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Mission 37: [Extreme] Traitor's Caravan

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1 Optional Identify the armored escort unit Mark with the Int-Scope/Binoculars
2 Optional Identify the transport truck Mark with the Int-Scope/Binoculars
3 Required Extract the transport truck Fulton Cargo 2 upgrade required
4 Optional Eliminate the Skulls Fulton extraction is allowed
5 Optional Extract the transport truck driver
6 Optional Pinpoin[Subsistence] the escort unit's estimated route by recovering an intel file
7 Optional Liston to all conversations between the transport truck driver and outpost/guard post soldiers There are 3 conversations to be overheard via the Int-Scope/Binoculars
8 Optional Extract three Zero Risk Security soldiers These soldiers have blue uniforms

- You'll want to bring along some C4, Grenades and especially your most powerful Rocket Launcher.

- To finish on[Subsistence] of this mission's optional objectives, first head towards the east marker and secure the intel file from one of the tents. This reveals the estimated route of the transport and the location of the transport truck.

- Head toward[Subsistence] Nova Braga Airport now, more specifically the west corner. Hop over the half-destroyed fence, but be sure not to be seen by any of the guards. Since you will trigger a boss fight with the Skulls as soon as you approach the truck, now is a good time to head to the left and place some C4 in this area so you can lure the Skulls towards it soon. It's also a good idea to lure the three guards away from the truck and extract them.

- Th[Subsistence] Skulls aren't too hard if you lure them to the northwest corner (to the left from where you hopped over the wall). Trigger any C4 when they're close to eachother and pull out your Rocket Launcher to finish them off in batches. Should that not suffice, use your Assault Rifle for the last stretch. Of course, you can also counter their sword attack, leaving one of them stunned, allowing you to empty a full clip on them, one at a time.

- Tip: If yo[Subsistence] want to extract the truck in the heat of the battle (with Fulton Cargo 2), you must lure the Skulls away first, or they'll simply smash the balloon. Extracting the truck during the battle fulfills the main mission's mandatory objective, so you can technically just escape the area. The Skulls will follow you, but if you dash zigzagging around the area and fields you'll eventually have exfiltrated the area anyway.

- Th[Subsistence] 'eavesdrop' optional mission objective is best done on a different playthrough. Collect the intel, head for the airport's northwest corner as usual, and overhear the first conversation there (use your mic with the binoculars). Then follow the convoy along the designated route (but keep your distance) to catch the other two conversations, one halfway down the road, the other at Kiziba Camp.

- [Subsistence]-Rank Tips: Simply dash to the airport with D-Horse, defeat the Skulls as fast as possible (with a rocket launcher), extract the truck, and exfiltrate the hot zone. If you can also extract the Skulls (with a special upgrade gotten later), all the better.

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