. Keep going east 
from the tree and defeat the Floormaster. (inch off the ledge so you don�t jump 
onto it; the Iron Boots can help you do this) Use the Boomerang to slay several 
more Peahats after that, then grab Makar and run into the next room.

This last room has three moving blades in it, and three massive whirlwinds to 
continually push you back to the north. You�ll have to wear the Iron Boots all 
the time to keep your footing, but they make you too slow to cross the path of 
the moving blades. The key is in the three blocks in front of you as you enter. 
With the Iron Boots on, push one of them forward until it gets in the way of 
the first moving blade. Push the block towards the blade, to completely trap it 
between the block and wall. Get another block and repeat this process with the 
faster-moving second blade. Then get the third block and push it into the gap 
just before the third moving blade, preferably somewhere in the middle. Now, go 
back to the entry door and get Makar. Set him on the south side of the block 
trapping the second moving blade, so that the wind pushes him towards it. Then 
pull the first block towards the middle of the room, and then south. This frees 
up the moving blade, so be careful to keep your Iron Boots on. Pull this block 
across the third one in the pit; switch to pushing it sometime so you don�t get 
hurt as you trap the third moving blade. Go back and get Makar, then walk 
across the block in the gap and past the trapped blade. Proceed through the 
doorway between the giant fans. After you get completely through, feel free to 
remove the Iron Boots, then go to the stone slab. Have Makar help you dissolve 
it as before to reach the final part of the room. This chamber contains a 
Warping Jar you can Bomb open, jars containing refills and lots of Rupees, and 
the Boss Door! When you�re ready, go through it to face the Boss of the Wind 

You emerge on a high ledge in the boss room. A stone platform with a Triforce 
emblem is below you in the center of the room, surrounded by sand. When you 
jump down and approach the platform, the room brightens and sand pours down 
around its edges. The Triforce emblem is buried under the rising sand, and a 
giant, ugly worm creature emerges from it! It somehow flies around the room for 
a while, then crashes back into the sand. This is the boss of the Wind Temple, 

Difficulty: ***
The Boss of the Wind Temple, Molgera is a giant sand worm reminiscent of 
Twinmold from Majora�s Mask. (luckily, there is only one worm) Like Jalhalla, 
it was assigned to guard the seal on the Master Sword�s power.

-Defensive Strategy-
Molgera begins by burrowing underneath the sand that fills your arena. He�s 
then rise out of the sand beneath you. You can tell where Molgera will appear 
because the sand over it darkens and starts to sink down. If it appears under 
you (as usual) run away and roll to escape. When it rises from the sand, its 
only attack is to eat you if you get close. Stay completely out of the sand 
hole except when you�re about to attack, or it will eat you, doing an entire 
two Hearts of damage! Molgera also sometimes rises out of the sand and somehow 
flies around roaring and showing off its ugliness, then tries to burrow down on 
top of you. The attack is easy to dodge if you keep track of Molgera. The 
biggest threat in this battle are the several worm larvae Molgera summons after 
you take away a quarter of its health. (most likely by reeling its tongue in 
once) These worms burrow in and out of the sand, trying to ram into you. They 
don�t attack often; their main purpose is to keep you from L-targeting Molgera. 
L-target them, drag them next to you, and attack them with your sword. Two 
sword hits defeats a Molgera larvae until Molgera dives under the sand and 

-Offensive Strategy-
The secret to beating Molgera is much like that of Gohma, only more 
complicated. Like with Gohma, you have to drag its vulnerable part next to you 
(this time its tongue, with the Hookshot) and attack it with your sword. The 
only complication is that there are now extra targets to draw your fire. You�ll 
probably have to quickly slay a few larvae before you can target Molgera. They 
can drop hearts when you beat them. Stay well away from its sand hole as you do 
so, or you�ll turn into worm food. Molgera won�t move (I think) unless it gets 
a good bite out of you first. Once you can L-target it, repeatedly fire the 
Hookshot at Molgera�s tongue so you don�t get any closer than you have to be. 
Once you hit the tongue and drag it to you, attack it with your sword. You�ll 
have to drag its tongue to you and attack 4 times to defeat Molgera.

When you defeat Molgera, it sends green blood flying everywhere and sinks into 
the sand. It then shoots back out and flies around in pain, but soon freezes, 
turns to sand, and explodes from the back to the front. As usual, it drops a 
Heart Container for your trouble. The sand then recedes and the Triforce 
platform once again comes into view. Like before, step into the blue light in 
the middle of it.

Makar runs into the room. Like before, Link places the Master Sword in the 
middle of the Triforce emblem, and then conducts Makar in playing the Wind 
God�s Aria. Fado appears and accompanies him, then vanishes when the song is 
done. Link picks up the Master Sword, and it starts buzzing again. The black 
gem on the hilt glows yellow, and the blade shines brightly with the power to 
repel evil; it is now the true Master Sword! Makar says he will keep praying 
here, says goodbye, and wishes you luck. Link then steps into the light and 
returns to the surface.

As he approaches the KoRL, the figurehead is talking with Gale Isle�s Merman. 
They seem to be saying that the Forsaken Fortress has been completely deserted 
ever since Valoo torched Ganondorf�s tower. Could the villain really be gone 
forever? The KoRL doesn�t seem to think so. He is worried about Zelda, and 
urges you to collect the pieces of the Triforce and return to Hyrule.

Ghost Ship Chart: Diamond Steppe Island (F1)
Piece of Heart: Thorned Fairy Island (D7), Treasure Chart 5 required
Treasure Chart 27: Private Oasis (E5)
Treasure Chart 36: Ice Ring Isle (F5), Secret-Secret Cave

i. Gathering the Triforce (Gttri)

Now that you�ve restored the Master Sword, you must gather the Triforce of 
Courage to prove yourself to the gods and be able to reenter Hyrule. Contrary 
to what you might think, getting the Triforce Shards themselves isn�t very 
hard; they are scattered around Hyrule and found like any other sunken 
treasure. Getting the charts that lead you to the Triforce is the hard part. 
Before you even get started, you�ll want to make sure you have at least 1 
Wallet Upgrade, preferably two. You�ll need a LOT of Rupees by the time you�ve 
finished getting the Triforce Charts, 3184 to be exact.

Now, to start this much-hated gather quest, check out any postbox. When you 
beat the Forsaken Fortress, you should have received a letter with a postage 
fee of 201 Rupees, forcing you to get the first wallet upgrade. This letter is 
from Tingle; he has actually done something right for a change by giving you 
the IN-credible Chart, which shows the quadrant locations of the Triforce 
Charts, and later the Triforce Shards. Very convenient indeed. Also, don�t feel 
obligated to get the Triforce Charts in numerical order. I like to get all the 
ones in the E row, preferably the Ghost Ship one at Diamond Steppe Island or 
Bomb Island as well, in one go. Now, without further ado, let�s get to 


This chart is pretty simple to get, but hard nonetheless. When you sail to the 
Islet of Steel at E2, you�ll find that it�s guarded by several Kargarocs, 4 
Cannon Boats, and two wall-mounted cannons. Normally this wouldn�t stop you 
from sailing right in, but one Cannon Boat blocks the island�s entrance. The 
best way is probably to stay away from the Islet itself as you sink the two 
far-away Cannon Boats. Next, sail up to the Islet, but not to the entrance. 
Sail around to the backside and sink the Cannon Boat that circles the Islet. 
Then cruise around it, and destroy the remaining Cannon Boat and wall-mounted 
cannons as they enter your line of fire. You may also have to take some 
Kargarocs out, but they won�t be much of a threat to the Boomerang. Feel free 
to plunder the treasure orbs left by the Cannon Boats with your boomerang 
before entering the Islet.

Inside, simply cruise up to the stone platform. You can break open the jars 
around the red and blue circular emblems for some refills and lots of Rupees, 
but then stand on the blue wind emblem. You should know what to do with the 
Tower of the Gods; play the Wind�s Requiem while standing on this emblem to 
summon an ornate treasure chest on the red plinth. This chest contains Triforce 
Chart 1.



If you didn�t prepare beforehand, this Chart will take a while to get. First, 
for some odd reason, you must get the Picto Box from Tingle�s Cell. To do this, 
push a crate at the back aside and crawl into the tunnel behind it. You must 
navigate a claustrophobia-inducing maze to reach the Pictograph Box. In 
general, never turn onto passages with wooden flooring, as this returns you to 
the cave where you met the KoRL. Here are some more detailed instructions: 
right, left, straight, right, straight, right, right, straight, and to the room 
with the Picto Box. You�ll know you�re close if you pass through some Blue 

After you have this, go to the School of Joy, at the highest part of Windfall 
Island. Ignore the gang of Killer Bees outside for now, and enter the school. 
(there�s a small chalkboard outside the door) Talk to Mrs. Marie in here, and 
she complains about the group of delinquent boys you just saw outside, who are 
making teaching a living nightmare for her. Now, leave and talk to the leader 
of the Killer Bees, the cap-wearing Ivan. They make an agreement with you-if 
you can beat them in a game of hide and seek, they�ll reform and respect Mrs. 
Marie. Without further ado, they all run off and hide.

Obviously, the first step in this game is to find the kids. (luckily, it isn�t 
timed) Next, they run away and you must catch them by running into them to 
truly �find� them. Roll to go faster and gain an advantage, or try to chase 
them into a corner. The children�s locations are:

Ivan, the leader,	is in the tree outside the entry gate where you found 
Maggie�s father before he was rich. To dislodge him, roll into the tree.

Jin is behind the Bomb Shop. Just remember how you got there during the 
pirate�s Bomb robbery. He runs into the central field when you find him.

To find Jan, go through the doorway in the wall near the School of Joy, out 
onto the entry arch. Don�t go onto the arch; look behind a bush to the left for 
the thug.

Jun-Roberto is behind the gravestone where Tott dances, on the long ledge on 
the northwest side of the island.

Once you find all 4 children, you earn their respect and they give you a Piece 
of Heart! More importantly, you can now proceed in your quest for Triforce 
Chart 2. First, reenter the School of Joy. She is so happy the Killer Bees have 
started to listen to her, she also rewards you with a valuable Purple Rupee! 
Now leave the School again and talk to the Killer bees to learn that Mrs. 
Marie�s birthday is approaching, and she loves nothing more than Joy Pendants. 
You�ll probably have collected lots of these spoils from dungeons, but you may 
need to stock up on more, The most convenient place to do this is in the first 
room of Dragon Roost Cavern. Use the Grappling Hook to get two Joy Pendants 
from the Bokoblin, enter the next room, go back to the first, and repeat until 
you have 41 Joy Pendants. Then return to the School of Joy.

Set your Joy Pendants to X, Y, or Z and press the corresponding button to show 
them to Mrs. Marie. She�s overjoyed by the sight of them, and gladly gives you 
a Red Rupee for one! She also mentions that she�d really appreciate 20 more Joy 
Pendants, for some reason. Give her just that to get the deed to her Private 
Cabana at E5, allowing Link to enter it and get the Triforce Chart inside. I 
recommend that you stick around and give her 20 more Joy Pendants to get the 
Hero�s Charm, a cool-looking mask that lets you see the life of any enemy you 
L-target! Once that�s done, set sail for the Private Oasis at E5.


Upon landing, feel free to check out the pool, but eventually head to the 
wooden porch of the luxurious cabana. The door, painted with the image of a 
butler, seems to be able to talk to you, and steadfastly denies you entrance. 
Show it the Cabana Deed with X, Y, or Z to prove that you own the cabana and 
gain entry.

Once you�re inside and finished checking out the cool stuff, look up, to the 
center of the pointed ceiling. There is a fancy grapple post up there, much 
like the one in Dragon Roost Cavern. When you swing from it, it gets pulled 
down and the fire in the fireplace goes out to reveal a secret cave behind it. 
It turns out your cabana has its own private dungeon, complete with Triforce 
Chart 2! I�ll provide an ASCII map in a moment, but take note of a few things. 
There are several gates in the dungeon that are operated by Skull Hammer 
stakes, and can thus only be opened from one side. Also many rats dart around 
the dungeon�s tunnels, so keep your Boomerang ready. Finally, at one point you 
must drop into an earthy cavern with two Redead. Luckily, they don�t notice you 
for several seconds, giving you time to quickly defeat one and stay out of the 
way of the other. Remember to plunder all the Rupees from the maze!


             /     \
            |   LB  |           KEY
            |       |           L# = Ladder
             \     /            G = Gate
              \   /             S = Stake
              |   |             LB = Light Beam to Cabana
              |   |             H = Hole
          ____|   |   _______   R = Redead
 _____   |        |  |       |  T = Triforce Chart and Wind Crest
| L2  |  |   __   |  |   L1  |  V = Vases with Rupees
|   __|  |   ||   |  |       |  C = Chest containing Orange Rupee
|  |_____|   ||   |__|       |
|            ||     G  S   S |
|   _________||___________   |
|  |__________        ____| G|
|  G  S       |      |       |
|___          |_____ |  L4   |
 ___|               ||_______|
|  H                |
|_____              |____
|    G___________        |
|  S |___        |  L3   |
|        |       |       |
|    L5 T|       |_______|


 ___            _____     ____
| V |     _____|  L1 |   |    |
|   |    |     |_____|  _|    |
|___|    |             |  |   |
|        |          ___|  |  _|_         ________
|________|         |    C | |   |       |     ___|_
         |         |______| |   |___    |    |     |
         |         ____     |L4     |___|    | L3  |
         |______  |    |    |_______|        |_____|
         |      | |    |     ___
         |      | |  R |    |L5 |
   ______|      | |____|    |   |
 _|_     |______|    |      |___|
|   |       |   |    |          |
|   |       |L2 |    |          |
| V |       |___|    |__________|


This Chart is found at Bird�s Peak Rock (E7); make sure to bring several Hyoi 
Pears before coming. You may also want some arrow expansions. (they are found 
on Western and Thorned Fairy Isles) Don�t land on the side of the rocky peaks, 
but instead on the small island to the southeast.  Once there, save your game 
(just in case) and get your bow out. Except for the tallest spire and the 
closest, every peak has a Kargaroc nesting on it. Use regular arrows to snipe 
them. Unless you are extremely practiced, you�ll probably need many tries to 
hit each. If you run out of arrows, restart and try again.

Once all four of the Kargarocs are defeated, use a Hyoi Pear to control a 
seagull. You�ll notice that there�s a crystal switch on each peak; you must fly 
towards them and hit each with the seagull�s beak. While hitting the five 
lowest switches, be careful to stay away from the central, highest peak, which 
has a Kargaroc circling it. Once you�ve hit all 5 of the lowest switches, have 
the seagull fly back over the island where Link is and press A to climb to the 
same height as the final switch. Fly straight to the switch and hit it to open 
a barred doorway on the island near Link. Once again, if you run out of Hyoi 
Pears just restart. When you enter the Secret Cave behind the gate, play the 
Wind�s Requiem on the wind crest as usual to summon the Triforce Chart chest.


I know, the Ghost Ship isn�t an island. It�s a spooky apparition that appears 
only at night, at different islands depending on the phases of the moon as seen 

Crescent Moon (right side)-Five Star Isles (G7)
Half Moon (right side)-Star Belt Archipelago (C7)
Gibbous Moon (right side)-Greatfish Isle (D2)
Full Moon-Crescent Moon Island (A2) (how ironic)
Gibbous Moon (left side)-Diamond Steppe Island (F1)
Half Moon (left side)-Bomb Island (E6)
Crescent Moon (left side)-Spectacle Island (B3)

It�s also the scary object the Mermen at those islands always seem to talk 
about. However, even if you manage to find the Ghost Ship (look for blue flames 
through your Telescope), it merely disappears when you try to sail through it. 
To enter the Ghost Ship, you�ll need the Ghost Ship Chart from Diamond Steppe 
Island (F1).

Once at Diamond Steppe Island, you�ll see that it lives up to its name by 
consisting of several steps, each with a palm tree on it. Use the Hookshot to 
climb from tree to tree (for the first tree, stay as close to the lowest step 
as you can) and enter the Secret Cave at the top step.

This cave consists of a maze filled with Warping Jars and Floormasters. You 
should know how to defeat them by now. For starters, enter the Warping Jar 
right in front of you. In the next area, a Floormaster guards a covered Warping 
Jar behind a wooden screen. Defeat is as you always do, then get a Boko Stick 
from the jar near it. Light it on one of the nearby torches, then run back to 
the jar and burn the covering off. Drop the Boko Stick and go through. You 
emerge on a high wooden ledge with a treasure chest. Open it to get a Joy 
Pendant and then drop from the gap in the railing next to the wall. There are 
two Floormasters; you only need to beat the nearest one but it helps to fight 
both. Once again, get a Boko Stick from the jar holding them and light it. This 
time you want to burn through and enter the Jar right below the ledge you 
dropped from. You may need to look up to refresh your memory, but remember that 
it�s next to the rock wall. After that, you emerge in the final Warping Jar 
area. Defeat the Floormaster as usual. The last Warping Jar you want is 
diagonally across the area from the uncovered one you�ve gone through. Be very 
careful when you go through it, as it shoots you out within grabbing distance 
of a Floormaster. QUICKLY L-target the Floormaster and stun it, then hit it 
with your sword. Repeat as usual to defeat it. Climb some small stairs and open 
the chest on the other side of a railing to get the Ghost Ship Chart. Then drop 
through another gap in the railing and exit through the light beam.

Now, use the Ghost Ship Chart to seek out the Ghost Ship. At night, it shows 
the Ship�s location on your main Sea Chart. You may want to consider warping to 
an area where it will appear, then playing the Song of Passing until it does. 
Now that you have the Ghost Ship Chart, sail right into the ship to enter it.

Surprisingly, the spooky interior of the Ghost Ship is much like a Submarine�s, 
except in disrepair. Part of the deck is missing, and a light beam shines from 
a hole. When you jump down into the pit, you�ll have to fight two Poes, a 
Stalfos, and a Summoning Wizzrobe. Avoid the Poes for now and try to focus on 
the Wizzrobe with Fire Arrows. Then get to the light beam and deal with the 
Poes. As usual, a ladder drops when all the enemies are defeated. Climb it to 
find the Triforce Chart chest. For once, you don�t need to play the Wind�s 
Requiem to get it. Be sure to break open all the jars around the chest before 
opening it; after you do, the Ghost Ship disappears forever and you awaken in 
the morning on the KoRL.


This Chart is easy enough to get. From the part of Needle Rock Isle with the 
Piece of Heart, look southwest for three Cannon Boats. One should have a 
different-looking armored top, and it is also gold when you get close. Sail up 
to the boats and sink them all. Remember, to minimize the risk of getting 
blasted, sail right up next to a boat (but not too close or you will blow 
yourself up) and blast it point-blank with three Bombs. Quickly sail to another 
Boat and repeat. Besides the usual treasure orbs, each Cannon Boat also leaves 
a light ring. When you use the Grappling Hook to pull them up (leave the 
treasure orbs so you can easily locate the rings), you get a Purple Rupee, an 
Orange Rupee, and most importantly, Triforce Chart 5.


The sixth Triforce Chart is found on Outset Island (G2). Specifically, it�s 
found in the Savage Labyrinth, a mini-dungeon filled with intense battles. It 
entrance is found on a high cliff just west of your grandma�s house. There are 
two ways to reach this cliff. The first is to glide to it from the high east 
mountain as you did to reach the Forest of Fairies. You need the extended magic 
meter for this, but if you�ve beaten the Wind Temple (and you will have if 
you�ve been following my walkthrough), you will already have this. You will 
also have the Hookshot, which opens a much easier means of entry. Stand on the 
rocky outcropping behind your Grandma�s house and look up to the top of the 
cliff. Hit the tree up there with your Hookshot to drag yourself up. Get rid of 
the stone head on the north side of this ledge, then fall into the secret cave.


You�ve entered the Savage Labyrinth (obviously), a massive network of secret 
caves filled with 51 floors of battles and treasure. You only need to get to 
the 31st floor to get the Triforce Chart, but if you have the Mirror Shield 
(which you should), you can continue to a Piece of Heart. As usual, play the 
Wind�s Requiem on the blue wind crest to summon the Triforce Chart chest. For 
more detail on beating floors, check out the Savage Labyrinth section near the 
end of the guide.
Floor 1: Pots with Fairies and a light beam to the surface
Floor 2: A heck of a lot of Keese
Floor 3: 6 Miniblin
Floor 4: 4 Bokoblin
Floor 5: 6 Red Chuchus
Floor 6: 4 Magtails
Floor 7: 4 Keese, 4 Miniblin
Floor 8: 4 Fire Keese, 2 Magtails
Floor 9: 2 Fire Keese, 4 Bokoblin
Floor 10: 2 Moblins
Floor 11: Pots with Rupees and refills, and a light beam
Floor 12: 6 Peahats
Floor 13: 4 Green Chuchus
Floor 14: 5 Boko Babas
Floor 15: 4 Shield Bokoblin
Floor 16: 5 Wingless Mothulas
Floor 17: 3 Peahats, 3 Boko Babas
Floor 18: 4 Bokoblin in pots, 4 Green Chuchus
Floor 19: 3 Wingless Mothulas, 2 Bokoblin
Floor 20: 2 Mothulas
Floor 21: Pots with Rupees and refills, and a light beam
Floor 22: 3 Wizzrobes
Floor 23: 4 Armos
Floor 24: 2 Armos Knights
Floor 25: 6 Yellow Chuchus in pots
Floor 26: 4 Red Bubbles
Floor 27: 1 Darknut, 2 Bokoblin
Floor 28: 1 Wizzrobe, 3 Armos
Floor 29: 2 Armos Knights, 2 Red Bubbles
Floor 30: 2 Darknuts
Floor 31: A light beam, Rupee pots, and Triforce Chart 6
Floor 32: 6 Redead
Floor 33: 5 Blue Bubbles
Floor 34: 6 Dark Chuchus
Floor 35: 5 Poes
Floor 36: 3 Mothulas
Floor 37: 3 Redead, 2 Moblins
Floor 38: 5 Dark Chuchus, 1 Mothula
Floor 39: 5 Poes, 2 Moblins
Floor 40: 4 Blue Bubbles, 2 Stalfos
Floor 41: Pots with lots of Rupees and a light beam
Floor 42: An insane amount of Miniblin
Floor 43: 10 Red, Green, and Yellow Chuchus
Floor 44: 5 Wizzrobes
Floor 45: 16 Bokoblin
Floor 46: 4 Redead, 2 Stalfos
Floor 47: 3 Moblins, 2 Darknuts
Floor 48: 3 Wizzrobes, 2 Darknuts
Floor 49: 3 Stalfos
Floor 50: 4 Darknuts and fire-breathing statues
Floor 51: A Piece of Heart and light beam


Once you land on Stone Watcher Island (E3), climb some ledges to the top of the 
island. Use the Power Bracelets to remove the �stone watcher� over a Secret 
Cave entrance and go in. (you can defeat the Blue Chuchu behind it if you want)

Inside the secret cave, go through the door directly ahead of you. You emerge 
in a large, circular chamber with six doors and six pillars. These pillars can 
be knocked down with the Skull Hammer for lots of Rupees and refills. The door 
directly across from you has an ornate Triforce emblem above it, but is locked. 
The other four doors all have enemies behind them. Whenever you enter a room, 
it seals shut. Defeat all the enemies to unseal it and light a torch above it 
in the central room. Going from the door just to your left clockwise, the doors 

Four Armos: This shouldn�t be hard. L-target an Armos, and keep your shield up 
as you circle around the Armos to draw them into a tight group. Then just 
sidestep their charge and whack their jewels as they pass. As usual, if you�re 
having trouble doing this, stun them with arrows.

Two Moblins: Simple, just quickly stun both with the Boomerang and attack them. 
Repeat as necessary.

Three Wizzrobes: This fight is remotely challenging. Get your Fire Arrows ready 
to, um, fire before you enter. As soon as you do, L-target a Wizzrobe and blast 
him. Then L-target another Wizzrobe and hold the Fire Arrows button until you 
ready another one, then fire it at this Wizzrobe. You should take him out just 
as he�s getting ready to attack. L-target the last Wizzrobe and try to dodge or 
block his attack, then deal with him the same way when he appears.

Five Bokoblin: You have to be kidding. This shouldn�t be hard at all; don�t 
even bother stunning them. Just L-target one and mash B, switching targets when 
the current one dies.

When you light all four torches and reenter the main room, you find two 
Darknuts in it. This shouldn�t be too hard after your battle with three for the 
Wind Temple boss key. As usual, just keep moving and stay far enough away so 
only one can attack you. Also, the Darknuts� swords can take down the pillars 
in the room, so be careful not to get crushed. When you beat them all, the 
Triforce door unseals. Go through it to the same plinth you�ve always gotten 
the Triforce Charts on, with Rupees, refills, and a wind crest. Play the Wind�s 
Requiem on it to summon the chest with the Chart.


When you sail to Overlook Island (A7), you see that it�s a collection of tall 
ledges topped by palm trees. You�ll have to use the Hookshot to ascend the 
platforms, but you should probably take out the Cannon Boats around the island 
first. Then stand on the part of the main island closest to the small, round 
ledge with the lowest palm tree and Hookshot up to it. Repeat this process to 
get to the second-highest ledge, where there is a Secret Cave entrance. You�ll 
probably want to take out the Blue Chuchu after the second palm tree.

Once you�re inside, you�ll discover that this cave is almost exactly like the 
one at Stone Watcher Island! The only different things are the enemies, which 
are tougher, and the Triforce Chart you�re getting. Once again, from your left 
clockwise, the enemies here are:

Three Armos Knights: As usual, keep backing away from an Armos Knight, then 
whip out a Bomb and throw it at them when they stop and open their mouths, 
Avoid their death charges, and try not to get trapped between them.

Two Stalfos: I�ve always hated Stalfos, and for good reason. Try to herd these 
fiends together much as you did the Armos, then blow them both up with a Bomb. 
(make sure to let it land slightly in front of them) L-target a Stalfos head, 
stun it with the Boomerang, and then mash B to attack it until it dies. The 
second Stalfos should be much easier alone.

Two Summoning Wizzrobes: This fight will actually be easier than the one you 
had against the three Wizzrobes. As before, keep your Fire Arrows ready and 
blast a Wizzrobe with one as soon as you enter. Then L-target the other and 
hold the Fire Arrows button, releasing it as soon as you get an arrow ready. If 
you�re quick, you can defeat them both without them being able to summon 
anything. If they do, you�ll have to defeat it to leave the room.

Five Shield Bokoblin in Jars: These Shield Bokoblin are all hiding in jars, 
waiting to jump attack you when you get close. You can easily sidestep or block 
this �surprise� attack, then destroy them as you usually do.

This time, you must fight four Darknuts after you light all four torches. Use 
mostly the same tactics as before; it becomes much easier once you can remove 
their helmets and start stunning them. Never let yourself become trapped 
between several! Once you beat them all, go through the now-unsealed door and 
get the Triforce Chart exactly as before.


At one point during your quest to get all the Triforce Charts, you probably 
noticed that they can�t be read by you. You�ll have to have them translated 
somewhere. But where? Think back to the words of *shudder* Tingle when you 
*shudder* freed him from his cell. He said to *shudder* come to him whenever 
you need help with maps. Unfortunately, you do need help with maps, so you have 
no choice but to *shudder* warp to *shudder* Tingle Island at C3. Be careful of 
the Gyorg near the island as you sail up to it. *shudder* Climb onto *shudder* 
Tingle Tower and *shudder* talk to *shudder* Tingle. He has apparently missed 
you and wants to *shudder* play something, until he smells an ancient chart on 
you. He knows that you can�t read it now, and offers to decipher it for 
you...for he ridiculous price of 398 Rupees apiece! (*shudder*) If you broke 
open all the Rupee jars you found near the Triforce Chart chests and in the 
Savage Labyrinth, you should have amassed plenty of money. If you don�t have 
the required amount of 3184 Rupees, either try the Savage Labyrinth or the 100-
Rupee jar on Outset island (see the Tingle Tuner section) to get more. Once you 
decode all 8 Charts, Tingle is *shudder* kind enough to mark the locations of 
the Shards on your Triforce Chart.

Anyway, once you have enough, start translating the Charts. Tingle *shudder* 
performs some of his *shudder* magic and makes it readable. Repeat this for all 
8 Charts; all that remains now is to use them to find the Triforce Shards just 
like any other sunken treasure. In case you can�t recognize the islands by 
their shapes, the Triforce Charts lead you to shards in these quadrants:

Triforce Chart 1: Greatfish Isle (D2)
Triforce Chart 2: Gale Isle (A4)
Triforce Chart 3: Stone Watcher Island (E3) (you�ll have to sink the three 
Cannon Boats near the island before you can have a chance to pull the Shard up)
Triforce Chart 4: Outset Island (G2)
Triforce Chart 5: Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
Triforce Chart 6: Southern Triangle Isle (E4) (you�ll have to defeat quite a 
few Seahats with the Boomerang before you can pull this Shard up; be careful 
not to get surrounded)
Triforce Chart 7: Seven-Star Isles (A6) (you�ll have to sink some Cannon Boats 
and defeat some Kargarocs before pulling this Shard up)
Triforce Chart 8: Two-Eye Reef (G4) (since this Shard is found inside the Reef, 
you�ll have to clear it out before pulling it up)

Once you find all 8 Triforce Shards, they shine brightly and fuse together into 
the Triforce of Courage! The KoRL congratulates you and tells you to return to 
Hyrule quickly. Warp to the Tower of the Gods. (D5)



Sail north into the courtyard. As you approach the spot where the warp was, the 
KoRL tells you to show your piece of the Triforce to the gods. Link holds up 
his piece and the shining warp to Hyrule opens again. Suddenly, the Triforce of 
Courage glows on the back of Link�s hand, just as they did on Zelda and 
Ganondorf! The KoRL is surprised, and says that the Triforce dwells within you 
now, proving that you are the true hero. The power of the gods is shining on 
you, making you the Hero of Winds. After the cutscene finishes, the KoRL sails 
back into the portal and sinks below the waves to Hyrule...

i.	The Final Showdown (Gnstw)


As usual, climb up the stairs and enter the walkway to Hyrule Castle. Inside, 
you�ll immediately see that the KoRL�s suspicions were right. The statue of the 
Hero of Time statue has been pushed back and smashed apart! Ganondorf has 
obviously found Zelda; there�s no time to waste, so enter the basement!

Whew, thankfully, Zelda is standing on the Master Sword�s plinth with her back 
to you. Looks like there was nothing to worry about! Or is there...? As you 
approach her, Zelda turns around to face Link, then shines blindingly and 
disappears in a flash of light! Ganondorf�s voice echoes around you, asking if 
you really thought the castle would be safe from him. Now that you have broken 
the seal on his power, nowhere is truly safe. He tells you he has taken Zelda, 
then says you will fall into eternal slumber. Two elite, black-armored Mighty 
Darknuts drop from the ring of statue swords as a ring of fire surrounds the 
Master Sword plinth and attack! These powerful enemies are much like regular 
Darknuts with bucklers, but have a LOT of HP, and flowing capes protect their 
armor straps. The easiest way to get rid of these protective fashion statements 
is to blast each Darknut with a Fire Arrow; this doesn�t damage them but burns 
the cape off. Once their capes are gone, defeat them like normal Darknuts. You 
may want to consider getting a Pictograph of these hard-to-find enemies; try to 
do it from across the fiery enclosure.

Once you slay both Mighty Darknuts, the ring of fire vanishes and you can leave 
the basement. Link automatically approaches the lower exit; go through it to 
the outside world of Hyrule.

On the bridge leading from the castle, approach the shimmering barrier that you 
saw after getting the Master Sword. Now that the Master Sword has regained the 
power to repel evil, simply attack the barrier with it. It turns dark red and 
fully visible, and you can see that it completely surrounds the castle. 
Suddenly, it shatters and falls to the ground like a giant piece of glass. Now 
that it�s gone, you can run past it to a dirt path leading to Ganon�s Tower, 
which you may have seen in the distance earlier. You�ll fight three Peahats, 
five Red Chuchus, two Moblins, and a Darknut on the way. None of them should be 
very hard, and you won�t need to fight many of them at a time. Just beyond the 
Darknut, some of the stone path has fallen away. Luckily, Hookshot targets have 
been placed on the middle section and opposite ledge to let you get across. 
Before Hookshotting to the middle platform, use the Boomerang to lock onto and 
defeat two Keese hanging on the arch. Once you Hookshot to the far ledge, enter 
the cave in front of you.


This is it: you�re in Ganondorf�s stronghold. The entry hall is a gloomy stone 
room. Climb the uneven stone steps and go through the far door to the main 

This lava-filled room is slightly similar to the ones you got Triforce Charts 7 
and 8 from. If you have any experience with 3-D Zelda games you�ll remember 
that the final level is a combination of every other level. (well, almost every 
other level) This one is no different. Instead of simple battle rooms, the four 
side bridges guarded by Shield Bokoblin lead to condensed versions of the four 
main levels recognizable by their entry arches: Dragon Roost Cavern (a stone 
arch with dragon claws reaching around it), the Forbidden Woods (a wooden arch 
with a thick vine wrapped around it), the Earth Temple (a stone arch with 
skulls on it), and the Wind Temple. (an ornate wooden arch with oriental 
designs on it) The door right across from you is barred with a bone lock, with 
a picture of each level�s boss on a panel of it. You can do the mini-dungeons 
in any order, but I�ll cover them in the order you first did them. Remember, 
when crossing a bridge to the level entrance, stun the Shield Bokoblin and 
defeat it with sword thrusts.


In my opinion, this dungeon is the hardest, but it still shouldn�t be too 
difficult. Anyway, the main part of the room is filled with lava, with some 
spikey Grappling arches above and some hardened lava platforms below. Now, for 
the easiest way to get past it, sent by JoyfulDayz: simply jump from the ledge 
you start on to the opposite end and get the Deku Leaf out. Avoid the lava 
geysers as you float towards the other side of the molten pit. Move the camera 
directly above you with the C-stick and drop onto the last hardened lava 
platform, just below the final Grapple post and surrounded by periodically 
erupting lava geysers. You may need to use the Telescope to look for it 
beforehand. Anyway, once you get to the platform, quickly look up with the 
Grappling Hook (the platforms may melt after a while like in Fire Mountain, but 
I�m not sure) and Grapple onto the post above and in front of you. Once again 
climb up onto it and then use the Deku Leaf to reach the far ledge. Activate it 
as soon as you jump to get the height you need. Once you reach the ledge, slay 
the two Red Bubbles. You�ll find a replica of Gohma�s boss door, but like the 
rest of the far end of the room it seems to be in black and white... Go through 
the door to meet...

Good lord; you�ve reentered 30s Movie Land! And black-and-white Gohma is 
staring you in the face! That�s right, you�ll have to re-defeat Gohma to finish 
the mini-dungeon. This fight should be extremely easy; not only do you have 
much more health than last time and the Master Sword, you should also be able 
to remember how to beat the fiend. If not, check out the boss section or the 
end of the Dragon Roost Island/Cavern section for an in-depth guide. One other 
thing: all your items have kindly been unequipped and you only have the dungeon 
items (or rather, item) you had when first fighting Gohma. Luckily, the 
Grappling Hook is all you will need. When you strike the final blow on Gohma, 
the black-and-white arena dissolves and Link finds himself standing on the 
glowing plinth back in the main room. On the bone-barred door, a symbol 
representing Gohma glows.


You can smash the skulls around the edge of the central platform for refills 
before heading to the Forbidden Woods mini-dungeon, the same way as before.


The Forbidden Woods� room is a giant cavern mainly composed of a bottomless 
pit. The only means of crossing it are the Deku Leaf, and some cable cars and 
moving vine platforms. For starters, look to the left and blow some wind at the 
switch to move the cable car to you. Jump onto it. Since there is only one 
switch for this cable car, blow wind back towards the entry door to move the 
right way. Once you get as far as you can, turn around and use the Deku Leaf to 
glide a short ways to the moving vine platform when it�s raised. Then when it 
lowers, look next to a giant tree trunk for another wind switch. Blow wind on 
it, and you should be able to glide to another approaching cable car after the 
vine platform raises. Blow air back towards the entry door again to move in the 
right direction, towards the boss door. Jump onto another moving platform at 
the end, then another when it raises. From the raised position of this 
platform, use the Deku Leaf to glide to the ending ledge. Be careful to avoid 
the Peahats, or shoot them with arrows ahead of time. You can break the 
pinecones here open for refills before entering the black-and-white boss door.

You guessed it: you have to fight Kalle Demos again, in black and white. As 
with Gohma, you only have the dungeon items from when you first fought it, but 
you also have the Master Sword and more hearts, which should make the battle 
easier. If you can�t remember how to beat Kalle Demos, refer to its guide in 
the Forbidden Woods walkthrough or enemy guide. Consider hitting Kalle Demos 
with a Hurricane Spin when you cut all its vines. When Link defeats Kalle 
Demos, you are transported back to the main room and a Kalle Demos symbol on 
the door glows.


After using the skulls for refills, enter the Earth Temple door.


This room is a very long corridor lined by coffins and containing several panel 
stairs operated by continuous pressure switches. First, roll past the first 
line of coffins to open them. Keep up your timing with A to keep rolling, or 
you�ll get crushed! After that, turn around and clear out the two Red Bubbles 
and two Redead. They are far enough apart that you won�t have to fight more 
than one at a time. After that, you can go up the stairs to the next level of 
the corridor.

There is a continuous pressure switch on one side of you, and a light beam on 
the other. By rolling past the coffins, you can reveal some Poes and Dark 
Chuchus. Normally, you�re supposed to defeat all but one Dark Chuchu and the 
Poes, then petrify the remaining one, set it on the switch, and race to the far 
stairs before it unfreezes. However, there is an easier way, sent by the 
brilliant and observant Brolly98. Defeat all the enemies and run back to the 
entry door. On either side of it is a jar. Be careful not to smash it! Pick the 
jar up and carry it back to the switch-you now have as much time as you want to 
get to the stairs.

In the third area, the light beam is on the opposite side of the corridor as 
the switch, but you can still bring a jar from the entrance area to it to get 
as much time as you want. Once again, roll through the coffins quickly. You�ll 
encounter more Dark Chuchus and a Stalfos right before the finals stairs, but 
there�s no need to fight them. Just run past the Stalfos and go through the 
black-and-white door.

You should know what coming next: you have to fight black-and-white Jalhalla. 
Since you had almost the same number of hearts and the Master Sword, this fight 
won�t be much different than last time. Do what you did before to beat Jalhalla 
again. When you pick off the last Poe, you�re transported to the main room 
again and the Jalhalla symbol on the door lights up.


Use the skulls for refills again and enter the Wind Temple door.


You�ll have to do several things in this room. First, get your Fire Arrows 
ready to destroy the Wizzrobe that teleports around. L-target it when it gets 
close or manually hit it if you want. When the Wizzrobe is taken care of, get 
onto the springboard on the beginning ledge and use the Iron Boots to spring 
into the air. Activate the Deku Leaf and fly ahead around the metal pillar. 
There are two downdrafts up ahead, but you can fly through the narrow gap 
between them. You may also be able to squeeze between one of the downdrafts and 
a wall, but I�ve never tried it. After you�ve done that, land on a grassy area 
with a moving blade. Two Shield Bokoblin are waiting to ambush you in some jars 
ahead, so after you�ve passed the blade, keep your shield and guard up. Defeat 
both of them and get refills from the pots, then stand in the middle of the 
lowered area. Look up to the walls on either side of the high ledge in front of 
you for a Hookshot target. Use the Hookshot (what else?) to get up to the ledge 
and proceed through the door.

Thankfully, this is your last time in 30s Movie Land. You�ll have to fight 
black-and-white Molgera this time. This fight should go almost exactly as your 
last one, (except the better music, in my opinion) and you should be able to 
remember how. Defeat Molgera to return to the center of the main room one last 


As the last boss symbol lights up, an evil red face appears on the door and the 
dark stone part crumbles into dust. The bone crossbars then explode, revealing 
an empty doorway. Refill with the skulls and go through it.

You are now at the foot of a long stairway. The only enemies on it are five 
Miniblin. Defeat them as you climb the stairs to the next room.

Whoa, spooky new music! The large far door in this room has an evil looking 
face with giant tusks (Ganon, maybe?), so you can only take the two side doors. 
Go through the right-hand door first.

In this room, there is a ledge surrounding a seemingly bottomless pit in the 
center of the room with four torches above you. Pay close attention to the 
order the torches light themselves. If you forgot, it goes like this.

4	1
2	3

As you leave the room, the KoRL contacts you through the Pirate�s Charm and 
reminds you to remember the importance of the torches. As if you already 
weren�t. Reenter the previous room and go through the doorway right across from 

In this, there are four crystal switches corresponding to the torches you saw 
above a pool of water. The camera reminds you to the order AGAIN. Now, whip out 
your Boomerang and target the switches in the same order the torches lighted, 
or according to the diagram above. Release the Boomerang to hit them in that 
order. This makes a dark purple portal similar to the one at the Tower of the 
Gods appear on the water, and the KoRL cruises out of the darkness. He says 
that this is the portal Ganondorf used to gain access to the world above. If 
you have anything else you want to take care of, you can use the portal to warp 
to the Forsaken Fortress. When you�re done with that, return to the central 
room and to the room with the torches.

It may look like there�s nothing left to do in this room, but there is. The pit 
here may look like any other bottomless pit, but don�t be fooled and jump into 

You emerge in a large, circular room deep under the Tower. It�s part of a 
fiendish labyrinth filled with enemies, and it isn�t the Savage Labyrinth! In 
the first room, you will have to fight Phantom Ganon again! However, he has 
gained several new attacks. First, he will often charge a ball of red, black, 
and white energy above his head and split it into many smaller homing balls as 
he fires it at you. Luckily, this cool-looking attack is easy to dodge is you 
stay L-targeted and perform some defensive acrobatics. He can also summon 
copies of himself and surround you to perform a group sword attack. Quickly run 
between two of them to escape damage. Also, be aware that after he does the 
attack, the clones disappear a fraction of a second before the real Phantom 
Ganon, giving you a little time to attack him. It�s best to wait for his 
regular energy ball. You�ll be fighting Phantom Ganon like this throughout the 
maze, but luckily he only takes two Master Sword hits to defeat this time.

If you didn�t get Phantom Ganon�s Pictograph in the Forsaken Fortress, this is 
your last chance!

After you defeat Phantom Ganon, pay attention to his sword. It falls into the 
ground blade-first, then falls so that the hilt points to the right door to 
take. Don�t move the sword or you�ll get lost! After taking the right door, 
you�ll hear the traditional Zelda discovery noise as you enter the next room. 
If you take a wrong turn, you�ll have to start the maze over. Anyway, if the 
labyrinth was randomly generated, you would have to keep repeating the process 
of fighting Phantom Ganon to find the right way through the maze. Luckily, this 
isn�t necessary. After you enter the next room, take these turns to reach the 
final room: left, straight, left, right, straight.

When you get to the foggy final room, the doors should seal with viney bars. 
You�ll have to battle Phantom Ganon again one last time. Do the same thing as 
before to unseal the doors and summon an ornate chest in the middle of the 
room. Open it to get your ultimate weapon against Ganondorf and his forces: the 
Light Arrows! Switch to these legendary weapons like Fire and Ice Arrows. They 
take more magic than the previous varieties, but they have the power to damage 
Ganondorf and his creations. More importantly, they have the power to destroy 
any normal enemy instantly in a flash of light! Anything from a Stalfos to a 
Redead to a fully armored Mighty Darknut falls instantly to a Light Arrow, 
making tough battles like those in the Savage Labyrinth and Shark Island 
easier. Now, leave the room through any door (hopefully not the one you entered 
through) to get back to the main room at the top of the stairs. If you take the 
right turn, keep guessing randomly.

Back in this room, Phantom Ganon appears yet again! However, now that you have 
the Light Arrows, you can exorcise him permanently. Make sure you have his 
figurine first! Anyway, L-target Phantom Ganon and shoot him with a Light 
Arrow. Thousands of rays of light shine from him as he turns white, then fades 
into nothingness. Pick up his left-behind sword and use it to attack the brick 
wall with Ganon�s face on it. The door shines blindingly just like Phantom 
Ganon, then crumbles. Go through the now-empty doorway.

You emerge on, surprise, more stairs! These stairs are incredibly long, with 
three landings containing a Moblin, a Darknut, and two Moblins, in order. 
Defeat them as you ascend the stairs. You need to fight two more Mighty 
Darknuts at the very top of the stairs, near a red door barred with a wooden 
beam. If you didn�t get a Pictograph of the Mighty Darknuts last time, consider 
doing it now. The only other place to get one is the labyrinth. Anyway, defeat 
these Mighty Darknuts exactly as you did before. It may have just been my 
imagination, but their capes seem to be tougher and will take several Fire 
Arrows to burn away. After these final enemies are defeated, the giant door 
unbars. Go through it to the final room.

This room is extremely tall and round, covered by a shallow layer of water. In 
the raised center is a bed covered by a long curtain. Between the somehow 
blowing curtains, Link sees Princess Zelda sleeping in the bed! To the right of 
her, a dark shape rises; it�s Ganondorf. He doesn�t fight you, but instead 
tells you not to be hasty and says he can read Zelda�s dreams. She�s dreaming 
of oceans, oceans, oceans, and oceans as far as the eye can see. They are too 
vast to swim across, and yield no fish to catch. This should sound a lot like 
the Great Sea to anyone who�s spent enough time sailing them. He laughs at the 
King of Hyrule�s story of the final hours of Hyrule. He mocks the scattered 
survivors of the flood, scattered across the Great Sea like �fallen leaves on a 
forgotten pool.� What a great simile... He asks why you can�t see that the gods 
of Hyrule destroyed their people! He says he�s been waiting for you: the Hero 
of Winds, and tells you not to betray his expectations. Before your eyes, 
Ganondorf grotesquely morphs into a massive puppet monster!

As anticlimactic as it is, you�ll have to get Puppet Ganon�s Pictograph now or 
never. Try to run to the opposite side of the room as the monstrosity and get a 
shot of its whole body. Then save, quit, and exit to the Great Sea through the 
dark portal.

As you confront Ganondorf for the final time at the top of Ganon�s Tower, he 
morphs into a gargantuan puppet! You�ll have to defeat all three of Puppet 
Ganon�s forms to continue on to your final showdown. One other thing to 
remember: take Puppet Ganon�s Pictograph! If you take one of his first form, 
you�ll have to be at the other side of the room to get his entire body. After 
you get one, return to the Nintendo Gallery as you did with Wizzrobe.


Difficulty: ***
Puppet Ganon�s first form resembles a Moblin, only about 100 times bigger. In 
difficulty, he�s the middle of the three forms; you shouldn�t have too much 
trouble with it.

-Defensive Strategy-
The first form�s only attack is a long-reaching punch. The attack is very easy 
to roll away from if you see it coming, but that can be hard to do when you�re 
attacking it. Luckily, Puppet Ganon can�t damage you by touching you. He can 
also summon Keese to fight you, but they are easily dispatched with the 
Boomerang or the Master Sword, if the �Rang�s busy. The Keese also drop refills 

-Offensive Strategy-
To damage any of Puppet Ganon�s three forms, you have to shoot the blue orb on 
its tail with a Light Arrow. Your battle against the Moblin form is much like 
your fight with Kalle Demos. You have to use your Boomerang to cut the strings 
Puppet Ganon is hanging from. Puppet Ganon doesn�t have as many strings as 
Kalle Demos had vines, but each string takes two Boomerang hits to cut. 
Remember, the red string supporting Puppet Ganon�s back can�t be cut, or locked 
onto. Also, likes Kalle Demos, Puppet Ganon�s strings come back if you take too 
long to cut them. Cutting the strings supporting Puppet Ganon�s head or legs 
does nothing except make him go limp. If you cut the strings holding his arms, 
he can�t punch you. The string you really want to cut, however, is the one 
supporting his tail. As you cut the others, Puppet Ganon�s blue-orbed tail 
starts twitching around faster and faster, making it impossible to hit. (you 
can�t lock onto his tail in any form, only his head or body) Once his tail 
string is cut, he hangs completely limp. Quickly run around to the back and 
shoot his tail orb with a Light Arrow before he retracts and reties some of his 
strings. Either way, he is raised up to the ceiling and comes back down as good 
as new. Repeat this process twice more; three Light Arrows to his tail defeats 
this form.


Difficulty: *-***
After you defeat the first form of Puppet Ganon, it collapses to the floor and 
darkens. The battle appears to be won, but the monster is raised to the ceiling 
and morphs into the next form: a giant spider! Luckily, Puppet Ganon�s second 
form is very easy. He takes the form of a huge tarantula now, but don�t worry; 
this battle won�t last long.

-Defensive Strategy-
The tarantula�s main attack is to lower itself down onto you. You should be 
able to avoid the attack by running to the side of the arena. Soon after 
lowering, he�ll retract the red thread and raises himself back to the ceiling. 
(you never got to say goodbye!) He leaves some Keese behind to keep you busy as 
he prepares to lower again.

-Offensive Strategy-
It seems impossible to hit the tarantula�s tail in the short time it lowers, 
but there�s a way. Use the C-stick to zoom the camera out as far as it will go. 
You can now see Puppet Ganon, reflected in the water! After it finishes 
spinning and is about to lower, quickly run so that the orb will be next to you 
when it lowers. Get out your Light Arrows, and shoot the tail orb. The only 
trouble you might have is getting out from under the Tarantula�s massive form 
in time, but this shouldn�t stop you. It couldn�t be simpler; this form won�t 
last long against you.


Difficulty: **-*****
After you defeat the spider, it once again raises to the ceiling and morphs to 
the boss�s final form. Making up for the easiness of the previous form, Puppet 
Ganon�s snake form is almost every sane Zelda player�s least favorite boss. 
(though they may not stay that way for long when trying to beat him)

-Defensive Strategy-
The snake form thunders around the arena quickly and unpredictably, dropping 
Morths as it goes. (like with the earlier Keese, these Morths drop refills) 
Run, roll, and jump away from the snake as fast as you can to hopefully avoid 
its rampage. It mainly starts by going to one side of the room, then turning 
around and in on itself to utterly clobber anything near it. It�s hard to 
escape this torturous battle without taking heavy damage, but try to avoid its 
attacks anyway.

-Offensive Strategy-
Hitting the orb on the snake�s tail is tough, as it almost never pauses. 
Hitting the beast�s head with the Master Sword, a Light Arrow, or a Bomb 
temporarily stuns it, but you�ll still have an extremely tough time hitting its 
tail before Puppet Ganon starts moving again. A slightly less risky strategy is 
to keep your distance locked onto Puppet Ganon, keep a light arrow ready, and 
shoot as the tail passes in front of you, hoping for the best. In my opinion, 
though, you don�t need to L-target. Instead, stand in one place and get ready 
to fire a Light Arrow. Keep in mind that wherever the Snake�s head goes, its 
tail must follow. If the snake�s head passes by your line of fire, you can be 
sure its tail will, too. If you have good enough timing and practice, you can 
hit the tail orb as it passes by with ease. I beat the snake easily and quickly 
with this method, so I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to escape this 
fight with little damage. It may still take some timing and several tries to 
hit the tail, and try to do it from as close to the snake as possible. Lastly, 
note the wooden platforms around the room. If Puppet Ganon ignores you for a 
few seconds, you can Hookshot to the side of one of these platforms and climb 
up. You�ll be safe from the snake here, but it�s also extremely hard to snipe 
the tail with Light Arrows. Lobbing Bombs down at him from above can stun him 
and give you a tiny amount of time. (Switch to and prepare a Light Arrow 
immediately after throwing a Bomb so you can shoot quickly if it hits his head) 
Either way, this battle is mostly luck and timing; it�s one of the hardest in 
the game. (of course, this isn�t saying much) If you have to, now is a good 
time to use the Potion glitch. (check out the Tips and Secrets section)

After you hit the snake�s tail for the third time, it once again darkens and 
retracts to the ceiling, spinning rapidly. It then explodes in a huge purple 
blast, and its red supporting string falls limp. You�ve won! Or have you...? 
Ganondorf�s voice comes from high above you, on the rafters of the room. He is 
carrying Zelda, and challenges you to follow and face him as he disappears. To 
follow him, take the only way up: Puppet Ganon�s red string. Get onto the 
central plinth where Zelda�s bed was, then jump to the red string. Hold R and 
climb it like any other rope, until you reach the wooden beam it was hanging 
from in the rafters. Then look up to the next level of rafters, for another 
wooden beam you can Grapple onto. Do just this, then climb up your rope to keep 
ascending. On the next level, you can break the small pots for some much-needed 
refills. Now, look up and Grapple onto another beam to climb to the top level. 
There are some more refill jars and Morths on the top level, surrounding a 
Warping Jar you can Bomb open. It leads back down to the floor of the room; a 
handy shortcut. After you�re ready, look around the walls for a wooden ledge 
and blue doorway. Carefully walk out to the rafters between the center platform 
and the ledge and get out your Hookshot. Fire it at the target on the ceiling 
of the wooden ledge, to get up on top of it. Prepare yourself, then go through 
the doorway to the top of Ganon�s Tower.

Link is ready for anything as he faces Ganondorf down on top of the 
tower...except a speech! Ganondorf doesn�t fight him, but stands over an 
unconscious Zelda and lectures Link about the deadly winds of his homeland, 
Gerudo. By day the harsh wind burned the land, and at night a frigid wind 
chilled it. He coveted the wind of Hyrule. He starts talking to himself, saying 
it was only his fate that he would gather all three holders of the Triforce to 
summon the power to grant anything he desires. He has already stolen the 
Triforce of Wisdom from Zelda, and he has always possessed the Triforce of 
Power. All he needs now is Link�s Triforce of Courage! NOW Ganondorf attacks 
Link! He rushes up to him and punches the stuffing out of Link in a few blows, 
sending the Master Sword flying from his hands to lodge itself inches from 
Zelda�s head. He reassures Link that he won�t kill him; he only needs the 
Triforce of Courage. He lifts Link into the air with one arm, as Link�s hand 
glows brightly with his Triforce. Zelda�s Triforce also glows, and Ganondorf 
raises his hand up as well. The three pieces fly from them and combine into the 
legendary Triforce! Ganondorf extends his arm and calls the gods to hear his 
wish. He tells the gods to expose Hyrule to the sun once again, and give it to 

As he reaches towards the Triforce to make his terrible wish a reality, 
Ganondorf sees a red-sleeved hand already touching the Triforce; it�s the King 
of Hyrule! He makes his own wish: he asks the gods to give you and Zelda hope 
for the future, and to wash away the land of Hyrule forever. The Triforce glows 
brightly and the King tells Ganondorf to drown with Hyrule. The Triforce splits 
apart and flies up into the sky-er, sea. As water from above pours down all 
around him in a torrential downpour, all Ganondorf can do is laugh more 
maniacally than ever, mocking your �future.� Zelda appears next to Link 
carrying the Master Sword, and apologizes for �oversleeping.� She says it�s 
time to leave this place and return to the world above. With his back to you, 
Ganondorf decides to show you just what�s in your future. Drawing two samurai 
swords, he turns around and attacks!

Difficulty: ****
This is it: the final battle with the Great King of Evil. Rather than using 
magic like in Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf battles you with his two deadly 
swords. As the battle begins, Zelda helps herself to your Hero�s Bow and Light 
Arrows to cover you as you duel Ganondorf with the Master Sword.

-Defensive Strategy-
Since Ganondorf assaults you with his sword, simply L-targeting him and keeping 
your shield out protects you from most of his skillful attacks. (excepting a 
low kick) Unfortunately, you can�t do any damage to him this way. Constantly 
backing and jumping away from Ganondorf is the best way to avoid damage.

-Offensive Strategy-
If you try to attack Ganondorf, he blocks your attack and counters it. (you 
didn�t expect to get away with actually doing something, did you?) The only way 
to do any damage to Ganondorf to parry his sword attacks. Unfortunately, for 
some reason only the final attack in his combo can be parried. Try to back away 
from Ganondorf and/or sidestep to stay out of his reach, then quickly parry the 
final attack. (it doesn�t matter if it misses you) After you parry Ganondorf�s 
attack, he�ll be stunned, allowing you to unload a beating on him. Also, Zelda 
has taken your Hero�s Bow and Light Arrows for this fight. She circles around 
you and Ganondorf, trying to shoot him with Light Arrows. If he�s simply moving 
around or attacking, he�ll backflip across the arena to nimbly dodge the Light 
Arrow. If she hits him while he�s laughing in conclusion of an attack, however, 
he�ll be stunned as if you parried his attack, and you can hit him the same 
way. In rare cases, Zelda may miss and hit you, but this almost never happens. 
You shouldn�t depend on Zelda�s sporadic support to win, though. 

When Zelda blasts Ganondorf for the second or third time, he gets annoyed by 
her help and backhands her! You won�t be able to rely on her Light Arrows at 
all now, and Ganondorf�s attacks get slightly faster. Keep up your strategy, 
parrying his attacks and hitting him with your sword until this phase ends.

Eventually, Zelda wakes up. Ganondorf gets even more skilled now, blocking your 
parries and her Light Arrows. Approach and talk to Zelda and she tells you she 
has a plan. She�ll reflect a Light Arrow off you Mirror Shield to take 
Ganondorf by surprise, letting you attack him again. Quickly shuffle across the 
wet arena so that you�re locked onto Ganondorf, with Zelda close to either side 
of him. Remember, she�s aiming at you, so keep your shield up or you�ll get 
hit! If you have your shield up, you�ll reflect the Light Arrow like any other 
light, directly at Ganondorf.

When you successfully reflect the Light Arrow at Ganondorf to stun him, run 
towards him. He attacks you one last time; press A to parry this attack. Link 
rolls to the side, then with a mighty yell plunges the Master Sword into 
Ganondorf�s head! He utters his final words: �Ughnn... Heh Heh... The wind... 
It is blowing...� He then turns to stone with the Master Sword still stuck in 
his forehead. The King of Hyrule then speaks to you. He has always regretted 
the past, constantly dwelling on his old kingdom just like Ganondorf. He asks 
you and Zelda to live with hope for the future, and apologizes for leaving only 
the Great Sea for you. Zelda thinks for a moment and gets an idea. She asks the 
King to come with them in finding the land that will be the next Hyrule. He 
merely smiles, and says that the land won�t be Hyrule; it will be your land!

After this, the King�s wish to drown Hyrule becomes complete and water 
completely engulfs the top of the tower. Bizarrely, Link and Zelda find 
themselves in air suits, protecting them from the torrent. (the King, being an 
apparition, can live without one) Zelda floats upward, but Link reaches out to 
the King of Hyrule�s hand. He reaches to Link for a moment, but then draws his 
hand back, leaving Link to float up with Zelda. The King of Hyrule slowly fades 
from view as Link floats to the surface...

Link surfaces with Zelda, now transformed back into Tetra. Komali flies down 
next to them, and they see the pirate ship looming behind them! All the pirates 
are waving, along with Aryll in the crow�s nest! They both wave as Medli and 
Makar emerge from the hold, their missions complete. The �bubbly� credits roll. 
About five and a half minutes later, the credits fade out and you cut to a view 
of Outset Island. The pirate ship and the KoRL, now empty-eyed reflecting the 
status of the King, as sitting on either side of the dock. All the Island�s 
inhabitants are standing on the shore, watching Link and Tetra�s departure for 
the next land. A gust of wind catches the sails; it�s time to set off. Aryll 
runs to the end of the dock to wave as both ships begin their next journey. 
Congratulations: you�ve beaten The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker! (see the 
Fun and Useful Tricks section for information of starting the second quest)

                               T H E   E N D
5. Game Controls (Gmeco)

If you�re just starting to play, you�ve come to the right place; the basic game 
controls are explained here.

 >Movement: To make Link walk or run, use the control stick, of course! The 
farther from the center you hold it, the faster Link moves.

 >Jumping: There is no jump button; if you run off a ledge Link will jump 

 >Crouching/Crawling: Hold R with nothing out to crush. Move the control stick 
around while holding R to crawl around. Link can sneak up on pigs and enter 
crawlspaces when crawling.

 >Sidling: Hold A while facing a wall to sidle along it. When sidling, Link can 
move over narrow ledges. Just be careful not to get hit while sidling or you�ll 

 >Hanging from Ledges: If you don�t completely make a jump or walk off a ledge, 
Link will grab onto the ledge you�re trying to reach and hang from it. Move the 
control stick back towards the ledge to climb back up, or move it left or right 
to make your way along the ledge. You can navigate narrow ledges this way as 
well as with sidling.

 >Climbing: While facing a ladder or vine directly, press the control stick up 
to climb it. Move it up or down to climb up or down, or left and right to move 
sideways on vine. Press A to drop off, but only if you�re sure you�ll land on 

 >Lifting Items: While facing a small item, (like a pot, skull, or rock) press 
A to hoist it above your head. Press R to set it back down, or A to throw and 
break it. Link can�t lift some heavier items (like giant rocks or large pigs) 
until he gets the Power Bracelets.

 >Moving Large Objects: Link can push and pull large creates or blocks by 
pressing R when standing up next to them. Move the control stick away or 
towards the object to push or pull it. Note that most items are set into 
grooves and can�t move everywhere.

 >Swinging: If Link jumps toward a hanging rope, (or makes one with the 
Grappling Hook) he�ll automatically grab on and start swinging in the direction 
he jumped. Press A while swinging to release the rope and jump off. Only 
release it while you�re moving, or you'll just fall off. To stop swinging, hold 
R. To start again, move the control stick back and forth. While stopped, keep 
holding R and move the control stick left or right to change the direction Link 
will swing. Move it up and down to climb up the rope or slide down.

 >The A Button...: the most versatile tool you�ll have! The words over it 
change depending on your situation to show what you can do with it. You can 
speak to people, read signs, or examine other objects with A.

 >Controlling the Camera: Move the C-stick around to move the camera 
accordingly. It�s useful for zooming out or in, or viewing things from another 
angle. To return the camera to normal, press L. While in normal mode, press C-
up to go into first-person mode and see through Link�s eyes.

 >Acrobatics: When running, or L-targeting with your sword put away, press A to 
perform a somersault. You can use it to move faster, or knock objects or 
enemies down. While L-targeting an enemy, hold left or right and hit A to 
sidestep, perfect for dodging line attacks. Hold back and hit A to backflip, 
putting some distance between you and the enemy.

 >Put Away: While standing still, just press A to put away any items you may 
have out.

 >View Map: Press up on the D-pad almost anytime to view a map. In the 
overworld, you�ll look at the sea chart; in dungeons, it�s the dungeon map.


 >L-Target Enemies: When you�re facing an enemy, a yellow cursor usually 
appears over it. Hit (or hold) L to �lock on� to the targeted enemy, making it 
much easier to fight! When L-targeting an enemy, the camera automatically moves 
to an over-the-shoulder view so you can always see the enemy. This makes it 
much easier to hit them; when using weapons you normally have to aim (like the 
Hero�s Bow or Boomerang) Link will aim for you, automatically hitting the 
enemy! Also, Link strafes in a circle instead of moving normally when L-
targeting. It�s a good idea to practice quickly switching targets, especially 
when you�re in the middle of a combo.

 >Horizontal Slice: With your sword drawn, hit B (while pressing nothing else) 
to use a horizontal slice. It can hit several enemies at once and is great for 
clearing out Miniblin. You can also use it by holding left or right and 
pressing B while L-targeted.

 >Vertical Slice: While L-targeting an enemy, press B for a vertical slice. 
Press it rapidly to do a combo attack.

 >Thrust: While holding forward (L-targeted or not) press B to thrust your 
sword. Keep hitting it to do a rapid combo.

 >Spin Attack: Hold B briefly and release or circle the control stick around 
and press it to do a spin attack, hitting all sides at once. If you hold B 
longer, you�ll use a more powerful attack at the expense of magic power. If you 
give 10 Knight�s Crests to Orca, he�ll teaching the Hurricane Spin, which sends 
you spinning around at ridiculous speeds for several seconds.

 >Jump Attack: While holding L with your sword out, press A to do a jump 
attack. Along with adding distance and force to your attack, jump attacks deal 
double damage. Use them often against unguarded enemies.

 >Parry: If an L-targeted enemy is about to attack, an audio cue will be heard 
and the A button will change to a �splat� icon. If you hit A while it�s like 
this, Link will execute a rolling or jumping parry, dodging the attack and 
striking the foe from behind or above. Parries are hard to execute, but are 
extremely useful when done right. They are also the only easy way to defeat 

 >Use Enemy Weapons: Some enemies drop their weapons when defeated. Use A to 
pick one up, then B to attack with it or A to throw it. Because of their slow 
speed, your sword is recommended for combat.

 >Shield: Hold R with an item out to raise your shield. With his shield up, 
Link is protected from most attacks, except a few more unusual or powerful 
ones. (most boss�s attack can�t be shielded against) Link can still move around 
if he shields while L-targeted, but if you aren�t targeted, Link will crouch 
and shield. Move the control stick to adjust your shield around. This is an 
essential skill when reflecting light.


 >Swimming: In water, simply move the control stick to swim. Try to move along 
a low platform to get onto land. Beware of the water in the lower-right corner; 
it shows your air. As it lower, Link sinks and starts coughing. If it runs out, 
you�ll reappear on dry land with one less heart.

 >Get In/Out of Boat: To get into the King of Red Lions, either jump and land 
on him or press A when swimming alongside him. Press A when standing still to 
get out.

 >Talk with Boat: Talk to the King�s head just like you would talk to anyone 
else to get a hint as to where to go next.

 >Jumping: When you�re moving fast with your sail out, press R to make your 
boat hop. Not only does it look very weird, if you hold left or right as you 
jump, you�ll make a sharp turn upon landing.

 >Cruising: With your sail down, hold R to cruise. You move slower, but you 
have much more control. It�s good for short trips or moving on top of treasure.

 >D-Pad Controls: While at sea, press R on the D-pad to display a clock. It 
displays a dial with sun and moon halves, and they rotate to reflect the time 
of day. In areas where the time doesn't change, the dial becomes a solid sun or 
moon. Press D-left to hide it. Pressing D-up displays your sea chart.
6. Objects (Objct)


 >Grass, Bushes, and Trees: They can all be sliced down to clear paths or test 
your swordplay. Bushes occasionally yield items when cut down.

 >Holes: These octagonal pits lead to secret caves. Link won�t try to jump over 
one of them; entry is simple. 

 >Postboxes: They can hold or accept mail from you or others. Set a letter to 
X, Y, or Z and use it on the Postbox to send it. If a Postbox has a letter for 
you, it will somehow wiggle and bounce around. To send letters, you�ll have to 
pay postage that increases with your distance from Dragon Roost Island.

 >Signs: They contain not-so-important information for you to read. Their main 
purpose is to be sliced up with your sword, however. 

 >Stone Heads: These large stone heads are found in only a few places around 
the Great Sea. You�ll need the Power Bracelets to lift and break them.

 >Treasure Chests: These ubiquitous chests contain Rupees, spoils, or greater 
treasure. Just press A in front of one to open it. There are 4 kinds of chests. 
The first level is made of light brown wood and contains small amounts of 
Rupees or spoils. Dark brown chests contain large amounts of Rupees, Charts, or 
other rare treasures. Ornate red and gold, spiked chests contain key items or 
Pieces of Heart. Finally, boxy sea chests are found in shining spots; there�s 
no telling what they�ll hold.

 >Trees: There are several varieties of trees, and they serve little more 
purpose than background objects. They sometimes contain objects; roll into them 
or give them a Skull Hammer whack to dislodge them. Trees can also sometimes 
serve as Hookshot targets.


 >Baba Buds: Appearing similar to Boko Baba buds only more purple, they are 
essential elements of the Forbidden Woods. When you approach one, Link jumps 
in. After digesting him for several seconds, the buds spit him out high into 
the air. If you hold a direction on the control stick, Link will fly out in the 
corresponding direction; if not, he�ll fall back in. Once you�re shot out of a 
bud, either try to get into another one or use the Deku Leaf to float to the 
next. The buds also restore some of your magic power ever time you enter one. 

 >Boko Sticks: Actually enemy weapons, Boko Sticks are found in Pots or carried 
by some Bokoblin. They can be wielded like any other enemy weapon, and can also 
be lit to set fire to objects.

 >Bomb Flowers: Predominantly found in the Dragon Roost Cavern, these are 
basically living Bombs. Pick one up, throw it, and set it down like any other 
item. It works just like a Bomb when picked, so get rid of it quickly. Bomb 
flowers regrow after a while, making them an excellent source of explosives.

 >Blocks/Crates: They can be push or pulled around to create new platforms or 
trigger switches.

 >Cracked Tiles/Rocks: These can be blown up by bombs to reveal new passages or 
other items. Cracked tiles can also be broken by being stepped on with the Iron 

 >Deku Nuts: Found all over the Forbidden Woods, as well as several other 
places. They can be picked up and thrown like pots, but don�t break. They are 
used to solve puzzles, and deteriorate about 40 seconds after being picked.

 >Eye Switches: Found in the Tower of the Gods, these diamond-shaped plaques 
trigger various effects when shot with the Hero�s Bow. 

 >Gondolas: Found in the Forbidden Woods, these platforms are supported by a 
cable and run along it with wheels. To move the gondola, hit a nearby wind 
switch. There are at least two wind switches to move each gondola.

 >Grappling Posts: These recognizable poles are found almost everywhere. They 
can obviously be grappled onto.

 >Lava: It can be found mainly in Dragon Roost Cavern, but also a few other 
places, namely Fire Mountain. Be careful not to fall in, or you�ll lose a 
quarter of a Heart and reappear at the room�s entrance.

 >Lava Geysers: Found in Dragon Roost Cavern, these miniature volcanoes 
periodically send lava flying high into the air. If you cool the lava on top of 
a geyser and stand on the rock, it can lift you high up into the air. 

 >Leaf Piles: Found in a around the Forbidden Woods. Blow them away with the 
Deku Leaf or burn them with a Boko Stick to reveal small rewards underneath.

 >Light Beams: Another Earth Temple feature. Use Medli�s harp or the Mirror 
Shield to reflect light on statues or light-sensitive foes.

 >Light Statues/Sun Spots: One last Earth Temple object. Sun Spots are small, 
yellow, sun-shaped spots on walls. Light Statues are ancient, helmed statues of 
various sizes. Both dissolve when you shine light on them.

 >Locked/Sealed Doors: These impassable doors are found in Dungeons everywhere. 
Sealed doors are closed with vertical bars, and won�t open until you do 
something specific in the room. (usually defeat all enemies) Locked doors are 
sealed with a lock and four chains. You have to use a small key to get through. 
Boss Doors guard the dungeon boss, and their horned locks need a big key to be 

 >Mirrors: These mirrors reflect light for you when you shine it on them; they 
are used for a few puzzles in the Earth Temple.

 >Nasty Evil Fog: Found in the Earth Temple, the Nasty Evil Fog will prevent 
you for using items for a while when you enter it. Blue Bubbles are also 
surrounded by it. 

 >Pots: The Dungeon version of grass, these pots come in several different 
sizes and hold small rewards when broken. They can also be thrown to damage 

 >Rat Holes: Where there are Rats/Bombchus, there are often rat holes. If you 
sprinkle some All-Purpose Bait in front of the holes, the Rats stop attacking, 
and one even offers to sell you bait and Potions!

 >Rope Bridges: Narrow rope bridges like these are found mainly in Dragon Roost 
Cavern. Don�t use horizontal slashes when fighting on one, or you could cut the 
supporting ropes and fall! 

 >Ropes/Lanterns: These can be swung from. Jump directly towards one and Link 
starts swinging just like with the Grappling Hook. 

 >Sage Stones: These large rocks are found in the Earth and Wind Temples. With 
your partner next to the stone, play the Temple�s song. (the one displayed on 
the stone) Your partner will join in and shatter it to clear the way. 

 >Soil: When in the Wind Temple, have Makar plant a seed in some Soil with A to 
instantly grow a huge tree there. The trees can trigger effects or serve as 
Hookshot targets.

 >Spikes: Although they are rare, spikes are deadly hazards to Link�s life. 
Avoid contact with them.

 >Springboard: Found only in the Wind Temple, they serve mainly the same 
purpose as Boko Buds: to give you more height. Climb onto one and put on the 
Iron Boots to compress it, then remove them to sly into the air.

 >Switches: These ubiquitous objects are found almost anywhere and come in 
several varieties. The normal, square, yellow ones can be activated by putting 
your weight (or something else�s) on top. While some switches stay down, others 
must be continuously pressed to keep up their effect. There are also diamond 
switches that must be hit with the Boomerang, Hero�s Bow, or Seagull, flat 
switches that require the Iron Boots, and stakes that have to be smashed with 
the Skull Hammer. Some stakes are spiked; don�t get too close.

 >Torches: After lit with a Boko Stick or Fire Arrow, a torch illuminates a 
dark room and sometimes does something extra.

 >Vined Flower: Found in the Forbidden Woods, these flowers seal off doors or 
chests. They close up to become invincible when you get close. When you�re far 
away enough to make them open, hit them with the Boomerang, a Deku Nut, or a 
Bomb to get rid of them.

 >Warp Pots: These large, heavy pots overflow with colored mist. Most are 
covered by boards or rocks; burn or blow the coverings off to unseal them. When 
Link falls into a Warp Pot, he�ll fly out of the next one he�s activated. Warp 
Pots are found in most levels, and make excellent ways to bypass rooms you�ve 
already done.

 >Water Pots: Found only in Dragon Roost Cavern, Water Pots temporarily cool 
lava into rock when thrown. They should be placed on top of lava geysers.

 >Wind Crests: Stand on one of these circular and conduct the Wind�s Requiem to 
get a nice surprise. (usually a Triforce Chart)

 >Wind Switches: These are found in the Forbidden Woods and Wind Temple. When 
activated with the Deku Leaf, they move various machinery around the room.


 >Light Rings: These shining spots hold sunken treasure retrievable with the 
Grappling Hook. Smaller rings mainly appear randomly, and big ones are linked 
to Treasure Charts. Small rings disappear when you get close; remember where 
they are. You�ll hear a sound when you approach a spot. Larger rings disappear 
much farther away, so you�ll have to find which Treasure Chart they correspond 
to and use it to find the treasure.

 >Merman: If you have a sharp eye (or good Telescope) you�ll be able to spot a 
Merman jumping in and out of the water near every island. If you sail up to one 
and toss out some All-Purpose Bait, he�ll swim to you and draw in a map for the 
area you�re in! As if that weren�t enough, he also gives you a general hint 
about part of the Great Sea. If you feed him again later, he offers to let you 
play an annoying little minigame to earn some Rupees.

 >Minefields: The pirates of the Great Sea have placed floating mines around 
several islands. These skull-and-crossboned barrels start flashing red like 
Bombs when they are counting down to an explosion; steer well clear of them.

 >Rafts: These small floating vessels are found all over the Great Sea. They 
are crewed by telescope-wielding Bokoblin and hold pots with items or Rupees.

 >Reefs: There are six reefs in the Great Sea, each deathtraps to unprepared 
explorers. They are all square, with high walls and one to six large pillars 
�eyes� arranged like dice spots. They are always filled (and sometimes 
surrounded) by Cannon Boats and wall cannons. You�ll need your own cannon to 
beat them; let the bombs fly! Try to hide behind eyes of the reef walls and not 
get into too many lines of fire at once. Once you defeat all the enemies in a 
reef, a Treasure Chart appears. Get up onto the reef wall, set the wind, and 
glide to it with the Deku Leaf.

 >Rupee Courses: At times when sailing around, you�ll find randomly placed 
Rupee courses on the sea. To start one, sail through the two floating barrels 
that rise from the water to signal the start of one. Once you�ve started, a 
barrel with a Green Rupee floating over it rises. Sail straight to the barrel; 
there is a time limit for each barrel and if you miss it the course ends. It 
helps to keep the camera in free mode to see the next barrel. As you keep 
sailing from barrel to barrel, the Rupee rewards increase, up to giving you a 
Yellow Rupee over every barrel. Obviously, Rupee Courses make great ways to get 

 >Sea Platforms: These tall platforms are centers of seafaring Bokoblin. Rising 
dozens of feet out of the water, they can be seen from a long way away. When 
you approach one, it will attack you with badly aimed cannonballs. Unless 
you�re standing still, they usually won�t hit you. One good hit from your 
cannon takes a platform cannon out, but be quick. Taking a leaf out of The Two 
Towers, remember that with Sea Platforms, the closer you are to danger, the 
farther you are from harm; platform cannons can�t hit you when you�re directly 
under them. To get onto the platform itself, climb the tall, tall ladder 
leading up to it. Sea Platforms are usually guarded by Bokoblin, but Wizzrobes 
attack you on a few. You usually get a treasure chest when you beat all the 
enemies on a Sea Platform.

 >Wall-Mounted Cannons: These are automated cannon turrets mounted on the walls 
of Reefs, Sea Platforms, or other hostile areas. They fire Bombs at you with 
somewhat disturbing accuracy, so be careful around them. One Bomb of your own 
takes a wall-mounted cannon out, but you need good aim. If possible, try to get 
directly under a wall-mounted cannon; it won�t be able to hit you.

 >Whirlpools: Created by Big Octos or dark magic, these huge vortexes implore 
you to do something before they fully suck you in and spit you out elsewhere. 
Be quick!

 >Whirlwinds: These turbulent columns of air move around parts of the Great Sea 
in patterns. They don�t damage you, but if you sail into one it will mess up 
your course. Stay away if possible. If you use the Deku Leaf to glide onto one, 
it will lift you up and let you glide longer.
7. Items (Keitm)


 >Arrows: Conveniently, arrow refills are usually dropped by enemies that 
require arrows to defeat. They come in 10, 20, or 30; the number of arrows 
tells you how many the refill contains.
 >Battle Spoils: Dropped by specific enemies, these items can be given to 
certain people to trigger events with them. They can also be grappled off 
enemies. If you have already used some for their purpose, you can get rid of 
Battle Spoils by selling them to Beedle.
*	Boko Baba Seeds: Dropped by Boko Babas, obviously! If you give four to 
Hollo, the Forest Haven alchemist, he�ll make a Blue Potion for you! It�s 
much easier than getting one from Doc Bandam, especially since you can get 
six Seeds on the way to him anyway.
*	Chu Jelly: It comes in three varieties: Red, Green, and Blue. They are 
dropped by Chuchus of the corresponding color. (Yellow and Dark Chuchus drop 
Red or Green Jelly randomly) Giving 15 of any color of Jelly to Doc Bandam 
give him what he needs to �invent� that color of potion. After he�s done, he 
gives you a free sample! You can then buy that color of potion from him or 
get it free by exchanging five more Jellies.
*	Golden Feather: Dropped by Kargarocs and Peahats. Once you have 20, give 
them to Hoskit. He gives you a cool 100 Rupees, and his girlfriend later 
sends you a piece of Heart.
*	Joy Pendants: Dropped by Bokoblin. Once you have one of these (try rolling 
into the tree outside Cannon�s shop) give it to Mrs. Marie. In return, she 
gives you a red Rupee. If you give her 20 more, she gives you the deed to 
her private cabana northwest of Forest Haven! 20 more Pendants, and she 
gives you the Hero�s Charm, a stylish mask that lets you see enemy HP! If 
you continue to give her Joy Pendants, she keeps a running tally of them and 
gives you varying amounts of Rupees.
*	Knight�s Crest: These belts, dropped by Darknuts, are said to be owned only 
by the greatest of swordsmen. If you give Orca ten of them, he teaches you 
the powerful Hurricane Spin attack.
*	Skull Necklace: These morbid accessories are dropped by Moblins. Give 
Maggie�s father 20 of them (after he becomes rich) and he�ll exchange them 
for Treasure Chart 2. Also, if you give Dampa three of them, you can play 
his piggy-sitting minigame. If you keep giving him Skull Necklaces, he 
tosses out various amounts of Red Rupees for you to pick up.

 >Bombs: Like arrows, bomb refills are mainly dropped by enemies that require 
bombs. Bombs come in 5, 10, or 15 amount. (I think you can tell by the size of 
the bomb)

 >Enemy Weapons: Many enemies in the game wield weapons, and drop them when 
killed. The weapons can be picked up with A and used by you! Press B to attack 
with one, and A to throw it, hopefully inflicting great damage from a distance. 
The weapons are very slow, so you�ll only want to use one when you lose your 
sword in the Forsaken Fortress.
*	Boko Stick: Dropped by common Bokoblin and Boko Babas. These sticks can 
serve as weak weapons, or be lit as torches.
*	Machete: Dropped by Shield Bokoblin, these one-sided swords are more 
powerful than Boko sticks, but still weak. Try throwing them at their 
*	Darknut Sword: These huge, elaborate swords are wielded expertly by 
Darknuts. They are very powerful, but also slow. As usual, they are best 
when thrown.
*	Moblin Spear: Obviously held by Moblins, these spears are actually quite 
good. They are relatively quick and hit a very wide area. Just remember to 
wield them in open spaces.
*	Stalfos Club: These huge maces are wielded by hulking Stalfos. Don�t try 
throwing them at their owners, or they�ll just float into their hands.
*	Phantom Sword: This sword is only dropped by the miniboss Phantom Ganon. You 
never get a chance to use it on enemies, but it is the only way to break 
through a barrier in Ganon�s Tower.

 >Fairy: These tiny pixies are found outside Boss rooms and in Fairy Fountains. 
If you touch one, it will restore ten of your Hearts. You can also catch one in 
a bottle. You can then use it any time; it will also automatically revive you 
with ten Hearts when you die!

 >Heart: These are the basic health refill. Each one restores one of your 
Hearts when picked up.

 >Magic Vial: These come in two sizes and restore some of your Magic meter. 
They are common in areas where you have to use Magic.

 >Rupees: For some reason unknown, the Great Sea shares its currency with 
India. Rupees come in varying amounts. Green Rupees give you a single Rupee 
each, Blue ones give 5, Yellow 10, Red 20, Purple 50, Orange 100, and Silver 
200. The smaller amounts are dropped by enemies; Red Rupees and above are 
mainly found in Treasure Chests.

 >Treasure Sphere: Tougher and ocean enemies drop these mysterious spheres 
instead of single spoils. They don�t disappear like normal spoils, and when 
broken with your sword or boomerang release large amount of refills, Rupees, or 


 >Boss Key: You�ll only find one of these gold, horned Keys in a Dungeon; they 
are used to unlock the Boss door.

 >Chart: Although not found exclusively in Dungeons, I couldn�t think of where 
else to put them. Charts are maps used to navigate the Great Sea. There are 
three kinds of Charts. Treasure Charts, when opened, cause a large Light Ring 
to appear somewhere on the Sea. Use your Sea Chart to find out which island the 
treasure is at, then go to it and use the Treasure Chart to find it! The second 
kind is the specialty Chart. These Charts show things like the locations of Big 
Octos, Beedle�s Shop Ships, or Great Fairies. The last kinds are Triforce 
Charts, which show the locations of the 8 Triforce Shards.

 >Compass: With this handy navigational tool, (presumably having no relation to 
your overworld compass) you can see where Treasure Chests and the Dungeon Boss 
are! It only works for rooms you have on your map, but it makes navigating 
Dungeons much easier. It also shows your exact position in a room as well as 
where you entered the room from.

 >Dungeon Map: Even more useful than the Compass, the Dungeon Map instantly 
provides you with a map of the entire Dungeon. The colors give you more 
information; black rooms are ones you haven�t been in, dark green rooms are 
ones you have explored, and the light green, flashing room is the one you�re 

 >Heart Container: These huge Hearts are rewards for beating Dungeon Bosses. 
Each acts as four Pieces of Heart in one, automatically boosting your health by 

 >Piece of Heart: Although only one of the game�s 44 Pieces of Heart is found 
in a Dungeon, once again I didn�t know where to put them. Piece of Heart are 
extremely valuable collectibles. For every four you collect, your health 
increases by one Heart. The maximum Hearts you can have are 20, but you�ll have 
to collect every Piece of Heart to do so. (see my Piece of Heart guide to find 
out how)

 >Small Key: These basic, silver keys are used to open locked doors in 
Dungeons. For some reason, they break after one use.


Acquired: From Aryll at beginning of game
The Telescope is an extremely handy item, loaned to you by your little sister 
as the game starts. Like all Telescopes, it�s used to view faraway objects, 
like enemies, people or islands. Assign it to X, Y, or Z, then press the 
corresponding button to look through it. Move the view around with the control 
stick, and use the C-stick to zoom in or out, up to 9x magnification. The 
Telescope is one of the most multipurpose items in the game; you�ll probably 
find yourself using it often when at sea to spot faraway islands, platforms, or 

 >Hero�s Sword
Acquired: From Orca after completing his training
Whenever trouble strikes, you�ll probably find yourself reaching for your 
sword. As Link�s first line of offense against monsters, it�s the item you�ll 
use most through the game. After you complete Orca�s training to practice with 
it, he gives you the sword to keep. It�s an almost universal weapon for 
damaging enemies; use it often and well.

 >Bait Bag
Acquired: Buy from Beedle
This bag can hold up to eight Hyoi Pears or All-Purpose Bait packets in it. 
Always keep well-stocked.

All-Purpose Bait
Bought from Beedle for 10 Rupees, this bait actually has only two main 
purposes. When you get close to a Merman, toss him some bait and he�ll give you 
a map of your current area as well as some information concerning it. All-
Purpose Bait comes with three servings.

Hyoi Pear
These bizarre fruits are also bought from Beedle for 10 Rupees. In a seagull-
infested area, use one of these to take control of seagulls! Use the control 
stick to steer them, A to fly higher, and R to return to Link. As a seagull, 
you can grab items or hit switches Link can�t reach.

 >Hero�s Shield
Acquired: From Grandma after rescuing Tetra
The perfect partner to your sword, the Hero�s Shield provides Link with a 
defense against attacks. In combat, keep it up whenever you aren�t attacking.

 >Spoils Bag
Acquired: From Niko after passing his rope-swinging test
One of three bags you�ll get through the game, the Spoils Bag holds any spoils 
enemies drop. Open it with X, Y, or Z to view its contents. If you want to make 
some quick money, assign a spoil to X, Y, or Z and show it to Beedle to sell it 
to him.

 >Pirate�s Charm
Acquired: From Tetra before being launched into the Forsaken Fortress
This small pendant is a miniature version of the Gossip Stones from Hyrule. 
Tetra can talk to you and give you hints through it. Whenever you hear her say 
�hey!� and the A button turns into a splat thingy, press A to listen to it. 
Strangely enough, your boat also seems to be able to speak through it�

Acquired: Buy from Zunari for 80 Rupees
When you first meet up with your boat, the King of Red Lions, he�s missing a 
Sail. Since it would take forever to cruise everywhere, find Zunari (AKA 
Iceman) and buy the Sail from him. On your boat, press the button the sail is 
assigned to deploy it and let the wind blow you along the Great Sea.

 >Tingle Tuner
Acquired: From Tingle after freeing him from jail
If you have a Game Boy Advance connected to your Gamecube, you can use this 
strange device to call the ever-hated fairy impersonator, Tingle. (not that 
you�d ever want to) Check out the Tingle Tuner section to see what he can do.

 >Picto Box/Deluxe Picto Box
Acquired: In the crawl maze behind Tingle�s cell, complete Lenzo�s quests, 
start a second quest
The Picto Box is a very cool item that lets you take black-and-white pictures 
of anything you see over your travels! You can hold up to three Pictographs at 
a time. To find it, move aside a crate in Tingle�s Cell on Windfall Island and 
enter the crawl maze. To reach the Picto Box, take the following directions at 
turns: right, left, straight, right, straight, right, right, straight, and to 
the room with the Picto Box. Be careful of turns onto wooden floorboards; these 
lead to rat-operated trap doors that drop you down under Tott�s ledge, where 
you met the KoRL. To get the Deluxe Picto Box, which takes color Pictographs 
and lets you participate in the Nintendo Gallery, do Lenzo�s three Pictograph 
quests and bring him a Forest Firefly. The three quests all involve taking 
Pictographs of specific events around Windfall Island.
       For the first, notice Garrickson nervously walking around the island. 
(Garrickson is the man with blue hair and a mustache, and red overalls) He is 
actually mailing a love letter to someone, and you need Pictographic proof. 
Stay away from Garrickson, as he stops walking when you approach him. The best 
place to wait and get the Pictograph from is out on the dock next to Candy. 
Zoom in so you can easily see him and the Postbox just outside the city 
entrance, then take the Pictograph as he�s putting the letter in. If you mess 
up, enter and exit a building; Garrickson will be back to mail another letter. 
(though you�ll have to wait for him to reach the mailbox again; don�t mess up!) 
       The second quest is to take a Pictograph of Gossack, the bald man in the 
bar, when he�s trembling with fear. He seems confident at first; scare him by 
rolling into a wall or breaking something in the bar, then quickly take his 
Pictograph when he�s scared.
The last task is to Pictograph two forlorn lovers on Windfall. The people
in question are Linda, the woman in the orange dress near the School of Joy, 
and Anton, the orange-haired man who walks around the island. As Anton walks 
past Linda, the two of them glance at each other for a few seconds. Take a good 
Pictograph of this happening and give it to Lenzo, then capture a Forest 
Firefly from Forest Haven (they are rare, noticeably bigger, flash rainbow 
colors, and are found to the Great Deku Tree�s left or at the bottom of the 
ramp to Hollo) and give it to him to receive the Deluxe Picto Box! Also, if you 
beat your first game and start a second one, you begin with the Deluxe Picto 

 >Wind Waker
Acquired: From the King of Red Lions after landing on Dragon Roost Island
This small baton is your new instrument. With it, you can conduct melodies to 
alter the wind, change the time of day, or summon tornadoes. Conducting can be 
tricky at first. A flashing light on a rhythm bar at the top of the screen 
dictates your song. Hold the C-stick in the direction you want to conduct as 
the light crosses the middle of the bar, then move it to the next position. 
Hold the control stick or D-pad left or right to switch to 4/4 or 6/4 time. (as 
opposed to 3/4) There are six songs to be conducted:

Wind�s Requiem
Learned: Taught by Zephos at the shrine through the tunnel at Dragon Roost 
Island (B6)
Directions: 3/4 time; up, left, right
The Wind�s Requiem is the most essential song you�ll ever learn. When played, 
it allows you to change the direction of the wind. Without it, you�ll likely 
get nowhere sailing.

Song of Passing
Learned: From Tott on Windfall Island (B4) while playing the Wind Waker
Directions: 3/4 time; right, left, down
The Song of Passing sounds and works like the Sun�s Song from Ocarina of Time. 
When played, it turns day into night or night into day.

Command Melody
Learned: From tablet in Tower of the Gods (D5)
Directions: 4/4 time; left, center, right, center
This song is used to mind control statues in the Tower of the Gods and your 
partners in the Earth and Wind Temples. You have to be right next to the 
statues, but you can control your partners from anywhere as long as they�re in 
the same room. Press R while controlling to break Link�s trance and switch back 
to him.

Ballad of Gales
Learned: Taught by Cyclos after shooting him with the Hero�s Bow 3 times, 
location varies (Mother & Child Isles or Shark Island are best)
Directions: 4/4 time; down, right, left, up
Aside from the Wind�s Requiem, this time-saving song is your most useful one. 
When played, it lets you warp to Mother & Child Isles, Windfall Island, Dragon 
Roost Island, Tingle Island, Greatfish Island, Tower of the Gods, Southern 
Fairy Island, Forest Haven, or Outset Island instantly. If you�ve grown tired 
of sailing, your payers have been answered!

Earth God�s Lyric
Learned: From Laruto in Earth Temple entrance at Headstone Island (G3)
Directions: 6/4 time; down, down, center, right, left, center
This song is only played a few times; to awaken Medli as the Earth Sage and to 
dissolve barriers in the Earth Temple.

Wind God�s Aria
Learned: From Fado in Wind Temple entrance at Gale Isle (A4)
Direction: 6/4 time; up, up, down, right, left, right
This song serves the same purposes as the Earth God�s Lyric, but for Makar and 
the Wind Temple. 

 >Delivery Bag
Acquired: From Quill in the Rito�s Cavern
The final bag you�ll likely acquire, the Delivery Bag holds letters, papers, 
and decorative items for later use.

 >Complimentary ID
Acquired: From a Silver Membership at Beedle�s Shop Ship
Beedle sends you this ID in the mail after you�ve gotten at least 30 points 
from buying his wares. What does it do, you ask? Show the ID to Beedle and he 
compliments you! ...what, you were expecting something better?

 >Fill-Up Coupon
Acquired: From a Gold Membership at Beedle�s Shop Ship
Sent after getting 60 points, the Fill-Up Coupon actually does something 
useful. Show it to Beedle and he fully fills your Bombs, Arrows, Hearts, and 

 >Empty Bottle
Acquired: From Medli before entering Dragon Roost Cavern, in a Submarine near 
Bomb Island, bought from Beedle at Rock Spire Island for 500 Rupees, given by 
Mila on Windfall Island
Empty Bottles are reusable holders that can carry many different things. Some 
contents are bought; other found. Link can get a total of four Empty Bottles 
over his adventure. To use a Bottle�s contents, assign the Bottle to X, Y, or Z 
and press it. It�s always a good idea to fill all your Bottles with Fairies, 
Potions, or Elixir before entering a Dungeon; you never know what might happen. 
For details on getting the Bottles, look in the Islands Section on the 
corresponding islands.

Bottled Water
Found: In any shallow water
Although bottling water is incredibly easy to do, you only do it once in the 
game, to water some Bomb Flowers.

Forest Water
Found: In Forest Haven
The magical water running through Forest Haven is bursting with life. You can 
use it an infinite number of times, but it becomes normal water in 20 minutes. 
It�s used to give the trees planted by the Koroks a much-needed boost.

Forest Firefly
Found: In Forest Haven
You have to catch one of these color-changing fireflies for Lenzo in order to 
acquire the Deluxe Picto Box. Don�t mistake the smaller green fireflies for it.

Found: In Fairy Fountains, just before Boss Doors
Once you�ve bottled a Fairy, release it at any time to recover 10 Hearts. It 
automatically heals you when you die.

Red Potion
Found: Buy from Doc Bandam or Beedle
The Red Potion is the best health restoring item. When drunk, it instantly 
restores all your Hearts.

Green Potion
Found: Buy from Doc Bandam
The Green Potion isn�t as widely used as the Red. It restores your Magic Meter 
when drunk.

Blue Potion
Found: Buy from Doc Bandam or give Hollo four Boko Baba Seeds
The ultimate potion; when drunk, a Blue Potion restores all your Hearts and 

Elixir Soup
Found: Given by Grandma after healing her with a Fairy
Elixir Soup is the ultimate healing item; it�s given to you for free by your 
Grandma, but you can only have one at a time. It restores all your Hearts and 
Magic, and also doubles the power of your sword until you take damage! Even 
better, it comes in two helpings!

 >Grappling Hook
Found: From Medli in Dragon Roost Cavern after defeating Moblin
The Grappling Hook is your first Dungeon Item. It was used by the Rito before 
they evolved wings. Its main use is to grapple onto distinctive branches. When 
you�re aiming it in first-person view, a sparkle appears over anything you can 
target. Once you�ve hooked it onto something, swing on it just like any other 
rope. You can also climb on top of the branch you hooked onto. You can also use 
it against enemies (preferably when Z-targeted) to steal any common items or 
spoils they�re carrying! Like all Dungeon Items, it�s required to beat the 
corresponding Boss, in this case Gohma. The Grappling Hook is also used at sea 
as a crane to pull up sunken treasure.

 >Deku Leaf
Acquired: In Forest Haven, after jumping from Boko Buds
Another extremely useful item, the Deku Leaf is an essential tool in most 
Dungeons, especially the Forbidden Woods and Wind Temple. Its first use is to 
shoot out gust of wind. These gusts can stun some enemies, activate wind 
switches, and blow away leaves. It�s main use, however, is to let you glide 
long distances. As the expense of Magic Power, you can glide for very long 
distances, crossing large gaps of other impassable expanses too long to jump. 
Glide into updrafts to gain altitude, and watch out for enemies! When gliding 
outside, remember to set the wind in the direction you want to go first. If 
you�re too high up when gliding to reach your target, quickly press A to free 
fall, then get out your Deku Leaf again to resume gliding. If you repeat this 
pattern, you can survive long falls without taking damage.

Acquired: In the Forbidden Woods, after defeating the winged Mothula
Ah, the Boomerang, the best item in the game. With more uses than you can shake 
a Boko Stick at, the Boomerang will instantly become a staple for Dungeons. 
First: its uses in first-person mode. Simply pressing the button the Boomerang 
is assigned to makes Link throw it blindly. At sea, you can press A any time 
during its flight to recall it. Link stays in L-targeted mode during the 
Boomerang�s flight. Hold the button the Boomerang is on and move the targeting 
cursor around. Whenever you find a targetable item, a sparkle will appear 
around it. You can target up to five objects this way; when you release the 
button the Boomerang homes in to hit them all! In this way, you can trigger 
multiple switches at once. The Boomerang can also be used to grab battle spoils 
from far away; lock onto them quickly before they disappear and the Boomerang 
brings them to you! Neat, huh? When L-targeting, you can only hit one enemy, 
but Link aims for you. In combat, the Boomerang can instantly defeat many 
weaker enemies in one hit and stuns stronger ones, leaving them open for 
attack. Never enter a Dungeon without your trusty �Rang; it will be your most 
prized possession for most of the rest of the game!

Acquired: From Niko after passing his advanced rope-swinging test
These basic explosives are excellent tools for blasting through cracked walls. 
Press the button your Bombs are assigned to take one out. Once you�re holding a 
Bomb, set it down or throw it like any other small item; just get rid of it 
quickly! Bombs start bulging and flashing red just before they explode. Besides 
blowing up virtually any cracked object, Bombs are used to defeat a few 
enemies, like Stalfos and Armos Knights. They do twice as much damage as a 
Master Sword hit. Bombs can also be used on your boat, but they somehow become 
a powerful cannon used for firing Bombs over long distances! When you are 
stopped, aim the cannon with the control stick and his the Bomb button to fire 
one. Bombs are the only way to conquer reefs, so practice your aim and upgrade 
your Bomb capacity as soon as possible.

 >Hero�s Bow
Acquired: In Tower of the Gods, after defeating the Darknut
The Hero�s Bow is another staple for conquering Dungeons. It provides you with 
most of the ranged firepower you need for the game. (its shots deal twice as 
much damage as the Hero�s Sword) In first-person mode, aim the bow with the 
control stick, ready an arrow with the button the Bow is assigned to, and 
release to fire! The Bow can hit objects from extremely far away, letting you 
destroy enemies long before they notice you. Be careful not to waste arrows. 
When L-targeted, the Bow�s range is limited, but you�re almost guaranteed to 
hit your target. If you hold the button the Hero�s Bow is assigned to, you can 
get it out and ready an arrow at the same time. Once you get Fire and Ice 
Arrows, use R to switch the type of arrow you�ll fire.

 >Decorative Items
Acquired: Zunari�s shop, trading quest
As you participate in the Trading Quest for Zunari, every new item you trade 
for will go up for sale at his stall. If you buy these items from him, they go 
into your Delivery bag. Set one to X, Y, or Z, then use it on the strange metal 
holders you see around Windfall Island and your Oasis. Link will place the item 
in the holder, and spruce up the general area�s appearance in the process.

Town Flower
Cost: 10 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A flower from the town of bright smiles. Use it to 
decorate the town with joy.
Item Description: This little flower is reminiscent of the town. If you find a 
place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Sea Flower
Cost: 20 Rupees
Zunari's Description: The aroma of the sea wafts out of this flower that hails 
from a faraway land. Use it to adorn the town with a sea breeze.
Item Description: The scent of the sea wafts from the delicate petals of this 
flower from a distant, exotic land. If you find a place to put it, set it to 
and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Exotic Flower
Cost: 25 Rupees
Zunari's Description: An exotic flower from a tropical island. Trim the town 
with a summer breeze.
Item Description: This refreshing flower blossoms in the tropical regions to 
the south. If you find a place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, or 

Hero's Flag
Cost: 75 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A flag with a bold feel to it. Use it to cover the town 
in courage.
Item Description: This flag has a rather courageous feel to it. If you find a 
place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Big Catch Flag
Cost: 85 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A flag from a festival in which fishermen hope for a good 
catch. Use it to decorate the town with fish!
Item Description: This flag was made by a fisherman from a foreign land and 
designed to encourage a big haul of fish! If you find a place to put it, set it 
to and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Big Sale Flag
Cost: 35 Rupees
Zunari's Description: You won't find a flag cheaper than those. Decorate the 
town in a theme of a big bargain sale.
Item Description: This flag looks like it would definitely be good for 
business. If you find a place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, or 

Cost: 55 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A tiny windmill that catches the wind then spins and 
spins. Use it to send gentle breezes through the town.
Item Description: The wheel on this spins when it catches puffs of air - kind 
of fun, huh? If you find a place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, 
or Z.

Sickle Moon Flag
Cost: 40 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A showy flag in the shape of a crescent moon. Use it to 
decorate the town with a salute to the night sky.
Item Description: This flag of a bright-red crescent moon is quite fancy. If 
you find a place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Skull Tower Idol
Cost: 60 Rupees
Zunari's Description: The fossilized skulls of weird creatures. Use it to give 
the town a mysterious feel.
Item Description: This thing is made from...the fossilized skulls of some 
strange creatures. It's pretty weird. If you find a place to put it, set it to 
and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Fountain Idol
Cost: 60 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A sculpture of mysteriously bubbling water. Use it to 
cover the town in ocean blue.
Item Description: This is a strange, bubbling statue in the shape of a girl 
carrying a jar. If you find a place to put it, set it to and place it with X, 
Y, or Z.

Postman Statue
Cost: 100 Rupees
Zunari's Description: A wooden carving of the postman from Dragon Roost Isle. 
Use it to populate the town with Ritos.
Item Description: This is a carving of the Rito postman, hero of all Ritos and 
a symbol of laborers the world over. If you find a place to put it, set it to 
and place it with X, Y, or Z.

Shop Guru Statue
Cost: 200 Rupees
Zunari's Description: The pride and joy of all merchants. Decorate the town 
with ME!
Item Description: This little statue is the apple of every businessman's eye. 
If you find a place to put it, set it to and place it with X, Y, or Z.

 >Master Sword
Acquired: In basement of Hyrule Castle
After proving himself worthy to the gods, Link travels to the sunken land of 
Hyrule and find the weapon used by the legendary Hero of Time: the Master 
Sword. Twice as powerful as the old Hero�s Sword, the Master Sword lets you 
make quick work of tough enemies. As he beats the next two Temples, Link slowly 
powers up the Master Sword to return its former strength�

 >Skull Hammer
Acquired: In Forsaken Fortress, after defeating Phantom Ganon
This barbaric weapon packs incredible brute force, and is used to squash just 
about anything, including enemies. It�s too slow to be used effectively as a 
weapon, but slamming the ground with it stuns all nearby enemies with 
shockwaves. It�s main purpose is to hammer large stake switches down.

 >Cabana Deed
Acquired: Give Mrs. Marie 21 Joy Pendants
Once you show this to the butler/door at the Private Oasis, he recognizes you 
as the new owner and lets you in.

 >Hero�s Charm
Acquired: Give Mrs. Marie 41 Joy Pendants
This ever-grinning mask not only looks cool, it lets you see enemy life totals! 
Equip it on your quest status screen, then try locking onto an enemy. Their 
life total will appear above their head. When fighting bosses, their life is 
shown in a meter at the bottom of the screen.

 >Fire Arrows
Acquired: Warp to Mother & Child Isles after beating Forsaken Fortress
By expending a small amount of Magic power, Link can power up his arrows with 
fire! Fire Arrows deal twice the damage of normal arrows, making them great for 
damaging tough enemies, especially Wizzrobes. They can also be used to light 
torches from a distance or when Boko sticks aren�t available, or to melt any 

 >Ice Arrows
Acquired: Warp to Mother & Child Isles after beating Forsaken Fortress
The Fairy Queen grants you the power of ice along with fire. Ice Arrows deal 
the same damage as Fire Arrows, and also freeze their target solid briefly. 
They can also create platforms on lava when water jars aren�t available.

 >Power Bracelets
Acquired: Fire Mountain
Once Link acquires these seemingly mundane bracelets, he gains the power to 
lift huge rocks. (or pigs) You�ll only use them a few times throughout the 
game, but they are essential for uncovering the Earth Temple and Savage 
Labyrinth. They can also be used to lift and break some cracked rocks.

 >Iron Boots
Acquired: Ice Ring Isle
The Iron Boots, now a standard item instead of equipment, have changed since 
Ocarina of Time. Instead of letting you sink in water, they now make you much 
heavier. (where does Link store them?) Although he walks much more slowly, Link 
can now walk directly into powerful wind gusts and activate springboards. They 
are essential tools for the Wind Temple.

 >Mirror Shield
Acquired: Earth Temple, after defeating the 3 Stalfos
The Mirror Shield replaces your old Hero�s Shield. It has all the same 
abilities as its predecessor, but it can also reflect beams of light. You�ll 
need it to solve puzzles and defeat enemies in the Earth Temple.

Acquired: Wind Temple, after defeating Wizzrobe
The Hookshot is similar to the Grappling Hook in function. When fired at 
distinctive targets, Treasure Chests, or trees, it will pull you to where it 
latched on. Like the Grappling Hook, it�s used to cross gaps and ascend 
platforms. In combat, Link can use it to either pull enemies to him or pull 
himself to enemies, depending on their size. It can also be used to make some 
enemies, like Peahats and Blue Bubbles, vulnerable to attack.

 >Light Arrows
Acquired: Ganon�s Tower, after passing through basement maze
Without a doubt Link�s most powerful weapon, these sacred arrows will likely be 
the last item you get in the game. They are the only weapon that can defeat 
Ganon/Ganondorf, but this isn�t their only use. Get this: Light Arrows can 
defeat ANY non-boss enemy (with the strange exception of Cannon Boats) with one 
shot. That�s right, everything from a Stalfos to Phantom Ganon to fully armored 
Darknuts will dissolve into light with just one shot. Because they consume 
twice the magic of Fire and Ice Arrows, save them for the toughest enemies. The 
Light Arrows can make many tough challenges, like the Savage Labyrinth or Shark 
Island�s Secret Cave, much easier.

 >Magic Armor
Acquired: For completing first few steps of Zunari�s trading quest
Although you don�t need the Magic Armor to complete the game, it might be 
useful to some. When used, it protects your HP at the constant expense of Magic 
power. Use it sparingly in tough battles if you need it. To do the trading 
quest to get this item, speak to Zunari at his large counter after beating the 
Forsaken Fortress. Answer a few question right, and he gives you a Town Flower 
to barter with. By giving the right items to the right Goron traders, you can 
buy new items from them, which then appear in Zunari�s shop. You only need to 
get 3 or so new items before Zunari gives you the Magic Armor. Use this chart 
to help your trading:
|Town Flower   |10 Rupees     |Sea Flower    |Sea Flower    |Sea Flower    |
|Sea Flower    |20 Rupees     |Exotic Flower |Town Flower   |Town Flower   |
|Exotic Flower |25 Rupees     |Sea Flower    |Pinwheel      |Sickle Moon   |
|              |              |              |              |Flag          |
|Pinwheel      |55 Rupees     |Exotic Flower |Exotic Flower |Sickle Moon   |
|              |              |              |              |Flag          |
|Big Catch Flag|85 Rupees     |Fountain Idol |Sickle Moon   |Fountain Idol |
|              |              |              |Flag          |              |
|Big Sale Flag |35 Rupees     |Hero�s Flag   |Big Catch Flag|Hero�s Flag   |
|Hero�s Flag   |75 Rupees     |Postman Idol  |Big Sale Flag |Big Catch Flag|
|Sickle Moon   |40 Rupees     |Fountain Idol |Big Catch Flag|Fountain Idol |
|Flag          |              |              |              |              |
|Skull Tower   |60 Rupees     |Fountain Idol |Big Sale Flag |Fountain Idol |
|Idol          |              |              |              |              |
|Fountain Idol |60 Rupees     |Skull Tower   |Big Sale Flag |Sickle Moon   |
|              |              |Idol          |              |Flag          |
|Postman Idol  |100 Rupees    |Fountain Idol |Shop Guru     |Fountain Idol |
|              |              |              |Statue        |              |
|Shop Guru     |200 Rupees    |Postman Idol  |Postman Idol  |Piece of Heart|
|Statue        |              |              |              |or Shop Guru  |
|              |              |              |              |Statue        |
8. Pieces of Heart (Piohe)

There are a total of 44 Pieces of Heart hidden around the Great Sea. Once you 
collect four, your Heart total goes up by one. (you can view your Pieces of 
Heart on the Quest Status Menu) Combined with your starting three Hearts and 
the 6 from Dungeons, you can have a total of 20 Heart. Gotta find�em all!

Requirements: None
This is the first Piece of Heart you can get. It�s found in a chest in a jail 
cell in Forsaken Fortress. (A1) From the cell you get thrown in when captured, 
run down the hallway and jump down to the first floor. Behind some barrels here 
is the switch to open the cell containing the Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Bombs
This one isn�t too hard to get. Set sail for Star Island. (A2) Once you land 
there, Bomb the large, cracked rock on the island�s southwest �point.� Drop 
down the revealed secret cavern. Inside, defeat 3 Magtails, 2 Bokoblin, 2 
Shield Bokoblin, and 2 Moblins, in that order. It shouldn�t be too hard. After 
you�ve defeated them all, a chest containing the Piece of Heart appears.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 11, Grappling Hook
Sail to Crescent Moon Island (A5) and pull up the treasure from Chart 11, which 
is found near the beginning of Dragon Roost Cavern.

Requirements: Boomerang, Grappling Hook
Sail to Seven-Star Isles (A6) and sail around the quadrant, using your 
telescope to spot the seagulls warning of a Big Octo in the waters. Defeat the 
12-eyed beast as usual, then pull up the Piece of Heart that appears where it 

Requirements: 50 Rupees
Win Salvatore�s fun cannon minigame here at Spectacle Island. (B3) When you do, 
�Tetra� hands over the pirate�s �treasure,� a Piece of Heart. Check out the 
minigame section for the game specifics.

Requirements: 10 Rupees
This is the first of many Pieces of Heart you�ll find on Windfall Island, at 
A4. To get it, simply win Salvatore�s not-so-fun Squid-Hunt Minigame. Once 
again, look at the minigame section.

Requirements: Lots of Rupees
To get this Piece, win the nighttime auction held at the auction house�s ground 
floor by Zunari. The Heart Piece if one of the random prizes; quit and reenter 
the auction until it appears. Check out the minigame section for tips on how to 

Requirements: Delivery Bag, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
When you talk to Maggie, (after she�s rescued from the Forsaken Fortress and 
filthy rich) she tells you that she fell in love with Moe, one of her Moblin 
captors...0_o Anyway, she gives you a letter to send to her sweetheart. Use 
your Delivery Bag to deposit it in the Windfall Postbox, then wait for 
tomorrow. (or play the Song of Passing twice) After that, the letter still 
hasn�t arrived; Ilari is delivering it personally. Enter the top floor of the 
auction house to see him storm out after an argument with Maggie�s postman-
hating father. Follow Ilari to the bar, talk to him, and agree to deliver the 
latter for him. You may also want to get his Pictograph now, when it�s easiest. 
After that, return to the auction house and give Maggie the letter. She gives 
you the Piece of Heart in return.

Requirements: Must have gotten Picto Box
Speak with Mrs. Marie, owner of the School of Joy. She�s worried about four 
delinquent students of hers, who form a gang calling itself the Killer Bees. Go 
outside and speak with the little pukes. After bad-mouthing their teacher, they 
challenge you to a game of hide and seek, then go run and hide. It�s up to you 
to find and catch them all.
*	Ivan, the leader, shows off his tree-climbing skills by hiding on top of the 
one outside the entry arch. Roll into it, or hit it with the Skull Hammer, 
to dislodge him. After miraculously landing unharmed, re runs away. You 
can�t sneak up on the Killer Bees like you can with pigs, so roll after them 
and try to anticipate where they�re going. After you bump into Ivan, he 
admits defeat.
*	The second in command Jin is hiding behind Cannon�s shop. Shimmy or across 
the ledge you took to witness the robbery to find him. He jumps down and 
runs into the field; catch him just like Ivan.
*	The thug, Jan, is hiding cleverly. Take the small exit near the stairs to 
the auction house�s second floor, but don�t go out onto the arch. Jan is 
hiding behind a bush to the left as you exit the square/circle thing. Catch 
him, then search for the last one.
*	The fourth member, Jun-Roberto, is hiding behind the gravestone Tott dances 
in front of.
After you catch all four, they hand over a Piece of Heart to salute your 
superior seeking skill. (say that four times fast)

Requirements: Deluxe Picto Box
To get this Heart Piece, you have to get two residents of Windfall, Anton and 
Linda, together. Linda is the blue-haired woman in the orange dress outside the 
windmill lobby, and Anton is the orange-haired man found walking around the 
island. (not Garrickson) After talking to both of them, take a good color 
Pictograph of Linda and show it to Anton. Seeing her helps him make a decision: 
he�ll ask Linda out for coffee tomorrow. Use the Song of Passing to go through 
a few days, then check out the bar in the daytime. Sure enough, Linda and Anton 
are there together, and Linda gives you a Piece of Heart for getting them 

Requirements: 14 Decorative Items
Speak with Sam (the man sitting on the bench near Zunari�s shop) to learn he�s 
a member of the Joyous Volunteers. They want to fill Windfall Island with joy, 
(or at least glee) but as usual they�re completely incapable of doing anything 
themselves. Help Sam out by putting decorative items in each of the 14 holders 
outdoors. 3 are near Sam, 2 near Zunari�s counter, 1 between Doc Bandam�s shop 
and the auction house, 2 on the path leading from near Pompie and Vera to the 
auction house stairs, and 6 on the arch above the Windfall Island main 
entrance. Once a decorative item is in every holder, talk to Sam to get a Heart 

Requirements: Fire Arrows, Wind Waker
To get this Piece of Heart, you�ll need to get the windmill up and running. At 
night, seek out a small ledge leading around the north edge of the windmill, to 
the left of the entry door. Walk along this ledge until you reach a hidden 
ladder in an alcove. At the top of the ladder, you�ll see a switch. Stand on 
it, then use the Wind�s Requiem to change the wind to the northeast. This 
should start the windmill turning; if not, experiment with more directions. 
Next, go through Salvatore�s Squid-Hunt room, up the stairs to the left, and 
out the door. You�ll be on a wooden walkway above the street. Kreeb is here, 
watching the night and talking endlessly about the Windmill. Since the windmill 
is now turning, continue on past Kreeb and jump onto one of the platforms 
attached it. Ride this platform to the top, and as the large unlit lamp faces 
you there, shoot a Fire Arrow into it. If you hit the basket of wood in the 
middle, the lamp shines again, lighting up the ocean around the Island and 
revealing a translucent chest off Cannon�s shop. Ride the Windmill back down 
and jump off onto the walkway. Talk to Kreeb, who�s overjoyed that the 
lighthouse is working again and hands over a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Must have lit lighthouse, Deku Leaf or Hookshot
Another Piece of Heart is contained in the chest you revealed when you lit the 
lighthouse. At night, you have two ways of getting it. If you have the 
Hookshot, sail out to the small island the chest is on and pull yourself up to 
it to claim the Piece of Heart. If you don�t have it, change the wind to south 
or southwest and use the Deku Leaf to reach it from Cannon�s shop. Be careful 
not to miss the island!

Requirements: None
At Pawprint Isle (B5) land on the large isle and you�ll notice a strange dome. 
Cut aside the grass around it to reveal a tiny entrance you can crawl through, 
and then enter the Secret Cave through the hole inside. This cave is filled 
with Red Chuchus and grass containing huge amounts of Green Rupees. Though 
there are cracked rocks in here, you don�t need Bombs to get this Piece of 
Heart. Defeat all the Chuchus in the two rooms you can access and the chest 
containing the Heart Piece appears.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 30, Grappling Hook
Pull up the treasure shown on Chart 30 here to find another Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Must have sorted over 25 letters for Baito
If you sort 25 letters in the mail sorting minigame a second time for Baito, 
his mother will soon send you a letter containing a Piece of Heart. Check out 
the postboxes on the following days to claim it.

Requirements: 20 Golden Feathers
If you give 20 Golden Feather to Hoskit, (the Rito guarding the Chieftain�s 
room) he�ll give you an Orange Rupee! Wait, an Orange Rupee!? Don�t worry, he 
sends the feathers to his girlfriend, who then sends you a Piece of Heart back.

Requirements: Must have beaten Forbidden Woods
After getting your second Pearl, you get a letter from the Rito Chieftain from 
the next postbox you visit. It contains thanks for helping his son and a Piece 
of Heart.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, expanded Magic Meter, Wind Waker
If you beat Obli�s record of about 256 yards at the Flight Control Platform, 
(B7) you�ll be awarded a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: 950 Rupees, Wallet Expansion, Beedle�s Chart
This Piece of Heart can be bought from Beedle at his special shop ship at Rock 
Spire Island (C2) for 950 Rupees. Even though Beedle says he�ll be closing here 
in a matter of days, don�t listen; he�s just trying to attract more customers.

Requirements: Bombs, Grappling Hook
If you look around the island with your Telescope, you�ll see two Cannon Boats 
somewhere near it. Sink both of them and they should leave Light Rings behind. 
Pull up both treasures; one is a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 2, Grappling Hook
This Piece is the treasure from Chart 2, attained by giving Maggie�s father 20 
Skull Necklaces after he becomes rich. Find it like any other treasure.

Requirements: Boomerang, Grappling Hook
Seek out the customary circling seagulls and defeat the Big Octo off Tingle 
Island (C3) to uncover a Light Ring containing a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 38, Grappling Hook
After getting Treasure Chart 38 in the Windfall Island auction, seek its 
treasure, a Piece of Heart, around Three-Eye Reef. (D1)

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Wind Waker
Climb up the spiral path around the larger, circular island to the southeast of 
the Greatfish Isle (D2) mainland. (mainlands?) You�ll be at the right place if 
there is a Withered Deku Tree on top. Set the wind to the northwest and look to 
the central isle. In a small nook/cave about halfway up this isle is a ledge. 
On it is a chest containing a Piece of Heart. Use the Deku Leaf to glide to it.

Requirements: Shop Guru Statue
Tot get this Piece of Heart, you have to continue Zunari�s trading quest. If 
you give the Wandering Merchant on Greatfish Isle his heart�s desire, (a Shop 
Guru Statue from the trading quest) he gives you a Piece of Heart in thanks. To 
do the trading quest to get this item, speak to Zunari at his large counter 
after beating the Forsaken Fortress. Answer a few question right, and he gives 
you a Town Flower to barter with. By giving the right items to the right Goron 
traders, you can buy new items from them, which then appear in Zunari�s shop. 
Here is a table showing the vital info on the trading quest:
|Town Flower   |10 Rupees     |Sea Flower    |Sea Flower    |Sea Flower    |
|Sea Flower    |20 Rupees     |Exotic Flower |Town Flower   |Town Flower   |
|Exotic Flower |25 Rupees     |Sea Flower    |Pinwheel      |Sickle Moon   |
|              |              |              |              |Flag          |
|Pinwheel      |55 Rupees     |Exotic Flower |Exotic Flower |Sickle Moon   |
|              |              |              |              |Flag          |
|Big Catch Flag|85 Rupees     |Fountain Idol |Sickle Moon   |Fountain Idol |
|              |              |              |Flag          |              |
|Big Sale Flag |35 Rupees     |Hero�s Flag   |Big Catch Flag|Hero�s Flag   |
|Hero�s Flag   |75 Rupees     |Postman Idol  |Big Sale Flag |Big Catch Flag|
|Sickle Moon   |40 Rupees     |Fountain Idol |Big Catch Flag|Fountain Idol |
|Flag          |              |              |              |              |
|Skull Tower   |60 Rupees     |Fountain Idol |Big Sale Flag |Fountain Idol |
|Idol          |              |              |              |              |
|Fountain Idol |60 Rupees     |Skull Tower   |Big Sale Flag |Sickle Moon   |
|              |              |Idol          |              |Flag          |
|Postman Idol  |100 Rupees    |Fountain Idol |Shop Guru     |Fountain Idol |
|              |              |              |Statue        |              |
|Shop Guru     |200 Rupees    |Piece of Heart|Postman Idol  |Postman Idol  |
|Statue        |              |or Shop Guru  |              |              |
|              |              |Statue        |              |              |

Requirements: None
Look for a Submarine surrounded by 3 rafts, directly southwest of Six-Eye Reef. 
(D4) Sail up and enter it. Inside, you�ll fight a total of 3 Moblin guards, one 
by one. There are also some Morths and Chuchus inside the barrels and pots in 
the Submarine. After the Moblins are defeated, a ladder drops down. Climb it 
and enter the adjacent room to find a chest containing a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 5, Grappling Hook
After getting Treasure Chart 5 from the basement of the Wind Temple, sail to 
Thorned Fairy Island (D7) and pull up the treasure: a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Hero�s Bow, Hyoi Pear
This Piece is in a chest on Needle Rock Island. (E1) Unfortunately, it�s 
surrounded by flames. The switch to get rid of the flames is in a Kargaroc nest 
on top of Needle Rock, but obviously you can�t get there. Use a Hyoi Pear to 
take control of a seagull and hit the switch to get rid of the flames. You�ll 
probably want to shoot some of the Kargarocs with the Hero�s Bow before 
attempting this.

Requirements: Bombs
Sail over to the Sea Platform in this quadrant. (E3) Destroy all 8 of its 
cannons to make a chest containing a Piece of Heart appear on the Platform. 
Remember to stay underneath the platform so the cannons can�t hit you.

Requirements: Bombs
Bomb the large boulder on top of Bomb Island (E6) to uncover a Secret Cave. 
Drop down into it to find a lava-filled secret cavern. In the first room, stun 
a Magtail with the Grappling Hook as it rears up to attack you, then pick it up 
and place it on the switch to open the door. Run through to the next room. In 
here, walk along the short, narrow pathway to the left. Be careful not to fall 
into the lava! Hit the switch at the end of the path to extinguish two rings of 
fire on a nearby path, then carefully walk back and head along the longer path 
to a large, open area. More Magtails attack you here. Stun them as before, but 
make sure there is plenty of room behind them so they don�t roll into the lava 
when you do. Once one is stunned, pick it up and throw it between either pair 
of torches on the edges of the area, into the rock of fire beyond. If you threw 
the Magtail right, it depresses a switch inside the ring and stays stunned for 
the rest of your time here. If you miss, try again. Once both switches are 
pressed, one more ring of fire goes out. Run along the narrow path to it and 
open the chest to claim a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 20, Grappling Hook
After getting Treasure Chart 20 from a hidden door in the basement of the Earth 
Temple, seek out the Piece of Heart treasure at Bomb Island.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 23, Grappling Hook
Use under 20 shots in Salvatore�s Squid-Hunt minigame in Windfall Island, then 
get a Piece of Heart from it at Diamond Steppe Island. (F1)

Requirements: Treasure Chart 4, Grappling Hook
Buy Treasure Chart 4 from Beedle for 900 Rupees at Rock Spire Island, then go 
to Southern Fairy Island (F4) and pull up the treasure: a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 31, Grappling Hook
Kamo gives this Chart to you after you show him a good Pictograph of the full 
moon. After you get it, pull up a Piece of Heart at Forest Haven. (F6)

Requirements: Empty Bottle, Ballad of Gales
After the Korok�s annual ceremony, you�ll see 8 of them fly off to plant seeds 
of new Deku trees on faraway islands. As you continue exploring (or talk to the 
Deku Tree), you�ll find these trees aren�t doing so well. The only thing that 
can help them grow is the water flowing through Forest Haven. Water from the 
same filling, to be precise. Forest Water can be used as many times as 
necessary, but it becomes ordinary water in only 20 minutes. You�ll have to 
plan out the route to take in order to take to water all 8 trees in 20 minutes. 
If you spoke with the Deku Tree, he marks all 8 trees on your Sea Chart. Here 
is the route I took to finish with over 7 minutes left. (beating the Prima crew 
by 2 minutes)
1.	Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
After filling your Bottle with Forest Water, exit the Haven and left the river 
carry you down near your boat. Jump in, change the wind, and sail directly east 
to Cliff Plateau Isles. Climb onto the smallest isle, jump across a few more 
rocks, and fall down into the Secret Cave. Check out the Secret Cave section to 
see how to clear it. After exiting the Cave, the first withered Deku tree is 
nearby. Water it and jump back down to your boat.
2.	Shark Island (F3)
Warp to Southern Fairy Island next, then sail west to Shark Island. This 
withered Deku tree is much easier to reach; I think it�s around the island�s 
�tail,� near the Iron Boots switch.
3.	Greatfish Isle (D2)
Warp directly to Greatfish Isle for this one. The tree is on top of the 
corkscrew island you glided from to reach a Piece of Heart, one of the closer 
islands to you when you arrive.
4. Needle Rock Isle (E1)
After that, sail southwest to Needle Rock Isle. This tree is near the chest 
containing a Piece of Heart.
1.	Private Oasis (E5)
Warp to the Tower of the Gods and sail south. This tree is to the right of your 
2.	Eastern Fairy Island (C5)
Warp back to the Tower of the Gods and sail north next. This tree should be 
easy to find.
3.	Mother & Child Isles (B2)
Since warping directly to Mother & Child Isles takes you inside them, warp to 
Tingle Island and sail northwest. The tree is on Child Isle.
4.	Star Island (A2)
Next, sail directly north to Star Island. Water the final tree here to complete 
the quest.
Regardless of which tree you water last, it grows to be huge, and a Piece of 
Heart appears in its branches and drops down for you.

Requirements: Hero�s Sword and Shield
After beating the Forbidden Woods, return to Outset Island (G2) and visit Orca. 
He�ll challenge you to a combat training exercise. Obviously, you have to take 
him up to get anything. Check out the minigame section for tips on how to score 
at least 500 points and get a Piece of Heart from him.

Requirements: Power Bracelets, All-Purpose Bait
If you talk to Abe, (or read the Wild Pig figurine) you�ll learn that his giant 
black porcine loves to dig. �Borrow� it by picking it up with your Power 
Bracelets and walk it over to the other side of the island, near Mesa�s house. 
You�ll notice a black patch of dirt in the corner between the short ledge below 
his weed garden and the sheer cliff. Put the pig down near it (maybe in the 
corner?) and while it�s near the patch, face the center of it and sprinkle some 
All-Purpose Bait on it. If everything worked, the pig digs up a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Power Bracelets, Mirror Shield
Without a doubt, this Heart Piece will be the hardest-earned (and most fun to 
get) in the game. To get it, you�ll have to gain entry to the Savage Labyrinth, 
the entrance to which is on a high plateau behind your Grandma�s house on 
Outset Island. There are two ways to reach the cliff. The first is to climb to 
the top of Outset�s eastern island. The Old Man Ho-Ho on top is looking 
directly at the cliff. Set the wind to the west and jump off the rock on top, 
that you use to reach the other side of the broken bridge. Instead, use the 
Deku Leaf to float around the right side of the mountain, ending up on the 
ledge. The other way is more direct, but can�t be used until later. Climb up to 
the rock behind your Grandma�s house and use the Hookshot on the palm tree high 
above on the ledge to get up. Either way, use the Power Bracelets to remove the 
nearby stone head and drop down the now-exposed hole into the Savage Labyrinth. 
This Secret Cave is big (and hard) enough to merit its own section; check it 
out for more info. You�ll have to reach the 51st and final floor to find this 
Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Hyoi Pear
Stand on the rocky beach at Headstone Island (G3) and use a Hyoi Pear to 
control a seagull. In case you didn�t know, anything a seagull picks up 
automatically goes to you. Fly the seagull over the very top of Headstone 
Island, where a Piece of Heart waits.

Requirements: None
Sail to the bizarre Angular Isles at C5 to find an easy to get Piece of Heart. 
Sail around the larger isle and climb onto the small part of it. Climb up a few 
blocks and walk around until you find a movable block and matching groove. Pull 
it out halfway, then use it to climb up to another floor of blocks above it. 
Push the next movable block you find off a ledge, onto the first floor. Jump 
down and move it around here so it falls into a square recess. Climb up it and 
to a higher level. You�ll soon find two blocks stacked on each other. Pull the 
bottom one of halfway and climb up both of them. Keep climbing, and at the top 
of the isle is a Piece of heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 15, Grappling Hook
Pull this Piece up at Angular Isles using the Treasure Chart found on the third 
floor of the Forbidden Woods.

Requirements: None
In the extreme southeast of the Great Sea, south of Five-Star Isles, (G7) 
you�ll find a submarine. Enter it and jump down to fight some Keese and 
Bokoblin. After they�re defeated, climb the ladder that lowers and get the 
Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 33, Grappling Hook
This Piece is the treasure of Chart 33, which you get by showing Minenco a good 
color Pictograph of herself.
9. Charts (Chrts)

There are three types of Charts to be found in The Wind Waker. To access your 
charts, press Y on the Sea Chart screen. Treasure Charts, when opened, cause a 
large ring of light to appear near an island pictured on the chart. If you have 
the island mapped, use the miniaturized Sea Chart to match the shape if the 
island. Once you know which island the treasure is near, go to it and use the 
Treasure Chart to navigate you to the precise spot. The treasure can be a 
Silver Rupee, Piece of Heart, or Specialty Chart. Triforce Charts work just 
like normal charts, but they must be decoded by Tingle for the downright silly 
price of 398 Rupees. There are 8, and each one leads to a piece of the Triforce 
of Courage. Specialty Charts show the locations of miscellanious objects like 
Great Fairies, Beedle�s Shop Ships, or Secret Caves.


Requirements: Boomerang, Deku Leaf
Chart Location: Forbidden Woods (F6)
Treasure Location: Private Oasis (E5)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This chart is found in a large room in the basement of the Forbidden Woods. The 
Dungeon Map and Compass greatly help in locating it. Once you�re in, use the 
Boomerang to clear the way across some platforms. Fight and jump to the 
opposite side of the room, where one of the Boko Babas leaves a Baba Bud 
behind. Use it to launch yourself up to a ledge and jump onto a gondola. Use 
the Deku Leaf to blow the wind switches and go back to the south side of the 
room. On a ledge above where you came in is a bomb flower. Pick a bomb, (any 
bomb) jump onto the gondola, and throw the bomb from there into the funnel-like 
tree stump on the center of the room. It should slide down in and blow up a 
vined flower on top of a chest inside the stump. Jump onto the funnel from the 
gondola; you�ll slide down on top of the chest. Inside is Treasure Chart 1. 
Escape the stump by crawling through a small opening on the northwest side of 

Requirements: 20 Skull Necklaces, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Location: Rock Spire Isle (C2)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
This Chart isn�t very hard to get. After Maggie�s father becomes rich, give him 
at least 20 Skull Necklaces. (by �using� them in front of him) In return, he�ll 
give you Treasure Chart 2.

Requirements: Deku Leaf
Chart Location: Forest Haven (F6)
Treasure Location: Eastern Fairy Island (C5)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This chart is found on the small, tall, circular and inaccessible island 
southeast of Forest Haven. There are two places to glide to it; make sure the 
wind is set accordingly. The first is the hanging ledge you started your 
journey to the Forbidden Woods from. The other is the top of the second Grapple 
point along the river leading into Forest Haven, just before the second River 
Octorok. Stop swinging, climb the rope, and glide to the island. These chest is 
on it. You�ll want to glide back to your boat after that, or you risk drowning.

Requirements: 900 Rupees, Beedle�s Chart, first Wallet Expansion.
Chart Location: Rock Spire Isle (C2)
Treasure Location: Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Reward: Piece of Heart
This Chart is bought from the helmet-wearing Beedle at Rock Spire Isle for 900 
Rupees. Don�t worry about the time limit on his shop; he�s only trying to 
attract publicity.

Requirements: Hookshot, Iron Boots
Chart Location: Wind Temple (A4)
Treasure Location: Thorned Fairy Island (D7)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
This Chart is found in a circular room in the lower basement of the Wind 
Temple, under the fan in the central room. Once you�re there, go into the room 
east of it and you�ll be there. After defeating the Stalfos and Wizzrobe in 
this room, get to work pulling down the stone heads scattered around the walls 
from the top of the room down. To do it, try to Hookshot onto them while 
wearing the Iron Boots, and don�t stand in front of them! Two of the heads hide 
Bokoblin. Defeat both Bokoblin (you may need the Hero�s Bow) and a chest 
containing Treasure Chart 5 materializes.

Requirements: Hero�s Bow
Chart Location: Tower of the Gods (D5)
Treasure Location: Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is in a hidden alcove in the room found the Tower of the Gods 
Compass in. In case you forgot, it�s the room through the northwest exit of the 
water-filled dungeon lobby. When you enter it and after beating the Red Bubble, 
look above the far wall to see an eye switch. Shoot it with an arrow and the 
secret alcove is revealed. Open the chest to get Treasure Chart 6. You�ll have 
to defeat a few Armos after that, however.

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Treasure Location: Star Island (A2)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
To get Treasure Chart 7, simply win the Squid-Hunt minigame on Windfall Island 
a second time.

Requirements: Deku Leaf; Bombs recommended
Chart Location: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Treasure Location: Western Fairy Island (C1)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
Before sailing directly to Horseshoe Island to claim this Chart, it�s HIGHLY 
recommended you defeat the nearby Cannon Boat first to prevent anything bad 
from happening. After that�s taken care of, land on Horseshoe�s southeastern 
shore. To get to the top cliff of Horseshoe Island, you�ll have to play a game 
of golf. Yes, golf. Deku golf, that is. As you try to walk along the island�s 
ramping surface, vines periodically rise out of the ground to block your way. 
To get rid of them, you�ll have to get a Deku Nut into the hole under the flag 
up ahead. Grab a Deku Nut and throw it at the flag. Hopefully it will go in. If 
not, try again or reposition it with the Deku Leaf. Once it falls into the 
hole, it hits a switch to drop the vines. Repeat this again on a narrower part 
of the walkway, and only one Deku Nut. The last Nut starts out beyond the 
vines, and the ledge is narrow. You�ll have to rely solely on your Deku Leaf to 
get it in; line up a good shot. It might take many tries, and you only have 
until the Deku Nut dries out, rots, and falls apart. Once you beat all three 
holes, continue up to the top of the island and drop into a Secret Cave behind 
Old Man Ho-Ho. Inside, defeat a Mothula and 2 Wingless Mothulas to create a 
chest containing Treasure Chart 8. When you exit the cave, you�ll probably want 
to get Treasure Chart 28 while you�re here.

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Treasure Location: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is in a Submarine off Crescent Moon Island. If you can�t locate it, 
the island�s Old Man Ho-Ho is staring intently at it. When you board the 
Submarine, you�re assaulted by 4 waves of Miniblin. After you defeat each, a 
torch above the far end of the Submarine lights up. Once all four waves are 
defeated, climb the ladder to the Treasure Chart.

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Treasure Location: Tingle Island (C3)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Treasure Chart is a cinch to get. Land on rocky Crescent Moon Island; the 
chest containing the Chart is sitting out in the open, waiting to be opened.

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Dragon Roost Cavern (B6)
Treasure Location: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
This Chart is in an off-circular room in the southern part of the second floor 
of Dragon Roost Cavern. You�ll notice a plinth with two torches on the room�s 
west side. Use a Boko stick from one of the Bokoblin in the room to light  the 
unlit one, and a chest containing this Chart appears in between.

Requirements: Boomerang highly recommended
Chart Location: Earth Temple (G3)
Treasure Location: Five-Eye Reef (F2)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Treasure Chart is in the basement of the Earth Temple, in the Floormaster-
filled room west of the basement�s �hub� room. After navigating through the fog 
and Floormasters to get the Small Key and disable the fog, defeat all 6 of them 
to make the chest with this Chart appear. Remember to lock onto and stun the 
Floormasters as soon as they extend to keep them from grabbing you; be very 

Requirements: Cannon, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Two-Eye Reef (G4)
Treasure Location: Overlook Island (A7)
Treasure: Secret Cave Chart
To get this Chart, use your cannon to clear out the Cannon Boats and wall-
mounted cannons in Two-Eye Reef. Once they�re all blasted away, a chest 
containing the Chart appears on one of the Reef�s �eyes.� Get to the highest 
part of the reef�s square edge, set the wind accordingly, and use the Deku Leaf 
to glide to the chest.

Requirements: Boomerang highly recommended
Chart Location: Headstone Island (G3)
Treasure Location: Tower of the Gods (D5)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
Use your Telescope to seek out a Submarine north of Headstone Island. When you 
find and enter it, you somehow appear directly above the battle pit, giving you 
no time to prepare. You�re thrust directly into a Bombchu-infested bomb field. 
Obviously, this fight will be filled with explosions galore. Keep moving around 
and quickly lock onto Bombchus as you destroy them with the Boomerang. Don�t 
try to use your sword, or you�ll likely strike some Bomb Flowers. After you 
defeat all the Bombchus, the flames blocking the entry ladder go out, and a 
second ladder to the exit drops. In the next room is the Chart.

Requirements: Boomerang, Deku Leaf
Chart Location: Forbidden Woods (F6)
Treasure Location: Angular Isles (G5)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
This Treasure Chart, like Chart 1, is found in the Forbidden Woods. You�ll need 
the Boomerang to get it. It�s on the highest floor of the tall room just after 
the Dungeon�s entry room. The best way to reach it is take a Warp Jar to the 
first room. Continue to the second room, then use the Deku Leaf and Boko Buds 
to ascend to the heights of the room. Try to reach the northeast side of the 
highest floor. Once there, use the Baba Bud to float to the room�s southwest 
side. On this ledge, use the Boomerang to cut off the flower on top of the 
chest containing Treasure Chart 15.

Requirements: Hero�s Bow
Chart Location: Seven-Star Isles (A6)
Treasure Location: Shark Island (F3)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This chest is attained on the triple Sea Platform near Seven-Star Isles. When 
you climb to the top, some special, white-robed Wizzrobes attack. You�ll need 
your Bow to defeat them; they often appear floating on air. You�ll fight two 
one at a time, then 2 at a time. (I think) Once you defeat all three waves, the 
chest containing the Chart appears. Two chests containing Red Rupees also 

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Spectacle Island (B3)
Treasure Location: Ice Ring Isle (F5)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is won from Salvatore by winning the Cannon Minigame a second time. 
Check out the Minigames section for some tips.

Requirements: Rupees
Chart Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure: Green Rupee
This chart is one of the two you can purchase in the nightly Windfall Auction. 
(check out the Minigame Section) Conveniently enough, both the Chart and the 
Treasure are found at Windfall Island. Wait, the Treasure is... *reads Prima 
Guide* A GREEN RUPEE!?!? Those tight-fisted Hylians! Curse them to the bottom 
of the Great Sea! Wait...

Requirements: Bombs, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Four-Eye Reef (B1)
Treasure Location: Flight Control Platform (B7)
Treasure: Island Hearts Chart
To get this Chart, conquer Four-Eye Reef with your cannon as you did Two-Eye 
Reef (see my Objects section) to make the chest appear. Climb to the highest 
part of the Reef�s edge, set the wind, and glide to the chest as before.

Requirements: Bombs or Boomerang
Chart Location: Earth Temple (G3)
Treasure Location: Bomb Island (E6)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
This Chart is found in a hidden chamber in the deepest reaches of the Earth 
Temple. Spooky, huh? To find it, look for some Sun Spots in the giant light 
puzzle room in the Dungeon�s second basement. Sometime during the puzzle, shine 
light on these spots to dissolve the wall around them and reveal a short 
passage to a hidden door. I think the passage may also dissolve automatically 
when you solve the light puzzle to illuminate the room. Either way, you�ll find 
a ledge and a pit lined by 3 stone coffins in this room. Each contains a 
Stalfos. Shine light on them (either by standing Medli in the light and using 
the Command Melody, or doing it with the Mirror Shield and jumping down if 
you�ve beaten the Dungeon) to open the crypts. You probably won�t want to fight 
them all at once, unless you want a good challenge. Defeat them however you 
want; regardless, after all 3 Stalfos are dead (again) a chest containing 
Treasure Chart 20 appears.

Requirements: Bombs, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Cyclops Reef (D3)
Treasure Location: Cyclops Reef (D3)
Treasure: Light Ring Chart
As usual with reefs, use your cannon to destroy the wall-mounted cannons and 
Cannon Boats to make them chest appear, then float to it with the Deku Leaf 
after setting the wind. Conveniently enough, the treasure of this Chart, the 
Light Ring Chart, is also at Cyclops Reef.

Requirements: Boomerang recommended
Chart Location: Northern Fairy Island (A3)
Treasure Location: Spectacle Island (B3)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
Use the Telescope to look around Northern Fairy Island for a Submarine and 
enter it. As usual, this Submarine�s challenge is unique. You actually don�t 
have to fight to beat this Submarine, just navigate over some torches to swing 
to the other end. If you mess up and fall, you�ll have to fight a total of 5 
patrolling Moblins; you may want to dispatch them before trying to swing 
across. As usual, Treasure Chart 22 is in the far room.

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Treasure Location: Diamond Steppe Island
Treasure: Piece of Heart
To get this chest, set a new high score at Salvatore�s Squid-Hunt minigame (you 
have to beat 20 shots). This isn�t easy; check out my minigame guide. I was 
only able to win using 17 shots because the 4 and 2-square squids were lined 
up; this game is all about luck and a small amount of practice; it�ll take you 
many, many tries to beat the record. Once you FINALLY manage to beat the 
record, Salvatore hands over the Chart.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, Deluxe Picto Box
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Treasure Location: Northern Fairy Island (A3)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
To get this chart, you�ll need to address Pompie and Vera�s gossiping problem. 
Start by standing on the wooden railing on top of the stairs leading to the 
auction house�s upper floor. Set the wind to the northeast and glide over to a 
wooden balcony above Lenzo�s shop. Enter the door, and you�ll be in the back 
room of Lenzo�s gallery. The two chests on the far side of the hall contain 
Treasure Chart 29 and a Purple Rupee. After getting both treasures, enter the 
crawlspace between the chests. After a long, long crawl, you�ll emerge from a 
picture frame above the bottom of his stairs. Clever... Very clever... Anyway, 
drop down and look to the left. Near Lenzo�s door, he seems to be having a 
conversation with Minenco about Pictography. Take a good color Pictograph of 
them talking, but don�t approach them or you�ll get caught. Once you manage 
this, show the Pictograph to Pompie or Vera. From the Pictograph, they somehow 
realize the rumors they�ve been spreading about the two were false. For setting 
them straight, they hand over Treasure Chart 24.

Requirements: Fire Arrows, Deku Leaf, Boomerang recommended
Chart Location: Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
Treasure Location: Forsaken Fortress (A1)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Treasure Chart is in a chest on the highest cliff-plateau of Cliff Plateau 
Isles. After landing on the smallest rock, jump over some more rocks, passing a 
Postbox, until you reach a Secret Cave. Drop down to enter into one of the more 
unusual Secret Caves. The first part of the cave is a large series or ponds 
with large, floating platforms on them. Jump from the hanging ramps on these 
platforms to get from one of the next; use the Deku Leaf if necessary. You can 
also use it to blow blasts of air at the leaves attached to the platforms to 
rotate them. Lastly, there are Rupees on the platforms of Green, Blue, or 
Yellow. What you want to do is reach the solid ground above the highest tier of 
floating platforms. (and maybe gather some Rupees) Once here, explore the lower 
area if you want to find some Boko Babas, but then go to the bottom of the ramp 
to the right. Some thorned vines spring up around you, but you can squeeze 
through them unharmed by keeping to the left side of the nearby tree trunk. 
There should be a Boko Baba just beyond this; defeat it and a Baba Bud pops 
out. It can pop you up to the tops of the two tree trunks dominating this part 
of the Cave. Fly up to the one to the left. (when approaching them from the 
floating platforms) Once there, get out to the edge of the walkway on it and 
drop off. You should be able to land next to a small chest containing a Joy 
Pendant, surrounded by vines. After you get it some vines disappear; go back 
and return to the tree trunks. On the one you dropped off of, shoot the 
boarded-up opening ahead with a Fire Arrow and float to it with the Deku Leaf. 
Once you get there, exit the Cave through the light beam to get to the highest 
plateau, where the Treasure Chart waits.

Requirements: Bombs, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Treasure Location: Northern Triangle Island (C4)
Treasure: Octo Chart
This chest/Chart is found at Six-Eye Reef the same as at any other Reef.

Requirements: Hookshot
Chart Location: Private Oasis (E5)
Treasure Location: Star Belt Archipelago (C7)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
At your Oasis, walk around the porch of your private cabana to the back. You 
should see a plateau/spring the water is coming from with a palm tree above it. 
Hookshot up to the tree. Carefully walk along the edge of the spring; the chest 
containing Chart 27 is on the far end.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, Bombs recommended
Chart Location: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Treasure Location: Needle Rock Isle (E1)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is best attained directly before or after getting Treasure Chart 8. 
After getting past all three holes of Deku golf, set the wind east or northeast 
and float out to the tall rock in the middle of the horseshoe. The chest 
containing Chart 28 is here.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Wind Waker
Chart Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Location: Mother & Child Isles (B2)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is found in a chest in Lenzo�s back room, midway through your quest 
for Treasure Chart 24. Start by standing on the wooden railing on top of the 
stairs leading to the auction house�s upper floor. Set the wind to the 
northeast and glide over to a wooden balcony above Lenzo�s shop. Enter the 
door, and you�ll be in the back room of Lenzo�s gallery. The two chests on the 
far side of the hall contain Treasure Chart 29 and a Purple Rupee.

Requirements: Bombs, Wind Waker
Chart Location: Tower of the Gods (D5)
Treasure Location: Pawprint Isle (B5)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
To get this Chart, head to the giant scale room north of the �hub� room for the 
Tower of the Gods� second floor. There should be a cracked wall on the west 
side of this room, above the pool. Stand on a scale (without and Armos to 
balance you so it lowers) and throw Bombs at the wall. If you throw them too 
early, they�ll splash harmlessly into the water; too late and they�ll blow up 
in your hands. You�ll need precise timing to pull it off. For a start, throw 
the Bomb as it starts expanding and flashing rapidly, and adjust your timing 
from there. Jump down and enter the door behind. In room, you�ll notice two 
massive Armos statues. Ignore them for now and play the Wind�s Requiem on the 
Win Crest ahead. This summons the chest containing Treasure Chart 30, and 
brings the two Armos Knights to life! As soon as they start charging, lock onto 
one and keep moving to stay a short distance away from it. Once the Armos 
Knight opens its mouth, throw a Bomb into it from relatively close up. It 
explodes and kills the Armos. Strafe out of the way from its suicide charge, 
then repeat for the other Knight. After they�re both done for, take the Chart.

Requirements: Deluxe Picto Box, Wind Waker recommended
Chart Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Location: Forest Haven (F6)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
Talk to Kamo on Windfall Island (the brown-haired young man sitting on the 
stairs near the Auction House) to learn that he�s emotionally distraught and 
unstable. Cool, huh? He says that you can only help him if you understand him 
(he fails to mention you need years of psychiatric training) and asks you to 
bring a picture of something �perfectly round and pale.� (no, it�s not a 
Beamos� eye) Play the Song of Passing on a high-up area on Windfall until the 
full moon is in the sky, then get a color Pictograph of it. Show it to Kamo and 
he hands over Chart 31.

Requirements: Bombs, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Three-Eye Reef (D1)
Treasure Location: Boating Course (G6)
Treasure: Sea Hearts Chart
AS with all the Reef Charts, blow up all the cannons in Three-Eye Reef to make 
the chest appear, then set the wind and glide to it from the Reef�s square 

Requirements: Deluxe Picto Box
Chart Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Location: Five-Star Isles (G7)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
In case you didn�t know, Minenco (the middle-aged woman standing outside Doc 
Bandam�s Shop) was named Miss Windfall Island... 40 years ago. She�s still 
concerned about her looks, though. Take a good Color Pictograph of Minenco and 
show it to her; she rewards you with Treasure Chart 33 for making her feel so 
good about herself.

Requirements: None
Chart Location: Varies
Treasure Location: Eastern Triangle Island (D6)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is given to you by the peculiar Salvage Corp. when you first talk to 
them. They are found in many places around the Great Sea, but Pawprint Isle 
(B5) and Eastern Triangle Isle (D6) are two of the easiest places to look.

Requirements: Iron Boots
Chart Location: Wind Temple (A4)
Treasure Location: Islet of Steel (E2)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
To get this Chart, head for the room in the Wind Temple just south of the giant 
fan room, in the basement. (the one with the 5 cracked tiles) Although you only 
have to go through one of the holes (preferably the second from the right) to 
get the Small Key here, you can fall down all 5 holes and defeat all 5 sets of 
enemies to make Treasure Chart 35 appear on the raised area of the room. From 
left to right, the enemies are:
1st Tile: 4 Green Chuchus
2nd Tile: 4 Armos
3rd Tile: 2 Floormasters
4th Tile: Nothing
5th Tile: 4 Red Chuchus

Requirements: Fire Arrows
Chart Location: Ice Ring Isle (F5)
Treasure Location: Bird�s Peak Rock (E7)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
After defrosting Ice Ring Isle by shooting the dragon head�s mouth with a Fire 
Arrow and getting the Iron Boots, look on the Isle�s south coast for a treasure 
chest encased in ice. Shoot this ice with a Fire Arrow and open the chest; 
Treasure Chart 36 is inside.

Requirements: Bombs, Boomerang recommended
Chart Location: Rock Spire Isle (C2)
Treasure Location: Fire Mountain (C6)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
This Chart is a reward for beating Rock Spire Isle�s Secret Cave. The Cave�s 
entrance is on the highest spire on the Isle�s southwest side. Unfortunately, 
you�ll have to get to it by hopping across some other spires, which 
conveniently happen to be covered by cracked boulders. It seems like you have 
to start at the northeast and use proper timing to Bomb your way across, but 
don�t be fooled. Pull up on the KoRL on either side of the Isle, get out your 
cannon, and blow up each of the rocks. Once they�re all gone, come ashore and 
jump across to the Cave entrance. (by the way, don�t bother with the small, 
shorter spire on the southeast side of the Isle; nothing is under it)
Once you get inside, check out the darkened cave. Oh, it�s one of those �light 
the torches to get something� deals! Grab a Boko Stick from the pot, light it 
on one of the torches near the light beam, and light the two unlit ones with 
it. Get ready for a shock; you�re rewarded by being assaulted by a ridiculously 
insane amount of Keese! Rapidly L-target a Keese and tap the �Rang button; keep 
up this cycle at a feverish pace until the Keese are dead. Expect to take some 
damage from the flying horde. After all the Keese are dead, the chest 
containing Treasure Chart 37 appears.

Requirements: Rupees
Chart Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Treasure Location: Three-Eye Reef (D1)
Treasure: Piece of Heart
Like Treasure Chart 18, Chart 38 can be bought in the Windfall Auction. It 
provides a much better reward than its counterpart, though. Remember, if you 
can�t find what you want, press B to quit the Auction and then reenter.

Requirements: Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Dragon Roost Cavern (B6)
Treasure Location: Dragon Roost Island (B6)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
The room with this Chest is found early in the Dragon Roost Cavern, but it 
can�t be claimed the first time you pass through. After passing through the 
Dungeon�s first room, go through the small atrium with the skulls, into the 
giant magma cavern. Turn left and go through the door up ahead. In here, look 
for a lava-filled passage branching out to the right early in the room. Face it 
and look up to see a Grappling point. Use the Grappling Hook to cross it and 
get Treasure Chart 39 on the other side. Conveniently enough, the treasure from 
this chart is located in the waters just outside the Dungeon.

Requirements: Bombs, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker
Chart Location: Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Treasure Location: Headstone Island (G3)
Treasure: Silver Rupee
Search out three Sea Platforms in a triangle formation southeast of Southern 
Fairy Island. Sail underneath one of the two with a ladder and take out its 
cannons, then repeat with the other one. This causes two Treasure Chests to 
appear on the third ladder-free Platform. Climb up onto either of the first 
two. After clearing out their pots and Bokoblin Pirates, set the wind towards 
the last platform and glide to it with the Deku Leaf. The chests you created 
here contain Treasure Chart 40 and a small reward.

Requirements: Bombs, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, must have beaten Forsaken Fortress
Chart Location: Five-Eye Reef (F2)
Treasure Location: Four-Eye Reef (B1)
Treasure: Great Fairy Chart
This Chart is found in Five-Eye Reef. Painstakingly conquer it as you did the 
other Reefs, set the wind, and glide to the treasure chest from the Reef�s 
edge. Unlike with other Reefs, you�ll first have to glide to an empty �eye� 
from the edge before resetting the wind and actually getting the Chart.


Requirements: Bombs, Wind Waker
Chart Location: Islet of Steel (E2)
Shard Location: Greatfish Isle (D2)
The first Triforce Chart is inside the metallic Islet of Steel. When you near 
it, you�ll see that the construction is heavily guarded. Two wall-mounted 
cannons are on either side of the Islet�s entrance, several Cannon Boats patrol 
in front of it, and Kargarocs circle the inaccessible upper area. Start out far 
from the Islet and cruise inward as you take out Cannon Boats. Sail up to the 
Cannon Boats so they can�t hit you as you approach. Don�t get too close or your 
own shots will hurt you, though. The only Cannon Boat you need to destroy is 
the one directly inside the entrance; one it�s gone you can sail right in. Once 
inside, cruise up to the shore and play the Wind�s Requiem on the Wind Crest to 
make the Triforce Chart chest appear. Get the Rupees in the nearby pots while 
you�re here, too.

Requirements: Grappling Hook, Cabana Deed, Skull Hammer, Wind Waker, Boomerang 
Chart Location: Private Oasis (E5)
Shard Location: Gale Isle (A4)
After you�ve attained the deed to your Private Cabana, sail to it and enter. 
One inside, look up and you�ll see a Grapple switch like the one in Dragon 
Roost Cavern. When you Grapple onto it, a secret passage in the fireplace is 
revealed! Drop down the hole to enter your private dungeon. This place is 
basically a large maze filled with gates you have to open by pounding stakes. 
You�ll often find yourself crawling around the crawlspaces in the dungeon�s 
basement to get from room to room. Besides getting lost, your only concerns are 
some wandering Rats (keep your Boomerang ready) and two Redead you�ll encounter 
after dropping down an earthy hole. Luckily, they take a while to scream at 
you, so if you locate them quickly you should be able to take them out with a 
Master Sword combo. Rather than provide a walkthrough for the dungeon, I�ll 
provide a map:


             /     \
            |   LB  |           KEY
            |       |           L#: Ladder
             \     /            G: Gate
              \   /             S: Stake
              |   |             LB: Light Beam to Cabana
              |   |             H: Hole
          ____|   |   _______   R: Redead
 _____   |        |  |       |  T: Triforce Chart and Wind Crest
| L2  |  |   __   |  |   L1  |  V: Vases with Rupees
|   __|  |   ||   |  |       |  C: Chest containing Orange Rupee
|  |_____|   ||   |__|       |
|            ||     G  S   S |
|   _________||___________   |
|  |__________        ____| G|
|  G  S       |      |       |
|___          |_____ |  L4   |
 ___|               ||_______|
|  H                |
|_____              |____
|    G___________        |
|  S |___        |  L3   |
|        |       |       |
|    L5 T|       |_______|


 ___            _____     ____
| V |     _____|  L1 |   |    |
|   |    |     |_____|  _|    |
|___|    |             |  |   |
|        |          ___|  |  _|_         ________
|________|         |    C | |   |       |     ___|_
         |         |______| |   |___    |    |     |
         |         ____     |L4     |___|    | L3  |
         |______  |    |    |_______|        |_____|
         |      | |    |     ___
         |      | |  R |    |L5 |
   ______|      | |____|    |   |
 _|_     |______|    |      |___|
|   |       |   |    |          |
|   |       |L2 |    |          |
| V |       |___|    |__________|

Requirements: Hero�s Bow, Hyoi Pear, Wind Waker
Chart Location: Bird�s Peak Rock (E7)
Shard Location: Stone Watcher Island (E3)
For the next Triforce Chart, stock up on Hyoi Pears and set sail for the 
imposing Bird�s Peak Rock. Land on the small island southeast of the rock, and 
look to the bottom of a small plateau. The hole leading down to the cavern with 
the Triforce Chart is there, but it�s blocked off by a gate. To get there, 
you�ll have to hit crystal switches on top of each of the 6 rocks. Since this 
is obviously impossible by yourself, you�ll need to control a Seagull with a 
Hyoi Pear. Before you do, get out your Hero�s Bow and use it to snipe the 4 
Kargarocs nesting on 4 of the peaks. (you may need your telescope to spot them) 
The highest peak and the nearest one don�t have Kargarocs. You�ll probably have 
to move around the island to get in position to hit all 4, and you might even 
have to Grapple onto the plateau by climbing up from the sideways post on its 
right side. After all the peaks are clear, (except a lone Kargaroc circling the 
highest peak) get onto the lower part of the island and use a Hyoi Pear. If you 
took out the 4 Kargarocs, the first 4 switches will be easy. After that, have 
the Seagull fly back over the island you�re on and flap to gain altitude until 
it�s level with the highest peak. Fly straight towards the crystal switch and 
try not to hit the Kargaroc. If you�re having trouble with this, try luring the 
Kargaroc near you with a seagull so you can kill it. After you hit all 5 
switches, the gate blocking off the cave opens. Drop down inside it and walk up 
to the pedestal. Grab the Rupees in the vases and play the Wind�s Requiem on 
the Wind Crest to make the chest appear.

Requirements: Ghost Ship Chart, Hookshot, Mirror Shield, Wind Waker, Boomerang 
Chart Location: Varies
Shard Location: Outset Island (G2)
You�re probably heard about the mysterious and terrifying Ghost Ship from the 
Mermen, and possibly even seen it. To get the next Triforce Chart, you�ll have 
to go inside it. However, even if you find the Ship you can�t enter it without 
the Ghost Ship Chart. To get this, sail to Diamond Steppe Island (F1) and sail 
up next to the lowest �step� on the raised island. Fire the Hookshot at the 
palm tree on this step from your boat to get up onto it. Repeat this process to 
climb the scenic island (be careful not to fall into the water) until you reach 
the highest step, where you�ll see a Secret Cave. Drop down into it. You�ll 
have to endure an ancient ship graveyard/Warp Jar maze filled with Floormasters 
to reach the Chart. If you enter a bad jar, you�ll return to the entrance and 
have to start over. (even worse, the Floormasters return) Here are the 
directions to reach the Chart:
-Enter the lone Warp Jar ahead of you from the entrance.
-In the next area, go around the wooden barrier ahead of you. There should be a 
Floormaster behind it; defeat it. Pick up and break the jar with a Boko Stick 
in it, then light it on a nearby torch, run back, and burn off the covering 
from the jar the Floormaster was guarding.
-You�ll emerge near a small chest containing a Joy Pendant. After claiming it, 
drop off through a gap in the railing next to the wall.
-Defeat the nearby Floormaster here, (and the other one if you want) break the 
Boko Stick jar, and use a lit stick to burn off the covering of the jar closest 
to where you dropped into the area and go in.
-Defeat the nearby Floormaster on this platform and burn off the covering of 
the jar diagonally across from the one you entered in as you�ve done before. 
Then enter it. (what else?)
-Finally, defeat the Floormaster here, (be careful as you are within its reach 
as you exit the Warping Jar) climb the stairs, and circle around the railing 
ahead of you. Get the Ghost Ship Chart in the chest, then drop down through the 
gap and enter the light beam to return.

Okay now that you have the Ghost Ship Chart, what do you do with it? Use it to 
find the Ghost Ship, of course! At night, if the ancient Chart is open the 
current location of the Ghost Ship appears on your main map. (it changes 
depending on the phase of the moon) You can also check the Ghost Ship Chart 
itself to see the other islands it�ll appear at. If you don�t feel like doing 
either, refer to this chart:
Crescent Moon (right side)-Five Star Isles (G7)
Half Moon (right side)-Star Belt Archipelago (C7)
Gibbous Moon (right side)-Greatfish Isle (D2)
Full Moon-Crescent Moon Island (A2) (how ironic)
Gibbous Moon (left side)-Diamond Steppe Island (F1) (how convenient)
Half Moon (left side)-Bomb Island (E6)
Crescent Moon (left side)-Spectacle Island (B3)

Once you find the Ghost Ship, sail directly at it; instead of colliding, you�ll 
enter the ship! The interior works just like that of a Submarine. Defeat the 
two Poes, Stalfos, summoning Wizzrobe, and any enemies it summons, and a ladder 
drops down. Climb up the ladder and you�ll see the chest the Chart is in. 
Unless your wallet is maxed out, don�t open it yet! Break open the pots for 
lots of Rupees, then play the Wind�s Requiem and get the Chart. Once you do, 
the Ghost Ship banishes you from its haunted depths and disappears, never to 

Requirements: Bombs, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Needle Rock Isle (E1)
Shard Location: Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
On or near Needle Rock Isle, use the Telescope to peer to the northwest. You 
should see 3 Cannon Boats in the northwest part of the quadrant. Sail up to and 
sink each boat one by one; you�ll notice that one of the boats is plated with 
gold. Besides the usual treasure spheres, each boat leaves behind a Light Ring. 
The two normal Boats leave behind Purple and Orange Rupees, and the golden one 
leaves a chest containing Triforce Chart 5.

Requirements: Deku Leaf and Wind Waker or Hookshot, Boomerang and Fire Arrows 
highly recommended
Chart Location: Outset Island (G2)
Shard Location: Southern Triangle Island (E4)
This Chart is a reward of the massive Savage Labyrinth, a mini-dungeon whose 
entrance is on Outset Island. It�s so big, it merits its own section; check out 
the Savage Labyrinth section near the end of the FAQ for plenty of details.

Requirements: Power Bracelets, Wind Waker, Boomerang and Fire Arrows highly 
Chart Location: Stone Watcher Island (E3)
Shard Location: Seven-Star Isles (A6)
To start on this Triforce Chart, set sail to Stone Watcher Island. Once there, 
you�ll find the island�s namesake-a giant stone head. Use the Power Bracelets 
to lift and shatter the statue, then drop down into the Secret Cave. In here, 
you�ll encounter a mini-dungeon. There are 6 doors ringing the pillared central 
chamber. The one directly across where you entered from leads to the Chart, but 
it�s sealed at the start. The 2 doors on either side of it contain battles; the 
enemies appear as soon as you enter. Clockwise starting from the entry door, 
the rooms are:
-4 Armos: This shouldn�t be hard. Draw your sword as they approach or before 
entering the room, lock onto one, and keep your shield up. Step (don�t jump) to 
the side as they charge, then quickly drop your shield and attack as they pass. 
If you timed your attack right, you�ll strike a crystalline posterior or two. 
If you�re having trouble pulling this off, stun the Armos from the front with 
an arrow first. Once all 4 are dead, collect the spoils and head to the next 
-2 Moblins: Also an easy fight. Since there are only two, rapidly stun one with 
the Boomerang, release and hit L, and stun the other. Then unload a sword combo 
on one or both of them. Keep your shield up when not attacking and repeat until 
both die.
-3 Wizzrobes: This can get slightly annoying. As soon as you enter, lock onto a 
Wizzrobe and blast it with a Fire Arrow, quickly repeat, then dodge the fire 
blast of the final Wizzrobe. Stun this one with the Boomerang and finish it 
with the Master Sword.
-5 Bokoblin: You might take a little damage here. Stun a Bokoblin, then kill it 
with a sword combo and repeat. Keep moving to avoid attack.

After you beat each room, a flame above its door light in the main room. Once 
you beat all 4 rooms, you�ll return to the main room to find 2 Darknuts waiting 
for you. NOW things get fun. Use standard techniques on the Darknuts to beat 
them; keep close to your target so you�ll do a jumping parry. Once you�ve 
removed the helmets of each, stun them and remove their armor, then repeat and 
attack until they die. Also, take note that the pillars ringing the room and be 
destroyed by Darknut swords. (it doesn�t matter whether you or they wield them) 
After defeating both Darknuts, enter the now-unsealed door. Play the Wind�s 
Requiem on the Wind Crest and claim the Triforce Chart.

Requirements: Hookshot, Bombs, Wind Waker, Boomerang and Fire Arrows highly 
Chart Location: Overlook Island (A7)
Shard Location: Two-Eye Reef (G4)
Set sail for Overlook Island to find the last chart. Get up onto the island 
much as you did Diamond Steppe Island; Hookshot onto the lowest palm tree from 
the rocky ground or your boat, then repeat this to climb the island to the top. 
(you�ll have to avoid some fired Bombs unless you sink the nearby Cannon Boats) 
Once you reach the highest part of the Island, the Secret Cave you drop into 
has the exact same layout and process as the one at Stone Watcher Island, 
except the enemies are tougher. Once again, clockwise from the entry door:
-3 Armos Knights: This room seems intimidating, but it doesn�t need to be hard. 
Keep moving away from the Armos Knights, but keep close enough to throw a Bomb 
into their mouths when they open. When you do, quickly sidestep to avoid being 
mowed down and repeat twice. If possible, try to use the bomb flowers near the 
corners of the room.
-2 Stalfos: This can be a little tough. Either Bomb a Stalfos or stun it with 
the Boomerang and unload a sword combo to break it apart, then stun the roving 
head and attack it until it dies. Repeat with the other Stalfos. Be very 
careful not to get within clubbing range of one Stalfos as you attack another!
-2 Summoning Wizzrobes: This can get ugly. As with all Summoning Wizzrobes, 
focus on them first and their spawn second. Quickly lock onto and attack both 
of the Wizzrobes with Fire Arrows as they appear. When they reappear, quickly 
repeat for both of them to kill them. If you were fast enough, they won�t get a 
chance to summon anything. After you�ve killed both the Wizzrobes and their 
summons, you can continue on.
-5 Shield Bokoblin: This room seems empty at first; the Shield Bokoblin are 
hiding in pots. L-target before you approach a pot and to a jump attack to get 
closer. If you did it right, the Bokoblin will try to assault you from the pot, 
but get intercepted in midair by your attack. You won�t be able to do this for 
every pot; use the standard Boomerang-sword combo to finish them off.

Once you beat all 4 rooms, 4 Darknuts instead of 2 await in the central room. 
This is going to be lots of fun... Take these Darknuts out as you did the 2 
before. Focus on getting their armor off quickly and abuse your shield; they 
may knock each other apart and open up to attack if they hit each other. This 
battle really shouldn�t be too hard, and makes great practice for the final 
room of the Savage Labyrinth. Once you beat all 4, check out the pillars that 
remain and then enter the final room and get the Triforce Chart as you did at 
Stone Watcher Island.


Requirements: Must have beaten Tower of the Gods
Chart Location: Varies
To get Beedle�s Chart, beat the Tower of the Gods, then visit any of his Shop 
Ships. He sends you the Chart in the mail the next day. Beedle�s Chart is a 
very helpful one that shows you every quadrant that contains a Shop Ship, 
including the newly appeared special one.

Requirements: Hookshot, Boomerang recommended
Chart Location: Diamond Steppe Island (F1)
To get this Chart, sail to Diamond Steppe Island and sail up next to the lowest 
�step� on the raised island. Fire the Hookshot at the palm tree on this step 
from your boat to get up onto it. Repeat this process to climb the scenic 
island (be careful not to fall into the water) until you reach the highest 
step, where you�ll see a Secret Cave. Drop down into it. You�ll have to endure 
an ancient ship graveyard/Warp Jar maze filled with Floormasters to reach the 
Chart. If you enter a bad jar, you�ll return to the entrance and have to start 
over. (even worse, the Floormasters return) Here are the directions to reach 
the Chart:
-Enter the lone Warp Jar ahead of you from the entrance.
-In the next area, go around the wooden barrier ahead of you. There should be a 
Floormaster behind it; defeat it. Pick up and break the jar with a Boko Stick 
in it, then light it on a nearby torch, run back, and burn off the covering 
from the jar the Floormaster was guarding.
-You�ll emerge near a small chest containing a Joy Pendant. After claiming it, 
drop off through a gap in the railing next to the wall.
-Defeat the nearby Floormaster here, (and the other one if you want) break the 
Boko Stick jar, and use a lit stick to burn off the covering of the jar closest 
to where you dropped into the area and go in.
-Defeat the nearby Floormaster on this platform and burn off the covering of 
the jar diagonally across from the one you entered in as you�ve done before. 
Then enter it. (what else?)
-Finally, defeat the Floormaster here, climb the stairs, and circle around the 
railing ahead of you. Get the Ghost Ship Chart in the chest, then drop down 
through the gap and enter the light beam to return.

Anyway, once you have the Ghost Ship Chart, you can open it at night to find 
out which island the Ghost Ship is currently haunting.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 41, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Four-Eye Reef (B1)
The Great Fairy Chart is the reward of Treasure Chart 41. It shows you the 
locations of every Great Fairy on the Great Sea. The Magic Meter Fairy and 
Fairy Queen have special blue wands on the map.

Requirements: Must have beaten Wind Temple, Wallet Upgrade
Chart Location: Varies
Tingle actually does something good by mailing you this Chart after you beat 
the Forsaken Fortress the second time. Unfortunately, the greedy fairy has 
attached a charge of 201 Rupees to the Chart, so you�ll need the first Wallet 
Upgrade to take it. (you should have the second one by now too) Once you have 
it, the IN-credible Chart will be your best friend in finding the Triforce 
Charts and Shards. (along with Mr. Grappling Hook, Mrs. KoRL, and the Triforce 
Chart octuplets) It shows you the quadrant locations of every Triforce Chart, 
making it easy to find them all. After you start decoding the Charts, Tingle 
adds the locations of the Triforce Shards to the Chart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 19, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Flight Control Platform (B7)
As you probably guessed, the Island Hearts Chart is the reward of Treasure 
Chart 19. It�s a useful guide for getting all the Pieces of Heart; it shows you 
all the islands that contain Heart Pieces, (not counting sunken Treasure) and 
the number of Pieces on the Island.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 21, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Cyclops Reef (D3)
This Chart is the treasure of Chart 21. No, it doesn�t tell you the location of 
every Light Ring; just the recurring ones that appear at certain islands under 
the full moon.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 26, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Northern Triangle Island (C4)
This Chart is also sunken treasure. After you pull it up with Treasure Chart 
26, it can show you the locations and number of eyes of all 6 Big Octos in the 
Great Sea.

Requirements: Boomerang and Fire Arrows highly recommended
Chart Location: Flight Control Platform (B7)
To get this Chart, you�ll have to endure a slightly tough battle in a Submarine 
southeast of the Flight Control Platform. When you drop down to the darkened 
battle floor, press the switch in the center to light two skull torches and 
trigger an assault by a Wizzrobe. Defeat it either with a Fire Arrow or by 
quickly stunning and slashing it. After the Wizzrobe gets taken out, another 
one, accompanied by an assortment of Red and Green Chuchus, attacks. Try to 
take out the Wizzrobe first, or keep the camera centered on it as you defeat 
the Chuchus to avoid its attacks. Defeat this wave of enemies as you wish to 
trigger a final attack. This time, two Wizzrobes and an endless swarm of 
Miniblin go after you. Since stunning and slashing the Wizzrobes is next to 
impossible thanks to the Miniblin, try to pick them off with Fire Arrows. Try 
not to focus on the Miniblin; only take them out if they keep you from locking 
onto the Wizzrobe. After both Wizzrobes fall, a ladder drops down. Climb it and 
enter the next room, which contains two more torches that light up. The chest 
here contains the Platform Chart, which shows which quadrants contain Sea 
Platforms and how many there are.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 32, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Boating Course (G6)
This Chart is obviously the treasure of Chart 32. It�s the counterpart to the 
Island Heart Chart, and shows the location of every Treasure Chart whose reward 
is a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Treasure Chart 13, Grappling Hook
Chart Location: Overlook Island (A7)
Pull up the treasure of Chart 13 to get the Secret Cave Chart. It shows exactly 
which islands contain a Secret Cave. (Secret Caves in Pawprint Isle�s case)

Requirements: Boomerang, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker
Chart Location: Boating Course (G6)
Land on the Boating Course, set the wind to blow north, then jump off the 
Course�s accessible islands and use the Deku Leaf to glide under the banner to 
the smaller island. Chop down some foliage here, then drop into the island�s 
Secret Cave. In this cave, you�ll have to hit 3 Crystal Switches on 3 ledges to 
trigger the chest�s appearance. Sounds easy, right? There�s one catch: you�ll 
constantly be under attack from swarms of Miniblin while trying to trigger it. 
Try to stay around the center of the arena as you wipe out all nearby Miniblin 
with sword strikes. Then face in a switch�s general direction, quickly get out 
your Boomerang, and aim. Hopefully you�ll be able to target a switch and throw 
the Boomerang before a Miniblin pokes you. It may take some practice, but after 
you hit all 3 switches, the chest containing the Submarine Chart appears. As 
its name suggests, it shows what quadrants to find Submarines in.

Requirements: Must have freed Tingle
Chart Location: Varies
After you *shudder* free Tingle from Windfall Jail, he sends to this Chart in 
the mail the next day. Because it�s so easy to get, this Chart is fairly 
worthless. It only contains a rough (and I mean very rough) drawing of Tingle 
Island�s location relative to Windfall Island, and the locations of the two 
Rupee upgrade Great Fairies.
10. The Nintendo Gallery (Tniga)

The Secret Cave underneath Forest Haven is home to the longest sidequest you�ll 
face in the Wind Waker. Also known as the Nintendo Gallery, it�s the home of 
the renowned sculptor Carlov. If you present him with a color Pictograph of 
just about anything you find in the game, he�ll have it turned into a figurine 
within a day. You�ll definitely want the Song of Passing to make this process 
quicker. If you feel you�re up to the challenge, try to get all 134 figurines 
to complete the Nintendo Gallery! Some tips for taking good Pictographs: always 
include as much of your subject as possible, try not to include any other 
subjects, and also get a Pictograph of from the front. If necessary, �Picto-
snipe� by taking the Pictograph from far away and zooming in. Lastly, always, 
always, ALWAYS keep missable Pictographs in mind!! If you don�t get them at a 
certain time, you�ll never be able to fill the Nintendo Gallery! I�ll list them 
here for quick reference:

Tetra and Pirates: Great Sea Room
Big Octo: Forsaken Fortress Room
Wizzrobe (Miniboss): Forsaken Fortress Room
Cyclos and Zephos: Dragon Roost Island Room
Helmaroc King: Forsaken Fortress Room
Kogoli: Dragon Roost Island Room
Phantom Ganon: Forsaken Fortress Room
Knuckle: Great Sea Room
Puppet Ganon: Forsaken Fortress Room

One other thing: there are several figurines whose subjects can�t be 
Pictographed by any means. To get these figurines, buy legendary Pictographs of 
their subjects from Lenzo for 50 Rupees. (ever noticed that Carlov always 
accepts legendary Pictographs, even though they�re black and white?) The 
Pictograph he sells depends on the phase of the moon. Here�s a list of what 
Pictographs he sells under which phases of the moon:

Full Moon: Ganondorf
Left gibbous Moon: Great Fairy
Left half Moon: Jabun
Left crescent Moon: Fairy Queen
Right crescent Moon: Fado
Right half Moon: Laruto
Right gibbous Moon: King of Hyrule

Before you can even start collecting figurines, you�ll have to gain entry to 
the Nintendo Gallery first. Because it�s tall and impassable at first, you 
can�t just land on the island where it is and enter. To enter the Gallery, 
first progress through Forest Haven as you did to enter the Forbidden Woods. 
When you go out onto the ledge high up on the Haven, look to the north (or 
northwest). You�ll see the tall, tree-covered island the entry to the Gallery 
is on. Set the wind to the north or northwest and use the Deku Leaf to float to 
it. Before you go, zoom in on the minimap so you can see when you�re floating 
over the island and drop quickly. Once you get to it, you�ll find that a hatch 
still seals the entry. A young boy named Manny is obsessed with gaining entry, 
but as usual does nothing about it. Use your Telescope to scan the side of 
Forest Haven; you should see a switch in a small alcove high up, to the left of 
the ledge you jumped from. Use a Hyoi Pear to take control of a seagull and ram 
it into the switch to open the hatch and drop a ladder to allow for easier 

Now, here are descriptions of all the subjects Carlov will sculpt, separated by 
the themed rooms they�re placed in.

Appearance: A short Korok wearing a heart-shaped, light green leaf mask with 5 
eye slits
Aldo is one of the Korok spirits that left Forest Haven to plant new Deku 
Trees. After you beat the Forbidden Woods and watch the Korok�s ceremony, he�s 
found on top of Cliff Plateau Isles tending a withered Deku Tree. (you�ll have 
to beat the Cliff Plateau Isles Secret Cave to reach him) He can probably also 
be found around Forest Haven before the ceremony, but I�m not sure where.

Appearance: A grey-haired human wearing a beret and apron
Since you�ve already started the Nintendo Gallery, Carlov needs no 
introduction. This should be one of the first figurines you get. Just take a 
Pictograph of Carlov (or what you can see of him above the counter) and show it 
to him! If he rejects it, immediately try again.

Appearance: A giant tree with an ugly face
The Deku Tree is a powerful spirit who watches over the Koroks. Ancient, wise, 
and immobile, he is the holder of Farore�s Pearl. Luckily, you only need to a 
take a Pictograph of the Deku Tree�s face, not his trunk. Try getting one from 
the lilypad you talk to him on, or the ledge outside Hollo�s shop.

Appearance: A short Korok wearing a bright yellow leaf mask
Drona is the Korok assigned to watch over the Deku Tree at the Private Oasis. 
Like all the other Koroks, he is also found around Forest Haven before you beat 
the Forbidden Woods.

Appearance: Mid-height Korok wearing a round, green leaf mask
Elma was sent to plant a forest of Deku Trees at Needle Rock Isle. Like all the 
Koroks, he isn�t too hard to get a Pictograph of.

Appearance: A Kokiri with blond hair holding a violin
Fado is the ancient Sage of Wind assigned to maintain the Master Sword�s power 
from the Wind Temple. Ganondorf sent his minions to storm the Wind Temple and 
kill Fado, and now only his spirit remains, seeking to train a new Sage of 
Wind. Because he�s a spirit and only appears in cutscenes, you have to buy 
Fado�s legendary Pictograph from Lenzo for 50 Rupees when the Moon is a right 

Appearance: A tall Korok wearing a Dairy Queen logo-shaped brown leaf mask and 
holding a stick in either hand
Unlike most of the Koroks, Hollo doesn�t leave Forest Haven to plant a new Deku 
Tree. Instead, he stays behind and continues his job: turning Boko Baba Seeds 
into valuable Blue Potions. For only 4 seeds, you can have some of his blue 
goodness for yourself. He isn�t hard to Pictograph; enter the room whose 
entrance is in front of the Deku Tree to find him.

Appearance: A mid-height Korok wearing a tell, oval-shaped green leaf mask
Irch flies to Shark Island and plants his Deku Tree there, near its �tail.�

Appearance: A tall Korok wearing a butterfly-shaped light green leaf mask
You can find Linder tending his Deku Tree on Great Fish Isle, on top of the 
spiral island.

Appearance: A very short Korok wearing an upside-down heart-shaped leaf mask 
and holding a violin
Makar is one of the main characters of the game. He�s a skilled violinist and 
directs the music during the forest ceremony. He�s also impulsive and none too 
cautious; Link rescues him twice during his adventure. Later in the game, you 
find that he�s destined to replace Fado as the new Wind Sage. The earliest you 
can get a Pictograph of Makar is just after you beat Kalle Demos. After the 
forest ceremony, he�s found on the right side of the ramp leading to Hollo�s 
shop, tuning up on his violin. After you meet Fado, he�s in a private cave 
under a waterfall outside Forest Haven. Lastly, he�s found in the boss room of 
the Wind Temple after you beat Molgera.

Appearance: A young boy with blond hair and a satchel
Manny is an obsessed follower of Carlov. He�s extremely interested in the 
Nintendo Gallery and can be found dementedly walking around it after you open 
it up. His Pictograph is even easier to get than Carlov�s.

Appearance: A tall Korok wearing a light green, winking leaf mask
Oakin, the ugliest Korok, is found on Star Island after the forest ceremony.

Appearance: A mid-height Korok wearing a heart-shaped red leaf mask
Olivio flies off to Eastern Fairy Island after the forest ceremony.

Appearance: A tall, big-headed Korok with a five-pointed leaf mask
Lastly, Rown is found on Child Isle tending his Deku Tree.

Appearance: A shirtless, bearded human
Baito is a human who was shipwrecked on Dragon Roost Island and now helps 
Koboli with the mail. He still longs for his family, though. Baito is found at 
the mail-sorting counter on Dragon Roost Island. It may take a few tries to get 
a successful Pictograph because he�s behind a counter.

Appearance: Two Rito with backswept hair and black-ringed eyes
Basht and Bisht are two skilled members of the Rito police force. One is found 
outside the passage leading to Dragon Roost Cavern; the other is outside the 
doorway from the Chieftain�s room.

Appearance: A bearded Rito with a crown and robes
In case you couldn�t tell, the Chieftain is the lord of all Ritos. Though very 
strong and wise, he also manages to care for his son, Komali. The Rito 
Chieftain is found standing in a room through a doorway on the spiral ramp 
guarded by Hoskit.

Appearance: A serious-looking Rito with a spear
Hoskit is always looking for ways to impress his unseen girlfriend. He rewards 
you for helping him out with 20 Golden Feathers. Hoskit is always guarded the 
entrance to the Chieftain�s room.

Appearance: A wide-eyed Rito with big hair
Ilari is the postman who unsuccessfully tries to deliver mail to Maggie�s 
Father. He�s found standing on the leftmost flight dock outside the doorway 
next to the mail-sorting area. Getting his Pictograph can be surprisingly 
tricky, though, because you�d have to stand on air to be at the right distance 
and get a Pictograph of his front. If you try to talk to him to make him face 
you, he takes off for the Bird-Man contest! To solve this, set the wind to the 
east or northeast and look over for a low, circular rock between some higher 
ones with Kargarocs. Glide over to this rock. After fighting off any Kargarocs, 
zoom in as far as possible and take Ilari�s Pictograph.

Appearance: A tiny-eyed Rito
Koboli is a descendent of a postman from long ago, and is Dragon Roost Island�s 
chief mail sorter. (until you show up) He�s found to the left of Baito behind 
the mail-sorting counter.

Appearance: A wide-eyed Rito
Kogoli the Rito is found standing on the middle flight dock outside the mail-
sorting center. That is, for a while. Kogoli is one of the missable 
Pictographs; get his as early as possible, before you play the Earth God�s 
Lyric to Medli!!! After that, he mysteriously disappears forever! With that 
said, Kogoli�s Pictograph isn�t too hard to get. Stand next to Ilari on the 
left flight dock, zoom in slightly, and take his Pictograph. Get it before he�s 

Appearance: A young Rito boy
Komali is the Chieftain�s son, but has been unable to grow his adult wings 
because of the aggressive state Valoo is in. Because of this, he�s trapped in a 
world of self-pity and depression. Only his prized possession, Din�s Pearl, 
keeps him company. By the time you can take his Pictograph, Komali will 
probably be standing in the clearing at the bottom of the ramp leading up to 
the main part of Dragon Roost Island. He�s pretty hard to miss.

Appearance: A robed Zora holding a harp
Like Fado, Laruto was one of the ancient sages sent to protect the Master 
Sword�s power. She met the same unfortunate fate as Fado, and is now only a 
spirit. She teaches you the Earth God�s Lyric to play to the new Earth Sage. 
Since she only appears in cutscenes as a ghost, you have to buy Lenzo�s 
legendary Pictograph of her under a right half Moon.

Appearance: A young Rito girl with a red ponytail, holding a harp
Medli is the new attendant of the great Valoo, and takes responsibility for the 
rage he�s in when you arrive at Dragon Roost Island. After you beat Gohma and 
calm down Valoo, Medli helps Komali grow into an adult. After that, nothing 
much happens until you discover she�s the new Sage of Earth. At the start of 
your journey on Dragon Roost Island, Medli is found in the Chieftain�s room. I 
actually can�t remember where to find her after you defeat Gohma (E-mail me on 
it to get credit) but after you speak with Laruto she�s found playing her harp 
up on a high rock to the right of the flight docks. After you beat the Earth 
Temple, she�s found in the boss room.

Appearance: A Rito with parted hair holding a letter
Namali is a busy Rito who is found carrying letters around the Rito�s cavern. 
He starts out walking up the ramp from the ground floor.

Appearance: A Rito impersonator wearing goggles and a mustache
Obli is one of the two Rito impersonating brothers that run the Flight Control 
Platform. He�s also the current champion of the Bird-Man Contest. As part of a 
cruel marketing gimmick, his blackmailing brother Willi forces you to pay the 
10 Rupees to get to the part of the platform where Obli is.

Appearance: A pointy-haired Rito holding a letter
Like Namali, Pashli is quite busy. He�s found walking out of the storeroom and 
down the ramp with a letter.

Appearance: A serious-looking Rito with pointy hair
Quill is the postman Aryll spots at the start of the game. He�s a very wise and 
courageous Rito, and helps you several times during your quest. Because he only 
appears in cinematic scenes, his figurine is included when Carlov carves the 
Chieftain�s figurine. (If you start a new game after beating it, you can also 
get his Pictograph at the beginning)

Appearance: Two Rito with spikey hair
Skett and Akoot are two childhood friends who stand guard by the back door of 
the Chieftain�s room. Get a Pictograph of either of them.

Appearance: A big red dragon
Valoo is an ancient sky guardian that watches over the Rito from the top of 
Dragon Roost Island. His scales are used by young Rito to grow their adult 
wings. Lately, Valoo has been in a rage because something is messing with his 
tail. Anyway, Valoo�s Pictograph can be surprisingly tricky to get. I�m not 
sure, but you might be able to get it after you beat the Moblin n top of Dragon 
Roost Island. If not that, sail out a good distance from Dragon Roost Island, 
zoom in with the Deluxe Picto Box, and get his Pictograph from there. Don�t 
worry of you can only see his silhouette.

Appearance: A fat Rito impersonator with goggles
Willi runs the admission process for the Flight Control Platform. His 
Pictograph is pretty easy to get.

Appearance: Two red or green frogs riding on green riding or purple clouds
Zephos and Cyclos are two spirits who control the winds. Zephos teaches you the 
Wind�s Requiem when you visit their shrine on Dragon Roost Island. Cyclos is 
upset that his monument was broken, and now wreaks havoc on sea travelers with 
giant waterspouts. He teaches you the Ballad of Gales after you shoot him with 
3 arrows before he sucks you in. Be very careful to get his Pictograph before 
this; you won�t be able to get this figurine after you learn the Ballad of 

Appearance: A small, horned statue with a circular black panel on its middle
Armos are seemingly mundane statues that come to life and attack when you get 
near. The best place to find Armos is in the Tower of the Gods. When you find 
one that comes to life, leave the room, reenter, and get its Pictograph when 
it� lifeless. There are also a few good Armos Picto opportunities in the Wind 

Appearance: A large, horned statue with a gaping mouth and single eye
Armos Knights are bigger, tougher versions of Armos. They are also even rarer. 
The best place to Pictograph one is in the room west of the giant scale room in 
the Tower of the Gods, behind the cracked wall. As long as you stand next to 
the door, they won�t activate and attack you.

Appearance: A colorful flower with a yellow tongue
Boko Babas are vicious, man-eating plants found in Forest Haven and the 
Forbidden Woods. Getting their Pictograph is easy. Approach one so that it 
extends out of its bud, but not close enough that it eats you. You only need to 
Pictograph its head.

Appearance: A small, impish creature with pointy ears, carrying a weapon
These little guys are very common enemies throughout your journey. You can find 
some good Pictograph subjects almost anywhere; the ones in the first room of 
Dragon Roost Cavern do nicely.

Appearance: Different colored slime monsters
Like Bokoblin, Chuchus are very common. It should be easy to find some to 
Pictograph, but a good place to try is the Secret Cave under Pawprint Isle. 
Stay away from the Chuchu as you prepare to take its Pictograph.

Appearance: You either have to be very quick or very lucky to get a Pictograph 
of an extended Floormaster. A good place to look if all else fails is the room 
in the Wind Temple with the 5 cracked panels. Use the Iron Boots to break 
through the middle one and you�ll fall among some Floormasters that eagerly 
extend from a good distance.

Appearance: A sharklike monster
Gyorgs are vicious monsters that sometimes attack you at sea. As good place to 
Pictograph one is at Tingle Island. I was lucky enough to get a shot of one 
jumping out of the water, but the Pictograph should be accepted even if they�re 

Appearance: A mid-sized, colorful bird
Kargarocs aren�t very common enemies, and it can be tough to get a Pictograph 
of one before it attacks you. Try getting a shot of the patrolling one on the 
back side of Dragon Roost Island. Get onto the low shore here on the island�s 
east side. Stay to the south part of this shore and the Kargaroc should ignore 
you so you can try to take a Pictograph of it. 

Appearance: Small-yellow-eyed bats
Keese are very common, weak enemies. Try getting a Pictograph of one of the 
Keese patrolling the main room of Dragon Roost Cavern. If you�re farther in the 
game, you can take a Pictograph of one of the Keese hanging on the Hookshot 
target arch along the path to Ganon�s Tower.

Appearance: A long, red-glowing centipede
Magtails are fairly common around Dragon Roost Cavern. A good place to easily 
Pictograph one is in the southernmost room of the Cavern�s second floor, where 
a Magtail guards a lava geyser. Like with most enemies, you can also look in 
the Savage Labyrinth.

Appearance: A small, bucktoothed, impish creature holding a tiny trident
Miniblin are extremely annoying, weak enemies that regularly attack you in 
swarms. They are hard to Pictograph because they are always on the attack, 
impossible to sneak up on. Try to only fight a few at a time, then backflip 
away, quickly whip out the Deluxe Picto Box, and shoot away. It�ll take a 
little luck.

Appearance: Small, one-eyed spikes balls
Morths are tiny little spike balls that serve only to slow Link down. They�re 
the larvae of Mothulas. You can find some in a log in the area where you first 
found Tetra, and there are also plenty in the Forbidden Woods.

Appearance: Large, squidlike monsters with either spiked or rounded heads
Octoroks are sea monsters that like inaccurately firing projectiles at Link 
from a distance. The spike-headed Sea Octoroks bother Link on the Great Sea, 
while round-headed River Octoroks fight him in small bodies of water in or near 
dungeons. A good Octorok to get a Pictograph of is the first of two River 
Octoroks you encounter on the way to Forest Haven. If you stay on the ledge 
before the waterfall and Grapple point, the Octorok won�t attack; zoom in and 
get a good Pictograph. 

Appearance: Strange, seedlike monsters with yellow helicopter blades
Peahats are floating enemies that mainly inhabit the Forbidden Woods. They can 
easily be found in there, or near the Woods� entrance. You can zoom in and get 
a Pictograph of one from the tall island you float to just before reaching the 
Woods. Later, you can easily take a Pictograph of one in the Wind Temple or on 
the way to Ganon�s Tower.

Appearance: Jumpsuit-wearing masked ghosts
Poes are ethereal monsters that you mainly encounter in the Earth Temple. To 
find some Poes that can easily be Pictographed, head across the bridge with the 
two Blue Bubbles in the basement of the Earth Temple. In the room with two 
Redead, go through the south door. This room should have several Poes in it 
that ignore you if you stay by the entry door.

Appearance: Cartoonized rats. What did you expect?
The cunning Rats are annoying little guys that you�ll fight in several levels. 
The regular Rats like to steal your Rupees, and the pyromaniacal Bombchus throw 
Bombs at you. Once you stop the water from pouring from the center mouth in the 
Tower of the Gods lobby, enter the mouth and go into the room beyond to reach a 
tall room with a Beamos and two Rats. They all ignore you if you stay in the 
gray-floored part of the room, by the door. Assuming you can aim at the Rats, 
it�s pretty easy to Pictograph them.

Appearance: Floating skulls enveloped in orange or blue flames
The Red and Blue Bubbles are ghostly creatures you�ll mainly find in the Tower 
of the Gods and Earth Temple. You can pretty easily Pictograph a Blue Bubble in 
the first room of the Earth Temple�s basement (with the bridge over the nasty 
evil fog) and like all enemies, you can find plenty of Bubbles in the Savage 

Appearance: Greenish zombies with giant earrings
Ranking among the game�s spookiest enemies, the Redead are also some of the 
toughest in the Dungeon room. You can find two of them in the second room of 
the Earth Temple�s basement, inactive as long as you don�t approach them. If 
you want, run over and kill one, then Pictograph the other from where it stood.

Appearance: Large, ugly fish with giant helicopter blades
The Seahats are the sea monster cousins of the Peahats. Though they are much, 
much larger, they�re defeated in mostly the same way. They can be found 
swarming around many of the Great Sea�s Island; they aren�t very hard to find. 
Try heading over to Horseshoe Island; there are dozens of Seahats swarming 
around there. Try either getting a zoomed-in Pictograph from far away, or 
landing on the island and getting one from there, where the Seahats can�t 
attack you. Be careful of the Cannon Boat nearby, though.

Appearance: A giant, many-eyed squid
The leviathan Big Octos are huge creatures that lie waiting to fight you around 
certain Islands of the Great Sea, surrounded by circling seagulls. Defeating 
them always yields a great prize. Look for rings of seagulls around Seven-Star 
Isles, Tingle Island, Fire Mountain, Private Oasis, Diamond Steppe Island, or 
Two-Eye Reef to find one. Remember to take a Pictograph of a Big Octo before 
you kill them all; their figurine is missable!!!!

Appearance: Heavily armored warriors carrying huge swords
The powerful Darknuts are some of the strongest, and most fun to fight enemies 
you�ll meet. Highly trained and well-equipped, they can provide quite a 
challenge. Finding a regular Darknut can be tough at times. Although it takes a 
while to reach, you should be able to find one on the path to Ganon�s Tower. If 
possible, try to Pictograph the one in the Tower of the Gods or one of the 
Darknuts in Hyrule Castle.

Appearance: A Darknut carrying a round shield
The most common type of Darknuts carries a large, round buckler that it can 
block your attacks with. Darknuts with bucklers are easy to find. The Secret 
Caves under Overlook and Stone Watcher Islands both have some; try to eliminate 
all but one first. You can also easily find a single Darknut with a buckler in 
the Secret-Secret Cave under Ice Ring Isle.

Appearance: A tall man wearing dark robes with red hair and beard
Ganondorf is the great king of evil, the main villain in almost every Zelda 
games. He�s responsible for the monsters that plague the Great Sea and its 
islands, and wields the Triforce of Power. The easiest way to get Ganondorf�s 
figurine is to buy a Legendary Pictograph of him from Lenzo under a full Moon. 
If you like doing things the hard way, you can try and get a Pictograph of 
Ganondorf during your final battle with him on top of Ganon�s Tower. Try to 
take one of him as after Zelda fires a Light Arrow at him. He�ll either be 
stunned by it or execute a huge backflip to dodge the attack. Either way, 
you�ll have a few seconds to get a shot of him. After you get a good 
Pictograph, save and quit, then return to Carlov.

Appearance: A giant stone head and pair of hands
Gohdan is a massive guardian who resides on top of the Tower of the Gods, 
waiting to test the skill of the new Hero. You can take his Pictograph during 
your fight with Gohdan, but it�s easier to get one of him on the wall after you 
beat him.

Appearance: A giant, heavily armored scorpion
Gohma is the overgrown Magtail responsible for enraging Valoo. It�s the first 
boss you�ll fight, and unless you�re playing the second quest, you won�t be 
able to get a Pictograph of it. To get Gohma�s Pictograph and figurine, you�ll 
have to wait until the end of the game, when you fight it in Ganon�s Tower. 
(strange how Carlov accepts a color Pictograph of a black-and-white enemy, but 
not a black-and-white Pictograph of a color enemy) As with all huge enemies, 
stay as far away from Gohma as possible to include most of it in a Pictograph, 
and try to mainly include its upper body. If possible, get its Pictograph from 
one of the wooden platforms.

Appearance: A giant, colorful masked bird
The Helmaroc King is Ganondorf�s vicious pet. He sent it off to seek out and 
kidnap Princess Zelda at the beginning of the game. The only time you can get a 
good Pictograph of the Helmaroc King is during your battle with him on a high 
platform above the Forsaken Fortress. It�s pretty easy to Pictograph the King 
as he�s swooping and circling around the platform, but you should also try to 
get one of him when he�s landed. Be very sure to get this figurine; you only 
get one chance to take the Helmaroc King�s Pictograph!

Appearance: A huge, fat ghost carrying a lantern
Jalhalla is one of Ganondorf�s elite minions who was sent to guard the seal on 
the Master Sword power at the Earth Temple. He�s made up of many Poes, and 
fights you much like they do. Jalhalla�s Pictograph isn�t too tough to get. You 
can take it during your first battle with him ,or in Ganon�s Tower. Try to 
include his whole body in the Pictograph by running to the other side of the 
room first.

Appearance: A huge, hanging flower surrounded by long vines
Kalle Demos is a huge, mutated Boko Baba, the boss of the Forbidden Woods. 
Though you can have the Deluxe Picto Box in time to get Kalle Demos� figurine 
during your first battle with it, it�s easier to wait until Ganon�s Tower. Try 
to get a picture of the massive Flower surrounding Kalle Demos from the edge of 
the arena, and also one of the Boko Baba inside it. You can try to snap the 
Pictograph as you enter the boss room, before the battle starts.

Appearance: A caped Darknut in red armor, holding a shield
The elite Mighty Darknuts are the toughest normal enemies Ganondorf sends at 
you. A red cape protects the armor straps on their backs, and they have huge 
amounts of HP. The first opportunity you get to Pictograph these rare enemies 
is in the basement of Hyrule Castle, after getting all 8 Triforce Shards. Try 
to dash away from the Darknuts after you knock them down to get a good shot. If 
you miss this opportunity, there are two just before the door in Ganon�s Tower 
leading to your battle with Puppet Ganon. If you kill these ones off, they 
never come back. The only place to find reappearing Mighty Darknuts is in the 
shadow maze underneath Ganon�s Tower. To find them, take these turns after 
entering the first correct door: left, straight, left, straight.

Appearance: A Wizzrobe wearing an orange robe, with an ornate headdress
This powerful Wizzrobe guards the Hookshot in the Wind Temple. He can summon 
any normal enemy in the game or shoot fireballs, making the battle with him 
very chaotic. Be very careful to get his figurine before you kill him; you only 
get one chance at this! Try to Pictograph him from several angles early in the 
fight. Only attempt this when you�re well away from the enemies he�ll summon.

Appearance: A large, piglike creature holding spears and wearing a Skull 
The big, dumb, and ugly Moblins are tough enemies that start fighting you in 
large numbers in the later levels. They can do heavy damage to Link with their 
powerful spears. If you�re far enough in the game, Moblins are easy to 
Pictograph. Try to get a good shot of one from the beginning of the second room 
of the Earth Temple. There are also two you can easily Pictograph in the woods 
where you found Tetra, on Outset Island.

Appearance: A huge, wormlike monster
Molgera is the boss of the Wind Temple; a giant sandworm resembling Twinmold 
from Majora�s Mask. Like with the other 3 main bosses, you can either take 
Molgera�s Pictograph in his Temple, or in Ganon�s Tower. Try to get a variety 
of Pictographs with it, including one of the boss flying around the room and 
one of his head projecting out of the sand. Stay away from the sand holes 
Molgera makes and its larvae when getting the Pictograph.

Appearance: Colorful, mothlike monsters
The Mothulas are insectoids that you mainly fight in the Forbidden Woods. They 
can come with or without wings, and they both create Morths to slow you down. 
You can find an easily Pictographed Wingless Mothula in the woods on Outset 
Island where the Helmaroc King dropped Tetra. Try to take its Pictograph from a 
ledge above the area you fight the Mothula in so it can�t ram you.

Appearance: A shadowy warrior holding a huge sword
This powerful spirit is a creation of Ganondorf you�ll fight in the Forsaken 
Fortress and Ganon�s Tower. Although it�s pretty tough to do so, it is possible 
to miss getting Phantom Ganon�s figurine. Pictographing him is pretty easy 
wherever you are, as he always stays plenty far away from you. Remember to get 
his figurine before you defeat the final one with Light Arrows.

Appearance: A huge, horned monster supported by strings
Before you have your final battle with Ganondorf, he morphs into the gargantuan 
Puppet Ganon to fight you. He takes on 3 forms over the course of the battle; 
you must shoot the blue orb of the tail of each form with a Light Arrow 3 times 
to beat him. Getting a Pictograph of Puppet Ganon�s piglike first form is 
easiest. Stay on the other side of the arena to get all of him into the shot, 
and remember to dodge his slow-moving punches.

Appearance: A huge, ugly skeleton carrying a mace
Stalfos rank with Darknuts as some of the strongest enemies you�ll face. 
Hefting massive clubs, they can pulverize Link with ease if he gets close. 
Luckily, they move incredible slowly. The easiest place to Pictograph one is in 
the second room of the Wind Temple. Keeping out of its range shouldn�t be a 
problem; you�ll get plenty of time to get a good shot.

Appearance: Toucan-like wizards in dark robes carrying wands
The maniacal Wizzrobes are some of the most annoying monsters you�ll ever find. 
They teleport around the room and shoot fireballs at you; the yellow ones can 
even summon weak monsters. A good place to Pictograph a Wizzrobe is in the same 
room as a Stalfos; the second one in the Wind Temple. You�ll have a few seconds 
to zoom in and aim at the fiend before it attacks. Use the Boomerang to stop it 
from shooting fireballs if you want.

Appearance: An orange-haired man with a green vest and striped shirt
Anton is an active resident of Windfall Island who can be found walking around 
it all day. He secretly loves Linda, but without your help he never gets around 
to telling her.

Appearance: A bearded sailor with a brown vest
Candy is a wise sailor who stands at the end of Windfall dock during the day. 
He�s an experienced seaman, and readily tells Link everything he knows about 
the closest island in the direction the wind is blowing. To get a good 
Pictograph of Candy, you�ll have to sail out in the KoRL in front of him.

Appearance: A short man with enormous ear hair
The fittingly named Cannon runs the Bomb Shop on the ledge on the other side of 
Windfall Island from the town; he isn�t hard to Pictograph at all. Cannon 
starts out as a corrupt bomb salesman, charging huge prices and extorting all 
the poor, innocent, pyromaniacal citizens of Windfall Island. After he gets 
tied up and robbed by Tetra�s pirates, he turns good and gets a haircut.

Appearance: A sailor with a short black beard and red cap
Dampa is found standing on the field of Windfall Island between the dock and 
Bomb Shop. He loves pigs, and he lets you play his Piggy-Sitting minigame if 
you give him 3 Skull Necklaces.

Appearance: A bald man with goggles on his forehead and a bucktooth
The mad scientist Doc Bandam inhabits the potion shop near the Windfall Island 
gate. He�s obsessed with creating new potions out of Chu Jelly.

Appearance: A mean in red overalls with blue hair and a mustache
This Mario impersonator is found nervously walking around Windfall to send love 
letters to someone. He stops walking whenever Link approaches, and he�s the 
subject of Lenzo�s first Pictograph quest. If you want to have some fun, run up 
and talk to him as he�s mailing a letter.

Appearance: A yellow-haired woman in a blue dress
Gillian is the bartender at the Windfall cafe above Zunari�s shop. There have 
been rumors that she has a boyfriend; she keeps it a secret, but the Merman at 
Rock Spire Isle seems to know something...

Appearance: A bald, red-nosed man
Gossack is found hanging around the Windfall cafe by day. He looks unassuming, 
but he�s easily startled by loud noises...

Appearance: A sailor with a tan shirt and suspenders
Gummy is found standing on the wall overlooking the Windfall entry arch. 
Getting a good Pictograph of him is surprisingly difficult; you can�t get a 
good distance in front of him without walking on air, but if you try to take a 
picture of him from further down the wall you won�t get his front in. It�s best 
to try and find him at the nighttime auction, where he has suspiciously large 
amounts of Rupees to spend.

Appearance: A brown-haired young man
Kamo is a hopeless romantic who is found sitting on some steps near Zunari�s 
shop. He gives you a Piece of Heart if you give him a color Pictograph of the 
full moon.

Appearance: A green-shirted sailor
Kane is a sailor turned art critic, found outside the entry arch. If he likes 
how you�ve decorated the arch (put a Shop Guru Statue on it), he gives you a 
Purple Rupee. It actually isn�t a very good deal, as Shop Guru Statues cost 200 

Appearance: A gang of four young boys
The Killer Bees are 4 inseparable troublemakers: Ivan (the tree-climbing 
leader), Jin (Ivan�s quick-witted second in command), Jan (the thug who 
pretends to be cute), and Jun-Roberto (who secretly hopes to replace Ivan as 
leader). Together, they love to spread mischief around Windfall Island. They 
especially despise their teacher, Miss Marie.

Appearance: A man wearing a yellow cap
Kreeb is always standing on the windmill balcony. He�s fascinated with it and 
the lighthouse. If you can get it working, he gives you a Piece of Heart.

Appearance: An elderly man in yellow robes with a Pictograph Box around his 
neck and a brown beard
Lenzo is a master Pictographer who runs a shop in Windfall. If you can 
accomplish his 3 tasks and bring him a multicolored Forest Firefly from Forest 
Haven, he�ll give you the Deluxe Picto Box, the key to beginning your hunt for 
Nintendo Gallery figurines. He also sells you Legendary Pictographs.

Appearance: A blue-haired woman in an orange dress
Linda is standing near the windmill entrance. She and Anton both secretly love 
each other, and after you get them together, they stand under a tree near Mrs. 
Marie�s school.

Appearance: A brown-haired girl wearing an expensive dress
Along with Mila, Maggie was mistakenly kidnapped by the Helmaroc King in its 
search for Princess Zelda. After she was freed, her impoverished father made a 
fortune off the Skull Necklaces she brought back, allowing them to live in the 
luxurious auction house. She spends her time daydreaming about Moe, a Moblin 
that she fell in love with in the Forsaken Fortress.

Appearance: An old man dressed in rags/and expensive red outfit
Maggie�s father was desperately poor, with nothing to give his daughter�s 
would-be rescuers except his pleas. After Maggie is rescued, he becomes filthy 
rich overnight from the Skull Necklaces she brought back. He also becomes a 
postman-hating old coot.

Appearance: A blonde girl dressed in rags
Mila was also kidnapped by the Helmaroc King and imprisoned in the Forsaken 
Fortress. Her rich father spent all his money trying to get her back, and after 
she was rescued they both had to live in poverty. Mila supports them by working 
at Zunari�s shop.

Appearance: A portly man with a gold mustache and beard
Mila�s father used to be extremely rich, and lived in the auction house. When 
his daughter was rescued from the Forsaken Fortress, he had to live up to his 
promises and pay all his money to the pirates for her return. He�s found 
hanging out under the tree near the docks. (he can�t work because of his so-
called bad back)

Appearance: A brown-haired old woman
Minenco is the glamorous winner of the Miss Windfall Island contest... From 40 
years ago. She is interested in Pictography like Lenzo, but hangs around Doc 
Bandam�s shop.

Appearance: A black-haired old woman
Missy, Dampa�s mother, is one of the hardest-to-find people on Windfall Island. 
She is found looking out to sea on a dock reached via a concealed ramp next to 
Zunari�s shop. To get a good Pictograph of her, cruise out in front of the dock 
on the KoRL.

Appearance: A pink-haired woman wearing a Joy Pendant around her neck
Miss Marie is a teacher who runs the School of Joy near the windmill entrance. 
She has a weakness for Joy Pendants; after you reform the Killer bees, you can 
give them to her to get rewards. The first Joy Pendant earns you a Red Rupee, 
the next 20 the Deed to her private Cabana, and another 20 the super-cool 
Hero�s Charm!

Appearance: Two middle-aged women talking to each other
Pompie and Vera always love to spread gossip about Windfall�s citizens, 
especially Lenzo and Minenco. They are found spreading �news� near Zunari�s 
stand and Kamo.

Appearance: Two little girls
Potova and Joanna are two deceptively cunning little girls who are found in the 
School of Joy or a patch of Flowers on the edge of the field outside the entry 
arch. Many fear they�ll grow to be Windfall�s next Pompie and Vera.

Appearance: A man with sideburns and a brown vest
Sam is a proud member of the Joyous Volunteers, a society devoted to spreading 
joy in the form of small decorations around Windfall. If you decorate every 
outdoor holder in the town, Sam gives you a Piece of Heart. He is always 
sitting on a bench looking out to sea near Zunari�s shop.

Appearance: A big-haired man in a disco suit
Tott the Elvis impersonator is one of the more disturbing citizens of Windfall. 
He�s found practicing his moves on the ledge above where you met the KoRL, next 
to a gravestone. If you show him your Wind Waker, he teaches you the Song of 

Appearance: A short man in an enormous parka
Zunari is an ambitious merchant from a frigid land. He sells a variety of 
goods, including the Sail, trade sequence decorations, and other items in the 
nightly auction he runs. If you complete his trading quest, Zunari�s shop 
expands to an outdoor megamall, and he gives you the Magic Armor. It�s a little 
known fact that Zunari wears pigtails under his hood.

Appearance: A stern, brown-haired man with a beard
The hard-working Abe cares about nothing more than his wife, Rise, and two 
children. He�s tending to his enormous pig (assuming you brought it to Rose) in 
the daytime, and is in his house (on the end of the path behind Orca�s house) 
at night.

Appearance: A little girl with blond pigtails
Aryll is Link�s sister. Soon after she loans you her telescope at the beginning 
of the game, the monstrous Helmaroc King kidnaps her. Link�s journey to defeat 
Ganondorf begins when he sets off with the pirates to rescue Aryll. You get her 
figurine automatically with Grandma�s. On your second quest, you can also try 
to Pictograph her before she gets kidnapped.

Appearance: A purple crab. What else?
The crabs are found on the shore of not only Outset Island, but many other 
islands as well. They scurry away from you on the sand, and burrow down if you 
get too close. Take a zoomed-in Pictograph from afar.

Appearance: A short old woman with white hair in a bun
Link�s Grandma takes care of him and Aryll in her house on Outset Island. She 
sets him off on his quest by providing the Hero�s Clothes and Shield, and is 
always eager to support him any time. She can always be found in Link�s house. 
Later in the game, Grandma becomes ill and delusional. If you cure her by 
standing next to her and releasing a Fairy, she supplies you with powerful 
Elixir Soup.

Appearance: A huge fish with a glowing lure in front
Jabun is the new name for Jabu-Jabu, a leviathan fish-god from Ocarina of Time. 
He used to reside in the appropriately-named Greatfish Isle, but after the isle 
was torn apart by Ganondorf�s curse, he moves to a cave behind Outset Isle. He 
is also the bearer of Nayru�s Pearl. Since you only encounter him in a 
cutscene, you must buy his Legendary Pictograph from Lenzo under a left half-

Appearance: A young boy with a white shirt and brown hair
Joel is Abe and Rose�s elder son. He looks up to Link, especially his jumping 
ability. He�s found on the bridge connecting the halves of Outset Isle at 
first, and later in Abe�s house.

Appearance: A lighthearted man in an orange shirt
Mesa is a bit of a slacker who lives in a house near the lookout tower. His 
vegetable patch is continually overrun with weeds; you can cut them down for 
item refills and rupees. Mesa is apparently nocturnal; you can only Pictograph 
him in his house at night.

Appearance: An old, bearded man with a harpoon
Orca is an old master of the sword (even though the harpoon is his weapon of 
choice) who teaches Link to fight early in the game. He�s always willing you 
test your skill in his two-story house near Link�s. (Orca resides in the bottom 
floor) He also teaches you the Hurricane Spin in exchange for 10 Knight�s 

Appearance: A fat woman with yellow hair
Rose is Abe�s wife, and Joel and Zill�s mother. She loves animals; if you give 
Abe the wild black pig at the start of the game, Rose raises it into a giant 
hog. She�s found in her house at all times.

Appearance: For all you landlubbers, seagulls are white seabirds
Seagulls are found almost everywhere on the Great Sea. Circles of them indicate 
hiding Big Octos; they also like to follow your boat as you sail. The best 
place to Pictograph them is the Outset watch tower.

Appearance: A huge-headed old man with glasses and a staff
Sturgeon is Orca�s wise older brother. He lives in the upper floor of their 
house, where he�s often bothered by Orca�s practicing shaking the house. He and 
the papers on his wall are filled with fairly obvious tips for your adventures.

Appearance: A blue-haired young woman with a pot on her head
Sue-Belle is Sturgeon�s granddaughter. She is found walking around Outset, 
expertly carrying a vase of water on her head. She fines you 10 Rupees if you 
break it.

Appearance: A giant black pig
Later in the game, Abe and Rose raise a small black wild pig from the island 
into a giant hog, keeping it in their pen. It�s pretty easy to Pictograph.

Appearance: A little boy with some mucous hanging from his nose
Zill is Joel�s disgusting younger brother. He�s found near Mesa�s weed patch at 
first, and later with Joel in Abe�s house. Don�t let him get too close or he�ll 

Appearance: Like Tingle, in a pink jumpsuit
Ankle is Knuckle�s twin brother, and Tingle�s younger brother. He�s more 
hardworking than Knuckle. (he has to be; Tingle forces him and David Jr. to 
endlessly slave turning the Tingle Tower that is the landmark of Tingle Island)

Appearance: A shirtless man with a brown cap
Beedle is a strange man who owns a floating chain of Shop Ships across the 
Great Sea. He�s always willing to sell his merchandise to Link, and is 
responsible for giving him many important items, like the Bait Bag. Some 
notable places to find him are Outset and Dragon Roost Islands, Forest Haven, 
Rock Spire Isle, and Windfall island, only at night.

Appearance: Like Tingle, but sterner-looking and in a white jumpsuit
David Jr. set out in his father�s footsteps to hunt down the Ghost Ship�s 
treasure some time ago. He had the misfortune of winding up on Tingle Island, 
where he was enslaved and assimilated, and forced to turn the Tingle Tower to 
this day.

Appearance: A tiny fairy dressed in white
The tiny Fairies have been healing Link for years, and they continue this job 
in The Wind Waker. They are found in Fairy Fountains after the Great Fairy has 
given you its gift, and also scattered across dungeons, particularly before 
bosses. Touching one restores 10 hearts to Link instantly. If you don�t run 
into one, you can instead capture it in a bottle and save its healing power for 
later. If you keep a Fairy in a bottle, it will automatically heal Link if he 
loses all his life. When Pictographing one, try your best to get one of its 
front. Zoom in if you have to, and take several Pictographs for a better chance 
of getting a good one. Fairy Fountains can be found on all the Fairy Isles, 
Mother & Child Isle, and Outset Island.

Appearance: A grey, ghostly young girl holding a Great Fairy doll
Though she looks like an ordinary little girl, the Fairy Queen, obviously, is 
the ruler of all Fairies. She resides within the tall rock walls of Mother & 
Child Isles. If you use the Ballad of Gales to visit her after beating the 
Forsaken Fortress, she grants Link the Fire and Ice Arrows. Since you can only 
meet the Fairy Queen in a cutscene, you�ll have to buy her Legendary Pictograph 
from Lenzo under a left crescent moon.

Appearance: A green-shirted pirate with a red bandana
Gonzo is Tetra�s second in command. He looks tough, but this isn�t always the 
case. You get his figurine with Tetra�s Pictograph.

Appearance: A four-armed being with black skin and pupil-less eyes
The seven Great Fairies are extremely powerful beings hidden in 7 Fairy 
Fountains across the Great Sea. Once Link finds one, she will gladly increase 
the capacity of Link�s Bomb bag, Arrow quiver, Rupee wallet, or Magic meter. To 
find out which Great Fairy does what, check out their section. Since you only 
meet each Great Fairy once in a cutscene, buy their Legendary Pictograph from 
Lenzo under a left gibbous moon.

Appearance: A crowned man in a red robe and white beard
The King of Hyrule, AKA Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule or the King of Red Lions, ruled 
over this ancient land when Ganon invaded it long ago. He and his subjects 
caused Hyrule to be flooded rather than fall into Ganon�s hands. No one has 
seen or heard of him or Princess Zelda ever since. The King is still alive, 
however, and communicates with the surface through an enchanted figurehead... 
You�ll have to buy his Legendary Pictograph from Lenzo during a right gibbous 

Appearance: Like Tingle, in a blue uniform
Knuckle is Ankle�s lighthearted brother, who carved Tingle Tower back when he 
was 10. He hid on Outset Island when Tingle defaced the tower by claiming it 
for himself. He�ll appear in a flower patch on Tingle Island if you use the 
Tingle Tuner to accomplish his crazy quests on Outset. Be careful; if you don�t 
do this and get his figurine before you get all the others, you�ll never be 
able to!

Appearance: If you don�t know this, stop playing WW right now. It just isn�t 
for you.
Link and his happy magic talking boat need no introduction. You�re playing as 
them, after all! To get this figurine of yourself, you need to first get every 
other figurine. (except Knuckle�s, which isn�t required for this one) After 
that, Carlov will leave the Nintendo Gallery and proclaim that you are its new 
master. He leaves behind this figurine.

Appearance: A sailor with a white shirt and hair in a dark ponytail
Loot is an experienced sailor who runs the Boating Course in square G6. At 
night, he spends his earnings from it at the Windfall Cafe.

Appearance: A short pirate with a thick book and glasses
As you may tell from his appearance, Mako is the brains of Tetra�s pirate crew. 
He�s normally meek, but those who make him angry may find themselves on the 
receiving end of the dagger he hides in his book. Like all of Tetra�s pirates, 
you get his figurine with hers.

Appearance: A brightly colored fish with a paintbrush in its mouth
The Mermen are talking mapmaker fish that inhabit every one of the 49 quadrants 
of the Great Sea. They provide a wealth of information about the tile they 
inhabit and give you a map of it if you feed them with All-Purpose Bait from 
your boat. If you scan the horizon with your telescope from around any island, 
you should be able to find its resident Merman leaping out of the water. After 
you�ve fed any Merman once, you can do it again to play an extremely hard arrow 
minigame for Rupees. Try to take a Pictograph of a Merman from afar as he jumps 
out of the water, though it might be possible to get one of him underwater, 
swimming near your boat.

Appearance: A short, bucktoothed pirate with a blue cap
Niko is the lowest ranking of Tetra�s pirates, at least until you show up on 
board. It�s his job to teach the new �swabbie� the basics of the game in the 
pirate ship�s high-tech hold. You get Niko�s figurine with Tetra�s.

Appearance: A pirate with long black hair and a yellow cap
Nudge is one of Tetra�s most trusted pirates. He�s assigned to guard her cabin. 
Strangely enough, Nudge also likes sewing. You get his figurine along with 

Appearance: A short man with a telescope and tall blue hat in a white robe
Old Man Ho-Ho is found on several islands of the Great Sea, notably your 
Private Oasis, Outset Island, and Bomb Island. He�s always peering through his 
telescope at something interesting; it�s a good idea to follow his example.

Appearance: A young girl with blond hair, in a pink dress with the Triforce 
emblem on it
As the namesake of the entire Zelda series, Princess Zelda is obviously a very 
important character. She is the heir to the Hylian throne and the keeper of the 
Triforce of Wisdom. However, no one has seen or heard of her ever since Hyrule 
was flooded. The easiest way to get Zelda�s figurine is by getting the King of 
Hyrule�s legendary Pictograph, but you can also take a Pictograph of her during 
your battle with Ganondorf. If you do, save and quit, then leave Ganon�s Tower 
and head for the Nintendo Gallery.

Appearance: 4 divers on a boat with a crane
The Salvage Corp. is obsessed with finding treasure from the seafloor, but so 
far they�ve only recovered enough Rupees for their diving suits. They give you 
Treasure Chart 34. They can be found floating around Pawprint Isle or Eastern 
Triangle Isle.

Appearance: A bored-looking man leaning on a counter
Salvatore is the hilarious owner of the Squid-Hunt minigame in the windmill on 
Windfall Island and the Cannon minigame on Spectacle Isle. He uses various 
masks to simultaneously make his games more real and degrade himself.

Appearance: A black-shirted pirate with blue hair and a beard
Senza is the pirate steward, in charge of keeping the ship in top condition. 
He�s also an excellent speaker. His figurine comes free with Tetra�s.

Appearance: A dark-skinned young girl with blond hair and pirate�s clothes
The mysterious Tetra is the leader of the pirate crew and ship she inherited 
from her late mother. She continues her mother�s quest for a legendary treasure 
under the Great Sea. Tetra is normally bossy, but mysteriously has a soft spot 
for Link. This is because she is actually Princess Zelda, transformed by her 
lack of the Triforce of Wisdom. Like Maggie and Mila, Tetra was kidnapped by 
the Helmaroc King in his search for the Princess (and he was actually right 
this time) but was dropped into some woods above Outset Island after the pirate 
ship fired at the Helmaroc King. Tetra continues to help Link out during his 
adventure. Tetra�s is one of the one-time Pictographs, two-time if you�re on 
your second quest. Normally, you have to take Tetra�s Pictograph when she 
follows you into Hyrule Castle after beating the Forsaken Fortress. Try to run 
and roll a good distance away from Tetra, then Pictograph her as she catches 
up. Don�t save until you have her figurine! If you�re on your second quest, you 
can also take Tetra�s Pictograph as she waits on the beach of Outset Island 
before taking you on the pirate ship. Either way, you also get figurines of all 
her pirate crew with her figurine.

Appearance: A short crazy man in a green bodysuit with red underpants
Tingle is a crazy, fairy-obsessed weirdo. Although he�s one of the game�s most 
disturbing characters, Tingle is also an expert mapmaker and is the only one 
who can decode the Triforce Charts for no less than 398 Rupees per chart. (talk 
about extortion) Tingle is first locked up in the Windfall jail for stealing 
the Pictograph Box. After you free him, he�s found, obviously, on Tingle 
Island, where he forces the unfortunate ankle and David Jr. to turn the tower 
made in his image. Tingle also gives Link the Tingle Tuner, which lets you use 
the GBA to have Tingle help Link out with a variety of services. (see the 
Tingle Tuner section for more)

Appearance: A Goron in a button-up shirt and tall hat, with an enormous 
The 3 Wandering Merchants are all that is left of the Goron race. They are 
found loitering around on Bomb and Greatfish Islands, and Mother & Child Isles. 
They are trading partners with Zunari; you�ll have to consort with all 3 of 
them to expand his emporium.

Appearance: A short pirate with a red cap and sideburns
Zuko is the pirate�s keen-eyed watchman, but he�s slightly insane, so no one 
can tell what he�s seen. You get his figurine with Tetra�s.
11. Enemies (Enmis)

There are 3 main types of enemies Link faces during his travels around the 
Great Sea: land, sea, and Bosses. I�ve sorted them out by name (for land and 
sea) and order. (for bosses) Here are summaries of the difficulty scores I 
*-Grunt: As a basic grunt, this enemy is little more than an obstacle to you. 
With no resistance, they fall to just about anything in seconds. Unfortunately, 
they often attack in huge numbers.
**-Peon: Enemies with 2 stars require a little thought to defeat. Sometimes 
they have to be weakened before you can kill them, and they can often take more 
hits then Grunts.
***-Toughie: 3-star enemies can be slightly difficult, especially in numbers. 
Don�t expect to get away with just hacking and slashing; you�ll have to make 
use of items before you can inflict any damage.
****-Warrior: These are the beginning of the enemies that stand out from the 
rest in difficulty. They have powerful attacks and large amounts of HP; in 
numbers they present a big challenge.
*****-Elite: Few and far between, Elite enemies are the strongest you�ll face. 
Either a walking nightmare or a fun factory depending on how good you are, 
Elite enemies often serve as minibosses. Expect to lose plenty of hearts when 
first fighting these challenging foes.


Weakness: Hero�s Bow
Spoils: None
Difficulty: **
Armos are living statues that are mainly found in the Tower of the Gods and 
Wind Temple. They come in living and non-living varieties, and look identical 
until you get close. While the non-living ones can be picked up and thrown like 
other objects, the living ones will make a distinctive noise when you approach, 
then steadily attack with a hopping charge attack. They rarely change 
direction, so as long as you keep your distance, this attack is easy to dodge. 
Their only weakness is a bulbous red crystal on their backs. One Master Sword 
hit to it will kill an Armos, but they rarely give you this opportunity. If you 
lock onto one and attack it�s �eye� on the front, the Armos is stunned long 
enough for you to attack its back. If you feel like testing your skill and 
saving arrows, try staying right in front of the Armos as they charge and 
sidestepping just as they pass. This gives you a brief opportunity to hit their 
crystals without wasting an arrow, but it takes practice.

-Armos Knight
Weakness: Bombs
Spoils: None
Difficulty: ***
These massive statues are giant versions of Armos. Unlike the smaller variety, 
you�ll never have to worry about mistaking them for inanimate objects. Armos 
Knights will open their eyes and thunder towards you by hopping, as usual. They 
switch between trying to run you over and hopping up and down in place with 
their mouths open. Constantly hop/backflip away from the Knights when they 
charge, and when they stop and open their mouths either pull out a Bomb or pick 
a bomb flower and toss it from a short distance into their mouths. The Bomb 
explodes, killing them and sending them on a suicide rampage like regular 
Armos. As usual, step out of the way to avoid taking damage. You can still 
shoot the Armos Knight�s eye to stun them, and in this case make them open 
their mouths. This shouldn�t be necessary; Armos Knights aren�t nearly as tough 
as they look.

Weakness: Arrows
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: **
Beamos are tower-like enemies mainly found in the Tower of the Gods. They are 
basically eyes on tops of pillars that can fire energy beams at you, and come 
in two varieties: rotating and fixed. Rotating Beamos have eyes that 
continually rotate to scan the room. To get past them without suffering a 
painfully accurate laser blast, watch the eye and time your movement so that 
you pass by the Beamos right after the eye scans the area you�re moving 
through. Rotating Beamos can only be killed by a well-timed and well-aimed Bomb 
to their eye, but the rarer fixed variety can killed much more easily. Fixed 
Beamos, as far as I know, are only found on the outdoor walkway leading to 
Gohdan�s Boss Door. They guard a narrow pathway, keeping a laser beam directly 
in front of you to block the path. To get rid of them, get up close so they 
fire a laser beam, (but don�t walk into it) then lock onto their eye and 
shatter it with an arrow.

-Boko Baba
Weakness: Deku Leaf, Boomerang
Spoils: Boko Baba Seed, Boko Stick 
Difficulty: *-***
Boko Babas are common enemies in Forest Haven and the Forbidden woods. They 
look like reddish-tinged Boko Buds until you get close, at which point they 
rise from their buds and get ready to attack. If you stay too close to them for 
too long, they try and eat you whole, doing half a Heart of damage. (I think) 
It also looks funny. =) Anyway, when you first encounter Boko Babas, the only 
way to defeat them is to lock on and mash B to deliver a sword combo. The 
Baba�s big head blocks the first few hits, but it eventually gets stunned and 
lifts its head up. Quickly hit the Baba�s exposed stem to kill it. Defeating 
Boko Babas becomes easier once you get the Deku Leaf. Blow a blast of air at a 
Baba from a distance to easily stun them, then run in and slash their stem. 
They become still easier with the Boomerang; simply hit a Baba with it to 
instantly kill it.

Weakness: Boomerang
Spoils: Joy Pendant, Machete, Boko Stick 
Difficulty: **
Bokoblin are some of the most common enemies in the game. These puny Moblins 
are found almost anywhere, even on the Great Sea. They are relatively weak and 
predictable. When you get within their short line of sight, they run up and 
attack with their weapon. This attack can be easily shielded against or dodged. 
Bokoblin can be hit right off the bat with your sword, but you may want to stun 
them first to prevent a counterattack. They also come in 3 types: normal, 
Shield, and Pirate. The normal Bokoblin are found in early dungeons, and can 
easily be dispatched. They wield weak Boko Sticks as their weapons. Shield 
Bokoblin come in later Dungeons. They attack with a stronger machete and also 
carry primitive shield to block some attacks. It�s recommended you stun them 
with the Boomerang first to make taking them out easier. Pirate Bokoblin are 
found on Sea Platforms and rafts. They act like normal Bokoblin, but wield 
telescopes instead of Boko Sticks.

Weakness: Arrows, Hookshot, Deku Leaf
Spoils: None
Difficulty: **
Bubbles are floating skulls enveloped in clouds of red or blue fog. They patrol 
various dungeons, mainly the Tower of the Gods and Earth and Wind Temples. They 
also come in red and blue. Both Bubbles can be stunned by either the Deku Leaf 
or Hookshot. The Deku Leaf simply makes the Bubble drop to the ground stunned. 
When stunned, they act just like any other skulls you�ll find lying around, and 
can be shattered just as easily. The Hookshot not only stuns Bubbles, but also 
pulls them within sword range, making it even easier to kill them. Red Bubbles 
are the easier kind. Their red fog sets you on fire if they touch you, but they 
have a short line of sight and they float at you slowly. If you have good 
timing, you can whack them with your sword as they approach. You can also stun 
them by making them hit your shield. Red Bubbles can also be taken out with a 
single well-placed arrow from the Hero�s Bow. Blue Bubbles can�t be attacked 
with your sword or Bow, and your shield doesn�t help either. If they touch you, 
they envelop you in nasty evil fog to keep you from using the B, X, Y, and Z 
buttons. Be very careful around them. They have to be stunned with the Deku 
Leaf or Hookshot before you can kill them.

Weakness: Boomerang, Bombs, Skull Hammer
Spoils: Red, Green, and Blue Chu Jelly 
Difficulty: *
Chuchus are extremely common enemies found almost anywhere. They are also some 
of the simplest to defeat. Besides this, they take the prize for most 
varieties; you�ll face Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Dark Chuchus throughout 
your adventure. All Chuchus either rise from the floor or drop from the ceiling 
when you approach them; they can�t be seen or fought from far away. After they 
make their entrance, Chuchus (except the Red ones) move around as nearly 
invincible puddles of slime, and rise from the ground when they�re about to 
attack by leaping at you. Their attack can easily be parried or blocked. Since 
Chuchus are so hard to hit normally (except with the Bow), it�s a good idea to 
stun them before attacking when possible. A Boomerang hit, nearby Bomb 
explosion, or Skull Hammer whack does the trick; the latter two can stun 
multiple Chuchus at once. (The Deku Leaf can briefly stun multiple ones) The 
Grappling Hook also stuns Chuchus very briefly; it also steals their Jelly. 
Anyway, Red Chuchus are the weakest kind. They have half the HP of the other 
Chuchus, so one Hero�s Sword slash takes them out. Green Chuchus are the next 
step; they have twice as much HP as Red ones. They�re tougher at first, but you 
won�t even notice one you get the Master Sword. Stay close so they�ll make 
themselves vulnerable. Yellow Chuchus also have twice the Red�s HP, and they�re 
also surrounded by a bioelectric field that shocks you when you try to slash 
them. They have to be stunned before you can damage them. Blue Chuchus are also 
electrified, but they don�t jump at you to attack. They are found on many small 
islands and drop rare Blue Chu Jelly. Dark Chuchus are found in the Earth 
Temple, and are the toughest ones of all. Though Dark Chuchus can be stunned 
normally, they simply reform when you attack them. You�ll have to use either 
Medli�s harp or the Mirror Shield to temporarily petrify them with light (you 
only encounter them in rooms with light beams) and then smash them to bits with 
the Skull Hammer to get rid of them. You may not always want to do this; 
petrified Dark Chuchus are sometimes used to solve puzzles.

Weakness: Parry attacks, Boomerang
Spoils: Knight�s Crest, Darknut Sword 
Difficulty: *****
Darknuts are Ganondorf�s elite soldiers, the toughest of his minions on the 
Great Sea. In other words, they�re the hardest, coolest, and most fun normal 
enemies you�ll ever meet. In appearance, they look like hulking Dobermans 
wearing massive armor and carrying huge swords. They�re well trained in sword 
fighting and martial arts; they are powerful and deadly enemies, especially in 
numbers. Because of their armor, Darknuts are invulnerable to attack at the 
start. (except of course from Light Arrows) Darknuts initially attack with 
powerful horizontal and vertical sword swings that deal heavy damage and send 
Link flying. If you later disarm them, they�ll try to get back to their swords 
quickly. If you stand in their way, they�ll fight with quick karate chops and 
kicks. Luckily, their attacks can still be blocked with your shield. To damage 
a Darknut, you first have to remove their armor. The easiest way to do this is 
with parry attacks. Stand close to a Darknut to induce it to attack with a 
horizontal slash, which lets you execute a jumping parry to knock their helmets 
off. They are now vulnerable to jump attacks and can be stunned with the 
Boomerang like any other enemy. Immediately slice at the red straps on their 
back to remove their armor. If you aren�t quick enough, hit their exposed 
noggins with the Boomerang, then circle around and slice their armor straps. 
After that, use the standard stun and slash pattern to kill them. They have 
lots of HP and can nimbly dodge some attacks with their armor off, though, so 
this can take a while. It�s also possible to defeat Darknuts without parry 
attacks, although it isn�t easy. If you keep close to a Darknut and roll under 
its horizontal slash, you have a bit of time to get to their backs and slice 
their armor off. You have to be very quick, though. Later in the game, you�ll 
encounter Darknuts carrying round buckler shield. The use the shields much like 
Shield Bokoblin; they can block your sword attacks even after you take their 
armor off. You�ll need to stun them to inflict any damage. The highest rank of 
Darknut is the Mighty Darknut. Sporting more HP than their subordinates, these 
Darknut commanders wear ornate red armor and capes to protect their armor 
straps. You�ll have to sever their capes with multiple rolling parries to get 
at their armor. You can also shoot them with a Fire Arrow to burn the capes 

Weakness: Boomerang
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: ****
The infamous Floormasters are only found starting in your second visit too the 
Forsaken Fortress, but they are some of the most annoying enemies in the game. 
From afar, Floormasters are black vortexes in the ground, and either stay in 
one place or patrol a predetermined path while making their distinctively 
queasy-sounding noise. When you get close, the Floormaster itself, a long arm 
and hand, rises from the hole. Floormasters can only damage you by throwing 
nearby pots or other objects at you, but they can do something much worse than 
damage. If you don�t attack a Floormaster soon after it appears or step 
directly onto its hole for too long, the Floormaster grabs you and drags you 
down into its nether-realm. You reappear at the beginning of the room you 
visited before the Floormaster room. Obviously, this can be quite annoying and 
debilitating, especially when dealing with large numbers of Floormasters. The 
best way to defeat a Floormaster is to first inch towards its hole. Depending 
on their difficulty, Floormasters may raise their vulnerable hands out of the 
hole when you are still a ways away, or directly within grabbing range. Either 
way, quickly L-target the Floormaster as soon as it appears and stun it with 
the Boomerang. Hit it 1 or 2 times with vertical sword slashes, then stun it 
and repeat. It takes 6 Master Sword hits to defeat a Floormaster, making them 
annoying AND tough. If you have magic and arrows to spare, you can also use an 
Ice Arrow to freeze a Floormaster solid, then shatter it with the Skull Hammer. 
Unless you stun it with the Boomerang first, the Floormaster can only be frozen 
when it�s grabbing you.

-Grabbing Hand
Weakness: None
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: **
Grabbing Hands are rare variants to Floormasters found in the Forbidden Woods 
and Wind Temples. They are hands attacked to long, extending arms (sound 
familiar?) and attack by grabbing onto you. (where have we heard this before?) 
Luckily, this attack doesn�t damage you but instead drains your magic power and 
forces you to run in place. (now that I think of it, Grabbing Hands might make 
nifty treadmills) You�ll probably be needing some magic soon, so slice them 
with your sword to get rid of them. (they can�t be L-targeted, though) Be 
quick; Grabbing Hands grow back after a few seconds. Maybe it�s just because 
they look like something from my nightmares, but Grabbing Hands are the 
scariest enemies for me.

Weakness: Hero�s Bow, Boomerang
Spoils: Golden Feather 
Difficulty: **
Kargarocs are miniature versions of the Helmaroc King. They are found 
patrolling many outdoor locations, and have a liking for high spires. They make 
a cawing sound when gliding around, and another sound when they spot you and 
descend to attack. Their only move is an easily blocked or dodged swooping 
attack. Kargarocs are vulnerable to almost anything from the start. Two Hero�s 
Sword hits or one Master Sword hit kills them up close, but it�s recommended 
that you fight them with the Boomerang after you get it to easily take them out 
in two hits. If they�re too far away for this, (as they often are at islands 
like Needle Rock Isle and Bird�s Peak Rock) a well-aimed arrow destroys a 
Kargaroc. Kargarocs also sometimes serve at transporters to carry other enemies 
into battle.

Weakness: Boomerang
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: *
These small, batlike minions of Ganondorf are some of the weakest enemies in 
the game. They start out either hanging from the ceiling or patrolling an area, 
and flap around you when you get close. (it�s never hard to tell when Keese are 
near) Though they are extremely simple alone, you�ll often fight them in large 
(or even ridiculous) numbers. A hit of just about anything kills a Keese, but 
the Boomerang is recommended as soon as you get it. Practice rapidly L-
targeting a Keese, killing it off with the �Rang, and repeating the cycle in 
about a second. With practice, you�ll be able to mow through Keese by the 
dozens with ease. In later levels you�ll meet some Fire Keese, which can deal 
extra damage by setting you on fire. They are killed the same way as regular 

Weakness: Parry attacks
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: **
Although you don�t need to parry to defeat these red-hot centipedes, it 
definitely helps. Magtails are quite slow; they crawl around the room at a 
snail�s pace on their many legs and provide you with plenty of warning before 
attacking. They are only vulnerable when they rear up and expose their eye to 
attack. If you hit them with a weak weapon (namely the Grappling Hook; sword 
thrusts also work) they will fly backward and curl up into a ball. They are 
sometimes used to solve puzzles in this state, so keep aware of any switches 
around you. They can be repeatedly attacked in ball form to deal damage, but 
they have a sizeable amount of HP. The bast way to defeat a Magtail is to parry 
its lunging attack. (the timing is quite easy to get down) This always kills 
the Magtail in one hit, so always parry when there are no nearby switches. 
Also, Magtails can regenerate their health in magma; make sure to kill them in 
one hit in case you knock them into it.

Weakness: None
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: *
These nimble, impish creatures are without doubt the most annoying foes in the 
game. They attack in long, often endless onslaughts and seem to appear out of 
nowhere. Though their tiny tridents are quite weak, Miniblin often serve as a 
distraction to keep you from accomplishing something else. Two Hero�s Sword or 
one Master Sword hit kills a Miniblin, but it�s likely another will take its 
place. Learn to dread the Miniblin�s distinctive �da-da!� chatter; it signals 
the start of another near-endless swarm of the bucktoothed little guys.

Weakness: Boomerang
Spoils: Skull Necklace, Moblin Spear 
Difficulty: ****
Moblins are some of the toughest enemies you�ll face in the game; the brutes 
rank up with Wizzrobes and Redead. Basically resembling buffoonish pigs, they 
carry passive spears and often lanterns. Moblins have a large line of sight, 
and waste no time charging at you when you approach. If they are patrolling a 
dark area and carrying a lantern, they�ll throw it at you to deal extra damage 
and set you on fire, so keep moving. After that, Moblins attack with sweeping 
spear attacks that can send you flying backwards. If you deliver a sufficient 
beating to knock their spears away, LET THEM GET THE SPEAR BACK! If you get in 
their way, they�ll attack with a ridiculously strong, quick punch that easily 
sends you flying across a whole room and is even stronger than a spear attack. 
Like with all tough enemies, you can�t just attack Moblins from the start; the 
block your sword blows with their spear handles. As usual, the best way to 
defeat Moblins is to L-target one, stun it with the Boomerang, and deliver a 
powerful sword combo. It will probably take two combos (even with the Master 
Sword) to beat a Moblin. Though you only fight one Moblin before getting the 
all-important Boomerang, the fight can be hard if you don�t know what to do. 
Strafe around the Moblin with your shield out, staying just within spear range. 
As soon as they deliver a failed attack, rush in at slash at them. Repeat until 
the beast dies, and be careful not to get hit. If fighting multiple Moblins, 
it�s a good idea to fight them with their own spears; they can quickly defeat 
Moblins from a great distance.

Weakness: Spin attack
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: *
Morths are the tiny larvae of Mothulas. They are the most harmless enemies in 
the game, and only serve to slow you down. Morths will jump onto Link and cling 
like burrs. Although the little guys are covered in spikes, they don�t damage 
Link. Instead, they slow him down. The more Morths on Link, the slower he 
moves. Morths can be shaken off with a roll attack, but the best way to dispose 
of them is with a spin attack, which instantly destroys every Morth clinging to 

Weakness: Deku Leaf, Fire Arrows
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: **-***
Mothulas are large insectoids that mainly populate the Forbidden Woods. Most 
Mothulas are wingless, grasshopper-like monsters, but a few do have wings. 
Wingless Mothulas are easy to beat. They are vulnerable to any attack, and two 
Hero�s Sword slashes destroys one. They can still be tough, however, because 
they are quick and charge without warning. Keep moving very fast to hopefully 
dodge. This can be hard, because Mothulas also drop Morths around the arena as 
they move. Be prepared to take some damage when fighting Wingless Mothulas. The 
winged variety are actually easier, though they take longer to beat. Winged 
Mothulas attack with easily dodgable, rocket-powered charges that sweep the 
whole room as they drop Morths in their wake. The charge is pretty easy to jump 
out of the way of, if you�re L-targeted. To damage, a Winged Mothula, you�ll 
first have to attack it to remove its wings. The easiest way to do this is to 
stun them with a Deku Leaf wind blast, which makes them slowly float to the 
ground waiting for you to jump attack them. Keep this up until you slice off 
all their wings, then deal with them like a Wingless Mothula. They become much 
easier once you get Fire Arrow. Blast a Winged Mothula with a Fire Arrow and it 
instantly goes down in flames.

Weakness: Deku Leaf, Boomerang
Spoils: Golden Feather 
Difficulty: **
Peahats are strange, helicopter-like monsters you�ll mainly find in the 
Forbidden Woods. They leisurely float around a room, and attack with a ramming 
charge when you get close. This charge can get hard to dodge when fighting them 
in groups; keep moving at all times. Peahats are invincible until you remove 
their helicopter blades. The beast way to do this is to hit them with a Deku 
Leaf wind blast or Boomerang toss from afar. After that, they drop to the floor 
helpless, and almost anything finishes them off.

Weakness: Mirror Shield
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: ***
Bizarre, jumpsuit-wearing ghosts that haunt the Earth Temple, Poes are tricky 
enemies. They start out in a (what else?) ghostly state that keeps them from 
being hit by any attack. (except Light Arrows) To make Poes vulnerable, locate 
a nearby light beam and have you or Medli shine light on the spirits. After 
keeping the beam trained on them for several seconds, Poes become corporeal and 
start running around the room in panic. A Boomerang hit and two Master Sword 
slashes then takes out a Poe. Some Poes carry lanterns around. They can toss 
these lanterns at you like Moblins to set you on fire, or charge at you. You 
can also make them drop their lanterns by hitting them with the Boomerang three 
times. Be careful of the fire it creates. When they don�t have a lantern, Poes 
will run after you in an attempt to possess you. When Link is possessed, all 
his controls are reversed. (and his eyes wiggle around; funny!) Often, you�ll 
actually want Poes to possess you; they new control scheme isn�t too hard to 
figure out, and Poes must sacrifice themselves to do it. Letting them possess 
you is the only way to kill Poes before getting the Mirror Shield. You can 
remove them by walking to some light or waiting.

Weakness: Boomerang
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: *
Rats are pretty self-explanatory in appearance, and patrol just about every 
level. They normally keep running along floors, walls, and ceilings, and can be 
tough to hit. They will mug you if you get too close. Yes, mug you; several of 
your Rupees fly out when a Rat attacks, and it will get away with some of them 
if you don�t kill it! The Boomerang is the best way to exterminate Rats, but 
you may want to manually aim at them from far away. Later in the game, Rats are 
replaced by the pyromaniacal Bombchus, which are basically Bomb-carrying Rats. 
(whose idea was that?) Rather than mugging you, they instead toss their 
explosive cargo at you. Dodging Bombs can be tricky; always keep moving when 
fighting Bombchus and kill them with the Boomerang. Where you find Rats, you 
almost always find rat holes as well. If you toss some All-Purpose Bait in 
front of one, the rats will stop attacking you and even offer to sell you bait, 
potions, or refills!

Weakness: Mirror Shield
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: ****
Undoubtedly the creepiest enemies in the game, Redead are luckily mainly found 
in the Earth Temple. They start out looking lifeless and benign, but they 
awaken when you approach. Almost immediately after, Redead will issue a 
terrifying scream that freezes Link in his tracks. After that, you�re forced to 
watch helplessly as the Redead inches toward Link. If the scream doesn�t wear 
off before they reach Link, the Redead will grab onto Link and bite at him 
repeatedly. To shake them off, mash random buttons. (especially A and B) If the 
Redead fails to reach Link and the scream wears off, good. Quickly lock onto 
the Redead and kill it with a sword combo. Once you have some practice, you can 
also try using a jump attack just as the Redead screams. If you timed it right, 
you�ll sink your sword into it while it�s doing so, which interrupts the attack 
and gives you a head start in killing the monster. The best way to take out 
Redead, however, is to find a nearby light beam and stun it by shining some 
light onto it, then quickly run up and kill it. If all these plans sound too 
risky, you can kill a Redead with 3 Bomb explosions; no other projectile 
(except Light Arrows) harms them. 

-River Octorok
Weakness: Hero�s/Mirror Shield, Boomerang
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: **
Like Sea Octoroks, these rock-spitting monsters are little more than an 
annoyance. They are only found in a few places and are easily dispatched. Once 
you get the Boomerang you can just hit them with it to easily take one out. 
Before that, draw your sword and block their attack with your shield. It�s 
reflected back at the Octorok, killing it.

Weakness: Bombs
Spoils: Stalfos Mace 
Difficulty: *****
The tremendously ugly, skeletal Stalfos are some of the strongest enemies Link 
fights, ranking right up with Darknuts. (in my opinion, Stalfos are the hardest 
normal enemies n the game) Wielding huge maces, they can send Link flying 
across the room with one swing. They can be extremely tough up close, but 
luckily Stalfos are some of the slowest enemies. It should be a cakewalk to 
keep your distance from them. Besides normal swings, Stalfos can also use a 
devastating spin attack that can propel them across the room, making it very 
hard to dodge and serving as their only real means of moving. To defeat a 
Stalfos, you have to attack its head. To do this, you�ll need to first take 
them apart to get their heads at sword level. There are two ways to do this. 
The most economical (and riskiest) way is to briefly stun a Stalfos with the 
Boomerang, then mercilessly attack their legs with sword combos until they fall 
apart. If you don�t stun them frequently they�ll cheaply counter with a spin 
attack, and this method is next to impossible when fighting groups of Stalfos, 
so it isn�t recommended. The best way is to toss a Bomb just in front of them. 
(so they inch onto it) The Bomb will blow the Stalfos apart instantly. Either 
way, once their head is bouncing around on the floor, stun it with the 
Boomerang and slash at it until the Stalfos dies. Be quick at this, or it will 
reassemble itself and attack again. A far easier way is to simply stun the 
head, then smash it instantly with the Skull Hammer. Very nifty.

Weakness: Hero�s Bow
Spoils: None 
Difficulty: ****
Wizzrobes are some of the most annoying enemies in the game, ranking right 
under Miniblin. These crazy wizards wear toucan-like masks and colored robes; 
after fighting them you�ll undoubtedly think twice about opening that box of 
Froot Loops I know you�re holding. They love to teleport around the room 
erratically. This is accompanied by a very distinctive sound, so you�ll know 
when you�re fighting one. They will pause for several seconds after this, then 
fire a triple fireball blast. (which is accompanied by ecstatic cackling) 
You�ll need quick reflexes and good coordination to dodge this attack, but the 
Mirror Shield can sometimes block them. After beating the miniboss of the Wind 
Temple, you�ll also start running into yellow-robed Summoning Wizzrobes along 
with the regular red-robed kind. They have all the abilities of normal 
Wizzrobes and twice the HP, but they can also summon weak enemies into combat. 
Obviously, you should take care of them quickly before they get this chance. 
When fighting single Wizzrobes, the best thing to do is to simply run up to the 
Wizzrobe, stun it with the Boomerang, and then attack it normally. If it 
appears floating in midair, stun it to make it disappear harmlessly. When 
dealing with multiple Wizzrobes, the Hero�s Bow is the weapon of choice. A Fire 
Arrow instantly takes out a normal Wizzrobe; two destroy a Summoning Wizzrobe. 
Strangely enough, the Hookshot also damages Wizzrobes, although it takes a 
while to kill one this way. At sea, you�ll fight white-robes Wizzrobe Acolytes. 
Except their colors, they are the same as red-robed ones.


~Big Octo
Weakness: Boomerang 
Difficulty: *****
These leviathan squid are floating minibosses. Although there are only 6 across 
the Great Sea, each one puts up a good fight and a better reward. The Big Octos 
wait under the sea�s surface until you get close to them. You can tell where a 
Big Octo is because an especially large amount of seagulls circles around the 
spot. Once you get close, the Big Octo rises from the depths and creates a 
whirlpool to suck you towards it. When it does, whip out your Boomerang and use 
the cursor to target some of the Big Octo�s many yellow eyes. Release it and 
let the Boomerang beat the Big Octo around. After it returns, repeat the 
process. Big Octos have 4, 8, or 12 eyes, and each eye takes 3 or 4 hits t 
kill. They should be easy if you work fast, and they always leave behind some 
kind of reward.

~Cannon Boat
Weakness: Bombs 
Difficulty: ***
Although Ganondorf�s fell monsters are the main scourge of the seas, cannon-
happy pirate ships can also be a menace. They patrol around some islands and 
inside Reefs and fire Bombs at you when you get close. They are heavily 
armored, and it takes 3 direct Bomb hits to sink one. Try to quickly sail up 
close to one, then get out your cannon and quickly hit them 3 times at point-
blank range. Don�t get too close, or the explosions from your Bombs will hurt 

Weakness: Boomerang 
Difficulty: **
These patrolling sharks are rare enemies on the seas, but they can be annoying. 
They start by surfacing and zooming ahead of your boat, then slowing and 
staying a good distance ahead. When you change speed or direction, (or 
sometimes for no reason) they leap out of the water and charge. They also 
charge erratically when you�re stopped. Although these charges can be dodged 
pretty easily, it�s best to L-target them and attack with the Boomerang; two 
hits will take out a Gyorg. They�re only dangerous in groups. (be careful, as 
they sometimes attack in fives)

Weakness: Boomerang 
Difficulty: **
Seahats are huge, ugly mutations of Peahats. Although they are about 50 times 
bigger than their flying cousins, Seahats can still be taken out with two 
Boomerang hits. The Seahats attack with a thundering charge attack. It�s 
unlikely they�ll hit you when you�re moving, but if one knocks you overboard 
several more can team up to hit you. Be quick when attacking so this doesn�t 

~Sea Octorok
Weakness: Boomerang 
Difficulty: *
These smaller, spikey-haired Octoroks rise from the sea like their giant 
relatives. They don�t conjure whirlpools; instead they fire Bombs at you. They 
can�t hit you at all if you just keep sailing, so all you have to worry about 
is running into one. Though I�ve never bothered to kill one, they�re probably 
weak to the Boomerang.


Difficulty: *
This giant scorpion is a very easy boss if you know the right way to beat it. 
Without one, Gohma is nearly impossible. Basically a huge Magtail, it�s been 
spewing lava around its cavern and tormenting Valoo, even solidifying some rock 
around his tail. If you want to calm Valoo and get Din�s Pearl, you�ll have to 
defeat Gohma. 

-Defensive Strategy-
First, its attacks. Gohma has four attacks. Its main attack is to slam one of 
its claws at you. Don�t L-target Gohma; instead, run around and roll when you 
hear Gohma grunt and prepare to attack. Its second attack is identical to the 
first, but it gets its claw stuck in the ground for some time, which is very 
helpful later. I don�t know exactly what determines when its claw gets stuck; 
if you do, E-mail me about it. Its third attack is a cheap, quick claw attack 
that�s nearly impossible to dodge unless you roll as soon as you hear the 
distinctive sound. It also sometimes attacks with its two claws, embedding them 
on either side of you, then belches forth fire breath to toast you. This attack 
isn�t too tough to dodge, and is actually quite desirable. When it uses the 
preliminary claw attack, roll through the openings under either of Gohma�s 
claws before it attacks with its fire breath. (you have plenty of time) With 
practice, you�ll be able to anticipate Gohma�s attacks merely by the sounds 
associated with them. Also, one other thing of note; don�t worry about falling 
into the lava Gohma swims in; you won�t have to restart the battle if you do. 
(you�ll still take damage)

-Offensive Strategy-
As with all Dungeon Bosses, you�ll use the item you got in the Dungeon to make 
Gohma vulnerable, then unload a beating on it with your Hero�s Sword. The 
strategies I provided for dodging Gohma�s attacks are all well and good, but 
with a method partially of my own invention, you won�t need any of them. As the 
battle starts, quickly whip out your Grappling Hook and look above Gohma. 
You�ll see Valoo�s tail, twitching and whipping around in pain. Quickly move 
the cursor to the general area where the spiked end of Valoo�s tail is until 
you get the symbol indicating a Grappling target. Toss the hook so it grabs 
onto Valoo�s tail. Swing over Gohma on the rope, then let go as you reach the 
other side. Your weight makes the rock Valoo�s tail is embedded in fall, right 
onto Gohma�s ugly mug. This cracks its hard exoskeleton, and makes it fall back 
into the lava. As it builds up strength and rears up to replace the rock, get 
your Grappling Hook back out and move the cursor to approximately where Valoo�s 
tail will be when Gohma rears back up. As soon as the rock is back in place, 
throw the Grappling Hook again and repeat the cycle. The only way Gohma can 
complicate things is by interrupting Grapple mode by hitting you with one of 
the flying fireballs as it drops back into the lava, though this doesn�t happen 
all the time and can be prevented by standing next to the wall. If this 
happens, you�ll probably notice that Gohma�s normal claw strike hits you too 
fast and often for you to Grapple Valoo�s tail again. Instead, run to the wall 
on the outer rim of the arena. Gohma�s claw attacks can�t hit you here, and if 
it tries to use its fire breath, you can simply roll out of it and Grapple 
Valoo�s tail. You don�t even have to wait, however. Inch away from the wall 
until you�re just barely far enough to Grapple Valoo�s tail yet not be in reach 
of Gohma�s claws. (to do this, alternate between slowly walking away and trying 
to aim at Valoo�s tail) If you perfect this method, Grappling Valoo�s tail is 
easy no matter what. Drop the rock on Gohma a total of three times to break its 
armor completely off. After that, lock onto the beast and use your Grappling 
Hook on its eye to yank it over to you and stun it, then attack it with your 
sword. Repeat this attack three times to defeat it. One other thing of note: 
there are wooden platforms placed all over the cave. If you manage to Grapple 
onto one, good for you. Gohma has a much harder time attacking you up there 
(though I think it can eventually burn them off) so you�ll have more time to 
Grapple onto Valoo�s tail. There are also pots with Hearts on these platforms.

Difficulty: **
Kalle Demos is a mutated Boko Baba shrouded within a massive, tentacled Baba 
Bud. It�s the master of the Forbidden Woods, and also ate the hapless Korok 
Makar. As usual, it�s up to you to utilize the Dungeon item to defeat it, 
restore peace to the nearby Forest Haven, and get Farore�s Pearl.

-Defensive Strategy-
Kalle Demos� attacks both involve the waving tentacles surrounding the main 
flower. It either whips across the battlefield with one tentacle or attacks 
with several from underground. A tentacle flashes yellow when it�s about to 
attack. Both attacks can be avoided by running around Kalle Demos. Don�t stay 
still too long, or you�ll get whipped. If you�re running low on health and 
Potions/Fairies, cut the bushes around the edge of the arena to find Heart 

-Offensive Strategy-
As long as Kalle Demos is suspended from the ground, it�s invulnerable to 
attack. Its weak spot are the vines attaching it to the ceiling. As the battle 
starts, whip out your Boomerang (don�t target Kalle Demos; go into first-person 
mode) and quickly pass the cursor over at least five vines to target them. 
Release the Boomerang, and quickly sidestep and jump around Kalle Demos as it 
weaves through and cuts some of the vines suspending it. Once your Boomerang 
returns, you should be at a new position, quickly get it back out and repeat 
the process on more vines before it attacks you. Continue cutting its vines 
with the Boomerang until they�ve all been severed. At this point, the massive 
flower crashes to the ground and opens up to reveal the vulnerable Boko Baba 
inside. Draw your sword as you run up to it, and unload everything you have on 
the Baba. (make sure to Z-target it) Kalle Demos only stays open like this for 
a few seconds before it closes and reattaches to the ceiling, so be quick about 
attacking it. If you�re standing on it when it closes, it engulfs you and you 
take damage, but this is an acceptable trade-off to get some extra damage done. 
Repeat this process until it dies; it will likely take you 2-3 rounds of 
severing all the vines and attacking it with your sword before Kalle Demos 
dies, depending on how fast you are. Also, remember to cut its vines quickly; 
they eventually reattach themselves.

Difficulty: **
Unlike the other Bosses, Gohdan isn�t a minion of Ganondorf but an ancient 
guardian created by the gods to test the strength of the new hero. In essence a 
massive, floating head and pair of hands, Gohdan is one of the stranger Bosses 
you�ll fight.

-Defensive Strategy-
As you begin the battle, Gohdan�s hands will attack you. They slam you or try 
to push you off the arena, into the electrified pit around the edge. Keep 
moving and L-targeted constantly to try and avoid them. Try to anticipate which 
way the hands will sweep and run! You shouldn�t have to dodge the hand�s 
attacks, as you can take them out very quickly. After you�ve taken the hands 
out of commission, (more on that later) Gohdan�s head will attack. Be careful 
and get away when it opens its mouth and shakes off your L-targeting! Gohdan is 
preparing to fire a barrage of fireballs in a line. If you start running and 
rolling away when it opens its mouth, you should be able to avoid the attack. 
(unless it has you trapped against the door; be careful to stay out of the 
electrified pit)

-Offensive Strategy-
You�ll not only be using the Hero�s Bow for this battle; you�ll also need 
Bombs. As the battle starts, L-target one of Gohdan�s hands and start firing 
arrows at the gem on its palm as you dodge the hand�s attacks. Fire arrows 
pretty rapidly; two will temporarily deactivate a hand. After that, quickly 
stun the other hand. Be careful not to mistakenly fire when a hand is attacking 
or you�ll most likely miss. After that, its head enters the fray. L-target each 
eye and take them out in the same way. Make sure to fire from a good distance 
away and not too fast, so that your shots are sure to hit. Like with its hands, 
Gohdan�s eyes close when it uses its fireball attack so you can�t target or hit 
it. After you�ve deactivated the head, it floats down to the ground and its 
mouth opens. L-target the mouth and throw a Bomb in, as you did against Armos 
Knights. (from a distance, not from directly next to the head) After the Bomb 
explodes, Gohdan will (finally) be damaged. Repeat this process twice more to 
defeat Gohdan and prove yourself to the gods. Also, because Gohdan is only 
testing your courage, he�s glad to sneeze up (literally) extra Bombs or Arrows 
if you run out of either. Just be careful when claiming them.

Difficulty: *
This shadowy spirit is a mysterious figure created by Ganondorf in his image to 
guard the Forsaken Fortress. You�ll have to get past him to claim the Skull 
Hammer and save your sister. Also, remember to take his Pictograph here or in 
Ganon�s Tower.

-Defensive Strategy-
Phantom Ganon, like most bosses, (although he�s technically a miniboss) has two 
attacks. In his first and rarest, he materializes next to you and shortly 
attacks with his shadowy sword. As soon as he appears, run, jump, or flip away; 
the sword attack is devastatingly powerful! His most common attack, however, is 
to charge up a ball of energy and throw it at you. Veterans of Ocarina of Time 
should know what to do here; either dodge the attack or deflect it with your 
sword or an Empty Bottle. When you fight him in Ganon�s Tower, he has two more 
attacks. He can charge up multiple, homing red energy balls to throw at you. 
These can�t be deflected; un-target him and roll away to dodge them. He may 
also appear surrounding you with four copies of himself. Quickly roll out of 
this circle before they all attack where you were with their swords!

-Offensive Strategy-
Your defensive strategy for Phantom Ganon�s energy ball if also your main 
offensive strategy for the fight. When he lobs the ball, don�t run away; draw 
your sword, L-target him, and press B to attack just before the ball hits you. 
If your timing was right, you�ll strike the energy ball, sending it flying back 
at Phantom Ganon. Strangely enough, you can also use an Empty Bottle for this, 
(I did my second time through) although the timing is harder to get. Don�t 
expect it to end after you deflect it once, though. Phantom Ganon will hit it 
back, and you�ll have to return it again. Every time the ball is returned, it 
moves slightly faster, so start hitting B, Z, Y, or Z earlier and earlier to 
hit it back. Continue this bizarre and deadly tennis match while approaching 
Phantom Ganon until one of you (hopefully Phantom Ganon) misses, getting hit by 
the energy ball. If it was you, you�ll take damage; if it was Phantom Ganon, 
he�ll be stunned by the attack and float down to the ground. Now is the time to 
slash him with your sword; try hitting him with a jump attack as you approach 
him. Also, when fighting in Ganon�s Tower, you can hit him after he does his 
group slash. The four fake Phantom Ganons disappear a second or so before the 
real one; you get a brief chance to hit him before he disappears.

Difficulty: ***
The Helmaroc King is a massive, colorful, and masked bird who serves as 
Ganondorf�s most loyal servant. He kidnapped your sister at the beginning of 
the game, and after you beat the Forsaken Fortress it�s time for revenge! 
Remember to take the Helmaroc King�s Pictograph when you fight him, preferably 
while he�s circling the arena!

-Defensive Strategy-
Before you can even fight the Helmaroc King, you�ll have to escape it and the 
room you found your sister in, After everyone else leaves, a drain opens up and 
it starts filling with water. After you regain control of Link, quickly start 
running and rolling along the walkway around the edge of the tall, cylindrical 
room. You�ll have to keep ahead of the Helmaroc King�s incessant pecking and 
the rising water to survive. If you keep up the pace and don�t make any 
mistakes, you should be able to do it. If you fall behind and the King pecks 
away a wooden walkway ahead of you, wait for the water to rise enough to swim 
to the other side. After a while, the water stops rising. If you slow down and 
he pecks away a platform ahead of you now, quickly get out your Grappling Hook 
and swing across the gap before he pecks you again. You�ll also encounter 
Bokoblin cleverly hiding in pots along the walkway and jumping at you when you 
get close, but ignore them and roll past; you can�t waste any time. As you 
reach the top of the tower, the King blocks the entire pathway off from you. 
Get out your Skull Hammer and give his mask a good whack to knock him into the 
water. Continue on and climb up to a large, spike-lined platform above the 
tower. Triple doors start to close around where you came out, but the Helmaroc 
King zooms out at the last moment to fight you. Now that the battle has begun, 
the Helmaroc King has three attacks. He begins by (and spends most of his time) 
swooping around the arena, periodically raking his claw across it. Run and roll 
to one side as he approaches, and you�ll easily dodge the attack. After he 
eventually gets tired of this, he lands and engages you more closely. Keep 
close to the King; if you�re far away he starts beating his wings to push you 
into the spikes around the arena. If he does, run and roll towards him to avoid 
getting skewered. When you�re closer, keep moving; he�ll try to peck you. When 
he rears his head back to prepare for this, start side-hopping and the attack 
should miss.

-Offensive Strategy-
To defeat the Helmaroc King, you�ll need your Skull Hammer. (what else?) Dodge 
his attacks until he starts trying to peck you again. (I think you can induce 
this by running around close to his feet) When he misses, his beak gets stuck 
in the floor. Get out the Skull Hammer and give his mask a good whack to crack 
it. Wait for him to peck again and keep doing this three more times until his 
mask breaks off. (he�s pretty ugly under there; no wonder he wore a mask!) Keep 
having him miss pecking you and get stuck, but this time attack his head with 
your sword. 10 good sword hits defeat the big bird.

Difficulty: **
Like many Bosses, Jalhalla is a giant version of one of his minions, in this 
case Poes. He�s been left by Ganondorf to guard the seal on the Master Sword�s 
power in the deepest room of the Earth Temple.

-Defensive Strategy-
Jalhalla has four attacks to speak of. In his first, he sucks up air around him 
to drag you closer, then fires a blast of fire from his lantern. Run and roll 
away from him when he does this to hopefully avoid the attack. He also uses an 
outward wind gust to blow you towards the spikes lining the room; run and roll 
towards him in this case. At close range, he can also shoot fireballs from the 
lantern. This attack can be tough to avoid; your best bet is to run away. 
Finally, he can jinx you like any other Poe if you get too close to him. 
(unfortunately, he doesn�t sacrifice himself to do this) In general, always 
keep a good distance away from Jalhalla and the spikes around the room.

-Offensive Strategy-
Like with normal Poes, the secret to defeating Jalhalla is in the light beams 
the periodically appear and disappear around the room. When you see one, 
quickly run into it, face Jalhalla, and start reflecting light onto him. The 
beam won�t disappear once you start shining it on Jalhalla, so don�t worry. As 
usual, this makes him physical. Run over and pick him up with the Power 
Bracelets, then turn and throw him at one of the spiked pillars around the 
room. When he hits it, he briefly splits up into 15-20 regular Poes, who start 
running around and can be killed like any other Poes. You can attack them 
normally with the Boomerang and Master Sword, but this will take much too long. 
Instead, charge up a Hurricane Spin (you DID get it from Orca by now, didn�t 
you?) as Jalhalla helplessly rolls towards a pillar and inch after him. Once he 
splits into regular Poes, let the Hurricane Spin fly! If you control Link well 
during this, you should be able to take out a good portion of the Poes over a 
few seconds this way. Once they reform, find a beam of light and repeat the 
process until you�ve destroyed all of Jalhalla�s Poes.

Difficulty: *
Unlike the other levels, the Wind Temple has an actual miniboss instead of a 
normal enemy. (or three) He�s basically a stronger version of the Summoning 
Wizzrobes you�ll start seeing after you beat him, and is recognizable by his 
orange robes and golden headdress. Before you start finding out how to beat 
him, TAKE HIS PICTOGRAPH! You only get one shot to take it per game. Try to 
kill off all his summoned enemies first. After you�ve taken three good 
Pictographs of him, save and quit to return to the Dungeon entrance, leave and 
go to your boat, warp to Forest Haven, and pay Carlov a quick visit to see if 
he accepts it. If not, try again; if he does, keep reading.

-Defensive Strategy-
The Wizzrobe�s first attack is a triple fireball attack, just like any other 
Wizzrobe�s. Your Mirror Shield can block it, but it�s easy to dodge from a 
distance. What really makes this battle hard is the enemies the Wizzrobe 
summons. Unlike Summoning Wizzrobes, it can summon anything, from Chuchus to 
Kargarocs to Darknuts! (he always begins by summoning a Summoning Wizzrobe and 
a Darknut) This can make finding and attacking the Wizzrobe tough, but you 
should ignore the Summoned enemies unless they�re starting to keep you from the 

-Offensive Strategy-
Beating the Wizzrobe is simple; just get out your Fire Arrows and shoot it 
three times. The only hard part is getting locked onto it with all the other 
enemies out to kill you. Always keep running to hopefully avoid them, and 
switch targets until you can lock onto him and shot a Fire Arrow. Like I said 
before, completely concentrate on the Wizzrobe unless it�s becoming impossible 
to get to him. If you have to, quickly exterminate all his summoned minions so 
you can keep him from summoning any more by interrupting the process with Fire 
Arrows. Also, remember that after you defeat the Wizzrobe, you�ll still have to 
take on all its protege.

Difficulty: ***
The Boss of the Wind Temple, Molgera is a giant sand worm reminiscent of 
Twinmold from Majora�s Mask. (luckily, there is only one worm) Like Jalhalla, 
it was assigned to guard the seal on the Master Sword�s power.

-Defensive Strategy-
Molgera begins by burrowing underneath the sand that fills your arena. He�s 
then rise out of the sand beneath you. You can tell where Molgera will appear 
because the sand over it darkens and starts to sink down. If it appears under 
you (as usual) run away and roll to escape. When it rises from the sand, its 
only attack is to eat you if you get close. Stay completely out of the sand 
hole except when you�re about to attack, or it will eat you, doing an entire 
two Hearts of damage! Molgera also sometimes rises out of the sand and somehow 
flies around roaring and showing off its ugliness, then tries to burrow down on 
top of you. The attack is easy to dodge if you keep track of Molgera. The 
biggest threat in this battle are the several worm larvae Molgera summons after 
you take away a quarter of its health. (most likely by reeling its tongue in 
once) These worms burrow in and out of the sand, trying to ram into you. They 
don�t attack often; their main purpose is to keep you from L-targeting Molgera. 
L-target them, drag them next to you, and attack them with your sword. Two 
sword hits defeats a Molgera larvae until Molgera dives under the sand and 

-Offensive Strategy-
The secret to beating Molgera is much like that of Gohma, only more 
complicated. Like with Gohma, you have to drag its vulnerable part next to you 
(this time its tongue, with the Hookshot) and attack it with your sword. The 
only complication is that there are now extra targets to draw your fire. You�ll 
probably have to quickly slay a few larvae before you can target Molgera. They 
can drop hearts when you beat them. Stay well away from its sand hole as you do 
so, or you�ll turn into worm food. Molgera won�t move (I think) unless it gets 
a good bite out of you first. Once you can L-target it, repeatedly fire the 
Hookshot at Molgera�s tongue so you don�t get any closer than you have to be. 
Once you hit the tongue and drag it to you, attack it with your sword. You�ll 
have to drag its tongue to you and attack 4 times to defeat Molgera.

As you confront Ganondorf for the final time at the top of Ganon�s Tower, he 
morphs into a gargantuan puppet! You�ll have to defeat all three of Puppet 
Ganon�s forms to continue on to your final showdown. One other thing to 
remember: take Puppet Ganon�s Pictograph! If you take one of his first form, 
you�ll have to be at the other side of the room to get his entire body. After 
you get one, return to the Nintendo Gallery as you did with Wizzrobe.


Difficulty: ***
Puppet Ganon�s first form resembles a Moblin, only about 100 times bigger. In 
difficulty, he�s the middle of the three forms; you shouldn�t have too much 
trouble with it.

-Defensive Strategy-
The first form�s only attack is a long-reaching punch. The attack is very easy 
to roll away from if you see it coming, but that can be hard to do when you�re 
attacking it. Luckily, Puppet Ganon can�t damage you by touching you. He can 
also summon Keese to fight you, but they are easily dispatched with the 
Boomerang or the Master Sword, if the �Rang�s busy. The Keese also drop refills 

-Offensive Strategy-
To damage any of Puppet Ganon�s three forms, you have to shoot the blue orb on 
its tail with a Light Arrow. Your battle against the Moblin form is much like 
your fight with Kalle Demos. You have to use your Boomerang to cut the strings 
Puppet Ganon is hanging from. Puppet Ganon doesn�t have as many strings as 
Kalle Demos had vines, but each string takes two Boomerang hits to cut. 
Remember, the red string supporting Puppet Ganon�s back can�t be cut, or locked 
onto. Also, likes Kalle Demos, Puppet Ganon�s strings come back if you take too 
long to cut them. Cutting the strings supporting Puppet Ganon�s head or legs 
does nothing except make him go limp. If you cut the strings holding his arms, 
he can�t punch you. The string you really want to cut, however, is the one 
supporting his tail. As you cut the others, Puppet Ganon�s blue-orbed tail 
starts twitching around faster and faster, making it impossible to hit. (you 
can�t lock onto his tail in any form, only his head or body) Once his tail 
string is cut, he hangs completely limp. Quickly run around to the back and 
shoot his tail orb with a Light Arrow before he retracts and reties some of his 
strings. Either way, he is raised up to the ceiling and comes back down as good 
as new. Repeat this process twice more; three Light Arrows to his tail defeats 
this form.


Difficulty: *-***
Puppet Ganon�s second form is very easy. He takes the form of a huge tarantula 
now, but don�t worry; this battle won�t last long.

-Defensive Strategy-
The tarantula�s main attack is to lower itself down onto you. You should be 
able to avoid the attack by running to the side of the arena. Soon after 
lowering, he�ll retract the red thread and raises himself back to the ceiling. 
(you never got to say goodbye!) He leaves some Keese behind to keep you busy as 
he prepares to lower again.

-Offensive Strategy-
It seems impossible to hit the tarantula�s tail in the short time it lowers, 
but there�s a way. Use the C-stick to zoom the camera out as far as it will go. 
You can now see Puppet Ganon, reflected in the water! After it finishes 
spinning and is about to lower, quickly run so that the orb will be next to you 
when it lowers. Get out your Light Arrows, and shoot the tail orb. The only 
trouble you might have is getting out from under the Tarantula�s massive form 
in time, but this shouldn�t stop you. It couldn�t be simpler; this form won�t 
last long against you.


Difficulty: **-*****
Making up for the easiness of the previous form, Puppet Ganon�s snake form is 
almost every sane Zelda player�s least favorite boss. (though they may not stay 
that way for long when trying to beat him)

-Defensive Strategy-
The snake form thunders around the arena quickly and unpredictably, dropping 
Morths as it goes. (like with the earlier Keese, these Morths drop refills) 
Run, roll, and jump away from the snake as fast as you can to hopefully avoid 
its rampage. It mainly starts by going to one side of the room, then turning 
around and in on itself to utterly clobber anything near it. It�s hard to 
escape this torturous battle without taking heavy damage, but try to avoid its 
attacks anyway.

-Offensive Strategy-
Hitting the orb on the snake�s tail is tough, as it almost never pauses. 
Hitting the beast�s head with the Master Sword, a Light Arrow, or a Bomb 
temporarily stuns it, but you�ll still have an extremely tough time hitting its 
tail before Puppet Ganon starts moving again. A slightly less risky strategy is 
to keep your distance locked onto Puppet Ganon, keep a light arrow ready, and 
shoot as the tail passes in front of you, hoping for the best. In my opinion, 
though, you don�t need to L-target. Instead, stand in one place and get ready 
to fire a Light Arrow. Keep in mind that wherever the Snake�s head goes, its 
tail must follow. If the snake�s head passes by your line of fire, you can be 
sure its tail will, too. If you have good enough timing and practice, you can 
hit the tail orb as it passes by with ease. I beat the snake easily and quickly 
with this method, so I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to escape this 
fight with little damage. It may still take some timing and several tries to 
hit the tail, and try to do it from as close to the snake as possible. Lastly, 
note the wooden platforms around the room. If Puppet Ganon ignores you for a 
few seconds, you can Hookshot to the side of one of these platforms and climb 
up. You�ll be safe from the snake here, but it�s also extremely hard to snipe 
the tail with Light Arrows. Lobbing Bombs down at him from above can stun him 
and give you a tiny amount of time. (Switch to and prepare a Light Arrow 
immediately after throwing a Bomb so you can shoot quickly if it hits his head) 
Either way, this battle is mostly luck and timing; it�s one of the hardest in 
the game. (of course, this isn�t saying much) If you have to, now is a good 
time to use the Potion glitch. (check out the Tips and Secrets section)

Difficulty: ****
After you reach the top of Ganon�s Tower, you have your final showdown with the 
Great King of Evil himself, Ganondorf! Rather than attack you with magic, he 
instead draws two samurai swords and swordfights you! At last, it�s time to 
have a civilized battle, where the only objective is to brutally slice the 
living **** out of each other. Strangely enough, this battle is nowhere near 
the difficulty or length of the last fight, but you�ll still likely take some 

-Defensive Strategy-
Since Ganondorf assaults you with his sword, simply L-targeting him and keeping 
your shield out protects you from most of his skillful attacks. (excepting a 
low kick) Unfortunately, you can�t do any damage to him this way. Constantly 
backing and jumping away from Ganondorf is the best way to avoid damage.

-Offensive Strategy-
If you try to attack Ganondorf, he blocks your attack and counters it. (you 
didn�t expect to get away with actually doing something, did you?) The only way 
to do any damage to Ganondorf to parry his sword attacks. Unfortunately, for 
some reason only the final attack in his combo can be parried. Try to back away 
from Ganondorf and/or sidestep to stay out of his reach, then quickly parry the 
final attack. (it doesn�t matter if it misses you) After you parry Ganondorf�s 
attack, he�ll be stunned, allowing you to unload a beating on him. Also, Zelda 
has taken your Hero�s Bow and Light Arrows for this fight. She circles around 
you and Ganondorf, trying to shoot him with Light Arrows. If he�s simply moving 
around or attacking, he�ll backflip across the arena to nimbly dodge the Light 
Arrow. If she hits him while he�s laughing in conclusion of an attack, however, 
he�ll be stunned as if you parried his attack, and you can hit him the same 
way. In rare cases, Zelda may miss and hit you, but this almost never happens. 
You shouldn�t depend on Zelda�s sporadic support to win, though. 

When Zelda blasts Ganondorf for the second or third time, he gets annoyed by 
her help and backhands her! You won�t be able to rely on her Light Arrows at 
all now, and Ganondorf�s attacks get slightly faster. Keep up your strategy, 
parrying his attacks and hitting him with your sword until this phase ends.

Eventually, Zelda wakes up. Ganondorf gets even more skilled now, blocking your 
parries and her Light Arrows. Approach and talk to Zelda and she tells you she 
has a plan. She�ll reflect a Light Arrow off you Mirror Shield to take 
Ganondorf by surprise, letting you attack him again. Quickly shuffle across the 
wet arena so that you�re locked onto Ganondorf, with Zelda close to either side 
of him. Remember, she�s aiming at you, so keep your shield up or you�ll get 
hit! If you have your shield up, you�ll reflect the Light Arrow like any other 
light, directly at Ganondorf. Now that he�s stunned, it�s time to deliver the 
final blow. Approach Ganondorf with your sword out, and press A (yes, A, not B) 
when it turns into the splat icon. Link leaps over Ganondorf�s head, and drives 
the Master Sword into his forehead! Utterly defeated, Ganondorf turns into 
stone. Congratulations; you�ve beaten the game! Now, enjoy the ending! DO IT!!!
12. Secret Caves (Scrcv)

Secret Caves are large caverns located underneath many islands across the Great 
Sea. Recognizable by the roughly circular entry holes, Secret Caves can provide 
the most challenging battles or puzzles you�ll ever face. Once you solve the 
puzzle or defeat the enemies residing in a Secret Cave, a treasure chest 
typically appears to reward you. To exit a Secret Cave, step into the light... 
Go into the light... Move towards the light... Sorry. Anyway, it somehow causes 
you to float back to the surface as the lights in Boss rooms do.

Requirements: Bombs, Boomerang recommended
Reward: Piece of Heart
To reach this Secret Cave, set sail for Star Island. (A2) Once you land there, 
Bomb the large, cracked rock on the island�s southwest �point.� Drop down the 
revealed secret cavern. Inside, defeat 3 Magtails, 2 Bokoblin, 2 Shield 
Bokoblin, and 2 Moblins, in that order. It shouldn�t be too hard at any point. 
After you�ve defeated them all, a chest containing a Piece of Heart appears.

Requirements: Hookshot, Wind Waker; Boomerang, Bombs, and Fire Arrows highly 
Reward: Triforce Chart 8
Set sail for Overlook Island (A7) to reach one of the most fun Secret Caves in 
the game. Get up onto the island much as you did Diamond Steppe Island; 
Hookshot onto the lowest palm tree from the rocky ground or your boat, then 
repeat this to climb the island to the top. (you�ll have to avoid some fired 
Bombs unless you sink the nearby Cannon Boats) Once you reach the highest part 
of the Island, the Secret Cave you drop into has the exact same layout and 
process as the one at Stone Watcher Island, except the enemies are tougher. As 
before, the 2 doors on either side of the entrance and exit doors lead to rooms 
containing enemies that you have to fight. Clockwise from the entry door:
-3 Armos Knights: This room seems intimidating, but it doesn�t need to be hard. 
Keep moving away from the Armos Knights, but keep close enough to throw a Bomb 
into their mouths when they open. When you do, quickly sidestep to avoid being 
mowed down and repeat twice. If possible, try to use the bomb flowers near the 
corners of the room.
-2 Stalfos: This can be a little tough. Either Bomb a Stalfos or stun it with 
the Boomerang and unload a sword combo to break it apart, then stun the roving 
head and attack it until it dies. Repeat with the other Stalfos. Be very 
careful not to get within clubbing range of one Stalfos as you attack another!
-2 Summoning Wizzrobes: This can get ugly. As with all Summoning Wizzrobes, 
focus on them first and their spawn second. Quickly lock onto and attack both 
of the Wizzrobes with Fire Arrows as they appear. When they reappear, quickly 
repeat for both of them to kill them. If you were fast enough, they won�t get a 
chance to summon anything. After you�ve killed both the Wizzrobes and their 
summons, you can continue on.
-5 Shield Bokoblin: This room seems empty at first; the Shield Bokoblin are 
hiding in pots. L-target before you approach a pot and to a jump attack to get 
closer. If you did it right, the Bokoblin will try to assault you from the pot, 
but get intercepted in midair by your attack. You won�t be able to do this for 
every pot; use the standard Boomerang-sword combo to finish them off.

Once you beat all 4 rooms, 4 Darknuts instead of 2 await in the central room. 
This is going to be lots of fun... Take these Darknuts out as you did the 2 
before. Focus on getting their armor off quickly and abuse your shield; they 
may knock each other apart and open up to attack if they hit each other. This 
battle really shouldn�t be too hard, and makes great practice for the final 
room of the Savage Labyrinth. Once you beat all 4, break the pillars that 
remain and then enter the final room and get the Triforce Chart as you did at 
Stone Watcher Island.

Requirements: None; Bombs recommended
Reward: Piece of Heart, Joy Pendant, Purple Rupee
At Pawprint Isle, (B5) land on the large �paw� isle and you�ll notice a strange 
dome. Cut aside the grass around it to reveal a tiny entrance you can crawl 
through, and then enter the Secret Cave through the hole inside. This cave is 
teaming with Red Chuchus and grass filled with Green Rupees and Bombs. Though 
there are cracked rocks in here, you don�t need Bombs to get this Piece of 
Heart. Defeat all the Chuchus in the two rooms you can access and the chest 
containing the Heart Piece appears. If you do have Bombs, you can blow open the 
rocks to reveal two passages leading to a Joy Pendant and Purple Rupee.

Requirements: Hookshot, Fire Arrows; Boomerang recommended
Reward: Silver Rupee
Pawprint Isle has the near-unique honor of housing two Secret Caves on its 
premises. Before heading to the harder second one, it�s a VERY good idea to 
sink the nearby Cannon Boat first, if you don�t want it taking cheap shots at 
you as you enter the Cave. Ones that�s taken care of, notice the strange tree 
on the �toe� second to the left. Use the Hookshot to reach the leftmost toe, 
then fire it again at the strange tree. Once you get up to that toe, drop into 
the Secret Cave. You�ll face a very tough and annoying battle here. You�ll 
fight a total of 6 Summoning Wizzrobes, in waves of 1, 2, and 3. The first two 
waves should be easy; if you�re quick, you should be able to kill them with 
Fire Arrows without them summoning anything. If they do, kill it quickly and 
then concentrate on the remaining Wizzrobes. The third wave can get tough. Even 
if you quickly lock onto and shoot 2 of the Wizzrobes, the third will still 
summon a weak enemy. Make killing the Wizzrobes your first priority no matter 
what. If the Cave is too hard, try coming back once you get the Light Arrows.

Requirements: Bombs or Power Bracelets
Reward: Purple Rupee
Either blow up or lift and throw the giant, cracked rock on Dragon Roost Island 
(B6) near the Wind Shrine to reveal a Secret Cave. Once you enter the main room 
from the entry, the cave works much like Overlook or Stone Watcher Island�s 
caves. Entering one of the 4 side passages, strangely enough, brings you back 
to the main room, except with enemies. Because the reward is so much smaller 
for this cave, then enemies are all much weaker; you�ll face some Keese, 
Chuchus, or Miniblin. It should be pretty easy to go through all 4 doors, 
defeat the enemies that appear, and enter the final room to claim the 50 

Requirements: Bombs; Boomerang recommended
Reward: Treasure Chart 37
The Rock Spire Isle (C2) Cave�s entrance is on the highest spire on the Isle�s 
southwest side. Unfortunately, you�ll have to get to it by hopping across some 
other spires, which conveniently happen to be covered by cracked boulders. It 
seems like you have to start at the northeast and use proper timing to Bomb 
your way across, but don�t be fooled. Pull up on the KoRL on either side of the 
Isle, get out your cannon, and blow up each of the rocks. Once they�re all 
gone, come ashore and jump across to the Cave entrance. (by the way, don�t 
bother with the small, shorter spire on the southeast side of the Isle; nothing 
is under it)
Once you get inside, check out the darkened cave. Oh, it�s one of those �light 
the torches to get something� deals! Grab a Boko Stick from the pot, light it 
on one of the torches near the light beam, and light the two unlit ones with 
it. Get ready for a shock; you�re rewarded by being assaulted by a ridiculously 
insane amount of Keese! Rapidly L-target a Keese and tap the �Rang button; keep 
up this cycle at a feverish pace until the Keese are dead. Expect to take some 
damage from the flying horde. After all the Keese are dead, a chest containing 
Treasure Chart 37 appears.

Requirements: Ice Arrows; Boomerang highly recommended
Reward: Power Bracelets
The Secret Cave at Fire Mountain (C6) is one of the few required ones. It�s 
also one of the harder to reach. The Secret Cave entrance is at the top of the 
massive volcano, and conveniently enough it�s spurting out lava to block your 
entry. The lava pours down the sides of the volcano and prevents you from even 
climbing onto its shore. Pull out your Ice Arrows and shoot the huge plume of 
lava with one from your boat to cool the island down slightly. You now have 5 
minutes to enter the Secret Cave and collect your treasure, the Power 
Bracelets. Quickly get onto the island and climb up its rocky exterior. The 
trail isn�t too hard, and you only have to worry about a lone Kargaroc trying 
to stop you. After you enter the mountain, you emerge in a lava-filled cavern 
with Fire Keese and Magtails. Quickly defeat the nearby Fire Keese with the 
Boomerang or your sword, then hop across some hardened rock on the nearby lava 
bed. Be quick; the platforms sink a few seconds after you step on them and the 
clock is still ticking! There are several Magtails in this clearing. Defeat 
them with parry attacks as usual. Once all the Fire Keese and Magtails are 
destroyed, an ornate chest appears on a plinth. Open it to receive the Power 
Bracelets. This stops the timer, so you don�t have to worry about the volcano 
erupting while you�re in it. Use your new accessories to lift a nearby stone 
head, revealing a tunnel leading back to the exit.

Requirements: Fire Arrows
Reward: Orange Rupee
Once you have the Fire Arrows, you can use them to melt the ice covering a 
Secret Cave on the northwest side of Needle Rock Isle. (E1) When you drop down 
into the Cave, you don�t face a battle; instead you have to complete a puzzle 
with the fire arrows. The setup of the area is similar to the Diamond Steppe 
Island Secret Cave, except there are no Warp Jars, meaning you�re confined to a 
single clearing. From there, you have to find and light 6 torches hidden in the 
Cave with Fire Arrows. The pots around the room contain Magic and Arrow 
refills. The torch locations are:
1.	Right in front of you as you come in.
2.	Just beyond the railing you face when you enter the room. Move some pots 
aside from the left side of the railing and shoot the torch through it.
3.	Behind a far railing up high, above a net and looking through the near 
4.	On top of a tall shipwreck that�s to the left when you enter the Cave.
5.	On the forward end of a smaller ship to the right of you when you enter.
6.	High, high up and far, far away on top of a crow�s nest between torches 3 
and 4. You�ll probably need the Telescope to see it.

Once you light all 6 torches, a chest containing an Orange Rupee appears.

Requirements: Power Bracelets, Wind Waker; Boomerang and Fire Arrows highly 
Reward: Triforce Chart 7
To get started on Stone Watcher Island�s (E3) Secret Cave, land on its shores 
and climb to the partially enclosed area on top. Once there, you�ll find the 
island�s namesake-a giant stone head. Use the Power Bracelets to lift and 
shatter the statue, then drop down into the Secret Cave. In here, you�ll 
encounter a mini-dungeon. There are 6 doors ringing the pillared central 
chamber. The one directly across where you entered from leads to the Chart, but 
it�s sealed at the start. The 2 doors on either side of it contain battles; the 
enemies appear as soon as you enter. Clockwise starting from the entry door, 
the rooms are:
-4 Armos: This shouldn�t be hard. Draw your sword as they approach or before 
entering the room, lock onto one, and keep your shield up. Step (don�t jump) to 
the side as they charge, then quickly drop your shield and attack as they pass. 
If you timed your attack right, you�ll strike a crystalline posterior or two. 
If you�re having trouble pulling this off, stun the Armos from the front with 
an arrow first. Once all 4 are dead, collect the spoils and head to the next 
-2 Moblins: Also an easy fight. Since there are only two, rapidly stun one with 
the Boomerang, release and hit L, and stun the other. Then unload a sword combo 
on one or both of them. Keep your shield up when not attacking and repeat until 
both die.
-3 Wizzrobes: This can get slightly annoying. As soon as you enter, lock onto a 
Wizzrobe and blast it with a Fire Arrow, quickly repeat, then dodge the fire 
blast of the final Wizzrobe. Stun this one with the Boomerang and finish it 
with the Master Sword.
-5 Bokoblin: You might take a little damage here. Stun a Bokoblin, then kill it 
with a sword combo and repeat. Keep moving to avoid attack.

After you beat each room, a flame above its door light in the main room. Once 
you beat all 4 rooms, you�ll return to the main room to find 2 Darknuts waiting 
for you. NOW things get fun. Use standard techniques on the Darknuts to beat 
them; keep close to your target so you�ll do a jumping parry. Once you�ve 
removed the helmets of each, stun them and remove their armor, then repeat and 
attack until they die. Also, take note that the pillars ringing the room and be 
destroyed by Darknut swords. (it doesn�t matter whether you or they wield them) 
After defeating both Darknuts, enter the now-unsealed door. Play the Wind�s 
Requiem on the Wind Crest and claim the Triforce Chart.

Requirements: Grappling Hook, Cabana Deed, Skull Hammer, Wind Waker; Boomerang 
Reward: Triforce Chart 2
After you�ve attained the deed to your Private Cabana, (E5) sail to it and 
enter. One inside, look up and you�ll see a Grapple switch like the one in 
Dragon Roost Cavern. When you Grapple onto it, a secret passage in the 
fireplace is revealed! Drop down the hole to enter your private dungeon. This 
place is basically a large maze filled with gates you have to open by pounding 
stakes. You�ll often find yourself crawling around the crawlspaces in the 
dungeon�s basement to get from room to room. Besides getting lost, your only 
concerns are some wandering Rats (keep your Boomerang ready) and two Redead 
you�ll encounter after dropping down an earthy hole. Luckily, they take a while 
to scream at you, so if you locate them quickly you should be able to take them 
out with a Master Sword combo. Rather than provide a walkthrough for the Cave, 
I�ll provide a map:


             /     \
            |   LB  |           KEY
            |       |           L# = Ladder
             \     /            G = Gate
              \   /             S = Stake
              |   |             LB = Light Beam to Cabana
              |   |             H = Hole
          ____|   |   _______   R = Redead
 _____   |        |  |       |  T = Triforce Chart and Wind Crest
| L2  |  |   __   |  |   L1  |  V = Vases with Rupees
|   __|  |   ||   |  |       |  C = Chest containing Orange Rupee
|  |_____|   ||   |__|       |
|            ||     G  S   S |
|   _________||___________   |
|  |__________        ____| G|
|  G  S       |      |       |
|___          |_____ |  L4   |
 ___|               ||_______|
|  H                |
|_____              |____
|    G___________        |
|  S |___        |  L3   |
|        |       |       |
|    L5 T|       |_______|


 ___            _____     ____
| V |     _____|  L1 |   |    |
|   |    |     |_____|  _|    |
|___|    |             |  |   |
|        |          ___|  |  _|_         ________
|________|         |    C | |   |       |     ___|_
         |         |______| |   |___    |    |     |
         |         ____     |L4     |___|    | L3  |
         |______  |    |    |_______|        |_____|
         |      | |    |     ___
         |      | |  R |    |L5 |
   ______|      | |____|    |   |
 _|_     |______|    |      |___|
|   |       |   |    |          |
|   |       |L2 |    |          |
| V |       |___|    |__________|

Requirements: Bombs
Reward: Piece of Heart
Bomb the large boulder on top of Bomb Island (E6) to uncover a Secret Cave. 
Drop down into it to find a lava-filled secret cavern. In the first room, stun 
a Magtail with the Grappling Hook as it rears up to attack you, then pick it up 
and place it on the switch to open the door. Run through to the next room. In 
here, walk along the short, narrow pathway to the left. Be careful not to fall 
into the lava! Hit the switch at the end of the path to extinguish two rings of 
fire on a nearby path, then carefully walk back and head along the longer path 
to a large, open area. More Magtails attack you here. Stun them as before, but 
make sure there is plenty of room behind them so they don�t roll into the lava 
when you do. Once one is stunned, pick it up and throw it between either pair 
of torches on the edges of the area, into the rock of fire beyond. If you threw 
the Magtail right, it depresses a switch inside the ring and stays stunned for 
the rest of your time here. If you miss, try again. Once both switches are 
pressed, one more ring of fire goes out. Run along the narrow path to it and 
open the chest to claim a Piece of Heart.

Requirements: Hero�s Bow, Hyoi Pear, Wind Waker
Reward: Triforce Chart 3
The Bird�s Peak Rock (E7) Secret Cave isn�t hard at all; the challenge is 
getting in. Before attempting it, up on Hyoi Pears. Land on the small island 
southeast of the rock, and look to the bottom of a small plateau. The hole 
leading down to the cavern with the Triforce Chart is there, but it�s blocked 
off by a gate. To get there, you�ll have to hit crystal switches on top of each 
of the 5 rocks. Since this is obviously impossible by yourself, you�ll need to 
control a Seagull with a Hyoi Pear. Before you do, get out your Hero�s Bow and 
use it to snipe the 3 Kargarocs nesting on 3 of the peaks. (you may need your 
telescope to spot them) The highest peak and the nearest one don�t have 
Kargarocs. You�ll probably have to move around the island to get in position to 
hit all 3, and you might even have to Grapple onto the plateau by climbing up 
from the sideways post on its right side. After all the peaks are clear, 
(except a lone Kargaroc circling the highest peak) get onto the lower part of 
the island and use a Hyoi Pear. If you took out the 3 Kargarocs, the first 4 
switches will be easy. After that, have the Seagull fly back over the island 
you�re on and flap to gain altitude until it�s level with the highest peak. Fly 
straight towards the crystal switch and try not to hit the Kargaroc. If you�re 
having trouble with this, try luring the Kargaroc near you with a seagull so 
you can kill it. After you hit all 5 switches, the gate blocking off the Cave 
opens. Drop down inside it and walk up to the pedestal. Grab the Rupees in the 
vases and play the Wind�s Requiem on the Wind Crest to make the chest appear.

Requirements: Hookshot; Boomerang recommended
Reward: Ghost Ship Chart
To get the necessary Ghost Ship Chart, head to Diamond Steppe Island (F1) and 
sail up next to the lowest �step� on the raised island. Fire the Hookshot at 
the palm tree on this step from your boat to get up onto it. Repeat this 
process to climb the scenic island (be careful not to fall into the water) 
until you reach the highest step, where you�ll see the Secret Cave. Drop down 
into it. You�ll have to endure an ancient ship graveyard/Warp Jar maze filled 
with Floormasters to reach the Chart. If you enter a bad jar, you�ll return to 
the entrance and have to start over. (even worse, the Floormasters return) Here 
are the directions to reach the Chart:
-Enter the lone Warp Jar ahead of you from the entrance.
-In the next area, go around the wooden barrier ahead of you. There should be a 
Floormaster behind it; defeat it. Pick up and break the jar with a Boko Stick 
in it, then light it on a nearby torch, run back, and burn off the covering 
from the jar the Floormaster was guarding.
-You�ll emerge near a small chest containing a Joy Pendant. After claiming it, 
drop off through a gap in the railing next to the wall.
-Defeat the nearby Floormaster here, (and the other one if you want) break the 
Boko Stick jar, and use a lit stick to burn off the covering of the jar closest 
to where you dropped into the area and go in.
-Defeat the nearby Floormaster on this platform and burn off the covering of 
the jar diagonally across from the one you entered in as you�ve done before. 
Then enter it. (what else?)
-Finally, defeat the Floormaster here, climb the stairs, and circle around the 
railing ahead of you. Get the Ghost Ship Chart in the chest, then drop down 
through the gap and enter the light beam to return.

Requirements: Iron Boots, Skull Hammer, Boomerang highly recommended
Reward: Silver Rupee
The Secret Cave under Shark Island (F3) is completely optional, but it is one 
of the most fun areas in the game! The entrance to the cave is visible as soon 
as you come to the Island, but it�s surrounded by flames. To enter it, you�ll 
have to quickly activate all four switches around the islands: an Iron Boots 
switch, a crystal switch, a pressure switch, and a stake. There�s a time limit 
to this, so you�ll have to plan what you do. Before trying to activate the 
switches, cut down all the saplings and large bushes on the island; the hinder 
your movement and a rectangle of saplings near the pressure switch contains 
Green Rupees. After that, go to Shark Island�s �tail� and stand on the Iron 
Boots switch. Pop your Iron Boots on and off, then run and roll along the 
shark�s �body,� drawing your sword as you go. Once you reach the open area of 
the island (near the flaming Cave entrance) turn to the left and whack the 
crystal switch with your sword. Turn to the right, climb up the small ledge, 
and step on the pressure switch. Jump down and turn left, pull out the Skull 
Hammer, and whack the stake on the peninsula. This triggers two things; the 
disappearance of the flames and the appearance of a whirlwind off the island�s 
southwest coast. Use the whirlwind to reach a Blue Chuchu if you want, but then 
enter the Cave. (Random Trivia: The flames stay down forever after, but the 
whirlwind must be reactivated the same way at each visit)
Once inside, inch forward and get ready. You�re about to fight a small army of 
enemies of many types; Miniblin, Shield and regular Bokoblin, Moblins, Red 
Wizzrobes, and even Darknuts. (with and without bucklers) You�ll fight an 
incredible amount of enemies here attacking you in multiple waves from all 
angles. Talk about a blast. As in just about everything in life, start small 
and end big; concentrate on any nearby Miniblin or Bokoblin before taking on 
the Moblins and Darknuts. Keep moving and keep your shield up when not 
attacking. Also, remember to take out the sporadically appearing Wizzrobes, 
with Fire Arrows or the Boomerang-sword combo. Even if you�re a Zelda master 
you�ll probably be hit a few times. If you do, feel free to break open a 
Treasure Sphere if you�re sure you can gather its contents (especially Heart 
refills and battle spoilers) quickly enough. There will be so many, the game 
can�t even support them anyway. If you�re having too much trouble, (this should 
be fun!) try coming back once you get Light Arrows to blast the Darknuts with. 
(and Moblins, if you wish) After you defeat all the enemies, a chest containing 
a Silver Rupee appears. It may not seem worth it, but the great battle was its 
own reward!

Requirements: Fire Arrows; Boomerang recommended
Reward: Iron Boots
Fire Mountain�s southern opposite is also surrounded in an extreme temperature. 
Subzero winds blast out of the dragon mouth on Ice Ring Isle; (F5) Link is 
frozen solid as soon as he steps on it. While floating on the northwest side of 
the ring, shoot a Fire Arrow at the plume of icy wind coming from the statue to 
partially defrost the Isle for 5 minutes. Quickly get out of your boat and 
climb onto the Isle. Although you�ve stopped the extreme cold, Ice Ring Isle is 
still covered in (what else?) ice. Tread briskly (no pun intended) but 
carefully to avoid falling off a ledge. If you get off the KoRL on the west 
side of the Isle, a series of ledges leading to the next level will be right in 
front of you. Turn to the right and carefully slide down two icy slopes. (stay 
to the left) After that, very carefully make your way around a narrow ledge 
just above the island�s shore. If you slip too much, try crawling over it. If 
you fall off the right, circle back around to the Isle�s west side and try 
again. If you ever all into frigid water at the center of the Isle, either swim 
back to the west side where you got up and climb some ledges, or get onto a 
low-floating circular platform in the lake. From there, jump onto a platform 
with a Blue Rupee and then to the icy ledge. From there Continue around the 
Isle until you reach an open clearing where the further way is blocked off by 
rough ice. To the left, jump onto a floating ice block; be very careful not to 
fall off! If you mess up, swim to the southwest to the series of ledges leading 
back up. Jump onto a moving block, then ride that one over and jump onto a 
third one and then to the stone dragon head. Climb some stairs and drop into 
the Secret Cave at the top.
At the start of this icy Cave, climb up and slide down a narrow bridge ahead of 
you. If you fall, swim over to a ledge near where you entered and use the 
Grappling Hook the two wood poles above it to climb up. After that bridge, 
you�ll be at a small, near-circular ledge where a few flowers somehow grow 
around a frozen vase. You�ll probably have to deal with some Keese now, so 
dispatch of them with your sword or Boomerang. Climb up two ledges to the left 
and slide down the curving ice slide. Don�t bother trying to get the green 
Rupees you see here; focus on turning to the left and staying on the slide. 
After that, climb up onto another clearing. Open the ornate chest in the solid-
ice dragon�s mouth to get the Iron Boots and stop the timer! Use them to walk 
across the extremely windy ledge leading back to the light beam and exit. If 
you want, enter the �Secret-Secret� Cave first.

Requirements: Iron Boots, Fire Arrows; Boomerang highly recommended
Reward: Orange Rupee
That�s right, Ice Ring Isle has a Secret Cave entrance in its Secret Cave. If 
you walk into the alcove the wind is coming out of on the ledge in the first 
Cave, you�ll find another Secret Cave entrance. Drop into it to emerge in a 
large room filled with icy fog. Several vases are frozen solid in the extreme 
cold, but the main attraction here are several frozen enemies! If you defrost 
and defeat all of them, a chest containing an Orange Rupee appears on a mound. 
(good luck finding it with the low visibility down here) From the left of you 
when you enter the Cave, the giant ice crystals contain a vase, a Moblin, a 
Darknut, 2 Shield Bokoblin, a vase, and another Moblin. After you defeat all 
the enemies and get the Orange Rupee, the light beam returns you directly to 
the surface.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Wind Waker, Hyoi Pear, Deluxe Picto Box
Reward: Nintendo Gallery Figurines
The Secret Cave at Forest Haven (F6) isn�t exactly a cave; instead, it�s an 
underground museum! Also known as the Nintendo Gallery, it�s the home of the 
renowned sculptor Carlov. The Nintendo Gallery is so big, it has its own 
section; check it out to find out about it. Because it�s tall and impassable at 
first, you can�t just land on the island where it is and enter. To enter the 
Gallery, first progress through Forest Haven as you did to enter the Forbidden 
Woods. When you go out onto the ledge high up on the Haven, look to the north 
(or northwest). You�ll see the tall, tree-covered island the entry to the 
Gallery is on. Set the wind to the north or northwest and use the Deku Leaf to 
float to it. Before you go, zoom in on the minimap so you can see when you�re 
floating over the island and drop quickly. Once you get to it, you�ll find that 
a hatch still seals the entry. A young boy named Manny is obsessed with gaining 
entry, but as usual does nothing about it. Use your Telescope to scan the side 
of Forest Haven; you should see a switch in a small alcove high up, to the left 
of the ledge you jumped from. Use a Hyoi Pear to take control of a seagull and 
ram it into the switch to open the hatch and drop a ladder to allow for easier 
entry. Once you drop down, check out the Nintendo Gallery section to find out 
what to do.

Requirements: Deku Leaf, Fire Arrows, Boomerang recommended
Reward: Joy Pendant, Treasure Chart 25
After landing on the smallest rock of Cliff Plateau Isles, (F7) jump over some 
more rocks, passing a Postbox, until you reach a Secret Cave. Drop down to 
enter into one of the more unusual Secret Caves. The first part of the cave is 
a large series or ponds with large, floating platforms on them. Jump from the 
hanging ramps on these platforms to get from one of the next; use the Deku Leaf 
if necessary. You can also use it to blow blasts of air at the leaves attached 
to the platforms to rotate them. Lastly, there are Rupees on the platforms of 
Green, Blue, or Yellow. What you want to do is reach the solid ground above the 
highest tier of floating platforms. (and maybe gather some Rupees) Once here, 
explore the lower area if you want to find some Boko Babas, but then go to the 
bottom of the ramp to the right. Some thorned vines spring up around you, but 
you can squeeze through them unharmed by keeping to the left side of the nearby 
tree trunk. There should be a Boko Baba just beyond this; defeat it and a Baba 
Bud pops out. It can pop you up to the tops of the two tree trunks dominating 
this part of the Cave. Fly up to the one to the left. (when approaching them 
from the floating platforms) Once there, get out to the edge of the walkway on 
it and drop off. You should be able to land next to a small chest containing a 
Joy Pendant, surrounded by vines. After you get it some vines disappear; go 
back and return to the tree trunks. On the one you dropped off of, shoot the 
boarded-up opening ahead with a Fire Arrow and float to it with the Deku Leaf. 
Once you get there, exit the Cave through the light beam to get to the highest 
plateau, where Treasure Chart 25 awaits.

Requirements: Deku Leaf; Bombs recommended
Reward: Treasure Chart 8
Before sailing directly to Horseshoe Island (G1) to gain entry to its Secret 
Cave, it�s HIGHLY recommended you defeat the nearby Cannon Boat first to 
prevent anything bad from happening. After that�s taken care of, land on 
Horseshoe�s southeastern shore. To get to the top cliff of Horseshoe Island, 
you�ll have to play a game of golf. Yes, golf. Deku golf, that is. As you try 
to walk along the island�s ramping surface, vines periodically rise out of the 
ground to block your way. To get rid of them, you�ll have to get a Deku Nut 
into the hole under the flag up ahead. Grab a Deku Nut and throw it at the 
flag. Hopefully it will go in. If not, try again or reposition it with the Deku 
Leaf. Once it falls into the hole, it hits a switch to drop the vines. Repeat 
this again on a narrower part of the walkway, and only one Deku Nut. The last 
Nut starts out beyond the vines, and the ledge is narrow. You�ll have to rely 
solely on your Deku Leaf to get it in; line up a good shot. It might take many 
tries, and you only have until the Deku Nut dries out, rots, and falls apart. 
Once you beat all three holes, continue up to the top of the island and drop 
into a Secret Cave behind Old Man Ho-Ho. Inside, defeat a Mothula and 2 
Wingless Mothulas to create a chest containing Treasure Chart 8. (you may want 
the Fire Arrows to deal with the Winged Mothula) When you exit the cave, you�ll 
probably want to get Treasure Chart 28 while you�re here.

Requirements: Deku Leaf and Wind Waker or Hookshot, Power Bracelets, Mirror 
Shield, Skull Hammer; Boomerang, Fire Arrows, Grappling Hook highly recommended
Reward: About 1200 Rupees, Triforce Chart 6, Piece of Heart
Outset Island (G2) is home to the game�s most extensive (and fun) Secret Cave: 
the Savage Labyrinth. The entrance to it is hidden under a stone head on a high 
plateau behind your Grandma�s house. To gain entry to this mini-dungeon, you 
have 2 options. The first way to reach the Labyrinth is to climb to the top of 
the island�s western mountain. Get on top of the rock you jump off to reach the 
forest, set the wind to the west, and glide all the way over to it. (use your 
Telescope to locate it if necessary) After landing, cut down some plants near a 
palm tree on the plateau to regain some magic. If you�ve done the Wind Temple, 
you can reach it much more easily. Stand on a raised rock behind your Grandma�s 
house and aim the Hookshot up. You�ll be able to latch onto the palm tree on 
the plateau and get up easily. Either way, after getting up, use the Power 
Bracelets to remove the huge stone head and drop into the Savage Labyrinth. 
Once in, get ready to face 51 floors of battles with nearly every enemy in the 
game! The Savage Labyrinth is so massive, it gets its own section; looks 
towards the bottom of the guide to find it or just search for it.

Requirements: Deku Leaf and Wind Waker or Hookshot, Mirror Shield
Reward: Silver Rupee
In case you didn�t know, there is a Secret Cave entrance on the smaller Angular 
Isle. (G5) To reach this isle, you have two options. You can glide to this isle 
from the top of the larger one (by setting the wind to the northeast) and 
dropping as you get next to the palm tree, or use the Hookshot to get up from 
your boat. Once you reach the smaller isle, drop down the hole into the Cave. 
Rather than fight a battle in this cave, you have to solve a block puzzle to 
reach two crossing light beams up high. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of 
the puzzle:
1.	First, move the lone block to the left of the tall stack over to the right 
of it.
2.	Climb on top of the block you just moved and pull out the next one half way.
3.	Climb back down and pull the first block back halfway, out from under the 
4.	Climb back up and pull the second block out the other halfway. The 3 blocks 
above it all fall down into the newly opened space.
5.	Climb on top of the second block and pull the fourth one out halfway.
6.	Climb up on top of the fifth block using the new staircase you created.
7.	You�ll be faced with a final stack of two blocks. Pull out the bottom one 
halfway (while defying the laws of physics) and climb up on top of it, then 
get up onto the highest block.
If you mess up at any point during this process, leave and reenter the Cave to 
reset the blocks. Once you�re at the top, use the Mirror Shield to reflect some 
light from the intersection of light beams at a translucent chest in the 
central mouth/ledge. Once it�s solidified, you can reach it the same way you 
reach the smaller Angular Isle. From the top of the block stack, either glide 
to it with the Deku Leaf or Hookshot onto it. Either way, open the chest to get 
a cool 200 Rupees.
Requirements: Boomerang, Deku Leaf, Wind Waker
Reward: Submarine Chart
Land on the Boating Course (G6), set the wind to blow north, then jump off the 
Course�s accessible islands and use the Deku Leaf to glide under the banner to 
the smaller island. Chop down some foliage here, then drop into the island�s 
Secret Cave. In this cave, you�ll have to hit 3 Crystal Switches on 3 ledges to 
trigger the chest�s appearance. Sounds easy, right? There�s one catch: you�ll 
constantly be under attack from swarms of Miniblin while trying to trigger it. 
Try to stay around the center of the arena as you wipe out all nearby Miniblin 
with sword strikes. Then face in a switch�s general direction, quickly get out 
your Boomerang, and aim. Hopefully you�ll be able to target a switch and throw 
the Boomerang before a Miniblin pokes you. It may take some practice, but after 
you hit all 3 switches, the chest containing the Submarine Chart appears.
13. Sea Platforms (Seplt)

Scattered across the Great Sea are Sea Platforms, heavily guarded centers of 
pirate activity. Visible from far away, these towering platforms are easily 
recognizable. They can be protected by wall-mounted cannons, and often have 
enemies on top of them. You�ll receive treasure for defeating the Platform�s 
defenses; several hold especially valuable treasures. Remember, when trying to 
shoot the wall-mounted cannons with Bombs, stay almost directly under the 
platform; the cannons can�t hit you there. When dealing with the enemies on the 
platforms, try to knock them off into the ocean.

Orientation: South of Star Island (A2)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Golden Feather
The Sea Platform south of Star Island is a pretty typical one, but it slightly 
more heavily guarded. You�ll have to maneuver away from several floating mines 
as you approach the Platform to avoid damage. As usual, take out the 4 wall-
mounted cannons from directly under the platform to avoid damage. Once that�s 
done, climb up onto the platform. 2 Pirate Bokoblin and a Shield Bokoblin await 
use. Keep moving and use your Boomerang to defeat them and claim your prize.

Orientation: South-southwest of Seven-Star Isles (A6)
Number of Platforms: 3
Reward: Treasure Chart 16, Red Rupee, Golden Feather
Near Seven-Star Isles you�ll find 3 Sea Platforms almost touching each other. 
They don�t have cannons, so you can just sail right up. Climb up onto the 
middle one and ready your Fire Arrows. (or at least Arrows) Soon after you 
climb up, special white-robed Wizzrobe Acolytes attack you. Physically, they 
are the same as normal red-hooded Wizzrobes, but they look cooler and like to 
float out over the ocean. You�ll first fight two waves of 1 Wizzrobe each. Keep 
moving and jump from platform to platform if necessary to quickly lock onto and 
shoot the fiends. The third wave sends two Wizzrobes at you. Kill one and dodge 
the other�s fireballs, then shoot it and claim your rewards.

Orientation: Northeast of Pawprint Isle (B5)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Red Rupee
The Sea Platform close to Pawprint Isle is extremely easy. It has no cannons, 
and you�ll only face two weak Pirate Bokoblin when you reach the top. Your 
Boomerang should make this a very easy fight.

Orientation: East-southeast of Western Fairy Island (C1)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Skull Necklace
The Western Fairy Island Sea Platform is pretty standard. If you defeat the 2 
Pirate Bokoblin and 2 Shield Bokoblin on top, a chest with a Skull Necklace 
will appear. Be careful about the Platform�s cannons.

Orientation: Southeast of Rock Spire Isle (C2)
Number of Platforms: 3
Reward: Red Rupee, Orange Rupee, Golden Feather
Near Rock Spire Isle you�ll find 3 Sea Platforms of varying height, lined up. 
Destroy the cannons on each to make some Treasure Chests appear on top. There 
are two Pirate Bokoblin on each Sea Platform, and also 2 Shield Bokoblin on the 
center one. As the eastern and western Platforms are too far to jump to and 
don�t have ladders, you�ll have to set the wind to the east or west and glide 
to them with the Deku Leaf. The eastern platform is lower then the center one 
and is easy to reach, but the western one is higher up. You�ll have to use the 
whirlwind to gain enough height. Jump from the center platform when the 
whirlwind is almost halfway between being on the Platform�s left side and being 
right in front of you, like this:


The two Ps are the platforms; the W is the whirlwind. With good timing, you�ll 
be able to reach the upper one. You�ll find a Red Rupee on the middle Platform, 
an Orange Rupee on the eastern (lower) one, and a Golden Feather on the western 
(higher) one.

Orientation: Northwest of Eastern Fairy Island (C5)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Boko Baba Seed
After blasting the four cannons on this platform, climb up top and defeat the 3 
Pirate Bokoblin. A chest containing a Boko Baba Seed is your reward.

Orientation: Southeast of Fire Mountain (E6)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Golden Feather
Destroy the standard 4 cannons on the Platform near Fire Mountain to make a 
chest with a Golden Feather appear, then climb up on top to get it. Only a 
single Pirate Bokoblin tries to stop you.

Orientation: East of Star Belt Archipelago (C7)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Red Rupee
You�ll have to brave a flock of Seahats to even reach this platform. Although 4 
cannons and 2 Pirate and Shield Bokoblin each guard the Platform, a chest with 
a Red Rupee is there from the start.

Orientation: Northwest of Cyclops Reef (D3)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Golden Feather
Like the previous Sea Platform, Seahats swarm around this one. There are still 
2 Pirate and 2 Shield Bokoblin on top, and after you beat them a chest with a 
Golden Feather inside appears.

Orientation: South-southwest of Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Skull Necklace
Destroy all 4 cannons on the Platform to make a chest with a Skull Necklace 
appear on top. Climb up to it and fight off 2 Pirate Bokoblin, then open it.

Orientation: Northwest of Thorned Fairy Island (D7)
Number of Platforms: 2
Reward: Golden Feather, Boko Baba Seed
Like many Sea Platforms, Seahats swarm near this one. There are 2 Platforms 
here; the northeast one has cannons on it. Once you destroy its cannons, climb 
up and get the chest on it with a Golden Feather. After that, set the wind to 
the southwest and glide to the lower Platform. After you beat the 4 Pirate 
Bokoblin, you get a treasure chest with a Boko Baba Seed.

Orientation: Southwest of Islet of Steel (E2)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Skull Necklace
This Platform has no cannons, but a tough battle awaits you on top. You have to 
fight 2 Bokoblin and 2 Wizzrobe Acolytes to claim a Skull Necklace. Try to 
quickly beat the 2 Bokoblin first, then attack the Wizzrobes with regular or 
Fire Arrows. Expect to take at least a little damage.

Orientation: East of Stone Watcher Island (E3)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Piece of Heart, Red Rupee
You�ll notice a difference when you approach the Stone Watcher Island Sea 
Platform. The platform is ringed by 8 cannons, not 4! As usual, stay almost 
underneath it as you blast the helpless cannons. After you manage to blow up 
all 8, a chest with a Piece of Heart appears on top, near an existing one with 
a Red Rupee. Once you climb up, defeat 2 Pirate Bokoblin and open both chests.

Orientation: South-southwest of Bomb Island (E6) 
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Red Rupee
This is another standard, boring Sea Platform. Blast the 4 cannons, then climb 
up the ladder, defeat the 2 Pirate Bokoblin, and get the Red Rupee.

Orientation: Southeast of Five-Eye Reef (F2)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Golden Feather
You�ll likely encounter a pack of 5 Gyorgs on your way to the Five-Eye Reef 
Platform. Pick them off one by one with your Boomerang. After you beat all the 
cannons, climb up and fight 4 Shield and 2 Pirate Bokoblin.

Orientation: Southeast of Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Number of Platforms: 3
Reward: Skull Necklace, Treasure Chart 40
You�ll find 3 Platforms in a triangle shape near Southern Fairy Island. Destroy 
the cannons on the 2 Platforms that have ladders; this makes 2 chests appear on 
the lower, northeast one. Climb onto either of the 2 taller platforms, defeat 
the 2 Pirate Bokoblin, and use the Deku Leaf to reach the last one. Fight 3 
Pirate Bokoblin and get your prize.

Orientation: Southeast of Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Boko Baba Seed
Be ready for a tough fight before you even get onto this Sea Platform. Besides 
the usual cannons, 2 Wizzrobe Acolytes appear around the Platform to fight you. 
Be quick with your Fire Arrows to shoot them. Try to stay under the platform as 
you fight them so the cannons don�t shoot you. After you beat both Wizzrobes, 
climb up on top. Defeat another Wizzrobe Acolyte and 4 Pirate Bokoblin, then 
get the Boko Baba Seed.

Orientation: Southeast of Horseshoe Island (G1)
Number of Platforms: 2
Reward: Skull Necklace, Golden Feather
You�ll likely face some Seahats before you can start on the twin Sea Platforms 
near Horseshoe Island. Take out the cannons on each Platform, then climb onto 
one. Each has 2 Kargarocs and 2 Pirate Bokoblin on it, along with a switch. 
Hitting each switch makes a chest appear on the opposite Platform. It will take 
a while, but you�ll be able to get a Skull Necklace from the western Platform 
and a Golden Feather from the eastern one.

Orientation: South of Two-Eye Reef (G4)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Purple Rupee
Although there are no Cannons on this Platform, an extremely tough battle 
awaits you at the top. 7 Pirate Bokoblin, 3 Kargarocs, and a Shield Bokoblin 
have been packed onto the Platform�s surface. Once you climb onto it, start 
mashing B and quickly changing targets. You�ll take a fair amount of damage 
fighting the enemies here. A chest with a Purple Rupee appears to reward you. 
If you have the Fire Arrows, you can defrost the 4 jars around the Platform�s 
central pillar to get some pickup items.

Orientation: Southwest of Five-Star Isles (G7)
Number of Platforms: 1
Reward: Golden Feather
You know the process for common Platforms; blast the 4 cannons, climb up, and 
kill the 2 Pirate Bokoblin before claiming the treasure, a Golden Feather in 
this case.
14. Submarines (Sumri)

Submarines are wooden vessels found floating near several islands on the Great 
Sea. Once you sail up to one and enter through a doorway on the raised section, 
you enter a long room with a large, lowered section containing an assortment of 
enemies or some other challenge. Once you complete the Submarine�s objective, a 
ladder drops down to allow passage to a small room in the back of the Submarine 
containing a reward. All the Submarines contain rare items; you�ll have to 
visit them all eventually.

Reward: Spoils Bag
Though not technically a Submarine, the hold of Tetra�s pirate ship has the 
exact same layout. When you first set off with the pirate crew on Outset Island 
(G2), you�re challenged to prove yourself as a swabbie by passing a test Niko 
has set up. This challenge doesn�t involve fighting; instead, it tests your 
skill at swinging from ropes. When you hit the right-hand switch on the 
starting ledge, several platforms rise up from the ground to connect some 
swinging torches. You have 1 minute to navigate across them to reach the far 
ledge, where Niko awaits with your prize, the invaluable Spoils Bag. It 
shouldn�t be too hard to get from rope to rope; it�s just a matter of jumping 
to them. Keep the camera centered behind Link to line up your jumps. Though you 
can stop with R and line up your swing after you grab onto the torches, it�s 
far easier and faster to carefully aim your jumps before hand so you can 
immediately swing across, saving time. When you hear a clock start ticking, you 
have 20 seconds left. When the ticking quickens, you have 10 seconds. It will 
probably take a few tries to do, unless this isn�t your first time playing the 
beginning. If you mess up and fall before the platforms retract, climb the 
ladder to the starting ledge and hit the switch in front of it to retract the 
platforms and reset the timer so you can try again. Once you make it to the far 
platform, a dumbstruck Niko passes you and gives you your reward.

Reward: Bombs
The when you enter the pirate ship a second time at Windfall Island (B4), Niko 
has set up a whole new challenge for you. This time around, there are no 
platforms; you must swing from rope to rope and the timer controls how long a 
metal door at the far end of the room stays open. You�re given just under 2 
minutes this time, but the challenge is greater. Since you�ll spend the 
duration of the challenge swinging from ropes, you won�t get much of a chance 
to line up your swings. Make sure you stop and realign your trajectory quickly 
to keep swinging. The only time you can line your swings up is on the left side 
of the room, where a torch moves back and forth. Carefully swing onto it, then 
realign as the torch moves forward. This test isn�t too hard with practice; 
once you get to the far end of the hold, Niko gives you some of the Bombs the 
pirates stole.

Reward: Triforce Chart 4
Like the pirate ship, the Ghost Ship also has a Submarine-like layout. Once you 
reach it with the Ghost Ship Chart for Diamond Steppe Island, you have to 
endure a traditional battle against some hostile spirits. Defeat a Summoning 
Wizzrobe (the Fire Arrows work wonders; try to defeat it first before it 
summons anything) and two Poes (using the light beam in the room) to drop the 
ladder leading to Triforce Chart 4. This battle should be relatively easy.

Reward: Treasure Chart 22
Use the Telescope to look around Northern Fairy Island (A3) for a Submarine and 
enter it. As usual, this Submarine�s challenge is unique. You actually don�t 
have to fight to beat this Submarine, just navigate over some torches to swing 
to the other end. If you mess up and fall, you�ll have to fight a total of 5 
patrolling Moblins; you may want to dispatch them before trying to swing 
across. Even if you don�t fall, it�s still recommended you fight them to get 
experience and spoils. Try to stay in one spot so as not to engage too many at 
once. Treasure Chart 22 is in the far room of the Submarine.

Reward: Treasure Chart 9
Look carefully for a Submarine off Crescent Moon Island. (A5) If you can�t 
locate it, the island�s Old Man Ho-Ho is staring intently at it. When you board 
the Submarine, you�re assaulted by 4 waves of Miniblin. After you defeat each, 
a torch above the far end of the Submarine lights up. Like all Miniblin fights, 
this should be easy. Don�t L-target and use a Hurricane Spin if you can. Once 
all four waves are defeated, climb the ladder to Treasure Chart 9.

Reward: Platform Chart
To get the Platform Chart, you�ll have to endure a slightly tough battle in a 
Submarine southeast of the Flight Control Platform. (B7) Make sure you at least 
have the Hero�s Bow first; the Fire Arrows work even better. When you drop down 
to the darkened battle floor, press the switch in the center to light two skull 
torches and trigger an assault by a Wizzrobe. Defeat it either with a Fire 
Arrow or by quickly stunning and slashing it. After the Wizzrobe gets taken 
out, another one, accompanied by an assortment of Red and Green Chuchus, 
attacks. Try to take out the Wizzrobe first, or keep the camera centered on it 
as you defeat the Chuchus to avoid its attacks. Defeat this wave of enemies as 
you wish to trigger a final attack. This time, two Wizzrobes and an endless 
swarm of Miniblin go after you. Since stunning and slashing the Wizzrobes is 
next to impossible thanks to the Miniblin, try to pick them off with Fire 
Arrows. Try not to focus on the Miniblin; only take them out if they keep you 
from locking onto the Wizzrobes. After both Wizzrobes fall, a ladder drops 
down. Climb it and enter the next room, which contains two more torches that 
light up. The chest here contains the Platform Chart, which shows which 
quadrants contain Sea Platforms and how many there are.

Reward: Piece of Heart
Look for a Submarine surrounded by 3 rafts, directly southwest of Six-Eye Reef. 
(D4) Sail up and enter it. Inside, you�ll fight a total of 3 Moblin guards, one 
by one. (no worries about being ganged up on here) There are also some Morths 
and Chuchus inside the barrels and pots in the Submarine. Try not to release 
any of them until you�ve beaten all 3 Moblins. After the Moblins are defeated, 
a ladder drops down. Climb it and enter the adjacent room to find a chest 
containing a Piece of Heart.

Reward: Empty Bottle
You�ll definitely want to visit the Submarine off Bomb Island (E6) near the 
center of the quadrant on your way to the Forest Haven; it yields a valuable 
Empty Bottle if you clear it. The Bokoblin pirates have set up living quarters 
here; you�ll fight 3 of them to claim your prize. Once all 3 go down, a chest 
containing the Empty Bottle appears on the floor. (aw, and you wanted to go to 
the back room, didn�t you?) There are also several Rats in the room; you�ll 
definitely want to defeat them before they steal your Rupees. You may want to 
come here after getting the Boomerang to make it easier.

Reward: Treasure Chart 14
Use your Telescope to seek out a Submarine north-northwest of Headstone Island. 
(G3) When you find and enter it, you somehow appear directly above the battle 
pit, giving you no time to prepare. You�re thrust directly into a Bombchu-
infested bomb field. Obviously, this fight will be filled with explosions 
galore. Keep moving around and quickly lock onto Bombchus as you destroy them 
with the Boomerang. Don�t try to use your sword, or you�ll likely strike some 
Bomb Flowers. After you defeat all the Bombchus, the flames blocking the entry 
ladder go out, and a second ladder to the exit drops. In the next room is the 

Reward: Piece of Heart
In the extreme southeast of the Great Sea, south of Five-Star Isles, (G7) 
you�ll find a submarine. Enter it and jump down to fight some Keese and 
Bokoblin. The Boomerang is recommended for easily taking down the monsters in 
this Submarine. After they�re defeated, climb the ladder that lowers and get a 
Piece of Heart.
15. Blue Chuchus (Blchu)

The rare Blue Chuchus are your only source of valuable Blue Chu Jelly, used by 
Doc Bandam to make Blue Potions. There are a total of 23 of them scattered 
across the Great Sea, each dropping a Blue Chu Jelly. You can only get one 
Jelly from each Chuchu; after that they drop Yellow Rupees. (not too shabby) 
Remember, Blue Chuchus are surrounded by bioelectric fields, so stun them with 
the Boomerang before attacking.

The Chuchu on Star Island (A2) isn�t obvious at first. Either Bomb or lift and 
break the cracked boulder on the island�s southeastern �point.� The Blue Chuchu 
is underneath it.

As with all the Fairy Island Chuchus, the one on Northern Fairy Island (A3) is 
easy to find. Just walk around the perimeter of the island�s grassy surface 
until it appears. (I�m pretty sure the Chuchu is under a tree)

Besides the easy-to-find Treasure Chart on Crescent Moon Island, (A5) there are 
two easy-to-find Blue Chuchus on either side of it.

The Blue Chuchu on Overlook Island (A7) is hard to miss. It�s on the second 
platform you can Hookshot up to.

This Chuchu is on Child Isle (B2) on the lower part of the island. (not on the 
ledge with the Goron Merchant)

Look under the bridge on Spectacle Isle (B3) leading to Salvatore�s Cannon 
minigame to find this Blue Chuchu.

The Blue Chuchu on Pawprint Isle (B5) isn�t as easy as most of the others. 
There should be two rocks on this isle shaped like the tops of Chuchu�s heads. 
Backflip onto the top of the northeast one to trigger the appearance of a Blue 
Chuchu. Try to lure it off of the rock before defeating it.

Check under a tree on Western Fairy Island (C1) to locate this Chuchu.

You�ll need Bombs to get this Blue Chuchu on Rock Spire Isle. (C2) It�s on the 
southwest side of the isle, on the highest spire. Either throw Bombs at the 
cracked rocks on the spires with good timing or shoot them with your ship-
mounted cannon to get rid of them, then hop across. The Chuchu is near the 
Secret Cave entrance.

You�ll have to go to *shudders* Tingle Island (C3) to find this Chuchu. It�s on 
the grassy ring surrounding the Tingle Tower; quite easy to find.

Find this Chuchu under a tree like any other Fairy Island Chuchu; look for it 
at quadrant C5.

Find this Blue Chuchu as usual at Thorned Fairy Island. (D7) Just watch out for 
the thorns. =P

Search around the ring surrounding Needle Rock (E1) to find this Chuchu. It 
isn�t very hard to locate.

This Blue Chuchu appears behind the stone head on Stone Watcher Island. (E3)

This Chuchu is on top of the small island off Bird�s Peak Rock. (E7) When in 
front of the doorway leading to the island�s Secret Cave, Grapple onto the 
overhanging wooden post, then climb up the rope and onto the top of the island.

Hookshot your way up to the third �steppe� of Diamond Steppe Island. (F1) This 
Chuchu is on the north side of the river running down the steps.

The Shark Island (F3) blue Chuchu is the most inaccessible one of all. To get 
it, you�ll have to trigger the 4 switches around the island to create a 
whirlwind off the coast. Before trying to activate the switches, cut down all 
the saplings and large bushes on the island; the hinder your movement and a 
rectangle of saplings near the pressure switch contains Green Rupees. After 
that, go to Shark Island�s �tail� and stand on the Iron Boots switch. Pop your 
Iron Boots on and off, then run and roll along the shark�s �body,� drawing your 
sword as you go. Once you reach the open area of the island (near the flaming 
Cave entrance) turn to the left and whack the crystal switch with your sword. 
Turn to the right, climb up the small ledge, and step on the pressure switch. 
Jump down and turn left, pull out the Skull Hammer, and whack the stake on the 
peninsula. This triggers two things; the disappearance of the flames 
surrounding a Secret Cave and the appearance of a whirlwind off the island�s 
southwest coast. Stand on the Iron Boots switch on the shark�s �tail� and set 
the wind to blow southeast. Jump off the island towards the whirlwind and fight 
the wind to reach it. (constantly try to turn right to stay on course) Luckily, 
the whirlwind is stationary. After you hit it, turn left and glide to the 
island�s �head.� Besides the Blue Chuchu found here, you can also pick up 2 or 
3 Yellow Rupees for your trouble.

Go to Southern Fairy Island (F4) and search for this Chuchu under a tree as you 
would any other.

This Chuchu, found on the Cliff Plateau Isles at F7, is one of the hardest to 
get. Follow the Cliff Plateau Isles Secret Cave walkthrough; the Chuchu is near 
the withered Deku Tree at the end.

This Chuchu can only be found at night, at Horseshoe Island. (G1) It�s found to 
the right of the island�s second golf hole.

Look for this Chuchu on top of the larger Angular Isle, (G5) near the chest 
containing the Piece of Heart.

The final Chuchu (at least in my walkthrough) is on the smaller, northern half 
of the Boating Course. (G6) Set the wind to the north and glide to it with the 
Deku Leaf; the Chuchu is on top of a large, flat rock here.
16. Big Octos (Bgoct)

There are six massive Big Octos scattered around the Great Sea. Each one lurks 
hidden under the waves (except the flocks of seagulls that circle over their 
hiding spots) until you approach; it then rises up and creates a whirlpool that 
slowly sucks you in. If you don�t defeat it before this happens, it sucks you 
up and spits you out elsewhere, with less health. To defeat a Big Octo, whip 
out your Boomerang and use it to pummel its 4, 8, or 12 eyes. They each take 3 
or so hits to be permanently destroyed; a defeated eye turns dark red. Once 
you�ve destroyed all its eyes, the Big Octo is no more and it sinks down, 
leaving behind treasure of some kind. Remember to get a Pictograph of a Big 
Octo before you defeat all 6.

Number of Eyes: 12
Reward: Piece of Heart

Number of Eyes: 12
Reward: Piece of Heart

Number of Eyes: 8
Reward: Silver Rupee

Number of Eyes: 8
Reward: Silver Rupee

Number of Eyes: 8
Reward: Silver Rupee

Number of Eyes: 4
Reward: Magic Fairy
17. Fairies (Fairs)

The Great Sea is populated by 8 powerful Fairies, who are each willing to help 
you on your quest by upgrading your arrows, magic, bombs, or wallet. Visit them 
as early as you can. For the Fairies who upgrade your Bombs, Arrows, and 
Rupees, remember that you can visit them in any order.


After beating Forsaken Fortress and learning Tetra�s true identity, use the 
Ballad of Gales to warp to Mother & Child Isles. The Fairy Queen appears 
resembling a little girl, and helps you by giving you the powers of fire and 
ice for your arrows! She also tells you that you�re just her type... 0_o


Set sail for Two-Eye Reef (2 quadrants east of Outset Island) after beating the 
Forbidden Woods. Sail around the quadrant and use your Telescope to search out 
the circling seagulls indicating the presence of a Big Octo. Defeat it (it has 
only four eyes) and a Great Fairy rises from the waves! Grateful for her 
rescue, she doubles the size of Link�s Magic Mater! Check out the crazy look on 
his face afterwards...


To reach this fairy, head straight to Outset Island. Climb up on top of the 
mountain, set the wind to the west, and from the small rock on top use the Deku 
Leaf to glide across the chasm where the bridge was. Enter the cave you rescued 
Tetra in. Defeat the wingless Mothula, then continue on until you see a cracked 
rock on your right. Blow it up with Bombs, then drop down into the Fairy 
Fountain. Approach it, and the Great Fairy there upgrades your Rupees. If you 
had no upgrades, you can now carry 1000 Rupees; if you got the other upgrade, 
you can now carry 5000!


This one is pretty easy; sail to Northern Fairy Island, (at A3) then use Bombs 
up remove the cracked rock obstructing the entrance to the shell-like Fairy 
Fountain. Drop in, approach the pool, and the Great Fairy here upgrades your 


Head to Eastern Fairy Island, at C5, and once again blow up the rock in the 
shell entrance with a Bomb. It�s the same drill as before; the Great Fairy here 
upgrades your Bombs. You can now carry either 60 or 99, depending on whether 
this is your first upgrade. 


This one works just like the previous Bomb Fairy, except that she is found at 
Southern Fairy Island, at F4. (just warp there)


This Great Fairy is at Western Fairy Island, at C1. You�ll need to retract the 
thorns blocking the way by whacking the nearby stake with the Skull Hammer. The 
Arrow upgrade levels are 60 and 99, like Bombs.


You�ll also need the Skull Hammer to access this Great Fairy, at Thorned Fairy 
Island. (D7)
18. Islands (Islnd)

The Great Sea is a truly massive place, populated by 49 islands, which are 
conveniently arranged in a 7x7 grid structure. Each island has unique 
attractions and challenges on it that are (almost) always worth investigating. 
Refer to this handy guide for a basic run-through of what you should look out 
for on islands. Check out the other sections of this guide for more details on 
what you�ll find.

The ever-foreboding Forsaken Fortress is the Ganondorf�s surface base of 
operations, the roost of his pet the Helmaroc King, and the center of the newly 
arisen pirate activity on the Great Sea. Several sunken ships pollute the 
waters around the Fortress; not a good sign for would-be heroes. Inside, the 
Fortress is heavily guarded by the forces of Ganondorf. The centerpiece of the 
Fortress�s security is three sets of spotlights that continually seek out 
intruders. You�ll end up traipsing around the interior and exterior of the 
Fortress to save your sister and all of Hyrule. Late in the game, you can open 
up the portal to the surface from Ganon�s Tower, which leads to the flooded 
courtyard of the Fortress.

[Items of Interest]
 >Piece of Heart: This Piece of Heart is the only one found in a Dungeon, and 
is quite easy to get. It�s in a dead-end room on the first floor of the 
Fortress, and is quite easy to get to after escaping from jail and running down 
the stone tunnel afterwards, drop off the wooden ledge into the jail room 
below. Lift and move aside some barrels in the northwest side of the room to 
expose a pressure switch. Hit it to open a jail cell door next to you. The 
chest containing the Piece of Heart is inside the cell.
 >Skull Hammer: A treasure chest containing the powerful Skull Hammer appears 
in the Fortress� courtyard after defeating Phantom Ganon at the start of your 
second journey through it.
 >Silver Rupee: Pull up Treasure 25 (found with Treasure Chart 25 from Cliff 
Plateau Isles) near the Fortress; you�ll get a valuable Silver Rupee.

Star Island is a relatively boring island obviously shaped like a star. (a six-
pointed start, to be precise) There are large, cracked rocks on its points 
which sometimes hide objects. You probably won�t be spending much time on the 

[Items of Interest] 
 >Blue Chuchu: Bomb the island�s southeastern boulder. Underneath it is a Blue 
 >Piece of Heart: Either Bomb or lift and throw the large rock on the southwest 
point of the Star to reveal a Secret Cave entrance. Fall into it and get ready 
for a fight. Defeat the 3 Magtails, 2 Bokoblin, 2 Shield Bokoblin, and 2 
Moblins consecutively. A chest with a Piece of Heart appears for you.
 >Sea Platform: Look south-southwest of Star Island for a Sea Platform.
 >Silver Rupee: With Treasure Chart 7 from your second victory at Windfall�s 
Squid-Hunt Minigame, you can pull up a Silver Rupee near Star Island.
 >Withered Deku Tree: One of the 8 Deku Trees planted by the Koroks after their 
ceremony is at the center of Star Isle. You�ll have to help it out with some 
Forest Water to get a Piece of Heart.

The small, heart-shaped Northern Fairy Island�s main attraction is the Fairy 
Fountain under the shell-like structure in its center. There isn�t much to do 

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: If you search under one of the island�s palm trees, you�ll find 
a Blue Chuchu. 
 >Rupee Upgrade: If you have Bombs, you can blow up the boulder in the entrance 
to the Fairy Fountain. Drop down and visit the Great Fairy under the island to 
get a Rupee wallet upgrade.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 24 (from Pompie and Vera on Windfall island) 
to pull up a Silver Rupee near Northern Fairy Island.
 >Submarine: Use your telescope to locate a Submarine containing Treasure Chart 
22 near Northern Fairy Island. You have to swing over some patrolling Moblins 
to reach it, but if you�re good enough you don�t need to fight them.

An ridiculously strong wind blows from the strange rock on this mysterious 
island. This island is the site of the Wind Temple, but you�ll need the Iron 
Boots to get anywhere near it. You can�t do much until you get them. Be careful 
of the Cannon Boat circling it.

[Items of Interest]
 >Hookshot: After defeating the Wizzrobe deep in the Wind Temple, you�ll win 
the useful Hookshot, which lets you reel yourself up to targets, trees, or 
other select objects.
 >Triforce Shard: One of the 8 legendary Triforce Shards is hidden deep under 
Gale Isle�s waters. Use Triforce Chart 2 from the dungeon at your Private Oasis 
to find it. 
 >Wind God�s Aria: After you get the Iron Boots, you can walk right up to the 
rock the gale of Gale Isle is coming out of and smash it with the Skull Hammer. 
Once the wind stops, enter the cavern behind it. You�ll emerge in a cave with a 
large stone tablet with musical notes on it. If you pull out your Wind Waker in 
front of it, the spirit of the ancient Kokiri Sage Fado will appear and teach 
you the Wind God�s Aria, which you�ll need throughout your journey through the 
Wind Temple.

The aptly named Crescent Moon Island, quite obviously, is shaped like a 
Crescent Moon. Visit it during a Crescent Moon to get the 00BER 
ARR0RZ!!!111!!1!!+1! (just kidding) You can break open the pots floating on 
barrels near the Island with the Boomerang for some minor rewards.

[Items of Interest] 
 >Blue Chuchus: On either side of the chest containing Treasure Chart 10, there 
is a Blue Chuchu. Defeat both of them for some Blue Chu Jelly.
 >Ghost Ship: The Ghost Ship appears near Crescent Moon Island under a full 
moon. (how ironic)
 >Piece of Heart: If you�ve opened Treasure Chart 11 from Dragon Roost Cavern, 
you can pull up a chest with a Piece of Heart off the coast of Crescent Moon 
 >Submarine: Use your telescope to locate a Submarine northeast of Crescent 
Moon Island. After defeating 4 waves of Miniblin, you can get Treasure Chart 9.
 >Treasure Chart 10: Without a doubt the easiest chart to get, Treasure Chart 
10 is in a chest sitting out in the open on Crescent Moon Island. Its only 
guardians are two easy-to-defeat Blue Chuchus.

The Seven-Star Isles are seven closely grouped, inaccessible rocks. Their only 
inhabitants are a few patrolling Kargarocs. There isn�t much to see here; there 
are more attractions in the rest of the quadrants.

[Items of Interest]
 >Big Octo: Look southwest of Seven-Star Isles for the ring of circling 
seagulls signifying a hiding Big Octo. Sail up the seagulls and defeat the 12-
eyed behemoth to uncover a light ring. Pull it up to get a Piece of Heart.
 >Full Moon Light Rings: You�ll find 3 rings of light that mysteriously 
reappear under a full moon. Each hides a Red Rupee.
 >Sea Platforms: South of Seven-Star Isles is a trio of Sea Platforms. If you 
have the Hero�s Bow, climb up on top of them (they have no cannons). Defeat the 
4 Wizzrobe Acolytes in 3 waves to summon 3 treasure chests; one contains 
Treasure Chart 16.
 >Triforce Shard: Open up Triforce Chart 7 from Stone Watcher Island, and a 
light ring hiding a Triforce Shard will appear off Seven-Star Isles. Pull it up 
as usual.

Overlook Island consists of several tall islands that rise high above the 
waves. If you want to get anywhere on the Isle, you�ll need the Hookshot. This 
Island hides the essential Triforce Chart 8, so don�t �Overlook� it! (I know, 
that was bad) A few Cannon Boats also patrol around the island.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Once you have the Hookshot, you can use it to pull yourself onto 
the platforms of Overlook Island to climb its heights. Ascend to the second 
platform to encounter a Blue Chuchu. Be careful of the Cannon Boats when 
defeating it. 
 >Secret Cave Chart: Use Treasure Chart 13 (found by clearing Two-Eye Reef) to 
locate and pull up the useful Secret Cave Chart.
 >Triforce Chart 8: Use the Hookshot to climb from platform to platform of 
Overlook Island, and drop into the Secret Cave on the second highest platform. 
This Secret Cave consists of a total of 5 battles against groups of tough 
enemies. Fun, huh? After you beat them all, you can enter the final room. Play 
the Wind�s Requiem on the Wind Crest here to summon the chest containing 
Triforce Chart 8.

Four-Eye Reef is one of 6 hostile pirate hideouts filled with Cannon Boats and 
wall cannons. Like all the other reefs, you can get a Treasure Chart for 
clearing them out.

[Items of Interest] 
 >Great Fairy Chart: If you open up Treasure Chart 41 (attained from beating 
Five-Eye Reef), you can find the Great Fairy Chart in a sunken treasure chest 
near Four-Eye Reef with the Grappling Hook.
 >Treasure Chart 19: If you destroy all of Four-Eye Reef�s Cannon Boats and 
wall-mounted cannons, a treasure chest materializes on one of the �eyes.� Get 
up onto the reef wall, and use the Deku Leaf to glide to the chest from the 
highest point. Make sure to set the wind correctly.

As their name suggests, Mother & Child Isles are two separate islands next to 
each other. Mother Isle is surrounded by a tall rock wall and houses the Fairy 
Queen; the only way in is the Ballad of Gales. The smaller, more accessible 
Child Isle has a few other attractions.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Search around Child Isle to find another Blue Chuchu. As usual, 
it carried some Blue Chu Jelly.
 >Cyclone: Before getting the Ballad of Gales, Mother & Child Isles is a good 
place to find one of Cyclos� cyclones.
 >Fire and Ice Arrows: When you use the Ballad of Gales to warp into Mother 
Isle after beating the Forsaken Fortress, the Fairy Queen will upgrade your 
Hero�s Bow to have the powers of Fire and Ice. Now you can charge up your 
arrows with either energy.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 29 (found in Lenzo�s back room on Windfall 
Island) to find and haul in a Silver Rupee near Mother & Child Isles.
 >Wandering Merchant: After you start the trading quest with Zunari on Windfall 
Island, a Wandering Goron Merchant appears on the highest level of Child Isle�s 
rocky outcroppings.
 >Withered Deku Tree: After you beat the Forbidden Woods, another Withered Deku 
Tree appears on Child Isle.

The tiny Spectacle Isle is basically two circular isles next to each other, 
connected by a beach and a wood bridge. There isn�t much to do here except the 
fun Cannon Minigame, but the island�s name raises a question: could it be the 
top of Spectacle Rock from A Link to the Past?

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: Beedle runs a standard Shop Ship here, selling Hyoi Pears 
and All-Purpose Bait for 10 Rupees and 30 Bombs for 30 Rupees.
 >Blue Chuchu: Look on the beach under the bridge connecting Spectacle Isle�s 
two halves to find a Blue Chuchu.
 >Cannon Minigame: The hilarious Salvatore has set up shop on Spectacle Isle. 
Though his Cannon Minigame costs a hefty 50 Rupees per play, it�s worth 
every... Um... Rupee. This game challenges you to hit 5 floating barrel targets 
with 10 carefully aimed cannonballs. Though this can be hard at first, once you 
get a feel for what trajectories correspond to what distances, this minigame 
can be downright fun. Make sure to save before playing. You receive a Piece of 
Heart for your first victory, Treasure Chart 17 for your second, and an Orange 
Rupee for each subsequent victory.
 >Ghost Ship: Under a left crescent moon, the mysterious Ghost Ship sails 
around Spectacle Isle.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 22 from a Submarine near Northern Fairy 
Island to locate a sunken Silver Rupee around Spectacle Isle.

Windfall is a bustling island town, the most heavily populated place on the 
Great Sea. It�s filled to bursting with things to do, people to meet, and items 
to get. Make sure to visit Windfall Island often; there�s almost always a 
sidequest to do.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: Beedle sells 10 Arrows and All-Purpose Bait for 10 
Rupees, and 30 Arrows for 30 Rupees at his Windfall Island location, but only 
at night.
 >Bomb Shop: Cannon runs a bomb shop on the southwestern side of Windfall, on a 
cliff away from the rest of the town. At first, the evil little man charges 
ridiculous prices for all his Bombs, keeping you from buying any. After you get 
some Bombs from the pirates, Cannon reforms and charges normal prices for his 
Bombs. (though the deals aren�t as good as Beedle�s) He sells Bombs for 1000 
Rupees each at first. After he�s robbed by the pirates, he sells 10 Bombs for 
20 Rupees, 20 Bombs for 35 Rupees, and 30 Bombs for 50 Rupees.
 >Empty Bottle: After you defeat the Helmaroc King at the Forsaken Fortress, 
the two girls he kidnapped from Windfall Island return. The daughter of the 
formerly rich auction house owner, Mila, is now working outside Zunari�s shop 
to attract customers. At night, she�s standing between the auction house and 
Potion Shop. If you talk to her now, she acts shady and tells you to get lost. 
If you walk up the steps leading to Zunari�s shop, Mila runs off in the 
opposite direction. Don�t move until she leaves, then quickly head for the 
steps to the second floor of the auction house. Get onto the side rail of the 
bridge leading to its door, and wait on the side overlooking Zunari�s shop. As 
you wait here, Mila is sneaking around town, heading for the safe at the back 
of Zunari�s stall. You�ll have a close call as she runs under the bridge, in 
which Link hilariously imitates a cat to hide. When Mila is about to reach the 
safe, jump down and run towards her. Talk to her when a thought bubble with a 
teardrop appears above her head. She asks you a series of questions; choose the 
first answer every time, no matter how funny the second one is. After she�s out 
of excuses, Mila decides to reform and gives you an Empty Bottle.
 >Green Rupee: Treasure Chart 18, won in the Windfall Auction, leads you to 
treasure right off the island�s coast! Unfortunately, you pay a price for this 
convenience; the treasure is a wimpy Green Rupee!
 >Lenzo�s Pictography Shop: The experienced Pictographer Lenzo runs a 
Pictography Shop on the western edge of the town. Obviously, you won�t really 
have any business with Lenzo until you get the Picto Box from Tingle Cell. 
(check out the items section for detailed instructions) After that, Lenzo will 
offer to make you his assistant if you can complete 3 of his Pictography tests. 
Once again, check out the Pictograph Box�s entry in the items section for 
details on these quests. Once you�ve completed them, catch a rainbow-colored 
Forest Firefly from Forest Haven in a Bottle and bring it to Lenzo to receive 
the color Deluxe Picto Box! After this, Lenzo starts selling different 
legendary Pictographs of characters you can�t normally Pictograph for 50 
Rupees. A different Pictograph is available during each phase of the moon.
 >Picto Box: After you�ve *shudder* freed Tingle, you can enter his *shudders* 
cell. Push aside the crate at the back of it to uncover a crawlspace. While he 
was imprisoned, Tingle hid his stolen prize, the Picto Box, back here. From the 
start of this crawlspace, go right, left, straight, right, straight, right, 
right, straight, and to the room with the Picto Box. Make sure not to turn onto 
any paths with wooden floorboards; if you do, you�ll get onto a rat-operated 
trapdoor that drops you down where you first meet the King of Red Lions. You 
should emerge in a skull-filled cavern. On a stone pedestal in the center is a 
chest containing the Picto Box.
 >Piece of Heart #1: After you�ve beaten the Forsaken Fortress the second time, 
Maggie returns to Windfall Island and uses some Skull Necklaces to buy the 
auction house and live in it with her father. Talk to her on its second floor 
to discover that she�s bizarrely in love with Moe, one of the Fortress� Moblin 
guards. She asks you to mail him a love letter for her. Deposit the letter in 
the postbox just outside Windfall�s entry arch, then return to the auction 
house. As soon as you enter, you see Maggie�s father yelling at Ilari, the 
postman, and ordering him to get out. (he seems to hate postmen) Ilari leaves 
in a huff; follow and meet him at the cafe. Talk to him, and accept his request 
that you deliver his letter to Maggie. Maggie�s father stops, you but notices 
you aren�t the postman and lets you enter. When you deliver the letter to 
Maggie, she gives you a Piece of Heart.
 >Piece of Heart #2: After you�ve beaten the Forsaken Fortress, speak with the 
Killer bees, the gang of 4 boys outside the Windmill and School of Joy. 
Reminiscent of Majora�s Mask, they decide to play hide and seek with you, then 
go off to hide. Check out the Pieces of Heart section for more info; as a quick 
guide, roll into the tree outside the entry arch, look behind the bomb shop and 
grave stone, and behind a bush to your left as you go out onto the entry arch. 
Once you find each boy, you�ll have to catch him. Keep rolling and try to get 
closer to them as they turn. Once you�ve caught all 4, they give you a Piece of 
 >Piece of Heart #3: If you talk to Linda, the woman in the orange dress 
standing in from of the auction house steps, she tells you that she secretly 
loves Anton, the orange-haired man walking around town. (strange, why does she 
tell a little kid?) To help Anton notice her, take a good color Pictograph of 
Linda and show it to Anton. Seeing it helps Anton make up his mind, and he 
decides to ask her out for coffee. Use the Song of Passing to wait a day of 
two, and check out the cafe above Zunari�s shop. If you talk to Linda, she 
gives you a Piece of heart for your help.
 >Piece of Heart #4: After you�ve done at least the first step of the trading 
quest, talk to Sam (the man sitting on the bench overlooking the sea to the 
northwest of Windfall near the caf�) to learn he�s one of the secret members of 
the Joyous Volunteers, dedicated to spreading joy around Windfall. As usual, 
he�s done nothing to accomplish this goal, so it�s up to you. Buy and place 
decorative items in all 14 metal holders around Windfall. (this doesn�t count 
the ones inside; they are found near Sam, on the entry arch, between the 
auction house and Potion Shop, on the wooden platform across the street from 
the last one, and in front of Zunari�s main counter) If you talk to Sam when 
all 14 holders are filled, he gives you a Piece of Heart for helping out the 
Joyous Volunteers.
 >Piggy-Sitting Minigame: If you give Dampa, the sailor standing between the 
docks and Bomb Shop, 3 Skull Necklaces, he�ll let you play a minigame with his 
3 Pigs. To win the game, you have to bring all 3 pigs to Dampa in under 2 
minutes. This can be easy to do if you bring all 3 pigs to his vicinity before 
the game starts to make them easier to locate. Remember to crawl towards the 
pigs so they don�t run away. If you win the game, you are awarded a Purple 
 >Potion Shop: After you go through the town�s entry arch, Doc Bandam�s Potion 
Shop is the first entrance on your right, directly after Minenco. His shop is a 
convenient way to quickly stock up on Potions, although Hollo�s shop is better 
for your Blue Potion needs. At first, Doc only sells Red Potions for 20 Rupees, 
a better deal than Beedle�s Shop Ships. After you bring him 15 Green or Blue 
Chu Jellies, however, he�ll make either a Green or Blue Potion out of them and 
give you a free sample if you have an empty Bottle. Afterwards, he sells Green 
Potions for a cheap 10 Rupees and Blue Potions for a hefty 60 Rupees. You can 
also get a free sample of any Potion already made by giving Doc 5 Jellies of 
the corresponding color.
 >School of Joy: After you get the Killer Bees� Piece of Heart by winning their 
hide and seek game, they hint that their teacher, Mrs. Marie, loves Joy 
Pendants. Head to the School of Joy near the square the Killer Bees hang around 
and talk to Mrs. Marie. Then, show her any Joy Pendants you have. In exchange 
for one of them, she gives you a Red Rupee; not bad! If you give her 20 more, 
she gives you the Cabana Deed, which makes you the owner of her Cabana in 
square E5. With 20 more, you get the Hero�s Charm, a cool mask that lets you 
see the life of any enemy you lock onto! If you don�t have enough Joy Pendants, 
try grappling 2 off of the Bokoblin in the first room of Dragon Roost Cavern 
 >Song of Passing: Look on a long, overhanging ledge on the northwest side of 
Windfall Island to find the bizarre disco freak, Tott. He�s always dancing in 
front of a gravestone. (talk about disrespectful) If you pull out your Wind 
Waker by him and don�t press anything for a few seconds, he�s INSPIRED! The 3/4 
tempo lets him come up with a new song, which he force-teaches you. Follow his 
movements with your Wind Waker to learn the Song of Passing, which turns day to 
night or night to day. You�ll need it for a lot in your adventure, namely the 
Nintendo Gallery.
 >Squid-Hunt Minigame: On the first floor of the windmill building, Salvatore 
runs the challenging Squid-Hunt game. You can try it out for an inexpensive 10 
Rupees. The game plays much like Battleship; you are given 24 shots to sink 
hidden 2, 3, and 4-square long squid. Look at the Minigames section for more 
tips on winning. (though the game is mostly luck) The first time you win the 
game, you get a Piece of Heart. The next time, Salvatore hands over Treasure 
Chart 7. If you beat the current high score of 20 shots, you get the hard-
earned Treasure Chart 23. After that, you get a Purple Rupee for winning and an 
Orange Rupee for setting a new high score.
 >Treasure Chart 2: After getting Maggie�s Piece of Heart, talk to her father 
to learn that he�s interested in Skull Necklaces, the trinkets that made him 
filthy rich after his daughter returned. If you show him at least 20 of the 
treasures, he gives you Treasure Chart 2.
 >Treasure Chart 24: After getting Treasure Chart 29, look between the two 
chests for a tiny crawlspace. Go through this, and you emerge out of a 
cunningly hidden exit in a picture frame above the bottom of the stairs. Drop 
or jump out, towards the stairs, not Lenzo�s front door! Look around the corner 
to find Lenzo talking with Minenco in front of his counter. Without getting too 
close, take a color Pictograph of both of them. After you have one, feel free 
to break up their talk. Anyway, take the Pictograph and show it to Pompie and 
Vera. They realize they�ve been spreading lies about Lenzo and Minenco. As 
thanks for showing them the truth, they give you Treasure Chart 24.
 >Treasure Chart 29: Through a screen in Lenzo�s second-floor gallery, you 
probably saw a back room with two treasure chests. To reach this back room, 
you�ll have to enter it from Lenzo�s balcony, above his front door. Climb up on 
top of the wooden railing lining the steps leading to the auction house�s 
second floor. Set the wind to blow northwest and use the Deku Leaf to glide to 
the balcony across the way. After you land on it, enter the door. You can now 
reach and open the chests; one contains a Purple Rupee, the other has Treasure 
Chart 29. Also, if you have the Deluxe Picto Box you should consider getting 
Treasure Chart 24 as long as you�re here.
 >Treasure Chart 31: Talk to Kamo, sitting on some steps near the auction 
house, to learn he�s been strangely depressed. As the Hero of Winds, it�s your 
job to help out everyone you meet with their problems, so it�s time to cheer 
Kamo up. If you visit Kamo at night, he�s sitting on top of the wall gazing at 
the moon, which happens to be his favorite thing. It shouldn�t be hard to 
figure out how to cheer Kamo up; play the Song of Passing until a full moon is 
in the sky. Take a good color Pictograph of the full moon and show it to Kamo 
to receive Treasure Chart 31.
 >Treasure Chart 33: Minenco, the woman standing outside the Potion Shop, is 
also the winner of the Miss Windfall contest...from 40 years ago. She�s as vain 
as ever, though. She seems to be turning narcissistic; if you give her a good 
Deluxe Pictograph of herself, she gives you Treasure Chart 33 as thanks.
 >Windfall Auction: Every night at the lower level of the auction house, Zunari 
holds, surprise, an auction. You�re free to participate, but make sure you have 
several hundred Rupees before trying. Though you should see the minigames 
section for proper bidding technique, here are the basics. The auctions each 
last one minute, but the timer stops whenever someone is bidding or Zunari is 
talking. You can make a bid by filling the meter at the bottom of the screen; 
do this by mashing A. Also, you can stun and confuse the other bidders for 
several seconds by making a bid that�s at least 125% of the current one. If you 
don�t want to do the math, just bid a huge amount. Try to gradually fill your 
bid meter so you make a bid during the auction�s final few seconds. (Zunari 
notifies you of the 30, 10, and 5-second marks) Make a huge bid to stun 
everyone else until the end of the auction and win the item! You can buy a 
Piece of Heart, and Treasure Charts 18 and 38 in the auction, but these aren�t 
the only prizes. If something undesirable is being auctioned, press B to exit 
the auction. Reenter and the item will have changed, hopefully for the better.
 >Windfall Jail: From Windfall�s entry arch, head up the ramp to the left. On 
the outer wall of the town, you�ll find a door leading into the Windfall Jail. 
In here, Tingle has been imprisoned for stealing the Pictograph Box. (I was 
expecting different charges) You�ll unfortunately have to release the little 
weirdo to get two key items. To open up Tingle�s cell, look to the left when 
you enter. Behind some pots is a pressure switch; step on it to open Tingle�s 
cell. He gives you the Tingle Tuner and Tingle�s Chart, then leaves. What have 
you done!?
 >Windfall Lighthouse: The massive windmill dominating Windfall�s skyline is 
the key to getting 2 Pieces of Heart. You can�t do anything with it until you 
receive the Fire and Ice Arrows from the Fairy Queen, however. Once you have 
them, head to the front door of the lighthouse near the School of Joy and 
Killer Bees, but don�t enter. On the left side of the lighthouse is a narrow 
ledge leading around it. Make sure the camera is facing the lighthouse as you 
walk along this ledge, or you may miss a small alcove on the lighthouse�s north 
side containing a ladder. Climb this ladder, and in the tiny room at the top 
step on the switch. While on it, pull out your Wind Waker and play the Wind�s 
Requiem to set the wind blowing northeast. This should cause the windmill to 
start spinning; hooray! Next, head back to the windmill entrance and enter it. 
Instead of playing a couple games of Squid-Hunt, climb the stairs to the left 
of Salvatore (his right) and go through the door near the top. Talk to Kreeb, 
standing on the balcony on the side of the windmill. Overjoyed to see it 
running again, he gives you a Piece of Heart! To get your next, you�ll have to 
light the lighthouse. Make sure it�s nighttime before the next step. Continue 
along the balcony, and as one of the windmill cars approaches you (strangely 
enough, it�s also a Ferris wheel), jump onto it. As you ride this car to the 
top of the lighthouse, aim a Fire Arrow at the yellow, rotating bell at the 
top. If you hit the grate in the middle with a Fire Arrow, it starts a fire 
that lights Windfall�s lighthouse! For some reason, it also makes a treasure 
chest off Windfall�s southwestern coast appear. You can use the Deku Leaf to 
glide to this chest, but it�s far easier to Hookshot to it after sailing to the 
island with your boat. This chest contains a second Piece of Heart.
 >Zunari�s Shop: The strange, parka-clad merchant Zunari runs an outdoor shop 
just beyond the door to the first floor of the auction house. The first item 
you�ll buy from him is your boat�s Sail. Later, Zunari starts selling 
decorations to place in the metal holders around Windfall and your Private 
Oasis. You�ll have to embark on a large trading quest that spans the Great Sea 
to expand his meager selection; a chart detailing this quest is found in the 
Items and Pieces of Heart sections.
 >Zunari�s Trading Quest: Despite Mila�s efforts to attract customers, business 
is slow for Zunari after you beat the Forsaken Fortress. When you talk to him 
across his leftmost counter, he asks you to help him trade with some Goron 
Merchants scattered across the Great Sea. If you accept, Zunari gives you his 
basic ware, the Town Flower, as trading bait. The 3 Wandering Merchants will 
now appear on Child, Bomb, and Greatfish Isles. To start with, take the Town 
Flower to Child Isle and trade it and a 20-Rupee fee with the Merchant for a 
Sea Flower. This creates a �Merchant�s Oath� between him and Zunari; a steady 
supply of Sea Flowers will now be sent to Zunari�s shop. Next, trade the Sea 
Flower with the Merchant on a raft next to Greatfish Isle. For 25 Rupees, he�ll 
give you an Exotic Flower and start shipping them to Zunari. The next step is 
on Bomb Island. For 40 Rupees, the Merchant here swaps your Exotic Flower for a 
Sickle Moon Flag. If you talk to Zunari now, he gives you the Magic Armor in 
exchange for the new business you�ve generated. If you want to continue the 
trading quest, check out the Items or Pieces of Heart sections.

Like many other islands, Pawprint Isle is named for its shape. There�s a 
surprising amount of things to do on this island; its also a place to find the 
Salvage Corp.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: The Beedle at Pawprint Isle sells Hyoi Pears and All-
Purpose Bait for 10 Rupees and 30 Bombs for 30 Rupees.
 >Blue Chuchu: You should find two strange rocks shaped like Chuchu�s heads on 
the larger isle. Backflip onto the northeastern one to trigger the appearance 
of a Blue Chuchu. It�s safest to lure it off the rock before fighting it.
 >Piece of Heart #1: If you clear the grass around the strange dome on the 
largest isle, you�ll find a small opening. Crawl through it and drop into the 
Secret Cave inside. The main attractions of this cave, besides the Piece of 
Heart, are the countless Red Chuchus and the Rupee-filled grass you fight them 
in. Get through two rooms of this and open the treasure chest in the second for 
the Piece of Heart. If you have Bombs, you can also destroy the boulders in the 
cave to find chests containing Joy Pendants and Purple Rupee.
 >Piece of Heart #2: Use Treasure Chart 30 from the Tower of the Gods to find a 
treasure chest containing a Piece of Heart sunken near Pawprint Isle.
 >Sea Platform: If you defeat the 2 Bokoblin on the Sea Platform northeast of 
Pawprint Isle, you can open a chest with a Red Rupee.
 >Silver Rupee: Before attempting to get this prize, make sure to sink the 
nearby Cannon Boat first. You�ll probably notice a bizarrely shaped palm tree 
on one of Pawprint Isle�s �toes.� You can sail up to this isle and Hookshot to 
the tree. There is a second Secret Cave entrance on this isle; drop into it. In 
this cave, you�ll fight a total of 6 Summoning Wizzrobes in waves of 1, 2, and 
3 at a time. The first two waves should be easy, as you should be able to lock 
onto and shoot both Wizzrobes with Arrows or Fire Arrows repeatedly so they 
can�t summon anything. No matter how quick you are, you�ll have to face a few 
weak enemies on the third wave. Try to ignore them until you�ve taken out all 3 
Wizzrobes. Once you beaten all the waves and Wizzrobe-spawn, a chest containing 
a hard-earned Silver Rupee appears.

Dragon Roost Island, so named because the sky dragon Valoo resides on top of 
it, is the home of the birdlike Rito, descendents of the Zoras. The game�s 
first real Dungeon, Dragon Roost Cavern, is found here. It will be one of the 
first destinations of your adventure.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: Beedle peddles Hyoi Pears and All-Purpose Bait for 10 
Rupees, and 30 Bombs for 30 in his Dragon Roost Island location.
 >Empty Bottle: After you help Medli reach the high ledge just before the 
entrance to Dragon Roost Cavern, she gives you your first Empty Bottle. (how 
she does so from 30 feet away is anyone�s guess)
 >Grappling Hook: After you defeat the Moblin on top of Dragon Roost Cavern 
(and Island) and free Medli, she gives you her Grappling Hook.
 >Piece of Heart #1: On the highest part of the indoor Rito aerie, Koboli and 
Baito work hard to sort out all the mail that the Rito postmen deliver. If you 
talk to Koboli, you can help them sort the mail. You�re challenged to match up 
the symbols on letters with their corresponding boxes, doing as many as you can 
in 30 seconds. You first have to sort at least 10 letters; this should be 
incredibly easy. You�re given 1 Rupee per letter this time. Next time, you need 
to sort 20 letters for 2 Rupees per letter. This still shouldn�t be too hard. 
Next time, you have to sort 25 letters for 3 Rupees per letter. This time is 
actually hard; you�ll need some practice and luck to win. Check out the entry 
in the Minigames Section for more details. After you win the third time and 
impress Koboli, exit and reenter the aerie to find Baito at the counter. Show 
him your letter-sorting skill by repeating your 25-letter feat, and he�s 
extremely impressed. For no apparent reason, Baito now asks you to mail a 
letter to his mom. (how ironic...) Mail the letter in the postbox above the 
beach. A few days later, you get a letter from Baito and one from his mother. 
Baito�s has a Red Rupee; his mom�s has a Piece of Heart.
 >Piece of Heart #2: Talk to Hoskit, the guard outside the chieftain�s room, to
discover he has a girlfriend who loves Golden Feathers, like most Rito girls.
If you have at least 20 (try gathering them from the Kargaroc in between the 
rock spires behind Dragon Roost Island), show them to Hoskit. He gives you an 
Orange Rupee in thanks, but that�s not all. You get a letter from his 
girlfriend the next day with a Piece of Heart attached!
 >Purple Rupee: Look for a large, cracked boulder on the beach near the wind 
shrine on the southern part of Dragon Roost Island. If you bomb or throw aside 
this rock, you reveal a Secret Cave entrance. This Secret Cave is similar to 
the ones on Overlook and Stone Watcher Island, but the enemies are much easier. 
The rooms are confusingly linked, but you�ve cleared the rooms with torches 
above their doors. After you beat all 4 rooms, a fifth door is unlocked. Go 
through and get the Purple Rupee in the last room.
 >Orange Rupee: You can get a valuable Orange Rupee from the tall spires behind 
Dragon Roost Island after getting the Deku Leaf. First, go to the wooden ledge 
where Ilari is by exiting the Rito aerie through the door next to the Mail 
Center. Look northeast for a short, squat spire in the middle of the taller 
ones. Set the wind accordingly and glide over to it. Refill your magic with the 
bushes here and glide, north, then repeat to the west. On this ledge, enter the 
cave. Inside, the chest containing the Orange Rupee can be found. If you keep 
going, you can push a block forward to open up a hole in the cliff face. 
Strange, huh?
 >Silver Rupee #1: If you open Treasure Chart 39 from nearby Dragon Roost 
Cavern, you can pull up the usual Silver Rupee from near the Island.
 >Silver Rupee #2: Look high up on the cliffside above the Bomb Flowers to find 
a trail of the plants leading to a boulder. Look for it or a sign pointing 
upward underneath. If you have the Hero�s Bow, you can shoot any of the Bomb 
Flowers to trigger a chain reaction. The resulting trail of explosions is not 
only incredibly rewarding, it also drops a chest that was sitting on top of the 
boulder to the ground. The chest contains a Silver Rupee.
 >Wind�s Requiem: There is a shrine on the water just off Dragon Roost Island�s 
southern coast, through the tunnel near where you�ll likely first land. There 
are two blue tablets on the shrine dedicated to the wind gods Cyclos and 
Zephos, but Cyclos� right-hand one is broken. If you get out your Wind Waker in 
front of Zephos� shrine, he flies down and teaches you the Wind�s Requiem, an 
essential song that lets you change the direction of the ever-blowing wind.
 >Wind Waker: The King of Red Lions gives you the game�s namesake, the Wind 
Waker, when you first land on Dragon Roost Island. You�ll acquire its first 
song nearby.

Just east of Dragon Roost Island, two Rito impersonating brothers run the Bird-
Man Contest, set on the Flight Control Platform. This contest tests the ability 
to fly of all who enter. (luckily, no real Rito have come along yet)

[Items of Interest]
 >Bird-Man Contest: Talk to Obli, the Rito impersonator at the foot of the 
ladder leading to the platform�s higher section, to enter the Bird-Man Contest 
for 10 Rupees. This contest challenges you to get as far out onto the course 
(marked off by red tape) as you can, without the use of steroids! (nooo!) 
Obviously, you�ll need your Deku Leaf and an extended Magic Meter to attempt 
this. In short, you have to use timing when you jump to try and glide through 
as many whirlwinds as possible. For more information, check the Minigames 
section. You have to beat Willi�s record of about 257 yards to win the prize: a 
Piece of Heart. Every time you beat your own record, you get a Purple Rupee.
 >Island Hearts Chart: Use Treasure Chart 19 from Four-Eye Reef to locate 
another chart, the Island Hearts Chart.
 >Submarine: Look southeast of the Flight Control Platform for a Submarine. 
It�s HIGHLY recommended you have the Hero�s Bow before trying this Submarine! 
Inside, everything is still until you step on a pressure switch in the middle 
of the lower level. This lights several torches and summons a Wizzrobe to 
attack you. It�s best to stun him with the Boomerang and slash him with your 
Sword rather than waste arrows. Next, you fight another Wizzrobe and some Red 
and Green Chuchus. Take out the Wizzrobe with arrows, then attack the Chuchus. 
The final wave consists of two Wizzrobes and an endless swarm of Miniblin. Take 
out as many Miniblin as you need to in order to be able to L-target the 
Wizzrobes, then shoot them with arrows. After they both die, finish off the 
Miniblin and claim your prize, the Platform Chart.

As usual, this heart-shaped island is the home of a Great Fairy. You�ll need 
the Skull Hammer to visit her.

[Items of Interest]
 >Arrow Upgrade: If you use the Skull Hammer to flatten the stake in the 
entrance of the conch structure, you can drop into a Fairy Fountain. The 
residing Great Fairy will give you an Arrow Upgrade.
 >Blue Chuchu: There is a Blue Chuchu to defeat under the island�s lone palm 
 >Sea Platform: There�s a standard-issue Sea Platform southeast of the island. 
Defeating the enemies on it nets you a small reward.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 8 from Beedle�s Shop in at Rock Spire Isle 
to locate and pull up a Silver Rupee.

Rock Spire Isle is a small, narrow island consisting of several rock platforms 
with cracked boulders on top. Its main attraction, however, is the Shop Ship 
offshore, where Beedle sells several exclusive items.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: At his Rock Spire Isle headquarters, a helmet-wearing 
Beedle sells some rare items: an Empty Bottle for 500 Rupees, a Piece of Heart 
for 950, and Treasure Chart 4 for 900. After you�ve bought him out, he sells 30 
Bombs, 30 Arrows, or a Red Potion for 30 Rupees each.
 >Blue Chuchu: Once you reach the southwestern-most end of Rock Spire Isle, you 
can find a Blue Chuchu behind the Secret Cave entrance.
 >Piece of Heart #1: If you sink the Cannon Boats southwest of Rock Spire Isle, 
they leave light rings behind. You can pull a Piece of Heart and Orange Rupee 
from them.
 >Piece of Heart #2: Use Treasure Chart 2, from Maggie�s father on Windfall 
Island, to make a large light ring hiding a Piece of Heart appear.
 >Sea Platforms: Destroy the cannons on two of the Sea Platforms southeast of 
Rock Spire Isle to make treasure chests appear atop them. Then climb onto the 
middle platform and open the chest on it. From this platform, you can use the 
Deku Leaf to reach the other two. You can get an Orange Rupee here, among other 
 >Treasure Chart 37: To get this Chart, you must enter a Secret Cave at the 
southwest end of Rock Spire Isle. You�ll have to get past the cracked boulders 
sitting on the spires to reach it. Don�t try to precisely time your Bombs to 
make your way across; instead, blast them with your boat�s cannon. After all 
the rocks are gone, jump across the spires and into the Secret Cave. Break the 
Deku Stick-holding pot and use one to light the two unlit torches on a mound of 
earth. When you do, you�re instantly assaulted by a horse of Keese! Quickly 
wipe them out with your Boomerang to make a chest containing Treasure Chart 37 

This baseball diamond-shaped island is the home of the ultra-creepy fairy 
impersonator, Tingle. On it, �fairy magic� (actually two sweaty men in spandex) 
makes a bizarre totem pole in Tingle�s image continually spin. He returns to it 
after you free him from his jail cell At Windfall Island. The main purpose of 
this island, besides to creep you out, is to have Tingle decode the Triforce 
Charts you�ll find along your quest for a downright ridiculous 398 Rupees each, 
an essential (and costly) step in assembling the Triforce. Look out for 
Tingle�s attack Gyorg near the island, though.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Look near the signpost on Tingle Island for a Blue Chuchu.
 >Big Octo: Look around Tingle Island for the ring of circling seagulls 
signaling a Big Octo�s presence. Use the Boomerang to defeat the 12-eyed 
leviathan as usual to create a light ring hiding a Piece of Heart.
 >Silver Rupee: Using Treasure Chart 10 from Crescent Moon Island to find the 
treasure near Tingle Island, a Silver Rupee.

Northern Triangle Island is one of the islands on which you have to place one 
of the Pearls you acquire early in your adventure to make the Tower of the Gods 
appear. Other than that, there isn�t much to do here.

[Items of Interest]
 >Full Moon Light Rings: Under a full moon, 4 rings of light, each hiding a Red 
Rupee, appear near the island.
 >Octo Chart: Get Treasure Chart 26 from Six-Eye Reef, then use it to find a 
Big Octo Chart near Northern Triangle Island.

Even though it isn�t very far east, you can still find a Fairy Fountain at 
Eastern Fairy Island. As usual, there isn�t much else to do here.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Like with all the Fairy Islands, there is a Blue Chuchu under 
the palm tree.
 >Bomb Bag Upgrade: If you bomb the boards covering the Fairy Fountain 
entrance, you can enter and get a Bomb Bag upgrade from the Great Fairy.
 >Sea Platform: You can get a small reward for beating all the enemies on the 
Sea Platform west of Eastern Fairy Island.
 >Silver Rupee: The treasure at Eastern Fairy Island is a Silver Rupee, found 
with Treasure Chart 3 from Forest Haven.
 >Withered Deku Tree: After beating the Forbidden Woods, one of the 8 Withered 
Deku Trees is found here.

Fire Mountain is an active volcano, boiling the water surrounding it and 
shooting lava high into the air. Though it contains one of the game�s essential 
items, you can�t even set foot on it until you cool the lava down with an Ice 

[Items of Interest]
 >Big Octo: There�s an 8-eyed Big Octo, under some circling seagulls as usual. 
When you beat it, a light ring appears over an Orange Rupee treasure.
 >Power Bracelets: To get the essential Power Bracelets, you�ll have to cool 
Fire Mountain off by shooting the erupting plume of lava with an ice arrow. 
This temporarily thaws it, allowing you to climb up its side and enter. The 
Power Bracelets are deep inside the Secret Cave; you�ll have to beat some Keese 
and Magtails to get them. The 5-minute timer of the mountain�s cooldown stops 
once you get the Bracelets, luckily. Check out the Secret Caves section for 
more detail.
 >Sea Platform: There is a Sea Platform east of Fire Mountain. Destroy all the 
cannons on it to make a chest appear. Climb up on top, defeat the enemies, and 
open it and a second chest for some minor treasures.
 >Silver Rupee: Open up Treasure Chart 37 from the Secret Cave under Rock Spire 
Isle to reveal a Silver Rupee treasure near Fire Mountain.

This collection of tall, impassable rocks looks strangely like the 
constellation Orion from above. You can�t do anything on the actual islands, 
but there are a few attractions elsewhere.

[Items of Interest]
 >Full Moon Light Rings: Under a full moon, several rings of light appear 
around the Star Belt Archipelago. They hide Red and Purple Rupees.
 >Ghost Ship: Under a right half moon, the Ghost Ship appears near the Star 
Belt Archipelago.
 >Sea Platform: You don�t have to do anything to get the small treasure in the 
chest on the Sea Platform east of the island, but it helps to destroy the 
cannons, as usual.
 >Silver Rupee: Open Treasure Chart 27 from Cliff Plateau Isles to find the 
location of a Silver Rupee.

Like all the Reefs, Three-Eye Reef looks like a die from above. Also like all 
the Reefs, you can get a Treasure Chart for clearing it.

[Items of Interest]
 >Piece of Heart: You can pull up a precious Piece of Heart after locating it 
with Treasure Chart 38, from the Windfall Island auction.
 >Treasure Chart 32: If you bomb all the Cannon Boats and wall-mounted cannons 
in the reef, a treasure chest appears on one of the �eyes.� Get up on a high 
part of the reef, set the wind, and glide over to the chest. Open it to get 
Treasure Chart 32.

Once the home of the great water spirit Jabun, Greatfish Isle was torn apart by 
Ganondorf�s curse. Jabun hasn�t been seen there since.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: At Greatfish Isle, Beedle sells 30 Bombs, Arrows and Red 
Potions, all for 30 Rupees.
 >Full Moon Light Rings: Under a full moon, four light rings hiding Red Rupees 
appear around Greatfish Isle.
 >Ghost Ship: Under a right gibbous moon, the Ghost Ship sails around Greatfish 
 >Piece of Heart: There is a Piece of Heart cunningly hidden in a small cliff 
alcove on the center island. Set the wind to the northwest and glide to the 
cave, on the right cliff of the central island�s sandy path.
 >Triforce Shard: Using Triforce Chart 1 from the Islet of Steel, you can pull 
up a Triforce Shard near Greatfish Isle.
 >Wandering Merchant: There is a Goron merchant aboard a raft on the northeast 
side of Greatfish�s center isle. Lucky you can warp here, since you�ll be 
visiting him a lot during Zunari�s trading sequence.
 >Withered Deku Tree: On top of the spiral isle southeast of the central isle, 
there is another Withered Deku Tree to water.

Like with all the Reefs, there isn�t much to do here. A single, large �eye� is 
inside the Reef�s walls.

[Items of Interest]
 >Light Ring Chart: Use Treasure Chart 21 (conveniently located right here at 
Cyclops Reef) to find a large light ring. It hides the Light Ring Chart.
 >Sea Platform: There�s a single Sea Platform northwest of Cyclops Reef. You 
can get a small reward by beating the Pirate Bokoblin on top.
 >Treasure Chart 21: Defeat all the Cannon Boats and wall-mounted cannons to 
trigger the appearance of a chest on Cyclops Reef�s lone �eye.� As usual, use 
the Deku Leaf to glide from the reef wall�s highest point to reach the chest.

Anticlimactically, the unimportant Six-Eye Reef is situated in the exact center 
of the Great Sea. Obviously, it is the most crowded of the reefs, with six 

[Items of Interest]
 >Sea Platform: Destroy all the cannons on the Sea Platform south of Six-Eye 
Reef to trigger a chest on top containing a minor treasure.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 6 from inside the Tower of the Gods to find 
a light ring showing the location of a Silver Rupee, then pull it up with the 
Grappling Hook.
 >Submarine: There�s a Submarine southwest of Six-Eye Reef. Inside, you can 
defeat three Moblins to drop a ladder leading to a Piece of Heart. Be careful 
to stay away from the barrels lining the room; they all contain enemies.
 >Treasure Chart 26: Defeating all the cannons in Six-Eye Reef is an arduous 
task, but when you do, a treasure chest appears on the southwest �eye.� Use the 
Deku Leaf to float to this chest and claim Treasure Chart 26.

The Tower of the Gods is a massive monument built long ago by the Hylians. It 
serves as the proving grounds for new heroes like you, but it�s nowhere to be 
found at the start of the game. You have to place the three Pearls into the 
arms of statues on the surrounding Triangle Islands to raise the Tower from the 
ocean. After you prove yourself worth by defeating the guardian, Gohdan, a 
portal to Hyrule appear in the Tower�s outer walls.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: At the Tower of the Gods, Beedle sells 30 Arrows, 30 
Bombs, or a Red Potion for 30 Rupees each. Consider stocking up before you 
enter the dungeon.
 >Command Melody: Inside the Tower of the Gods, you�ll find a stone tablet that 
teaches you the Command Melody, which lets you mind control various objects.
 >Hero�s Bow: After you defeat the Darknut inside the dungeon, a chest with the 
Hero�s Bow appears to give you some ranged firepower.
 >Master Sword: Link can get the Master Sword, weapon of the Hero of Time, from 
a secret chamber in Hyrule Castle after beating the Tower of the Gods.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 14 from the Submarine near Headstone Island 
to find sunken treasure near the Tower of the Gods. Pull it up to receive a 
Silver Rupee.

Eastern Triangle Island is the site of one of the three statues you must place 
the Pearls in to raise the Tower of the Gods. Other than that, there isn�t much 
to do here. The Salvage Corp. can be found here, however.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: Beedle sells All-Purpose Bait and Hyoi Pears for 10 
Rupees, and 30 Bombs for 30 Rupees at Eastern Triangle Island.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 34 (given to you by the Salvage Corp. at 
Pawprint Isle) to find the sunken treasure near Eastern Triangle Island, a 
Silver Rupee.

Since all the cardinal directions were taken, this Fairy Island gets its name 
from the thorns on the conch shell entrance to the Fairy Fountain.

[Items of Interest]
 >Arrow Upgrade: Pound down the spikey pillars blocking off the Fairy Fountain 
with your Skull Hammer (remember to keep your distance), then visit the Great 
Fairy to get an Arrow Upgrade.
 >Blue Chuchu: There�s a Blue Chuchu in the same place as always: under the 
palm tree.
 >Piece of Heart: Use Treasure Chart 5 (from the Wind Temple)  to pull up a 
Piece of Heart from the waters near Thorned Fairy Island.
 >Sea Platform: There are two Sea Platforms north of Thorned Fairy Island. 
Destroy all the cannons on the armed one to trigger the appearance of a chest 
on top. Climb up and open it to receive a small reward, then use the Deku Leaf 
to glide to the other one. Defeat all the enemies on here to get another small 

The main part of Needle Rock Isle is shaped like a magnifying glass, but it 
gets its name from the tall, thin spire that dominates the island�s skyline.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: If you run around the ring of land surrounding Needle Rock, 
you�ll undoubtedly run into a Blue Chuchu.
 >Orange Rupee: When you have the Fire Arrows, use them to melt a big chunk of 
ice on the northwest side of Needle Rock Isle and drop into it. In this room, 
you have to use Fire Arrows to light six torches hidden around the room to 
trigger an Orange Rupee chest. The pots around the room contain refills. The 
locations of the torches are:
1.	Right in front of you as you come in.
2. Just beyond the railing you face when you enter the room. Move some pots 
aside from the left side of the railing and shoot the torch through it.
3. Behind a far railing up high, above a net and looking through the near 
4.	On top of a tall shipwreck that�s to the left when you enter the Cave.
5. On the forward end of a smaller ship to the right of you when you enter.
High, high up and far, far away on top of a crow�s nest between torches 3 and 
6. You�ll probably need the Telescope to see it.
 >Piece of Heart: Near the Withered Deku Tree, there is a treasure chest 
surrounded by flames. To extinguish them, you have to hit the crystal switch 
high on top of Needle Rock. First, run around the ring of land to get the 
attention of the lowest Kargaroc circling Needle Rock and defeat it. After 
that, head to the isle�s southern end and use a Hyoi Pear to mind control a 
seagull. Have it circle over you as it climbs to the level of the switch, but 
don�t go towards Needle Rock yet! When you�re high enough, head straight for 
the switch. Hopefully, the Kargarocs won�t be able to get the seagull until 
you�ve hit the switch. After this, go ahead and take the Piece of Heart.
 >Silver Rupee: As usual, you can get a Silver Rupee by pulling it up from the 
seabed. You�ll need Treasure Chart 28 from Horseshoe Island to locate it.
 >Withered Deku Tree: There is a Withered Deku Tree on the southern end of 
Needle Rock Isle.

This strange, circular island is made of metal, hollow inside and with a grassy 
hill on top. The entrance to its hollow interior is guarded by 3 Cannon Boats 
and wall-mounted cannons, and several Bokoblin guard the top. You can only get 
up there by mind-controlling a seagull.

[Items of Interest]
 >Sea Platform: The Sea Platform south of the Islet of Steel has several 
enemies on top, notably two Wizzrobe Acolytes. Defeat them all to summon a 
chest with a small reward.
 >Silver Rupee: With Treasure Chart 35 from the Wind Temple, you can find the 
Islet of Steel�s treasure, a Silver Rupee.
 >Triforce Chart 1: This Triforce Chart is found on a rock inside the Islet of 
Steel, but a Cannon Boat blocks its entrance. Defeat this Cannon Boat (and 
preferably the other ones) and enter. Play the Wind�s Requiem on the Wind Crest 
to get the Triforce Chart.

For all your gaming needs, look no further than E3! Wait... In The Wind Waker, 
E3 isn�t a gaming expo, but a circular island named for the stone head on top 
of it.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Look behind the stone head to find a Blue Chuchu.
 >Sea Platform: The Sea Platform east-southeast of Stone Watcher Island is 
armed to the teeth with 8 cannons! As usual, get underneath the platform and 
destroy them all to trigger the appearance of a chest containing a Piece of 
Heart on top!
 >Triforce Chart 7: Use the Power Bracelets to lift the stone head on the 
island, and drop into the Secret Cave underneath it. In here, enter each of the 
4 rooms to the side of the circular main rooms. In each, defeat the enemies 
(they�re pretty weak) to light a torch above each door. When all 4 torches are 
lit, defeat the 2 Darknuts that appear in the main room and enter the final 
room that�s unlocked. In here, play the Wind�s Requiem on the Wind Crest to 
make a chest containing Triforce Chart 7 appear.
 >Triforce Shard: Use Triforce Chart 3, from Bird�s Peak Rock, to find a 
Triforce Shard hidden beneath the waters of Stone Watcher Island.

This Triangle Island is much like the others; the only difference is the small 
army of Seahats guarding it. Keep your Boomerang handy and reach the island 

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle Shop Ship: Beedle sells both kinds of Bait for 10 Rupees and 30 Bombs 
for 30 Rupees at Southern Triangle Island.
 >Triforce Shard: Use Triforce Chart 6 (from the Savage Labyrinth on Outset 
Island) to pull up a sacred Triforce Shard here.

This small island in the site of a luxurious cabana owned by Mrs. Marie. Since 
you can�t get inside without the Cabana Deed, there isn�t much to do here for 
the first half of the game. You can still wade around the swimming pool to 
collect some goodies. After you get the deed, the island becomes your Oasis; 
you can then enter it to play a puzzle game and get Triforce Chart 2.

[Items of Interest]
 >Big Octo: There�s an 8-eyed Big Octo in the sea near the Private Oasis. Look 
for the circling seagulls, and defeat it to get an Orange Rupee.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 1, from the Forbidden Woods, to locate some 
sunken treasure near the Private Oasis. Pull it up with the Grappling Hook to 
get the standard Silver Rupee.
 >Sliding Puzzle Minigame: Once you get the Cabana Deed by giving Mrs. Marie 21 
Joy Pendants, you can enter it and play the Sliding Puzzle Minigame to your 
right as you enter for Rupees. Look at the Minigames Section for detailed tips 
on winning. (it�s like the sliding tile puzzles you�ll find in real life) There 
are 16 puzzles; the first 15 each give you 50 Rupees for winning, and the last 
gives you 200 Rupees, a total of 950.
 >Treasure Chart 27: Once you have the Hookshot, stand on the back of the 
cabana porch, and Hookshot onto a palm tree on the raised land the waterfall 
pours down from. Up on this ledge, open the chest to get Treasure Chart 27.
 >Triforce Chart 2: In your Cabana, use the Grappling Hook on an elaborate post 
on the ceiling. This triggers the opening of a secret passage in the fireplace! 
The catacombs below hide Triforce Chart 2, and plenty of Rats and Redead. Check 
out the Secret Caves section for an ASCII map.
 >Withered Deku Tree: There is a Withered Deku Tree to be found by the pool on 
the Private Oasis.

As its name suggests, Bomb Island looks like a bomb from above, complete with a 
fuse. There are several things to do here, including getting a Bottle.

[Items of Interest] 
 >Ghost Ship: The Ghost Ship appears near Bomb Island during a left half moon.
 >Piece of Heart #1: Use Treasure Chart 20 (from the Earth Temple) to find the 
sunken treasure off Bomb Island: a Piece of Heart.
 >Piece of Heart #2: What, did you think there wouldn�t be a Bomb-related 
activity on Bomb Island? Bomb the boulder on the main part of Bomb Island. 
There�s a Secret Cave entrance underneath; drop into it. In the first room, L-
target one of the Magtails that will attack you. When it rears up to strike, 
hit it with the Grappling Hook or a sword thrust to stun it. Then, pick up the 
Magtail and place it on the switch by the door to unlock it. Go through to the 
next room. This room is filled with magma, so watch your step! First, walk down 
the narrow, winding left pathway and hit the switch at the end to extinguish 
two rings of fire that were blocking the other winding path. Return to the 
door, then go along this path. On the area here, Magtails constantly crawl out 
of the magma to attack you. Stun a Magtail with the Grappling Hook or sword 
thrust as you did before, but make sure to do it so that the Magtail doesn�t 
fly back into the magma. (do it with the Magtail�s back as far away from magma 
as possible) Once you stun a Magtail, throw it at either of the rings on fire 
that are on separate rocks, between two torches. Hopefully, the Magtail will 
fall into an indentation in this ring and trigger a switch. (a short cutscene 
will notify you if it does) Repeat this for the other ring of fire to 
extinguish some more fire between the switches. Walk up to the chest that was 
in the fire and open it to find a Piece of Heart.
 >Sea Platform: Defeat the enemies on top of the Sea Platform south-southwest 
of Bomb Island to summon a treasure chest. Open it to get a Red Rupee.
 >Submarine: Old Man Ho-Ho is gazing at a Submarine through his telescope from 
Bomb Island. Sail to the Submarine and enter it. Some Pirate Bokoblin are 
living in here; jump down and defeat them to make a chest containing an Empty 
Bottle appear. You�ll probably want to take care of the thieving rats in here, 
 >Wandering Merchant: One of the Wandering Goron Merchants is here on Bomb 
Island. You won�t be visiting him much during the trading quest.

This tall island is actually two separate islands; one is a small, low piece of 
land while the other is made of 6 tall spires projecting out of an island. As 
its name suggests, there are plenty of Birds here; you�ll find lots of 
Kargarocs and seagulls.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Bird�s Peak Rock�s Blue Chuchu is on top of the small, 
southeastern island. The raised part of the island can�t be reached normally; 
to get to it, look for a small post projecting from the rock wall and Grapple 
onto it from below. Climb your rope onto the post and then onto the plateau. 
You shouldn�t have trouble finding and defeating the Blue Chuchu from here.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 36, from Ice Ring Isle, to find the standard 
sunken treasure off Bird�s Peak Rock, a Silver Rupee.
 >Triforce Chart 3: The Triforce Chart is within easy reach once you drop into 
a Secret Cave below the small part of Bird�s Peak Rock; the hard part is 
opening the gate blocking it off. To do this, you must trigger all 6 of the 
switches on top of each rock northwest of the small island. For starters, use 
the Hero�s Bow to shoot the 4 Kargarocs nesting on the mid-height rocks. You�ll 
have to move around the island to hit them all. Next, use a Hyoi Pear to 
control a seagull and hit the 5 lower switches, staying as low as you can, 
Then, fly back over the island you�re on and have the seagull climb up to the 
same height as the highest rock. Fly straight towards this rock, hopefully past 
the Kargaroc, and hit the switch on it before the monster attacks you. Once all 
6 crystal switches are triggered, the gate in front of the Secret Cave opens. 
Drop down into it, and play the Wind Requiem on the Wind Crest inside to get 
the Triforce Chart.

Diamond Steppe Island lived up to its name; it�s diamond-shaped and has several 
levels to it, with a river running down the steps. You�ll need the Hookshot to 
get on top of it.

[Items of Interest]
 >Big Octo: You know the drill; look for a ring of circling seagulls, then 
approach it to fight an 8-eyed Big Octo. Defeat it, and it leaves behind a 
light ring over an Orange Rupee.
 >Blue Chuchu: Look on the north side of the island�s third step for a Blue 
 >Ghost Ship: The Ghost Ship appears at Diamond Steppe Isle under a left 
Gibbous Moon.
 >Ghost Ship Chart: Once you have the Hookshot, use it to climb the Island�s 
steps to reach the top, then drop down into the Secret Cave there. This cave 
contains the essential Ghost Ship Chart-look at the Charts or Secret Caves 
sections for more detail.
 >Piece of Heart: The sunken treasure near Diamond Steppe Island is a Piece of 
Heart; use Treasure Chart 23 from the Squid-Hunt Minigame on Windfall Island to 
find it.

Five-Eye Reef, obviously, looks like the five-dotted face of a die. As usual, 
you can get a Treasure Chart here.

[Items of Interest]
 >Sea Platform: You know the drill; defeat all the Bokoblin on top of this Sea 
Platform to get a Golden Feather. You�ll also have to fend off a pack of 5 
Gyorgs on your way there.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 12, found inside the Earth Temple, to find a 
sunken Silver Rupee inside the reef.
 >Treasure Chart 41: As usual, you can defeat all the wall-mounted cannons 
inside Five-Eye Reef to make a treasure chest appear on one of the �eyes.� 
(strangely, there are no Cannon Boats)Unlike with the other Reefs, you�ll have 
to land on one of the outer eyes, changes the direction of the wind, and then 
glide to the center eye to get the Chart.

Unsurprisingly, Shark Island is named for its distinctive shape. The Secret 
Cave here is the site of one of the most fun battles in the game; don�t miss 

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: This Blue Chuchu is the hardest to reach in the game. It�s on a 
high plateau on the shark�s �nose.� To reach this Chuchu, first activate all 4 
of the island�s switches as described in the Silver Rupee #2 strategy. This 
summons an updraft off the island�s southwest coast. Head to the island�s 
�tail�, near the Withered Deku Tree. Set the wind to the southeast, then jump 
towards the whirlwind. You�ll have to fight the wind to reach it; once you do, 
immediately turn towards the island�s tail and land on it. Besides the Blue 
Chuchu, there are 3 Yellow Rupees waiting for you up here.
 >Silver Rupee #1: As usual, you can find a Silver Rupee beneath the Great Sea, 
this time with Treasure Chart 16 from the Sea Platform at Seven-Star Isles.
 >Silver Rupee #2: This Silver Rupee is obtained in the Secret Cave underneath 
Shark Island, which unfortunately is blocked off by a ring of fire. To 
extinguish it, you�ll have to hit all 4 of the switches on the island within a 
time limit. Before you begin, cut down all the small trees on the island. Then, 
head to the Iron Boots switch on the island�s tail. Quickly slip the Iron Boots 
on and off, then run down the tail while drawing your sword. On the shark�s 
body, turn left and hit the crystal switch, then approach its head and step on 
the pressure switch. Lastly, get out your Skull Hammer and jump down to the 
shark�s other fin, where the stake is. Smash the stake with the Skull Hammer to 
extinguish the flames and summon a whirlwind offshore. Drop down into the cave, 
and prepare for the fight of your life. To summon the chest containing the 
Silver Rupee, you�ll have to defeat a small army of Miniblin, Bokoblin, 
Moblins, Darknuts, and Wizzrobes. You may want the Light Arrows for easily 
dealing with tougher enemies. After you win, a chest appears with your prize.
 >Withered Deku Tree: There�s another Withered Deku Tree to be found on Shark 
Island�s �tail.�

There isn�t much more to say about Southern Fairy Island; like all the others, 
it�s the site of a Fairy Fountain.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Look under the eastern palm tree for a Blue Chuchu.
 >Bomb Bag Upgrade: Use a Bomb to clear out the shell-like entrance to the 
Fairy Fountain, then enter it and visit the residing Great Fairy. She 
generously gives upgrades your Bomb Bag.
 >Piece of Heart: The sunken treasure here is a Piece of Heart. Use Treasure 
Chart 4 from Beedle�s Shop Ship at Rock Spire Island to find it.
 >Sea Platforms: There are three Sea Platforms southeast of Southern Fairy 
Island. Destroy all the cannons on the two higher platforms to make two chests 
appear on the lower one. Climb onto either of them, then glide to the third 
with the Deku Leaf. The chests contain Treasure Chart 40 and a Skull Necklace.

Ice Ring Isle is the exact opposite of Fire Mountain in temperature. Subzero 
wind constantly shoots out of the dragon�s head on the center of this isle, 
making it too cold to even set foot on without getting frozen solid. Shooting a 
Fire Arrow at the plume of icy air shooting from the dragon�s head temporarily 
warms the isle long enough for you to claim its treasures.

[Items of Interest]
 >Iron Boots: After parking your boat on the northwest side of Ice Ring Isle, 
warm things up for 5 minutes with a Fire Arrow by shooting it at the dragon�s 
mouth. Quickly get out of the KoRL and onto the Isle. Be careful when moving 
around; although things are warmer, the island is still covered in slippery 
ice. Climb up the ledges near where you get onto the Isle, then slide down the 
two slopes. You next need to traverse a thin ledge between the lower part of 
the Isle and a frigid pond. It�s best to crawl so that you don�t slip off. 
Next, jump from here across some floating ice blocks. Be very careful and line 
up your jumps, especially on the moving ice block. If you fall, swim back to 
the beginning of the upper ice ring and start down the slopes again. Once 
you�re on the third block, jump onto the stone dragon mouth, climb the steps, 
and drop into the Secret Cave the freezing air was coming from. Inside the 
cave, slide down a narrow ice slide and climb up onto an intermediate platform. 
You�ll probably have to fend off some Keese with your Boomerang. Climb up onto 
another ice slide and slide down it to the next ledge. If you fall here, swim 
to a small piece of land below the light beam and use the Grappling Hook to get 
back up. Open the chest inside the miniature dragon�s head to get the Iron 
Boots and stop the timer.
 >Orange Rupee: After getting the Iron Boots, look on a ledge between the chest 
and the light beam for an intense wind; this was what propelled the icy wind 
out of the dragon�s mouth. Put on the Iron Boots and walk into the alcove 
producing this wind, into a second Secret Cave. In this even colder room, 
several enemies are frozen solid in blocks of ice. Use Fire Arrows to thaw them 
as you want. Once all the enemies are defeated, a chest with an Orange Rupee 
 >Silver Rupee: A Silver Rupee is the sunken treasure at Ice Ring Isle. Use 
Treasure Chart 17 from Spectacle Isle to find it.
 >Treasure Chart 36: After thawing Ice Ring Isle, look around its beach. A 
Yellow Rupee and a chest are frozen solid around next to the upper ice ring. 
Use Fire Arrows to thaw the treasures; the chest contains Treasure Chart 36.

The Forest Haven is a massive tree, bursting with life and serving as the home 
of the Deku Tree and Koroks. There are many things to do at this island; your 
second dungeon, the thorny Forbidden Woods, is a short distance across the sea 
from the Haven.

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: Beedle circles around the Forest Haven shore. He sells 
Hyoi Pears and All-Purpose Bait for 10 Rupees, and 30 Bombs for 30 Rupees.
 >Boomerang: Deep in the Forbidden Woods, a winged Mothula guards the best 
dungeon item in the game, the Boomerang. Its stunning, multihitting power makes 
dungeons infinitely easier.
 >Deku Leaf: After you get rid of all the Deku Tree�s Chuchu acne, he grows a 
special leaf high up in his branches. Use the Boko Buds around him and your 
Grappling Hook to ascend to it. Remember to line yourself up carefully to avert 
a painful fall; if you aren�t facing the right way, don�t touch the control 
 >Forest Firefly: After you complete Lenzo�s Picto Box tests, he requests one 
last thing to create the Deluxe Picto Box: a Forest Firefly. Don�t mistake it 
for the tiny green lights that float all over Forest Haven; the Forest Firefly 
is larger, illuminates the area near it, and shines rainbow colors. Catch it in 
an Empty Bottle and bring it to Lenzo to receive the Deluxe Picto Box!
 >Hollo�s Forest Potion Shop: After you talk with the Deku Tree, one of the 
Koroks, Hollo, sets up a Potion Shop whose entrance is on a small hill. For 
only 4 Boko Baba Seeds, which can easily be collected on your way to his shop 
from the shore, he�ll make you a powerful Blue Potion! This is a much better 
deal than anything you�ll find at Doc Bandam�s shop on Windfall Island; visit 
Hollo often!
 >Nintendo Gallery: On an island north of Forest Haven is the Nintendo Gallery, 
the location of one of the biggest sidequests in the game. Inside, Carlov the 
sculptor can carve figurines of almost everything you�ll find in the game, 
provided you bring him a color Pictograph of the subject. Before you can embark 
on a quest to complete the Nintendo Gallery, you first have to reach it. First, 
get up onto the branch out found the Deku Leaf on. Near here is another Boko 
Bud on about the same level; glide to it with the Deku Leaf. From here, glide 
to a big ledge and then out the highest exit from Forest Haven. Outside, a 
cutscene will show you the Nintendo Gallery Island. Set the wind to the north 
and fly to it. Use the C-stick to move the camera right above Link, so you can 
tell when he�s directly above the island. You can also zoom in your minimap to 
tell when he�s above it. Once he is, drop down and use a Hyoi Pear. With your 
seagull slave, fly up to the side of Forest Haven and look for a crystal switch 
in an alcove. When you hit the switch with your beak, the hatch on the Nintendo 
Gallery Island opens and a ladder on the side drops down for easier access. 
You�re now free to enter the Nintendo Gallery! To become an official member, 
show Carlov, the man at the counter, a good color Pictograph of anything.
 >Piece of Heart: A valuable Piece of Heart is the sunken treasure off Forest 
Haven. Use Treasure Chart 31 from Kamo at Windfall Island to find it.
 >Treasure Chart 3: Look on a tall island south of Forest Haven for Treasure 
Chart 3. To reach it, start on the river path towards the Great Deku Tree. On 
the second Grapple Pole, don�t swing across to the Forest Haven entrance; 
instead, climb up on top of the pole. From there, set the wind to the south and 
use the Deku Leaf to glide over to the island. Like with the Nintendo Gallery, 
move the camera to be facing down from above Link, so you can track his shadow 
and drop down above the island. Once you�ve reached the island, open the chest 
to get Treasure Chart 3.
 >Withered Deku Trees Quest: In the cutscene following your victory over Kalle 
Demos, you�ll notice 8 Koroks flying out across the Great Sea to spread new 
Deku Trees. If you talk to the Deku Tree or visit any of the islands, you�ll 
find out that the trees aren�t doing very well. The only thing that can make 
them healthy is the water flowing through Forest Haven, but it only retains its 
magic for 20 minutes after being bottled. You�ll need an Empty Bottle and the 
Ballad of Gales to rejuvenate all the trees. First, start by bottling some 
Forest Water. You now have 20 minutes to water every tree. Using the following 
route, I was able to do it in 
1. Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
After filling your Bottle with Forest Water, exit the Haven and left the river 
carry you down near your boat. Jump in, change the wind, and sail directly east 
to Cliff Plateau Isles. Climb onto the smallest isle, jump across a few more 
rocks, and fall down into the Secret Cave. Check out the Secret Cave section to 
see how to clear it. After exiting the Cave, the first withered Deku tree is 
nearby. Water it and jump back down to your boat.
2.	Shark Island (F3)
Warp to Southern Fairy Island next, then sail west to Shark Island. This 
withered Deku tree is much easier to reach; I think it�s around the island�s 
�tail,� near the Iron Boots switch.
3.	Greatfish Isle (D2)
Warp directly to Greatfish Isle for this one. The tree is on top of the 
corkscrew island you glided from to reach a Piece of Heart, one of the closer 
islands to you when you arrive.
4. Needle Rock Isle (E1)
After that, sail southwest to Needle Rock Isle. This tree is near the chest 
containing a Piece of Heart.
5.	Private Oasis (E5)
Warp to the Tower of the Gods and sail south. This tree is to the right of your 
6.	Eastern Fairy Island (C5)
Warp back to the Tower of the Gods and sail north next. This tree should be 
easy to find.
7.	Mother & Child Isles (B2)
Since warping directly to Mother & Child Isles takes you inside them, warp to 
Tingle Island and sail northwest. The tree is on Child Isle.
8.	Star Island (A2)
Next, sail directly north to Star Island. Water the final tree here to complete 
the quest.
Regardless of which tree you water last, it grows to be huge, and a Piece of 
Heart appears in its branches and drops down for you.

Cliff Plateau Isles consists of several small islands close together, and a 
larger one higher up. There isn�t much to do here.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: This Blue Chuchu should be easy to find after traveling through 
the Isles� Secret Cave. See the entry below for details.
 >Sea Platform: Though the chest containing a Boko Baba Seed sits on the Sea 
Platform southeast of Cliff Plateau Isles from the get-go, you�ll probably have 
to fend off some Wizzrobe Acolytes from your boat when you approach it. Stay 
under the Platform and shoot them with Fire Arrows, using your sail to briefly 
accelerate and dodge fireballs.
 >Secret Cave: Jump across the first few small isles and drop into the Secret 
Cave on the third. This Cave doesn�t really have a reward; it�s only used to 
reach the highest Isle. In the first part, you�ll have to jump across some 
floating, circular platforms to reach a grassy ledge. Use the Deku Leaf to 
rotate the platforms or glide across them; you may also want to consider 
grabbing the Rupees on top of them. After you reach the grassy ledge, defeat 
the nearby Boko Babas and go up the ramp. Go around the wall of thorny vines. 
The final Boko Baba between them and a tree trunk turns into a Baba Bud when 
you kill it. Use this bud to reach the top of the tree trunk. Look around up 
here for some wooden boards blocking an opening, and shoot them with a Fire 
Arrow to burn them away. From the trunk closest to the opening, glide to it 
with the Deku Leaf. A light beam is just ahead; enter it to emerge on the 
highest Isle. You can get to a chest containing Treasure Chart 25 up here.
 >Triforce Shard: Use Triforce Chart 5, from the golden Cannon Boat near Needle 
Rock Isle, to find a legendary Triforce Shard near Cliff Plateau Isles.
 >Withered Deku Tree: Also look for a Withered Deku Tree on the highest Isle 
after going through the Secret Cave. Practice clearing it quickly; you�ll need 
to in order to complete the Withered Deku Trees quest.

As usual, Horseshoe Island is named for its shape. It�s also heavily guarded by 
Seahats and a Cannon Boat; use caution when approaching. On the island, you 
will have to use your Deku Leaf and some Boko nuts to play a bizarre game of 

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: A Blue Chuchu appears on the island after the first �hole,� but 
only at night.
 >Sea Platforms: There are two Sea Platforms south-southeast of Horseshoe 
Island. Hitting a pressure switch on either Platform summons a chest on the 
other one. The chests contain a Skull Necklace and a Golden Feather
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 9 (from the Submarine near Crescent Moon 
Island) to find the sunken Silver Rupee near Horseshoe Island.
 >Treasure Chart 8: To reach this chart, you�ll have to play through three 
holes of �golf� on Horseshoe Island. Make sure to sink the Cannon Boat first. 
In the first two holes, pick a Boko nut and throw it towards the flag ahead of 
you. You can�t get too close, because some vines are in the way. If you miss, 
either try again, or blow the nut the rest of the way with your Deku Leaf. Once 
you get the nut into the hole, the vines retract and you can continue. At the 
third hole, you must rely completely on your Deku Leaf; use L to line yourself 
up. If you miss the hole, blow the Boko nut into the ocean so another regrows. 
After the third hole, drop into the secret cave at the island�s southwest edge. 
Defeat a Mothula and two Wingless Mothulas in this cave (the Fire Arrows help 
greatly) to summon a chest holding Treasure Chart 8.
 >Treasure Chart 28: After beating the golf game, don�t drop into the Secret 
Cave yet. Set the wind to the east and use the Deku Leaf to fly to the small 
rock in the center of Horseshoe Island. In a chest on this rock is Treasure 
Chart 28.

Outset Island is Link�s lifelong home island. He lives here with his grandma 
and sister, until the Helmaroc King�s arrival plunges him into an adventure. 
You�ll be returning to Outset many times, to visit old friends or do 

[Items of Interest]
 >Beedle�s Shop Ship: Circling near Outset�s docks, Beedle sells All-Purpose 
Bait and Hyoi Pears for 10 Rupees, and 30 Bombs for 30 Rupees.
 >Combat Training: After you earn the Hero�s Sword from Orca, you can visit him 
any time to practice your swordsmanship with him. You must hit Orca as many 
times as you can without getting him yourself. A good strategy is to attack 3 
or 4 times, then keep your shield up as he attacks and repeat. Look at the 
minigames section below for more details. If you hit him 100 times or more, you 
get a Purple Rupee and the rank of Page. Hitting him 300 times or more gets you 
an Orange Rupee and the rank of Knight. If you hit him at least 500 times, you 
get the rank of Swordsman and a hard-earned Piece of Heart. You don�t get a 
reward for maxing out at a hefty 1000 hits, except the rank of Master.
 >Elixir Soup: When you return to Outset Island to see Jabun, your Grandma is 
deliriously sick. To heal her, release a Fairy while standing right next to 
her. (you can use your new Bombs to get one from the woods above Outset) She 
then gives you Elixir Soup, a powerful healing item that restores your life and 
magic, and doubles the power of your sword until you�re hit! She even packed 
two helpings! You can return for more any time, but you can only have 1 bottle 
of Elixir Soup at once.
 >Hero�s Shield: After you rescue Tetra from the forest above Outset Island, 
she offers to take you on her pirate ship to find your sister if you can get 
something to defend yourself with. Return to your house and head up to the 
loft. The shield on the family�s emblem is gone! Climb or jump back down and 
talk to your Grandma. She gives you the Hero�s Shield to help find Aryll.
 >Hero�s Sword: After you spot the Helmaroc King carrying Tetra on Aryll�s 
Telescope at the start of the game, head to Orca�s house (the two-story 
building) and talk to him. He notices you look troubled and offers to let you 
practice with your sword. Complete some simple exercises in various techniques, 
and Orca lets you keep the Hero�s Sword!
 >Hurricane Spin Attack: Once you have 10 Knight�s Crests, you can give them to 
Orca to learn the powerful Hurricane Spin attack, which consumes magic but 
turns Link into a cyclone of swords to mow down everything around him! It�s 
great against Miniblin, Jalhalla, and grass. You can get a Knight�s Crest in a 
treasure chest in the first two levels, a third from the Darknut in the Tower 
of the Gods, and 7 more from Hyrule Castle.
 >Orange Rupee: You can get a valuable Orange Rupee right off the bat. Look for 
an opening under your Grandma�s porch, to the left of her door from outside. 
Crawl into the opening and under her porch, to a small cave. A chest in here 
has an Orange Rupee in it.
 >Piece of Heart: You�ll need the Power Bracelets and plenty of All-Purpose 
Bait to get this Piece of Heart. Use the Bracelets to carry Abe�s giant black 
pig all the way across the bridge, just below Mesa�s weed patch. Look for a 
circle of dark soil in the corner formed by the short ledge up to the weed 
patch and the sheer rock cliff. Throw the pig into this corner, then spread 
some All-Purpose Bait onto the dark patch. The pig should dig around in it, 
unearthing a Piece of Heart in the process.
 >Pig Collecting: Of you�re looking for some easy Rupees early in the game and 
you�ve already gotten the Orange Rupee under your Grandma�s house, visit Rose, 
who is standing in a pig pen outside her house. She�s looking for pigs to 
raise, and there are three on the island. The pigs locations are random, I 
think, but I found two on the same side of the island as Rose, and one behind 
Mesa�s house. A wild black one is in a grass patch being closely monitored by 
Abe; the two pink ones are scattered around, but still not too hard to find. 
Remember, sneak up on a pig by crawling to it, then quickly get up and grab it. 
After you get a pig, throw it into the pen and talk to Rose. She gives you Red 
Rupee for each one.
 >Rupee Purse Upgrade: Look to the woods above and behind Orca�s house for a 
Fairy Fountain. Is case you didn�t already know, to reach the woods, you must 
glide to it with your Deku Leaf from a rock on top of the east mountain, the 
one farthest west. Be sure to set the wind to the west first. Once inside, 
climb up a ramp to the right and jump down to a lowered area with a Wingless 
Mothula. Defeat it and continue up a ledge to the left. To the right up ahead 
is a cracked boulder covering a Fairy Fountain. Blow up the rock with a Bomb, 
then drop into the Fountain and see the Great Fairy for a Rupee Purse upgrade.
 >Savage Labyrinth: Deep under Outset Island, the Savage Labyrinth, a dungeon 
composed of 51 rooms filled with enemies, awaits your arrival. Mwahahaha! 
(sorry, I couldn�t resist) The entrance of the Savage Labyrinth is on a cliff 
behind your Grandma�s house. If you have the Hookshot, climb onto the rocky 
outcropping next to the cliff and reel yourself up to a palm tree above. If you 
have the Deku Leaf and an extended Magic Meter, you can glide to it in the same 
manner as the woods. Either way, use the Power Bracelets to remove a stone head 
on top of the entrance, then drop down in. You can get an essential Triforce 
Chart, a helpful Piece of Heart, and about 1200 Rupees from the Savage 
Labyrinth, so get ready for battle! Here�s a run-through of the contents of all 
51 floors; for strategies on clearing them, check out the Savage Labyrinth 
Floor 1: Pots with Fairies and a light beam to the surface
Floor 2: A heck of a lot of Keese
Floor 3: 6 Miniblin
Floor 4: 4 Bokoblin
Floor 5: 6 Red Chuchus
Floor 6: 4 Magtails
Floor 7: 4 Keese, 4 Miniblin
Floor 8: 4 Fire Keese, 2 Magtails
Floor 9: 2 Fire Keese, 4 Bokoblin
Floor 10: 2 Moblins
Floor 11: Pots with Rupees and refills, and a light beam
Floor 12: 6 Peahats
Floor 13: 4 Green Chuchus
Floor 14: 5 Boko Babas
Floor 15: 4 Shield Bokoblin
Floor 16: 5 Wingless Mothulas
Floor 17: 3 Peahats, 3 Boko Babas
Floor 18: 4 Bokoblin in pots, 4 Green Chuchus
Floor 19: 3 Wingless Mothulas, 2 Bokoblin
Floor 20: 2 Mothulas
Floor 21: Pots with Rupees and refills, and a light beam
Floor 22: 3 Wizzrobes
Floor 23: 4 Armos
Floor 24: 2 Armos Knights
Floor 25: 6 Yellow Chuchus in pots
Floor 26: 4 Red Bubbles
Floor 27: 1 Darknut, 2 Bokoblin
Floor 28: 1 Wizzrobe, 3 Armos
Floor 29: 2 Armos Knights, 2 Red Bubbles
Floor 30: 2 Darknuts
Floor 31: A light beam, Rupee pots, and Triforce Chart 6
Floor 32: 6 Redead
Floor 33: 5 Blue Bubbles
Floor 34: 6 Dark Chuchus
Floor 35: 5 Poes
Floor 36: 3 Mothulas
Floor 37: 3 Redead, 2 Moblins
Floor 38: 5 Dark Chuchus, 1 Mothula
Floor 39: 5 Poes, 2 Moblins
Floor 40: 4 Blue Bubbles, 2 Stalfos
Floor 41: Pots with lots of Rupees and a light beam
Floor 42: An insane amount of Miniblin
Floor 43: 10 Red, Green, and Yellow Chuchus
Floor 44: 5 Wizzrobes
Floor 45: 16 Bokoblin
Floor 46: 4 Redead, 2 Stalfos
Floor 47: 3 Moblins, 2 Darknuts
Floor 48: 3 Wizzrobes, 2 Darknuts
Floor 49: 3 Stalfos
Floor 50: 4 Darknuts and fire-breathing statues
Floor 51: A Piece of Heart and light beam
 >Telescope: After you go to your Grandma�s house and get the Hero�s Clothes at 
the start of the game, return to the watch tower and talk to Aryll. She gives 
you her most treasured belonging, a Telescope, as a birthday present.
 >Triforce Shard: Use Triforce Shard 4, from the Ghost Ship, to find a mystical 
Triforce Shard sunken around Outset Island.

Headstone is a rocky, barren island with, what else, a head-shaped stone on it. 
However, this stone hides something much less obvious: an entrance to the Earth 
Temple. Until you can remove the stone with the Power Bracelets and journey 
inside, there isn�t much to do here. Like Gale Isle, it�s guarded by a lone 
Cannon Boat.

[Items of Interest]
 >Earth God�s Lyric: Once you throw the Headstone aside with the Power 
Bracelets and enter, you�ll find an ancient stone tablet with Wind Waker 
directions written on it. If you get out your Wind Waker, the spirit of the 
Zora Sage Laruto will appear and teach you the Earth God�s Lyric. You�ll need 
this song to awaken the new Earth Sage and throughout the Earth Temple.
 >Mirror Shield: Deep underground in the Earth Temple, 3 Stalfos guard a 
treasure chest containing the Mirror Shield. After you find and defeat them, 
you can acquire the reflective relic.
 >Piece of Heart: Strangely enough, a Piece of Heart and found its way to the 
top of Headstone Island. You can�t reach it yourself by any means, but you can 
by controlling a nearby seagull with a Hyoi Pear. Once you pick up the Piece of 
Heart as the seagull, switch back to Link. He magically gets it.
 >Silver Rupee: Use Treasure Chart 40 (from a Sea Platform near Southern Fairy 
Island) to find a Silver Rupee beneath the Great Sea near Headstone Island.
 >Submarine: Make sure you have the Boomerang before sailing to the Submarine 
north-northwest of Headstone Island! Due to a glitch or programming error, Link 
walks into the Submarine several feet farther forward than normal, which makes 
him fall right into a Bomb-filled minefield! Not only are there Bomb Flowers 
everywhere, but about a dozen Bombchus scamper around throwing more explosives 
at you! Never stop moving as you rapidly L-target the Bombchus and destroy them 
with your Boomerang. I was able to beat this Submarine with no damage by 
keeping alert. After you defeat all the Bombchus, a ladder on the far side of 
the Submarine drops down. Climb it and open the chest in the next room for 
Treasure Chart 14.

As with all the Reefs, there isn�t much to do at Two-Eye Reef. You can upgrade 
your Magic Meter here, though.

[Items of Interest]
 >Magic Meter Upgrade/Big Octo: Look around Two-Eye Reef with your Telescope to 
find some circling seagulls. Head over to them, and, as usual, a Big Octo rises 
from the depths. This one has only 4 eyes, however, so it should be easy to 
beat. When you do, a Great Fairy rises from where it was and doubles the size 
of your Magic Meter!
 >Sea Platform: There are no cannons on the Sea Platform southeast of Two-Eye 
Reef, but the top is crowded with 4 frozen pots, 7 Pirate Bokoblin, 3 
Kargarocs, and a Shield Bokoblin! Keep moving and never stop slashing away at 
the enemies; although there are lots of them, they are pretty weak. You get a 
Purple Rupee for beating everyone.
 >Treasure Chart 13: By now, I shouldn�t even have to tell you how to get the 
Treasure Chart from this reef. As usual, defeat all the Cannon Boats and wall-
mounted cannons to make a treasure chest appear on one of the eyes. Glide to it 
from the reef�s highest point and open it to get Treasure Chart 13.
 >Triforce Shard: Use Triforce Chart 8, from Overlook Island, to pull up a 
precious Triforce Shard near Two-Eye Reef.

One of the smallest isles on the Great Sea, the Angular Isles are composed 
entirely of algae-covered blocks. Strangely for their small size, there are two 
Pieces of Heart here.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Look just below for instructions on how to reach the Piece of 
Heart on top of Angular Isles; a Blue Chuchu is right next to the chest 
containing it.
 >Piece of Heart #1: This Piece of Heart is in a chest sitting on top of the 
larger isle; the hard part is getting to it. First, climb up a stairway of 
blocks on the eastern side of the isle to get onto it. Run around the lowest 
level of blocks until you find a small indentation in the ground and a movable 
block in the wall. Pull it out and climb up it. On the next level, look to the 
right for a movable block. Push it off the ledge back to where you started, 
then along the wall to the end of the indentation. Climb up it, and you�ll be 
faced with two blocks stacked on each other. Pull the bottom on out halfway, 
then climb both of them. It should be easy to climb up to the top of the island 
from here and get the Piece of Heart. Be sure to slay the Blue Chuchu up here 
for Blue Chu Jelly.
 >Piece of Heart #2: Use Treasure Chart 15, from the Forbidden Woods, to find a 
Piece of Heart near the Angular Isles and pull it up with the Grappling Hook.
 >Silver Rupee: This Silver Rupee is in a Secret Cave under the smaller Angular 
Isle. Either use your Hookshot on the palm tree to reach it from your boat, or 
glide to it from the larger isle with the Deku Leaf. Once inside, you�re 
challenged to solve a block puzzle to reach two intersecting light beams, which 
must be reflected onto the chest to make it solid. Here are the steps to do it:
1.	First, move the lone block to the left of the tall stack over to the right 
of it.
2.	Climb on top of the block you just moved and pull out the next one half way.
3.	Climb back down and pull the first block back halfway, out from under the 
4.	Climb back up and pull the second block out the other halfway. The 3 blocks 
above it all fall down into the newly opened space.
5.	Climb on top of the second block and pull the fourth one out halfway.
6.	Climb up on top of the fifth block using the new staircase you created.
7.	You�ll be faced with a final stack of two blocks. Pull out the bottom one 
halfway (while defying the laws of physics) and climb up on top of it, then 
get up onto the highest block.
Once on the final block, use the Mirror Shield to shine light onto the 
translucent chest on the far side of the room. Once it materializes, reach it 
with the Hookshot or Deku Leaf and get the Silver Rupee inside.

Run by the sailor Loot, the Boating Course is a small island where you can test 
your skill with handling the KoRL. It�s also heavily guarded by Seahats.

[Items of Interest]
 >Blue Chuchu: Set the wind to the north, then use The Deku Leaf to glide from 
the larger half of the Boating Course to the smaller one. Look on a large rock 
on this isle for a Blue Chuchu.
 >Boating Course Minigame: By paying Loot 30 Rupees, you can play his minigame. 
In it, you�re challenged to pick up as many Rupees along the roped-off course 
in 4 minutes as you can and still get to the finish line in time. These Rupees 
are all floating over barrels in the water. Simply run over the horizontal 
ones, and jump over the vertical ones with the R button. There are some barrels 
right next to each other, so you can�t get both Rupees at once. To get the 
Rupees you missed your first time around the course, go around the left of the 
island as you approach it instead of through the finish line. Also, the wind 
always stays behind you, so you don�t need to worry about changing it. There 
are a total of 150 Rupees to get in the Boating Course each time. Once you 
finish, Loot lowers the time limit by 10 seconds for your next try.
 >Sea Hearts Chart: With Treasure Chart 32, from Three-Eye Reef, you can find 
the treasure on the Boating Course: another chart, the Sea Hearts Chart!
 >Submarine Chart: Reach the smaller part of the Boating Course the same way 
you did for the Blue Chuchu, but instead look for and enter a Secret Cave 
there. In this Cave, you have to trigger 3 crystal switches above the ground 
with your Boomerang to summon a treasure chest. To make things harder, Miniblin 
constantly attack you. Try to kill all the ones around you, then face the 
switch you�re trying to hit before switching to the Boomerang view to make 
aiming faster. Remember to aim from a good distance away so the switch isn�t 
obstructed by the ledge it sits on. Once you manage to trigger all the 
switches, the chest with the Submarine Chart appears.

Five-Star Isles is the last island on the Great Sea. (at least for me) Like 
Seven-Star Isles and the Star Belt Archipelago, it�s only a collection of tall, 
barren spires guarded by Kargarocs. You�ll find more things to do near the 
isles than on them.

[Items of Interest]
 >Full Moon Light Rings: 3 light rings hiding Red Rupees appear near Five-Star 
Isles under a full moon.
 >Ghost Ship: During a right crescent moon, the Ghost Ship appears near Five-
Star Isles. As usual, you�ll need the Ghost Ship Chart to be able to enter it.
 >Piece of Heart: Use Treasure Chart 33, from Minenco on Windfall Island, to 
pull up a valuable Piece of Heart from the waters of Five-Star Isles.
 >Sea Platform: Destroy all the cannons on the Sea Platform southwest of Five-
Star Isles to summon a chest containing a Golden Feather on top of it. Watch 
out for the 2 Pirate Bokoblin.
 >Submarine: In the Submarine in the extreme southeast corner of the Great Sea, 
you simply have to fight some Bokoblin and Keese. The Boomerang helps, but you 
definitely don�t need it. Considering how easy the battle was, it�s surprising 
the treasure chest on top of the ladder contains a Piece of Heart.
19. Minigames (Mngms)

Over his travels, Link encounters several minigames that provide diversions 
from his adventure, along with nice rewards. This list details the repeatable 
minigames you can play.

Location: Flight Control Platform (B7)
Entry: 10 Rupees
Reward(s): Heart Piece for first win, Purple Rupee for following wins
Obli and Willi, two Rito impersonators from Windfall Island, have set up a 
minigame a Rito�s flight or two east of Dragon Roost Island. The objective is 
simple: fly, glide, or float past Obli�s current distance record (of about 257 
yards) to become the new champion! Firstly, remember that you NEED a doubled 
Magic Meter for this; otherwise you won�t stand a chance. Also, remember to set 
the wind to the northwest or you won�t get anywhere. After that, this minigame 
is all about timing and foresight. The only way to get far enough is to run 
into some of the 5 updrafts around the course. Only the first one is 
stationary; all the others move back and forth in predictable patterns. With a 
few tries, you should be able to know when to jump and where to steer to hit 
the updrafts. Also, don�t be discouraged if you miss one; on my winning run I 
only hit the first and third updrafts. This is a great minigame to practice at; 
try to set new records if you�re confident enough.

Location: Boating Course (G6)
Entry: 30 Rupees
Reward(s): 0-150 Rupees
This minigame, run by the rugged sailor Loot, tests your skill at handling the 
King of Red Lions. It involves steering him through the roped-off section of 
Great Sea and grabbing the Green and Yellow Rupees stationed above barrels 
along the course. Simply run over the sideways barrels to pick up their Rupees. 
Use R to jump your boat over the upright ones to get the Rupees there. Also, 
don�t worry about setting the wind; it changes as you go around the course. 
This minigame really isn�t too hard to ace; remember to keep the camera zoomed 
out in free mode to see upcoming Rupees. Also, master the art of sharp turns 
with R to get Rupees. You�re given four minutes to get as many Rupees as you 
can and cross the finish line; if time runs out, you�ll lose the Rupees you 
picked up. Although it is possible to collect most of the Rupees your first 
time through, you are given time for a second lap. To avoid the finish line, 
sail around the right side of it. Although it starts out easy to get every 
Rupee, Loot subtracts 10 seconds from the time limit each time you win, so you 
can�t keep playing forever.

Location: Spectacle Island (B3)
Entry: 50 Rupees
Rewards: Piece of Heart for first win, Treasure Chart 17 for second win, Orange 
Rupee for following wins
This minigame, run by the ever-hilarious Salvatore, is definitely my favorite 
one. Unfortunately, its entry price of a whopping 50 Rupees makes it hard to 
play for long. As you begin, �Gonzo� tells you your objective: use the cannon 
to sink the �vessels� floating in the sea nearby to claim �Tetra�s� �treasure.� 
With practice, this minigame becomes extremely easy. The barrels don�t move, 
and although you�re given only 10 shots, hitting them isn�t very hard with 
practice. Aligning the cannon with the target should be easy. After that, 
choose the angle to fire at. (a gauge at the bottom right shows the cannon�s 
angle) Like I said before, you�ll develop a �sense� as to what angles to use 
for different distance. Since you have two shots for every barrel, use the 
first one to see how you have to raise or lower the angle. Once you have plenty 
of Rupees, feel free to play for fun. Or, try to see how many shots you can win 
with. (my record is seven)

Location: Outset Island (G2)
Entry: Free
Reward: Purple Rupee for 100-299 hits, Orange Rupee for 300-499 hits, Heart 
Piece for 500+ hits
After starting on your adventure, you can return to Outset to practice your 
combat skills by dueling with Orca. You only get your sword and shield for the 
battle; the objective is to hit Orca with your sword as many times as you can 
before he hits you three times. It sounds hard, but it�s much more tedious. If 
you simply go all out, he�ll quickly hit you as you finish a combo. A safe plan 
of attack is to hit him four times,  keep your shield out until he attacks you, 
then repeat almost indefinitely. Don�t worry if Orca always blocks your blows; 
it�s impossible to actually hit him. Also, ALWAYS keep locked onto Orca. (make 
sure to set the targeting to switch so your finger doesn�t get numb) With 
patience and restraint, this minigame is easy to win. Besides the 
aforementioned rewards, you can also win new ranks. Getting over 100 blows 
earns you the title of Page, 300 or more makes you a Swordsman, 500 a Knight, 
and maxing out at 1000 makes you Orca�s Master. It may take almost forever, but 
getting 1000 hits is definitely worth it.

Location: Dragon Roost Island (B6)
Entry: Free
Reward: Red Rupee and Piece of Heart, (for getting 25 or more for Baito) Rupees
This minigame is simple. You are given 30 seconds to speed-sort some mail for 
Koboli and Baito. The mail is shown at the bottom of the screen; quickly use A 
to throw it into the cubby with the matching symbol. With practice, you should 
be able to easily sort 25 or more letters. After you get the rewards for the 
game, you can keep playing as long as you want. Every time you beat your old 
record, you receive a Rupee for every letter you sorted. Unfortunately, this 
makes it impossible to keep playing forever, so you�ll eventually have to seek 
out other sources of Rupees.

Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Entry: 3 Skull Necklaces
Reward: 50 Rupees
If you give Dampa (the sailor outside Cannon�s shop) 3 Skull Necklaces, he�ll 
let you play a small minigame: Piggy-Sitting! This game is simple: you have 2 
minutes to catch all three of Dampa�s pigs and bring them to him. Remember; 
pigs run away from you, so lure them with All-Purpose Bait or crawl up next to 
them. After you catch one, don�t throw it to Dampa; walk up to him and set it 
at his feet with R. He�ll tell you how much time (and how many pigs) you have 
left. I think the pigs start out exactly where they were before you started the 
minigame; it will be very easy this way. If not, they start at:
Around the flower patch Potova and Joanna are playing in
On the beach to the right of the cliff, below Cannon�s shop
Up the ramp to the left of the city entrance, outside the jail
Once you get all three, Dampa gives you an easy 50 Rupees.

Location: Private Oasis (E5)
Entry: Free
Reward: 50 Rupees per puzzle, 200 for last one
This minigame, found in your cabana, is identical to the sliding tile puzzles 
you�ve probably seen in real life. You have to move the 15 tiles around the 4 
by 4 grid to create the picture opposite the grid, which you can look at 
anytime to refresh your memory. The key to winning this game is an excellent 
maneuver from SIMSteven�s FAQ. First, look at the completed puzzle across the 
cabana to find out what the bottom-left corner should look like. Then, slide 
the 4 pieces that make up that corner into place. That part should be easy. 
Now, you�ll be using a 6-piece strategy to finish the puzzle off. In these 
diagrams, 1 and 2 are the pieces you�re moving into the leftmost column, the 
asterisks are the unimportant tiles, and O is the empty hole.

* * 2
1 * O

* * O
1 * 2

* O *
1 * 2

* * *
1 O 2

* * *
1 2 O

* * O
1 2 *

* O *
1 2 *

O * *
1 2 *

1 * *
O 2 *

1 * *
2 O *

Once you perfect this simple routine, you�ll easily be able to solve the top 
left, bottom left, and bottom right corners. After this, rotate the tiles in 
the top right corner around until the puzzle is (hopefully) solved! When you 
win a puzzle, the door tosses out 50 Rupees for you. In Greens and Blues. Don�t 
panic; they won�t disappear like they normally do. You get 200 Rupees for 
solving the final (16th) puzzle, then the tiles are reset for you to play 
again. The subjects of the 16 puzzles are:
1.	Zill
2.	Aryll
3.	Tingle
4.	Salvatore
5.	Tetra
6.	Makar
7.	Medli
8.	King of Red Lions
9.	Orca
10. Grandma
11. Doc Bandam
12. Quill
13. Niko
14. Beedle
15. Moblin
16. Helmaroc King

Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Entry: 10 Rupees
Reward: Piece of Heart for first win, Treasure Chart 17 for second win, 
Treasure Chart 23 for setting new high score, 50 Rupees for third win or more, 
100 Rupees for setting high score again
Like the Cannon minigame, Squid-Hunt is run by the ever-hilarious Salvatore. 
This time, you�re ordered by the �captain� to protect the �island� full of 
�children� from the �squid.� The game works a lot like Battleship. You have 24 
shots to sink hidden squids stretching 2, 3, and 4 squares. This means you have 
only 8 shots per squid. This game is mainly about luck, and finding the squids 
quickly. I was able to get 17 only because two of the squids were aligned. 
There is a little skill involved; for the best chance of getting a good score, 
space your shots out slightly to cover more area. Once you �sink� all three 
�squids,� you�ll make the �children� happy and get a reward.

Location: Any Island
Entry: 1 Serving of All-Purpose Bait
Reward: 10 Rupees per hit, 200 Rupees for 10 hits
If you feed a Merman in an area you�ve already mapped out after getting the 
Hero�s Bow, he�ll let you play a target practice game with him! (he�s in bad 
need of acupuncture) You have to use your Bow (now set to A) to hit the Merman 
with all 10 of your shots, as he jumps out of the water no less than 10 times. 
Obviously, it�s an extremely hard and bad way to make Rupees, as you have to 
fire at him every time he jumps and hit. Stick with better ways of getting 

Location: Windfall Island (B4)
Entry: None
Reward: Piece of Heart, Treasure Chart 18, Treasure Chart 38, Joy Pendant
If you enter the Windfall Island auction house at night after beating the 
Forsaken Fortress, you�ll see that Zunari is having, surprise, an auction! The 
auction is the only way to get some rare items, so you�ll have to do it sooner 
or later. As the auction starts, Zunari showcases the item being sold and 
starts the bidding at a price corresponding to its worth. You�ll then be pitted 
against some of Windfall�s residents to bid for the item. The auction lasts one 
minute, but the clock pauses when someone makes a bid. Zunari gives warnings 
for when you have 30, 10, and 5 seconds left to bid. To make a bid, mash A to 
fill up the bid meter at the bottom of the screen. It also fills up very slowly 
on its own. Once it�s completely filled, Zunari tells you how much time you 
have left and lets you place a bid. If you want to check the clock at any time, 
make a bid, but offer less than the current bid. Your bid will be cancelled, 
but you�ll still know how much time is left. Anyway, the secret to winning an 
auction is not to bid until the last few seconds. Don�t fill your meter at all 
until Zunari announces the 30-second mark, then fill it halfway. At 10 seconds, 
fill it nearly to the top. Once he announces 5 seconds, top the meter off and 
CAREFULLY make your bid. (don�t keep mashing A or you�ll waste your chance) Bid 
at least 125% of the current bid (or just an obscene amount if you don�t feel 
like doing the math) and everyone else is confused by your richness for several 
seconds. Conveniently enough, there are only several seconds left on the clock, 
so you�ll win! If you mess up and someone else wins the item, don�t worry; 
Zunari somehow stocks another one later. If you�re bidding for an undesired 
item, press B during the bidding to exit the auction, then reenter and try 
20. The Tingle Tuner (Tntnq)

The Tingle Tuner is a strange device given to Link by Tingle. It lets you help 
ink out by connecting a Game Boy Advance to an empty controller slot. While the 
Tingle Tuner isn�t required to beat the game, it can still help in places by 
selling various services to Link. The GBA controls for using the Tuner are 
fairly simple.
A Button: Call Link and force him to drop whatever he�s doing (hint hint) or 
investigate areas marked with a !
B Button: Use the selected Tingle service
L Button: While holding, use D-pad to scroll around the current dungeon area, 
even if Link doesn�t have the Dungeon Map
R Button: Locks Tingle onto Link or the nearest enemy
D-Pad: Mode Tingle around
Start Button: View item select screen
Select Button: View controls

Now, for the services Tingle will sell to Link (note that unfortunately, they 
can�t be used in boss fights):
Seagull Pen (0 Rupees): Only usable on the Great Sea. This lets you mark any 
location down on the map. It then shows you what direction you need to sail in 
to reach the destination and alerts you when you get close.
Tingle Balloon (30 Rupees): This service lets Link walk on air for 5 seconds. 
It can be slightly useful and cool, but there�s a delay when using it, so don�t 
go walking out off cliffs until Tingle takes your money.
Tingle Shield (40 Rupees): Makes Link invincible for 10 seconds. This option 
can be good in heated battles, but it�s no replacement for fighting skill. You 
probably won�t use this feature often.
Kooloo-limpah! (40 Rupees): This service randomly gives you a Potion (of a 
random color), a 10-second combination Tingle Balloon/Shield, or nothing. It 
isn�t as good as the individual services because of its randomness, and isn�t 
available until you get a magic meter.
Tingle Bomb (10 Rupees): Without doubt Tingle�s coolest service, the Tingle 
Bomb lets you blow up whatever the cursor is over. It lets Tingle help Link out 
in battles, or blow Link himself up for even more fun. Use it often.
Tingle Watch (0 Rupees): This service tells you what time it is. Simple enough.
Red Guide Book (0 Rupees): Give instructions on all Tingle�s services. 
Hand-Me-Down Tingle Tuner (0 Rupees): This service is only available after 
finding Knuckle. (see below) It lets you buy All-Purpose Bait for 20 Rupees and 
Arrows for 50 Rupees anywhere you want. It�s overpriced, but at least you can 
use it almost anywhere. It replaces the Red Guide Book.
Red Ting (20 Rupees): This useful feature acts like a Red Potion. It takes a 
while to activate, though.
Green Ting (40 Rupees): Obviously, the Green Ting acts like a Green Potion. Use 
it like the Red Ting.
Blue Ting (80 Rupees): The Blue Ting replenishes Link�s health and magic. 
Unless you�re in a hurry, just use the Red and Green Tings to save Rupees.

You can also use the Tingle Tuner to embark on several sidequests. The first 
and foremost are the Tingle Statues. When you find these statues hidden in each 
dungeon, they appear on Tingle Island.

This statue is in an alcove in a room on Dragon Roost Cavern�s first floor, 
just north of the main lava cavern. It�s through the door in the shape of a 
monster head, reached by the massive lava geyser from the second floor. The 
room I�m talking about is the one where you grapple onto an overhanging hook 
and turn to the right to continue. Instead of this, grapple straight ahead from 
the entrance, into a supposedly empty alcove. If you examine this spot with 
Tingle, he�ll tell you that there�s treasure here. Drop a Tingle Bomb in the 
center of the alcove and run off to one of the sides. Once it detonates, a 
chest containing the Dragon Tingle Statue should be revealed.

The Forbidden Woods� Tingle Statue is in the large, northernmost basement room 
with the large tree stump and Treasure Chart 1. If you look to the right when 
you enter the room, you�ll see a small island up against the wall. Jump down to 
this island, search around it with Tingle, and from a safe distance drop a 
Tingle Bomb where he locates treasure. This should make the chest with the 
Forbidden Tingle Statue appear.

After you shut off the water flow in the Tower of the Gods� lobby, you can 
enter the mouth it was pouring from. The next room, with a Beamos, 2 Rats, and 
some elevator platforms, contains a Tingle Statue. Rise up the elevators on the 
far side as normal, but don�t get off at the door to the next room. Instead, 
keep going up and get onto a floating platform high above. Tingle will once 
again locate treasure here. Drop a Tingle Bomb and jump off the platform to the 
ledge with the exit. Get back onto the elevator and the platform to open the 
chest with the Goddess Tingle Statue.

This cunningly hidden statue is in the first room of the Earth Temple�s 
basement, with the bridge over nasty evil fog and Blue Bubbles. After defeating 
the bubbles, look to the east of the bridge. You should see a passage leading 
away from the main room with a hanging platform at its entrance. Float to this 
platform with the Deku Leaf, and jump to the next platform. Float to a ledge at 
the end of the passage, and drop a Tingle Bomb where Tingle finds treasure. 
Open the chest that appears and get the Earth Tingle Statue.

The final Tingle Statue is in the Wind Temple room where Makar gets kidnapped 
by Floormasters. Jump down into the deep pit between the platforms, and have 
Tingle look for treasure between the bases of the two ledges. You�ll constantly 
have to fend off Grabbing Hands as you do this. Drop a bomb where he finds 
treasure and open the chest to get the last Tingle Statue.

You can also use the Tingle Tuner on Outset Island (G2) to find Tingle�s 
brother, Knuckle. If you search the beach around the grass patch and three 
rocks with the Tingle Tuner activated, Tingle should find Knuckle on the GBA. 
After a short conversation between them, Knuckle tells you to go to the outdoor 
bath, and not to enter any buildings. This should be easy; go to the watering 
trough behind your house and get into it.

After that, Knuckle tells you to climb down the ladder that no one uses. Head 
to the other half of Outset Island and go out on the dock to the lookout tower. 
Climb down the short ladder below the tower into the water.

Next, you�ll have to climb up on top of the biggest rock on top of the tall 
hill. This isn�t the rock you jump off of to reach the woods; it�s farther east 
and larger.

After this, Knuckle�s final instruction is to jump under this suspension 
bridge. What he means by this is to fall off the ledge where the suspension 
bridge was, onto a rock far below. (to avoid damage, use the Deku Leaf midway 
to break your fall and arms) After this, Knuckle gives you the Hand-Me-Down 
Tingle Tuner and appears on Tingle Island. Make sure you get his Pictograph 

There are two other Tingle Tuner sidequests you can do to decrease the cost of 
some of his services. To halve the cost of his Tings, set sail for the Forsaken 
Fortress. (A1) Enter through the main door on the northeast side of the 
courtyard. Head down the southeast passage (defeat the Moblin if it�s still 
there) and go through the doorway. On the left side of the next room, you 
should see a grey stone cauldron hanging by the wall. Climb the ladder in the 
northern corner of the room and get onto the wooden shelf. From here, you�ll be 
able to drop into the cauldron. If you have the Tingle Tuner on, he finds some 
invisible broth and uses it to halve the cost of his Tings.

To lower the cost of the Tingle Shield, Balloon, and Kooloo-limpah by 10 
Rupees, you need to get onto the canopy above the School of Joy on Windfall 
Island. (B4) There are 2 way to do this. You can climb onto the adjacent wall 
(where Gummy is standing, overlooking the entry arch) and then jump from its 
edge onto the canopy, or climb the stairs to the auction house, set the wind to 
the west, and glide to it with the Deku Leaf. Either way, if you have the 
Tingle Tuner on when you get to the canopy, you �find� Tingle (I thought he was 
already helping you out... 0_o) and he lowers the cost of the aforementioned 3 

This is definitely the best and most profitable use of the Tingle Tuner. If you 
sail around to the western side of Outset Island (G2), you�ll notice a small 
ledge under the large one with the entrance to the Savage Labyrinth. There are 
two ways to reach this platform. The first is to get onto the rocky outcropping 
behind your house. To the west of this, you�ll see a small ledge with a pot on 
it. You can sidle to this ledge along the cliff or float to it with the Deku 
Leaf. (be sure to set the wind to the west) After this, use the Deku Leaf again 
to reach the westernmost ledge. You can also get onto the large ledge with the 
Savage Labyrinth entrance (by floating to it with the Deku Leaf from the 
eastern mountain or using the Hookshot on the palm tree to reach it from the 
outcropping) and then drop to the western ledge. Make sure you�re over the 
ledge before dropping. Anyway, once you reach the ledge, have Tingle search 
around on it until he recommends using a Tingle Bomb. Do it, and stand on the 
other side of the ledge. When the smoke clears, a large pot containing an 
Orange Rupee appears. Not bad, huh? It gets even better; the pot reappears 
whenever you play the Song of Passing or enter a building! This is an easy way 
to get infinite money; break open the pot all you want! 
21. The Savage Labyrinth (Tsvlr)

The Savage Labyrinth is a truly massive Secret Cave, a mini-dungeon in itself. 
This trying gauntlet is the ultimate test of endurance. To claim its wondrous 
rewards, you�ll have to make your way through a total of 45 floors filled with 
nearly every enemy in the game! (luckily, Floormasters are an exception) The 
floors go in order of level; each new set of 10 floors contains enemies from 
one of the major Dungeons. The enemies get successively tougher, and worst of 
all none of them drop spoils. However, there is a way around this. Battle 
spoils and refills can still be Grappled from enemies you find. However, most 
enemies drop nothing or just their spoils. Bokoblin, Moblins, and Darknuts can 
all be Grappled from multiple times, letting you get more Hearts, arrows, 
Bombs, or sometimes Magic. If you judiciously Grapple throughout the Labyrinth, 
it�s fully possible to beat it without using a healing item! If you�re nervous, 
you may want to wait until acquiring the Light Arrows before attempting the 
Labyrinth. You should also remember to bring plenty of healing items, 
especially a bottle of Elixir Soup, just in case something bad happens. If you 
get through all 51 floors, you�ll be able to get a Triforce Chart, Piece of 
Heart, and about 1200 Rupees!

The entrance to the Savage Labyrinth is on a high plateau behind your Grandma�s 
house on Outset Island. There are two ways to reach the cliff. The first is to 
climb to the top of Outset�s eastern island. The Old Man Ho-Ho on top is 
looking directly at the cliff. Set the wind to the west and jump off the rock 
on top, that you use to reach the other side of the broken bridge. Instead, use 
the Deku Leaf to float around the right side of the mountain, ending up on the 
ledge. The other way is more direct, but can�t be used until later. Climb up to 
the rock behind your Grandma�s house and use the Hookshot on the palm tree high 
above on the ledge to get up. Either way, use the Power Bracelets to remove the 
nearby stone head and drop down the now-exposed hole into the Savage Labyrinth.

Now, for a floor-by-floor walkthrough of the Labyrinth:

 >Floor 1
Enemies: None
This is the floor you�ll reach directly after dropping into the Labyrinth. It 
contains a light beam for returning to the surface, (you aren�t going to back 
down already, are you?) some pots containing Fairies, (although you should be 
stocked up on Blue Potions and Elixirs) a stone tablet introducing the Savage 
Labyrinth, and most importantly, a hole leading to the next level. (hole travel 
is the only way to go here)

 >Floor 2
Enemies: A ridiculously huge amount of Keese
At the moment you drop down into floor 2, you�re surrounded by about 30-40 
Keese. Always try to keep away from the Keese as you quickly lock onto one, 
give the Boomerang a toss, and repeat. Keep this cycle up at a feverish pace 
until all the Keese are gone.

 >Floor 3
Enemies: 6 Miniblin
This floor isn�t too hard. Keep moving away from the Miniblin so they don�t 
poke you. Because they have such short lifespans, you may not want to L-target 
them. Just attack them with horizontal slashes and they�ll go down fast.

 >Floor 4
Enemies: 4 Bokoblin
These guys shouldn�t be too hard either. Just stun them with the Boomerang and 
unload a combo. Try not to fight too many at once.

 >Floor 5
Enemies: 6 Red Chuchus
Another easy floor. Quickly get close to a Chuchu, stun it with the Boomerang, 
then instantly slash it with your sword. You should already be practiced with 
this routine by now. If you can�t find a Red Chuchu, run around the room and it 
will hopefully drop from the ceiling.

 >Floor 6
Enemies: 4 Magtails
This floor is also quite easy. Lock onto the Magtails and parry their attacks, 
one at a time. They�re pretty slow, so they probably won�t gang up on you.

 >Floor 7
Enemies: 4 Keese, 4 Miniblin
This should also be an easy floor. Just �Rang the Keese and sword attack the 

 >Floor 8
Enemies: 4 Fire Keese, 2 Magtails
Next: the Fire Mountain room! Parry the Magtails and Boomerang the Fire Keese 
and you�ll be through here in no time.

 >Floor 9
Enemies: 2 Fire Keese, 4 Bokoblin
Will the easy floors never end!? Beat the Fire Keese and Bokoblin just like 

 >Floor 10
Enemies: 2 Moblins
Here�s where the floors get remotely challenging. Boomerang the Moblins one by 
one, then give them the beatings of their short lives. Keep both of them from 
being within spear range. You may want to stun the Moblins and Grapple from 
them to get some refills.

 >Floor 11
Enemies: None
This is your first refill floor. Whatever you do, DON�T ENTER THE LIGHT!! This 
will force you to start the Labyrinth over! Instead, break open the nearby 
pots. The small ones contain refills, and the large ones contain huge amounts 
of Rupees! After you�re done, drop down the hole to the next set of floors.

 >Floor 12
Enemies: 6 Peahats
Time for a Boomerang field day. Two hits takes a Peahat out. Toss it quickly, 
and try to dodge their charges or stay well away!

 >Floor 13
Enemies: 4 Green Chuchus
Take these guys out exactly as you did the Red Chuchus; with the Master Sword, 
their doubled HP doesn�t matter.

 >Floor 14
Enemies: 5 Boko Babas
This floor is incredibly easy. Approach a Boko Baba so it extends from its 
flower, then L-target it and throw the Boomerang to kill it. Repeat until 
they�re all gone.

 >Floor 15
Enemies: 4 Shield Bokoblin
This is just like Floor 4, except the room is dark and the Bokoblin hold 
torches. It still shouldn�t be hard to locate and kill them. Remember to stun 
them to get any hits in.

 >Floor 16
Enemies: 5 Wingless Mothulas
These guys are pretty easy; they go down with one Master Sword slash. Keep away 
from their charges and/or try stunning them with the Boomerang.

 >Floor 17
Enemies: 3 Peahats, 3 Boko Babas
Never let the �Rang stop flying here. Lock on and throw as quickly as possible.

 >Floor 18
Enemies: 4 Bokoblin in pots, 4 Green Chuchus
At first it doesn�t look like any enemies are in here. The Green Chuchus rise 
from the floor when you approach, and the Bokoblin jump out of the pots. Take 
out the Green Chuchus with the �Rang-Sword combo while staying away from the 
pots. Then L-target and jump attack your way to the pots to surprise the 
Bokoblin in midair.

 >Floor 19
Enemies: 3 Wingless Mothulas, 2 Bokoblin
Take out the Wingless Mothulas first so they can�t bother you with charge 
attacks, then work on the Bokoblin.

 >Floor 20
Enemies: 2 Mothulas
This floor is surprisingly easy. Shoot a Fire Arrow at each Winged Mothula, and 
they go down Hindenburg-style.

 >Floor 21
Enemies: None
This is your second reward floor. As before, DON�T ENTER THE LIGHT and get the 
rewards in the pots. When you�re ready, go down the hole.

 >Floor 22
Enemies: 3 Wizzrobes
This battle can be slightly hard. The fastest way to beat this floor is to 
shoot each Wizzrobe with a Fire Arrow. If you want to save Magic and arrows 
(but lose Hearts) Boomerang a Wizzrobe, then jump attack it. Good luck dodging 
the fireballs.

 >Floor 23
Enemies: 4 Armos
This is pretty easy. Lock onto one and keep your shield up as you step aside 
from their charge. As they pass by, smash their backsides to hopefully take a 
few out. Repeat this until they all die, and remember to avoid their suicide 
charge. If you�re having trouble hitting their posteriors as they pass, stun 
them with arrows.

 >Floor 24
Enemies: 2 Armos Knights
These guys are also easy. Back away from them as they approach you, then pull 
out a Bomb and throw it at them when they open their mouths. If you can, use 
the bomb flowers planted around the room.

 >Floor 25
Enemies: 6 Yellow Chuchus in pots
These little guys pop out of the pots them you approach. Don�t slash the pots 
or you�ll get shocked. Use the same quick Boomerang-sword combo you use for 
other Chuchus, and don�t engage more than one at a time.

 >Floor 26
Enemies: 4 Red Bubbles
This is also an easy fight. Strafe around the edge of the arena and inch into 
one Bubble�s line of sight. As it approaches, thrust it with your sword to kill 
it. You may want to stun them with the Hookshot first.

 >Floor 27
Enemies: 1 Darknut, 2 Bokoblin
Finally, things start to get fun. Stay well away from the slow-moving Darknut 
and pick off the Bokoblin one by one with the Boomerang and Master Sword. After 
they both die, duel the Darknut. This really shouldn�t be hard at all.

 >Floor 28
Enemies: 1 Wizzrobe, 3 Armos
Quickly lock onto the Wizzrobe and blast it with a Fire Arrow as soon as it 
appear, then destroy the Armos as you did before. Don�t let the Wizzrobe 
survive for when you fight the Armos, or you�ll be in trouble. Manually aim at 
it if necessary.

 >Floor 29
Enemies: 2 Armos Knights, 2 Red Bubbles
This fight can be tough. Stay as far away as possible from the Armos Knights. 
You should be able to cause the Red Bubbles to rise up and start patrolling. 
Hit each manually with the Hookshot and kill them, then tackle the Armos 
Knights as before.

 >Floor 30
Enemies: 2 Darknuts
This is where things start to get really fun. Lock onto either Darknut and stay 
far enough away that only it can attack you. After you manage to remove its 
helmet, quickly stun it and slice its armor off, then get away and repeat on 
the other one. Try not to let it hit you. After both are unarmored, stun them 
with two Boomerang hits and unload a sword combo.

 >Floor 31
Enemies: None
This room is as far as you have to go to beat the game. As usual, DON�T ENTER 
THE LIGHT!!!! Avoid it as you break open the Rupee pots to get some major cash. 
Then play the Wind�s Requiem on the Wind Crest to summon a Chest containing a 
Triforce Chart. If you want to continue after that, stand in a SMALL light beam 
on either side of the chest and use the Mirror Shield to reflect light onto the 
ancient statue to the right. It crumbles to reveal another hole.

 >Floor 32
Enemies: 6 Redead
This is where things get slightly hard. As soon as you enter the room, dash for 
the beam of light. Once in it, reflect some light on a Redead, then run over 
and use a sword combo to rekill it. You can also jump attack the Redead as they 
just as they scream at you. You�ll interrupt their attempt to paralyze you and 
deal extra damage, but it takes practice to know where to jump. If you�re 
nervous about fighting them, three well-placed Bomb hits (or, of course, a 
Light Arrow) will kill a Redead.

 >Floor 33
Enemies: 5 Blue Bubbles
This is a pretty easy floor. Approach the Blue Bubbles one by one and Hookshot 
them, then slash them once. Be very careful not to get hit.

 >Floor 34
Enemies: 6 Dark Chuchus
Another slightly hard floor. First run around to draw all 6 out, then run to 
the light beam. Shine light on 3 or 4, then run over and crush them with the 
Skull Hammer, one by one. Repeat again to defeat them all.

 >Floor 35
Enemies: 5 Poes
Once again, go for the light beam. Look out for a Poe, then shine light on it 
until it becomes corporeal. Then stun it with the �Rang and slash it twice. (or 
jump attack it) Repeat 4 more times.

 >Floor 36
Enemies: 3 Mothulas
This floor is no harder than Floor 20. Just shoot each with a Fire Arrow and 
they go down in flames. I think it may be possible to kill 2 at once it they�re 
close enough.

 >Floor 37
Enemies: 3 Redead, 2 Moblins
This can be tricky. Try to take out as many Redead as possible before the 
Moblins see you, and stay near the light beam.

 >Floor 38
Enemies: 5 Dark Chuchus, 1 Mothula
This is pretty simple. Fire Arrow the Mothula, then deal with the Dark Chuchus 
as before.

 >Floor 39
Enemies: 5 Poes, 2 Moblins
Try to get rid of as many of the Poes as possible before going after the 
Moblins. As long as you destroy the Moblins quickly, a small number of Poes 
isn�t a big threat.

 >Floor 40
Enemies: 4 Blue Bubbles, 2 Stalfos
This won�t be easy. Run around between the Stalfos to awaken the Blue Bubbles. 
Because of their extremely slow speed, as long as you stay away the Stalfos 
can�t touch you. Stay away and pick off the Blue Bubbles with the Hookshot and 
Master Sword. After all 4 Blue Bubbles are done for, take out the Stalfos as 

 >Floor 41
Enemies: None
This is the second to last reward floor. I don�t like to repeat myself, but 
All 5 of the jars here contain Rupees; time to get rich! If you�re only going 
for Rupees, you can stop here. If you want some great battles and a Piece of 
Heart, continue down the hole.

 >Floor 42
Enemies: A ridiculously huge amount of Miniblin
This fight is the first and second floors combined. You�ll have to fight off at 
least 40 Miniblin here. The best thing to do is charge up a Hurricane Spin, 
then inch forward and unleash it when the Miniblin surround you. By the time 
the attack is finished, you�ll have mowed through a sizable portion of 
Miniblin. Keep your distance and finish the rest off with horizontal slashes.

 >Floor 43
Enemies: 10 Red, Green, and Yellow Chuchus
As you enter the center of this room, (AUGH! I made a rhyme!) a total of 30 
Chuchus drop around you. Quickly roll out of this circle and keep moving away 
from them. Although I haven�t thought of it until just now, the Skull Hammer is 
the best way to take the Chuchus out. Slam the ground near a group of them to 
stun some, then kill them with horizontal slashes. Especially target the Yellow 
Chuchus; they�re the only ones keeping you from just slashing blindly. You can 
also keep moving away as you pick out the Yellow ones exclusively with the 
Boomerang, or stun them with Bombs.

 >Floor 44
Enemies: 5 Wizzrobes
This room won�t be easy. Skull Hammer the stake in the center of this room to 
summon 5 Wizzrobes simultaneously! At first, there are too many to try the 
Boomerang and sword combo. Quickly shoot two with fire arrows, then do your 
best to avoid the fireballs. When they reappear, Fire Arrow 2 more and dodge 
the last one�s attack. Stun and kill it as usual, then continue on.

 >Floor 45
Enemies: 16 Bokoblin
Another Dynasty Warriors 3-style melee. Half of the Bokoblin are holding 
torches, which are important in a dark room like this. There are far too many 
Bokoblin to try and stun them with the Boomerang, or even Grapple much. Just 
lock onto one, mash B madly, and repeat a heck of a lot of times. Try to keep 
moving away from Bokoblin.

 >Floor 46
Enemies: 4 Redead, 2 Stalfos
Be very careful on this floor. Give the Stalfos a wide girth as you tackle the 
Redead one by one. Because there is no light beam, you�ll have to take your 
chances. Try using the jump attack strategy, attacking just before they scream 
at you. Once all 4 Redead are redead, attack the Stalfos normally. Try not to 
get too close to one as you attack the other�s head.

 >Floor 47
Enemies: 3 Moblins, 2 Darknuts
Finally, more Darknut fun! =) Even if it is great, try not to tackle both the 
Darknuts and the Moblins at once. Stay on the other side of the room and attack 
the Moblins, Grappling if you want. After all 3 are dead, approach the Darknuts 
and attack them as you did on Floor 30.

 >Floor 48
Enemies: 3 Wizzrobes, 2 Darknuts
As you did on the previous floor, stay as far away from the Darknuts as 
possible. Pick 2 Wizzrobes off as soon as you enter with Fire Arrows, then 
dodge the third�s attack and take it out next. After that, have another great 
Darknut battle.

 >Floor 49
Enemies: 3 Stalfos
This won�t be very easy. You fight this battle out in a minefield of Bomb 
flowers against 3 Stalfos at once. Try to get several at once with Bombs, stun 
the heads with the Boomerang once they�re blown up, and stay away from the 
other two as you take on one. As you slash at one, be careful not to hit a bomb 
flower, and get away fast if you do! If you have Light Arrows, now might be a 
good time to use them. On my latest visit to the Savage Labyrinth, I�ve noticed 
that a Bomb flower explosion can instantly kill a stranded Stalfos head.

 >Floor 50
Enemies: 4 Darknuts and fire-breathing statues
If one Darknut is cool, 2 are sweet, and 3 are awesome, what are 4 at once? 
That�s right: uber-fantabulicious! Use mainly the same strategy you did against 
2 or 3. Remember, keep moving and your shield up at all times except when 
parrying. Try not to let them get too close together. Stay close to the one 
you�re locked onto so you can do a jumping parry; your priority is to get all 4 
helmets off. Once they�re all off, stun them with your Boomerang and quickly 
slice some armor off. Repeat until all their armor it off, then let the 
Boomerang fly and start attacking. After you can get some armor off, try 
staying close to the Darknuts with your shield up. If the ones in back attack 
flip away and they should hit each other! They not only do damage, they also 
separate to make it easier to remove armor. You may need to use Light Arrows 
here too. One other thing to keep in mind: the room is lined with several fire-
breathing statues. They�ll spit smoke and flames at you if you stay out of the 
sandy central ring; keep aware at all times.

 >Floor 51
Enemies: None
Aw, it�s already over? Noooo! Anyway, time for the big reward; run across this 
mysterious, misty-blue room and open the chest to get a hard-earned Piece of 
Heart and exit through the light beam that appears.
22. Beedle�s Shop Ship Guide (Shogi)


Beedle is a strange little merchant who runs a huge chain of floating stores 
called shop ships. You can stock up at Bait, Arrows, Bombs, or Potions at his 
shop ships; you�ll undoubtedly find yourself visiting them often. This guide 
can help you keep track of all the shops and their wares to find exactly what 
you need. Also, note that this doesn�t include the Bait Bag (10 Rupees), Piece 
of Heart (950 Rupees), Treasure Chart 4 (900 Rupees), or Empty Bottle (500 
Rupees) sold by Beedle. The Bait Bag is sold anywhere Beedle sells bait, and 
the other three are sold by the helmet-wearing Beedle at Rock Spire Island. 
Along with all these services, Beedle can also buy any Battle Spoils you show 

LOCATION                                    WARES
Spectacle Island (B3)                       Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)

Windfall Island (B4) (only at night)        10 Arrows (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Arrows (30 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)

Pawprint Isle (B5)                          Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)

Dragon Roost Island (B6)                    Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)

Rock Spire Island (C2)                      30 Bombs (30 Rupees)
                                            30 Arrows (30 Rupees)
                                            Red Potion (30 Rupees)

Greatfish Isle (D2)                         30 Arrows (30 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)
                                            Red Potion (30 Rupees)

Tower of the Gods (D5)                      30 Arrows (30 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)
                                            Red Potion (30 Rupees)

Eastern Triangle Island (D6)                Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)

Southern Triangle Island (E4)               Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)

Shark Island (F3)                           30 Arrows (30 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (30 Rupees)
                                            Red Potion (30 Rupees)

Forest Haven (F6)                           Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (10 Rupees)

Outset Island (G2)                          Hyoi Pear (10 Rupees)
                                            All-Purpose Bait (10 Rupees)
                                            30 Bombs (10 Rupees)

23. Fun and Useful Tricks (Fuutr)

In this section, I�ll list any tips, tricks, Easter eggs, or glitches I uncover 
in the Wind Waker. I�ll also post anything good you send me if I didn�t already 
post it.

-Easily Obtain Spoils-
If you need to get lots of battle spoils fast, you�ve come to the right place. 
Here are the fastest ways I know of to get each spoil. Even if you�ve finished 
the quest involving each spoil, you can still sell the extras to Beedle to make 
some easy Rupees.
 >Boko Baba Seed: You should never have to worry about running out of Boko Baba 
Seeds to hand over to Hollo; you can gather 2 more than he requires simply by 
Grappling all 6 Boko Babas along the river leading to Forest Haven. Once you 
kill them all, enter and exit Forest Haven to start over if you need more.
 >Red Chu Jelly: The first Secret Cave underneath Pawprint Isle swarms with Red 
Chuchus. Grapple each to gather plenty of Red Chu Jelly. If you need more, exit 
the cave and reenter to make them reappear.
 >Green Chu Jelly: The entry room of the Forbidden Woods contains lots of Green 
Chuchus. After you manage to reach the Woods, enter and Grapple each Chuchu, 
then exit to the overworld, reenter, and repeat until you have all the Green 
Chu Jelly you need.
 >Blue Chu Jelly: Because of the rarity of Blue Chuchus, the fastest way to get 
their Jelly is to use my guide to locate each one and travel around islands 
defeating them.
 >Golden Feather: The best way to get Golden Feathers is to go to the 
northernmost room (actually a ledge outside) of the second floor of Dragon 
Roost Cavern. A Kargaroc nests on a narrow ledge out here; move out until you 
can L-target it and Grapple it to get a Golden Feather. Enter the dark room 
just south of the ledge, then exit it and repeat the process until you have all 
the Golden Feathers you want.
 >Joy Pendant: As soon as you get the Grappling Hook, you can quickly get Joy 
Pendants from the second room of Dragon Roost Cavern. Two Bokoblin guard a 
once-locked door in this room. Grapple both of them, then go to the main lava 
cavern room and repeat. Alternatively, get onto a Sea Platform with Pirate 
Bokoblin and Grapple them, then play the Song of Passing and repeat.
 >Knight�s Crest: If you keep an eye out for Knight�s Crests, you�ll be able to 
get 10 of them after you draw the Master Sword. Get a Knight�s Crest in the 
chests in both Dragon Roost Cavern and the Forbidden Woods, garner one from the 
miniboss Darknut in the Tower of the Gods, then get 7 more in Hyrule Castle. If 
you want more, look near the end of the path to Ganon�s Tower. Get the Knight�s 
Crest from the Darknut here, then enter Ganon�s Tower and do it again. Andrew 
of Jax says that you can also use the frozen Darknut in the sub-cavern of Ice 
Ring Isle; it respawns every time you leave via the light beam and go back in.

 >Skull Necklace: You�ll probably never be pressed for Skull Necklaces, but the 
second room of the Earth Temple provides plenty of them. Grapple all 3 Moblins 
here, then make a quick getaway and repeat. You can also get quite a few 
Necklaces from the Moblins patrolling the Forsaken Fortress before you beat the 
Helmaroc King.

-Fun Ways to Mess with Enemies-
Though they usually aren�t apparent, there are many ways to mess with The Wind 
Waker�s enemies. Here are just a few of them.
 >Pincushion Moblins: It�s a little-known fun fact that arrows you fire at 
Moblins stay lodged in them until you defeat them or leave the room. If you can 
get a good shot lined up, try hitting them in the eye or posterior for lots of 
 >The Stalfos� Backup Weapon: If you knock or blow a Stalfos apart and pick up 
its mace before it rebuilds itself, you�re in for a laugh. The Stalfos rips its 
own bony arm off and starts whirling it around as a flail! Unfortunately, you 
can�t get a Pictograph of this; the mace returns to them as soon as you drop 
 >Darknuts; Masters of... the Stick!?: Darknuts have been trained in more than 
swordfighting and martial arts. If you knock a Darknut�s sword out of its hand, 
then throw it far away but leave a different weapon near them, they pick it up 
and fight you with it!

-Infinite Potions-
Ever get tired of running out of Potions? Look no further! That�s right, if you 
do this trick, you can have all the Potions you need! To do this trick, set a 
Potion (preferably a Blue one) to X or Y. (Z doesn�t seem to work) Then, press 
the button the Potion is assigned to and Start at the exact same time. You 
should get taken to the menu. Switch the Potion out for another item from here, 
then press Start again. Link will drink the Potion as usual, but it remains in 
your inventory! If you can perfect this trick, you�ll never run out of life! It 
works even better with Elixir Soup; the duplicated bottle is full, giving you 
half a serving more than when you started!

-Link�s Never-ending Quest-
Once you�ve beaten your first game of The Wind Waker, you�ll be able to start a 
new, special file, assuming you have a free save slot. In this new second 
quest, you�ll notice several differences in the game.
 >You can rename Link for this quest; after all, it is essentially a new game.
 >Aryll starts out wearing the pink skull dress given to her by the pirates at 
the end of the game.
 >You gain several advantages for completing your Nintendo Gallery. First, you 
start the game with the Deluxe Picto Box, giving you several new opportunities 
for one-time Nintendo Gallery Figurines. Also, the Nintendo Gallery is opened 
from the start, and contains all the figurines you had when you beat your last 
 >Your Grandma must have studied her fairy tales while you fought it out with 
Ganondorf. Instead of your traditional Hero�s Clothes, she gives you the Hero�s 
New Clothes, which only the honest can see. Sound familiar? Anyway, this means 
you�ll get to play through the game in your pajamas, so get ready for laughs! 
...or not.
 >Also, Valoo, the Deku Tree, and Jabun speak English in your second game. It�s 
interesting finding out what they were saying.

-Orca gets Mad-
If you try throwing any of Orca�s pots at him or attack him with your sword 
while he�s standing in the center of the room, he expertly blocks them. 
Continue to do this and he starts getting mad; eventually yelling at you. So 
much for his stoic swordmaster image...

-The Pig gets Mad-
The pigs in this game are the new Cuccos. You can attack them with any attack 
item, and they flash like enemies. Beware; if you hit them too much, they 
attack you with lethal force! The pigs are fast when provoked; the small ones 
on Windfall do 1 heart of damage, while Abe�s giant pig does 3!

-The King of Red Lions... Friend or Foe?-
If you attack your boat from land (like with a jump attack), he flashes red and 
gets hit like an enemy! He doesn�t say anything different, but it�s still 
pretty weird,

-Abe�s Secret Stash-
While playing around with Abe�s pig, I discovered you could climb onto the 
raised portion of his fence near the cliff side. From here, you can climb onto 
the roof above the water trough, then jump onto the roof of his house! (you can 
also probably glide to it with the Deku Leaf from the top of the hill or 
entrance to the forest. A window up here on the roof is open, covered by a 
raised board. If you drop into it, you enter Abe�s loft, filled with pots and 
barrels! Be careful not to fall into the hole leading to his kitchen, though.

-Restore Broken Signs-
If you�ve cut down a sign before reading it, you can repair it by standing in 
front of it and playing the Wind God�s Aria.
24. Legal Information/Contact (Legin)

Copyright DarthMarth 2004

This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for 
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site besides or otherwise distributed publicly without my permission. Use 
of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is 
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. 

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Although you may find this FAQ elsewhere, it was originally posted on, so check it out!

Credit for the Information in this Guide goes mainly to my Prima Player�s Guide 
and my own play experience, but also to:
Zyre�s guide for directions in Tingle�s cell and the Ganon�s Tower labyrinth.
xHerooftime4847x for a correction on the fight with Ganondorf.
shand2001 for the Savage Labyrinth enemy quantities.
tnman for info on the trading quest.
bloodstorm�s FAQ for info on 2 of the Tingle Tuner quests.
SonGouki�s FAQ for information on Blue Chuchus and Sea Platform rewards.
skullmagic2, cubefan, and demp42 for info on where you can sail.
SIMSteven for info on the Sliding Puzzle.
The New Bejitto for info on the Reefs.
RPG1377�s excellent Game Script FAQ for refreshing my memory on the storyline.
Brolly98 for an extremely helpful tip for Ganon�s Tower.
JoyfulDayz for another tip on Ganon�s Tower.
iniori for a correction on the Grappling Hook.
Shawn C for information on the Beamos.
stu for a tip in the Tower of the Gods.
anthony lee for a correction on the enemies in the Ghost Ship.
hamster-powah for a correction on a Windfall Island Heart Piece.
Jpiggy33 for help on understanding the clock.
GoldenFan for an alternate way to get Quill�s figurine.
Gray for info on Chuchus.
David for a tips for Pupper Ganon's third form.
Andrew of Jax for another way to get Knight's Crests.
An anonymous contributor for a helpful tip for killing Stalfos.

If you helped with my guide but don�t see your name here, let me know!

If you have any other questions (please make sure they aren�t already answered 
in the rest of my guide), corrections, comments, complaints about accidental 
copyright infringement, or any suggestions at all for my FAQ, please don�t 
hesitate to E-mail me at [email protected]. With your help, I can make my FAQ 
the most comprehensive on the net!