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Mission 10: Angel With Broken Wings

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1 Required Extract the Mujahideen prisoner called Malak Fulton extraction not possible due to severe injuries
2 Optional Extract the armored escort vehicle Requires Fulton Cargo 2
3 Optional Extract the three prisoners held at Lamar Khaate Palace Quick extraction required due to impending execution
4 Optional Extract the two prisoners held at Yakhoo Oboo Supply Outpost Fulton extraction possible
5 Optional Listen to the last conversation between the transport truck driver and Malak Takes place at Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost

- This mission is about rescuing various prisoners, one mandatorily, three others at Lamar Khaate Palace and two others at Yakho Oboo Outpost optionally. On your first playthrough, it suffices to only save Malak, the prisoner taken away in a vehicle at the start of the mission, once you arrive at the palace.

- If yo[Subsistence] want to extract the other prisoners at Lamar Khaate, give priority to this before following Malak to Yakho Oboo. There are two prisoners in the palace itself, the last is in one of the cabins north of the palace. The most northern cabin contains an intel file on Malak's next location. D-dog, should you have access to him as a buddy, is very helpful in general for pinpointing prisoner locatios, and can be a valuable help in the palace; those prisoners will be executed if you're not fast enough. Head up the northeast staircase to reach them.

- If you're quick to follow Malak, you might find the convoy stopped about halfway between Lamar Khaate and Yakho Oboo, on a bridge, where a herd of sheep is blocking the road. This is a great place to extract the armored vehicle with Fulton Cargo 2 (when you have it, later in the game) or to even free Malak.

- Should thi[Subsistence] not work out for you, there's always the option to save Malak from Yakho Oboo Outpost. He is located on the west corner of the outpost, while the other (optional) two prisoners are located in the northern corner of the building.

- Although there are various ways to get inside the base (a ladder on the outside wall of the east corner of the outpost; two holes to the north - one inside the base, the other outside - with tunnels leading to the two optional prisoners or Malak respectively), it is a better idea to choose an alternative strategy, considering Stealth requires a great deal of skill once inside the base, due to the sheer amount of guards. Thinning them out is a better idea.

- Ther[Subsistence] are a lot of guards patrolling this large outpost, so you'll want to either distract them or systematically take as many of them out as possible. There is a good vantage point to the northwest of the base in any case. One way to distract guards is to plant some C4 on the south corner of the base, then proceed to the northwest and trigger the explosion, sending many guards to check out the noise. Perhaps an even better approach, one that doesn't necessarily trigger an alert, is to tranquilize guards at the northwest entrance of the outpost, luring them towards it one by one, simply shooting darts with clean headshots. When you've pretty much put the entire outpost to sleep, Fulton extract them, then save the two prisoners on the north, and Malak on the west. You'll need to carry him to the helicopter due to his bad injuries (preventing Fulton extraction).

- If yo[Subsistence] optionally want to listen to Malak's conversation with the truck driver, use your Int-Scope and aim it at the western corner of the outpost in order to easvesdrop. Do note that you must actually see subtitles on the screen to officially fulfill the mission objective.

- [Subsistence]-Rank tips: Speed towards Lamar Khaate Palace, stealthily Fulton extract the armored vehicle and jeep (requires Fulton Cargo 2), neutralize any opposition whenever required, and carry Malak to the chopper. This should guarantee an S ranking.

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