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Beginner Tips and Tricks

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Mythic Legends Beginner Tips and Tricks
Mythic Legends Beginner Tips and Tricks

Listed below are several Beginner Tips and Tricks which will help you in Mythic Legends.

Check your Opponent's Team before Battle

It is essential that before you engage in battle with your opponent you take the time to compare your Power ratings. This will be the value that is displayed next to the red fist under your opponent's info box at the top of the screen. This value indicates how powerful their deployed team is overall (your Power rating is displayed next to the green fist above your name), these values take into account the power of each player's Champions, Artifacts, and synergies. Even if your Power rating is higher than your opponents there is no guarantee you will win the battle as there are plenty of strategic factors involved which those numbers can't reflect. This is why you should study your opponents' Champions and their formation as doing so will reveal how your opponent intends to fight the battle and also helps you determine where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Once you have this information you will be able to adapt your strategy accordingly to maximize your Power rating.

Adapt your Strategy

Don't get complacent and continually use the same Champions and formations for every battle as this will not get you very far. You need to be continually experimenting with different formations and combinations of Champions, synergies, and Artifacts to see what works best. This is why it is important that you always check your opponent's team ahead of battle, so you are able to adapt accordingly. For example if your opponent has undefended ranged units lined up against the back wall, you should deploy Assassins to deal with them. Take a look at our How to Assemble a Team guide to get some tips on putting an effective team together in Mythic Legends.

Defend your Ranged Units

Unless you intend to use your ranged units as bait it is important that you protect them from frontal assaults. A good way to defend ranged units is to position them behind melee units, pref ably Knights. A good position for your ranged units is along the back wall or in the rear corners of the Battle Board. This is a particularly effective strategy when your opponent's ranged units have shorter ranges than yours. Just make sure that you have protected them by deploying a melee unit or two alongside or behind so that Assassins can't flank you for a lethal backstab.

Take Advantage of Synergies

When you deploy Multiple Champions of the same Origin or Class in Mythic Legends you will be granted Synergies which are bonuses that can help you considerably during battle. Make sure you are always experimenting with different combinations of synergies, so you can find the ones that best work with your playstyle. Keep in mind that the higher the level of synergy the more powerful it will be, for example a level 2 synergy is twice as good as a level 1. Therefore, in order to get the best bonus value from your Champions you should focus on filling up one or two synergies. This does mean you will need to take into account the individual stats, abilities, rarity and level of your Champions.

The Rarer Champions are Better

The Mythic and Legendary Champions are the most powerful characters, this is mainly due to their special abilities. Make sure you fully understand how these special abilities work in combat, so you are able to take full advantage of their effectiveness in battle. Keep in mind that the rarer the Champion is in Mythic Legends, the more powerful it is likely to be. For example a level 4 Mythic Champion will usually be more useful than a level 5 Common one.

Check the Battle Stats

After every battle in Mythic Legends the Battle Stats will be revealed, and you will be able to see how each Champion and Legend performed. Pay attention to this screen as it will help you to identify which of your Champions are under-performing, and which of the enemy Champions is most effective against you. The Battle Stats screen has three tabs you can check. These are; Damage (how much Damage every Champion and Legend inflicted during the battle); Received (how much Damage every Champion received); and Healing (how much Damage, if any, each Champion and Legend healed).

Choosing Artifacts

Artifacts in Mythic Legends are buffs (boosts) that last for one tournament only. There is not a 'best' artifact as the best choice will always depend on the situation where it is being used. Although the three-star rated Artifacts are more powerful than the one-star rated Artifacts, the lesser rated Artifacts can be leveled up similarly to synergies. This means you may be better to pick a one-star Artifact and level it up, instead of going for the three-star ones every time. Keep in mind if you are a player that likes to switch their Champions from battle to battle it will be in your best interest to avoid the Artifacts that only benefit certain Champions. Take a look at our Artifacts Guide to see what each of them does in Mythic Legends.

Collect your Prestige Point Rewards

The more Prestige points you earn in Mythic Legends the more free stuff you will get, these rewards will include Gems, Coins, Legends, and Champions. If you tap on the shield icon to the right of the 'Battle' button, you will be able to check your Prestige points. You will be able to earn up to 100 Prestige points each day, this usually means playing four or five tournaments.

Unlock New Leagues

The Prestige Points that you earn don't just give you rewards, they also help to advance you through the leagues of Mythic Legends. Keep track of your overall progress and see what milestones are coming up by tapping the button in the bottom-right corner of your screen. The most important milestone are the new leagues, each of which unlocks a new arena, a new Legend, and a new Origin, which is made up of several new Champions. Keep in mind that the Origins that you unlock later in the game tend to be made up of better Champions, so it is worth levelling at least some of them up and experimenting with new combinations, formations, and synergies. Take a look at our Legends and Champions Guide to find out how to unlock the new leagues in Mythic Legends.

Take a look at our How to Redeem Codes guide to find out how you can get freebies in Mythic Legends.

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