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How can I kill the Mother DeathClaw easily?

Question asked by Master_Stupid on
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Question for Fallout

How can I kill the Mother DeathClaw easily???

And how I can get the Water thing from the orc or who ever he is easily without battling???

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apple pie :) answered:

To beat the mother death claw you have to go to place over the acid(forgot the name) and then the give you quest to kill her when you do (level 7 at least) the guve you loads of cool weapons and to get the water chip go on to the left of the map then you come to a place full of mutant people and sneak past super mutants and you will find your way adventually ;)

Guest answered:

I used the Gobi Campaign Scout Rife and sniped them all one by one. If you are far enuff back the one you shot will run to you then pull you another gun and shot them to death. TTIIPP for the mother she has babys I think three to be carefull! If you stand on a cliff need the front see comes out of the cave sometime around 9-11 I believe


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